Chapter 447 Only by living can you serve my lord

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 "My sense of humor is far from comparable to yours." Ferdinand said.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because you actually plan to participate in the martial arts competition in person." The head of the Bathory family looked at the female lord up and down, shook his head and said, "This is too nonsense."

"Who did you listen to?" Ilea frowned upon hearing this. His Majesty the Emperor wanted her to compete in a martial arts competition. Only a few people even in Green Field knew about this.

Moreover, those were all people whom the female lord trusted, and she did not tell anyone else the news.

"I only heard about it after coming to Lake City. Besides, the news spread quickly, not just in Lake City.

"I sent people to ask people from other places, and they also said that they have heard similar rumors in the past two days. It is possible that someone is fanning the flames behind it. By the way, have you provoked anyone recently?

"I've offended a lot of people, but I can probably guess who did it. What did those messages say about me? They said I'm just a woman after all. I don't have a man's crotch. Am I a coward?"

"It's worse than this." Ferdinand said, "They say that you are the hero of the Western Territory, and you will definitely fight for the honor of the Western Territory and defeat all competitors in the tournament."


"You are now in the limelight in the Western Territory. If you directly smear you as a coward, not many people will buy it, so the people who spread the news did the opposite and added fuel to your fire.

"If you can't do it later, not only will you not be able to keep the reputation you have accumulated now, but you will probably become a laughing stock in the future."

"This means that the higher you lift, the more painful the fall will be." Jude interjected.

"That's right." Ferdinand's beard twitched as he spoke.

"Then do you have any suggestions?" the female lord asked.

"My advice is don't fall for it."

"Don't be fooled?"

"Yes, you must not be provoked by the other party at this time, because no matter who is spreading this rumor, he obviously hopes that you can participate in this martial arts competition. If you are so angry with him that you lose your mind, it is him

What I want to see.”

"Don't worry, I won't be fooled by such a clumsy trick."

After finishing speaking, Miss Rabbit found that the atmosphere around her was a bit strange, and she couldn't help but wonder, "Why, why are you all looking at me? Do I look like the kind of person who can't control his temper?"

"You said I look like my father, but do you know what people think of you?" Ferdinand said leisurely.

"Everyone says that Miss Ilea of ​​the Arias family and her father are carved from the same mold. They both love and hate clearly, enjoy grudges and grudges, and are fearless."

"Don't always look at me with the same old eyes. I am no longer a little girl. I have matured a lot after being a lord for a year." Ilea said, "Let's go into the city, rest for a night, and continue our journey tomorrow."

"Didn't Prophet Merlin come with you this time?" Ferdinand asked as he walked into the city.

"He will show up when I encounter trouble, just like those times in the past, but now that we are on the road, he will also take this opportunity to deal with some matters in the Kingdom of God."

Ferdinand was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then said, "The connection between you... seems to be very close."

"Close? No, I wouldn't use this word to describe my relationship with Merlin. We are at a higher level than this. Wherever I go, he will definitely go. We will never be separated.

"Uh...well, strictly speaking, we will be separated for a while, but usually it won't be too long, and Merlin will definitely appear by my side next time.

"He is the person I trust most after my father's death, my advisor, friend, mentor, my health practitioner..."

"Say hello to him for me," the head of the Bathory family said.

"You can tell him yourself, and you will definitely see him when we go on the road."

Since she was just passing through Lake City and resting in the city for a long time, Miss Rabbit didn't want to socialize with the Marier family or attend any dinner parties, so she had her family's rabbit flag put away early.

However, they did not expect that this move would cause new trouble. The guards guarding the city stopped them and did not allow them to enter the city.

In the end, it was Ferdinand who came forward as a guarantee and allowed the female lord to enter the city smoothly.

"It's strange. I heard before that the City in the Lake is quite open. Even if you are wearing armor and carrying weapons, as long as there are not too many people, you will not be blocked from entering the city."

"That was in the past. Now all the lords in the entire Western Territory are on guard against the attack of Herodotus and his Blood Moon Society. The inspection when entering the city is much stricter than before." Ferdinand explained.

Then he looked at Jude again.

"Is there anything else?" Jude's voice sounded from behind the mask.

In order not to scare the ordinary people in the city and cause trouble, he had already put on the iron mask before entering the city to cover the scars on his face.

"You'd better wrap up the things on your wrists, or take them off for a while." The head of the Bathory family suggested.

He was talking about the silicone bracelets on the hands of Jude and others.

Because it was cheap and easy to identify, Li Yu gave one to every believer who completed the initiation ceremony, which was also their identity mark.

Almost all the residents of the major towns in the Western Territory except for the Green Wilderness are Pisiya's followers, and the relationship between the Silver Moon Church and the Shuangxiu Church is very tense.

Even leaving aside Herodotus and the Blood Moon Society he led, ordinary goddess believers also have a vague hostility towards the people of Saturday.

The deputy commander of the Black Dog Guards did not hesitate for too long before taking off the bracelet and putting it away.

With him taking the lead, the guards in the black dog position also followed suit and took off their bracelets one after another. As for the soldiers, they were carrying radios and were originally meant to lurk in the town.

Li Yu's order to them was to keep a low profile and not reveal their identities, so they didn't wear bracelets at all when they left Luye.

A strange look appeared on Ferdinand's face when he saw this. Although he reminded Jude, he actually didn't hold out much hope.

Because he knows that just like knights often shout that honor is my life, for devout believers, faith is also higher than life.

On the contrary, the behavior of the Black Dog Guards at this time made him a little surprised.

The explanation given by Jude is very simple, "You must live to serve my Lord."

Ilea was the last one to take off the bracelet. She carefully put the red bracelet away close to her body, and then followed Ferdinand towards the hotel.

As a result, at the entrance of the hotel, everyone in Luye saw several prison cars passing in front of them. There were not only young and strong men in those prison cars, but also women, children and the elderly.

There are over a hundred people.

Their condition all looked bad. They had obviously been tortured for a long time. Many of them were missing arms and legs and looked dying.

This chapter has been completed!
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