Chapter 409 Columbus is late

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In addition to family discounts, Miss Rabbit also gave Greta and Ruby a brooch each, which looked similar to Blanco's, but made of copper.

The female lord explained, "Every member of the Arias family has this kind of brooch, but only the head of the family wears it in gold, while the others wear silver and copper. Well, maybe it's because our ancestors are too poor.

Yes...but that's not the point.

"The point is that with this brooch, at least you can travel unimpeded in the Green Fields, except for my treasure house, which is a matter of course. And if you encounter any trouble, you can also use this brooch to ask for help from the guards of the nearby Arias family.


Miss Rabbit kept her word and gave the two of them treatment that only family members could have.

Ruby took the brooch with both hands and thanked her profusely. She looked flattered, which was very helpful to the female lord.

Looking at the other person, he just glanced at it briefly and threw it into the small bag on his waist.

Greta then said to Ilea impatiently, "If you have nothing else to do, I will go back to Shuangxiujiao's territory."

The female lord was not angry, and said with a smile, "Don't leave in a hurry. You haven't had lunch yet. I'll ask the cook to cook something for you. There are still a lot of ingredients left, and they are all top quality."

"No," Greta flatly refused, "Tom and Jerry are about to start, and I have to go back to watch. Just give me a few loaves of bread."

"Okay." Miss Rabbit didn't force her and let Greta leave.

In addition, Niu Xiangui had not ridden a bicycle since college, and he was not familiar with the roads and took many detours. What was even worse was that he did not have a device that could tell the time.

When he looked up, he saw that the two guards in front of him were still standing there, not moving a step.

As soon as Greta left, another person came outside the castle.

"No, Lord Columbus, you misunderstood. The main reason is that...the banquet is no longer available," the guard said.

One of them even greeted me warmly, "Mr. Columbus, long time no see."

As Niu Xiangui said this, he pushed the bicycle aside, then reached out and took out a package from the vegetable basket in front of him.

It's just that this bicycle is not very easy to ride. Its original owner probably only used it to transport his children to kindergarten and buy groceries. He never considered using it to challenge the wilderness.

A look of confusion first appeared on Niu Xiangui's face, and then he quickly realized, "It's an international practice, right? I understand, I understand."

That's right, there are mission requirements, mission rewards, and even upgrade experience. Isn't this just a standard mission?

The person who came was tall and strong, with a fierce look on his face. He didn't look like a kind person, which made the guards guarding the door nervous. However, when they saw the appearance of the person clearly, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"What?" Niu Xiangui trembled, "You canceled at the last minute?! I came all the way here."

It should be said that he is indeed the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult and the spokesperson of Saturday in the world. He is thoughtful and considerate. The more Niu Xiangui thinks about it, the more he admires him.

It happened that Li Yu was not around on the day of Ilea's birthday, so he asked Niu Xiangui to help him deliver the birthday gift to Teacup Castle. By the way, it could also satisfy Niu Xiangui's curiosity and see how the nobles in the Middle Ages held banquets.

Eat a meal.

But he soon understood the meaning of Li Yu's move, or he thought he understood the meaning of Li Yu's move.

"Yes, yes, it's a birthday party. I got up early this morning, pedal, pedal..." Niu Xiangui thought for a long time and couldn't figure out how to say bicycle in Bratisian language.

However, as a city white-collar worker, he, like Li Yu before him, could not ride a horse. Considering the distance between Teacup Castle and Shuangxiujiao territory, it would be too cruel for him to walk there with his legs.

The two guards looked at each other in confusion after hearing what he said. After a while, the man who was the first to greet Niu Xiangui said, "Did you want to talk about the birthday party?"

So Li Yu temporarily lent him a bicycle picked up by [Environmental Frog] as a means of transportation, and agreed to return it after the task was completed.

In the blink of an eye, it has been almost two months since he came to this plane. Although he has not yet passed T4, he has learned some common expressions.

Niu Xiangui wiped the sweat from his cheeks and got off the bicycle. He felt that his buttocks were almost numb, and he forced a smile on his face.

Niu Xiangui worked hard all the way, stepping on the wheel so hard that his butt was almost smashed. As a result, he got up early and rushed to the late market. He had already finished eating and closed the stall before he even took out his chopsticks.


Niu Xiangui just didn't expect that Li Yu would also copy the system in the game.

When a new mission came out, Niu Xiangui was very excited and immediately agreed.

He simply patted the old Phoenix bicycle with a child on the back seat next to him, "This... I've been pedaling all the way, and I'm almost hungry. When are you going to have dinner? By the way, I even brought a gift."

After evaluation, Li Yu decided to give him some novice tasks, otherwise it would be a bit boring to just study.


Then he recalled that he had learned mainland etiquette from Clara and spoke a half-baked common language.

Moreover, walking around in the green field will also help travelers understand the world as quickly as possible and adapt to their roles, while at the same time the risk will not be too high.

When Niu Xiangui heard this, he felt like he was struck by lightning.

After all, even if it is just mechanical repetitive work, playing games is more enjoyable than working.

Not counting helping to complete the "Traveler's Manual", this is the first serious task he has received in such a long time since he came to Green Field.

Then tragedy happened.

"I am Columbus, a follower of Shuangxiu Cult. I am here to attend Sir Ilea's birthday ceremony on behalf of the Prophet Merlin. Please help me inform you about the birthday ceremony."

He didn't lie, he did wake up very early this morning.

Turn work into a game, and work will seem less tiring and boring.

The latter was startled and quickly returned the hot silver coin to Niu Xiangui.

After speaking, he took out a silver coin from his body and quietly put it into the hand of a guard.

"That's not true. It's done."

Who can withstand this?

Fortunately, the guard outside the door was quite clever and quickly informed the female lord about Niu Xiangui's visit. Miss Rabbit was also very generous and directly decided to let the kitchen cook another table, just in time for Ruby and Niu Xiangui.


Niu Xiangui was a little disappointed not to see the legendary aristocratic banquet, but it was acceptable to change the big pot to a small stove, not to mention there were two beauties sitting next to him.

Being able to feast his eyes on it while dining, Niu Xiangui feels that he should have made a profit.

This chapter has been completed!
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