Chapter 444 A very old thing

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 Hao Xiaoxiao worked very quickly, and it only took two days to find the people Li Yu needed.

The man's name is Che Haishen, a student in the composition department of a local music college and a junior this year.

He is about 1m75 tall, has a slim build, has long hair, and looks a little shy.

"Hao Xiaoxiao has already told you about the requirements." Li Yu shook hands with Che Haishen, and then went straight to the topic, "I will provide you with the melody and you will write it down for me. How much will it cost?"

"If your company just provides me with the melody to write, it will cost three hundred yuan a piece." Che Haishen hesitated and quoted a price, "I can also help polish it up a little, but it won't be a big change."

Li Yu nodded, "What if I find someone to perform it again? Oh, by the way, I can also provide lyrics, but they also need to be modified, because the original lyrics are in foreign languages ​​and may not rhyme as well when translated."

Che Haishen frowned slightly when he heard this.

Li Yu then explained, "Don't worry about copyright issues, they are all with us."

"Did you buy the copyright from abroad?" Che Haishen's brows relaxed a little, but he soon asked doubtfully, "But since you bought the copyright, why didn't you get the music?"

"This is nothing you need to worry about. I only guarantee that there will not be any copyright disputes in the future. If you are worried, you can write this clause in the contract." Li Yu said.

Che Haishen was a little embarrassed, "I'm not doubting your company..." After a pause, he added, "As for playing, if the requirements are not too high, I can do it. I can play piano, guitar and drums, and I can also do some Scottish bagpipes, but singing

It's not very good, and writing lyrics is not my strong point.

"But I can ask my classmates for help, but the price will have to be increased a little more, and it also depends on how the music is. If it is a style that my classmates are not good at, it won't work."

Che Haishen put it more tactfully. He was skeptical about what Bratis Culture Communication Co., Ltd. could come up with.

He used to work part-time online composing music for people and came into contact with many similar clients.

Although I had no knowledge of music theory at all and couldn't understand music notation, I was obsessed with my own level of confidence. I felt that as soon as I stepped into the music world, I would be amazing, and I would soon turn from red to purple, and from purple to black.

Only serious music school students like Che Haishen know how cruel this industry is. There are too many talented people. In the end, a few can join the orchestra and find professional jobs, let alone a career.

And red.

The remaining people either go to music shops to teach students, and most of them simply change careers.

As for music lovers who do not have a professional background, Che Haishen does not rule out that there are some self-taught geniuses who have become famous through talent shows or self-media, but the probability is no different from drawing a lottery.

Of course, these are just Che Haishen's inner thoughts, and he is still very polite on the surface. After all, the other party is Party A who is paying.

Li Yu said, "Have you brought a voice recorder? Let me hum a verse for you first. I also hope you can give me some advice from a professional perspective."

"Yeah, no problem." Che Haishen took out his Tascam DR1000MK3 from his backpack and turned on the switch.

Li Yu took a sip of water, cleared his throat, and then hummed a piece of "The Stupid Farmer and His Even Stupid Goose".

Although he was skeptical about the musical literacy of the young boss in front of him, Che Haishen was still very serious about his work. He even closed his eyes and focused on the music itself.

After listening to a few sentences, Che Haishen was basically sure that Li Yu had indeed not received any professional training, which was the level of ordinary people singing in KTV.

The breath is not well controlled, the tune is out of tune, the notes occasionally break, and the pitch is not very good.

But as he continued to listen, Che Haishen made some new discoveries.

"Is this guava?"

The guava that Che Haishen mentioned is of course not the guava in fruit, but a style of music called ballad, which often appears in folk songs. It is originally meant to be a ballad, but because the English word sounds very similar to guava,

It is also nicknamed as guava song.

The characteristic is that the melody is simple and catchy, it is relatively easy to become popular, and it is also the easiest style of music to make a hit.

This musical genre can be traced back to the Middle Ages, when troubadours composed in the ancient Provence dialect, with a variety of themes, from romance to historical mythology, and occasionally criticized current affairs.

As the name suggests, this style of music exists for narrative purposes.

Guava itself is not unusual, or it can be said that it has become a bad thing nowadays, and you copy me and I copy you, and the homogeneity is very serious, but this melody by Li Yu is quite novel.

Che Haishen has never heard a similar song before, and if he tastes it carefully, he can feel that there is an indescribable special flavor in it.

It's completely different from what's popular in the Chinese music scene now. It's a bit retro but also very lively and full of vitality.

Che Haishen became a little interested. When Li Yu finished humming, he couldn't wait to ask, "Did you say this song also has lyrics?"

"Yeah, there is."

"Can you add the lyrics for me to listen to?"

Guava songs exist for narrative purposes, and lyrics are of course very important.

"The lyrics are in a foreign language," Li Yu said, "I can't sing them in Chinese."

"Can you write it down?" Che Haishen made a new request.

"That's not a problem."

Li Yu found a pen and paper, spent a few minutes copying the lyrics, and handed them to Che Haishen.

Che Haishen's expression became much more solemn at this time, and he stretched out his hands to take the thin white paper.

But this time, he only read two sentences before his face showed doubts, and the doubts on his face became even deeper as he read all the way.

"So this song is about farmers?"

"Yes, there is also his goose, how about it?" Li Yu asked.

"This subject matter... is quite rare." Che Haishen worked hard to organize his words, "I just feel that most people are far away and it is difficult to arouse their interest. You know, guava songs generally describe people around them.

Things, so that the listener will be more sympathetic, love, travel, graduation, ideals and so on...

"Besides," Che Hai swallowed deeply, "this song mocks the farmer and his geese from beginning to end. It's a bit politically incorrect. I'm afraid it will be criticized if it is posted online."

Che Haishen put it lightly. He felt that if a single word of the lyrics was not changed, the graves of his ancestors would probably be scolded by netizens.

Although black and red are also a kind of red, the price is a bit high.

"Is this so?" Li Yu thought for a while, "I plan to create an account called "Being a Bard in the Middle Ages." The theme of future creations will be around the Middle Ages, and the original social appearance will be presented through songs. But since

If you say there is a dispute, then you can change the song."

This chapter has been completed!
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