Chapter 112 A Contest

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Not long after the female lord sat down, she heard the court musicians blowing the trumpets.

Then I saw a knight wearing heavy armor and fully armed coming from the east and west direction towards the competition ground.

Among them, the knight from the west was tall and tall, with a majestic face. He wore a pair of shining golden armor and looked like a god. The shield he held in his left hand also had a lifelike leopard head painted on it.

"Swordmaster Essos, he is the first swordsman of the Godwin family and the commander of the garrison." Heroin introduced Yin Leiya.

"Who is the black-armored knight opposite the Sword Master?" Miss Rabbit asked curiously.

The knight from the east was a bit mysterious. His whole body was wrapped in pitch-black armor, and his head was not exposed. There were no crests on the armor or shield that could represent his origin and origin.

He was about the same height as Essos, but a little bloated. He was riding an old gray horse. I don't know if it was because there were too many people at the venue, but the horse looked a little listless.

In comparison, the big maroon horse under the Sword Master's crotch looks extremely handsome.

"I don't know." The Elf Queen said calmly.

While the two were talking, the black knight was about to meet Essos. The two of them drew their swords from their waists and started fighting without saying a word.

The mysterious black knight raised his sword above his head, rode up to the sword master, and struck Essos on the left shoulder with a furious blow!

The moment he swung the sword, he stepped hard on the stirrups with both feet and stretched his calves straight. In this way, when he drew the sword, he could not only use the strength of his upper body, but also use part of the strength of his lower body.

Essos, however, remained calm in the face of danger. It was not until the black knight was almost in front of him that he drew his sword to block the opponent's attack.

He flipped the palm of his sword upward and pointed the blade towards his opponent. This move was both offensive and defensive. It not only blocked the opponent's attack, but also presented a certain threat to the opponent, forcing the opponent to be unable to continue to pursue.

However, the Black Knight was very cunning. Seeing this, he took advantage of the situation and sank his sword downwards, then pointed it towards Essos' calf.

But the sword master reacted quickly and immediately slashed at the black knight's wrist, finally forcing the black knight to withdraw the sword.

The two men were staggered, and the first round of confrontation could not determine the winner. After that, the two sides turned their horses and faced their opponents again.

Essos is worthy of the name of Sword Master. He is very good at swordsmanship. He can draw his sword quickly and accurately. He is especially good at blocking and counterattacking.

But his opponent, the mysterious black knight, is also very skilled. He has great swordsmanship and is brave and fearless. He can actually compete with Essos.

This sudden competition attracted the attention of all the spectators present. Even Miss Rabbit, who was always thinking about how to escape, watched with gusto.

She has seen martial arts competitions before. Almost everyone in the Red Lion Empire is martial. The knights of the Arias family often compete with each other after banquets. Sometimes her father Russ will also participate.

But maybe it's because those kinds of competitions are mostly just for sparring, and it's probably because the number of spectators is limited. In short, it's far less exciting than the current competition.

Both sides used real swords, and they went all out. In the end, Essos was the better one, and struck the black-armored knight with a sweeping strike on the breastplate, knocking him off his horse directly, taking the whole body with him.

The thick plate armor fell to the ground together.

The black-armored knight lay motionless on the ground.

A strange look flashed in the Elf Queen's beautiful eyes. Essos rode up to check, but as soon as he took two steps, the black-armored knight got up from the ground again and made a gesture towards Essos.

Continue gesture.

Seeing this, the sword master no longer hesitated and accelerated his horse.

But the black-armored knight had no time to mount his horse at this time, so he had to fight on foot, which made the situation even more unfavorable for him.

However, as if he didn't know what fear was, he still chose to fight to the end. At this moment, his slightly embarrassed appearance on the fighting field made many people respect him.

Even many people who originally supported Essos began to support this mysterious black knight who had no idea of ​​his origin but was brave and unyielding.

Some nobles even thought of recruiting him into their ranks. Being able to fight the Sword Master to this point was enough to prove his martial prowess.

But the black knight didn't seem to be satisfied with this. His eyes were fixed on the opponent in front of him, and he made an iron gate stance.

The next moment, Essos came on horseback again and slashed at the Black Knight with his sword. The Black Knight raised his sword to block.

The iron gate was originally a defensive posture, so Essos might have been a little lax, thinking that the Black Knight just wanted to block the attack.

But just when the swords of the two were about to collide, the black knight suddenly dwarfed and rolled on the ground. At the same time, he swung his sword, but the target was not Essos, but the man under him.

Head war horse!

By the time Essos realized this, it was already too late. The big maroon horse let out a painful cry, and one of its hind legs was cut off by the black knight!

Then the war horse fell to the ground with a crash, and Essos flew out with the horse.

He was thrown hard and couldn't get up from the ground for a while. When he regained consciousness, a long sword was already placed around his neck.

"You lose." The black knight said, taking off his helmet at the same time.

When he revealed his face, the entire arena fell silent instantly.

No one thought that the person under the black armor was actually the head of the Vespasian family and the emperor of the empire, Edward II!

"Yes, you are still more skilled. I am convinced that you lost." The sword master nodded.

Edward II laughed loudly when he heard this, inserted his sword back into his waist, and then stretched out a hand to pull Essos up from the ground.

"You're not bad either. That sweep before almost killed me."

After a brief silence, the tournament venue erupted into cheers, and people spontaneously shouted the name of Edward II.

The emperor of the empire also felt the support of his subjects for the first time in a long time. The cheers made him radiant, as if he was forty years younger again.

He raised the sword in his hand and enjoyed his moment of glory.

"A vulgar drama." The Elf Queen commented, and then asked the maid to pour wine for her.

However, after Edward II defeated Essos, she stood up, smiled and applauded her husband.

Then he turned to the female lord on the side and said, "Come on, let's drink together to the brave and fearless Emperor!"

This chapter has been completed!
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