Chapter Thirteen Black Gold

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Li Yu returned to Miss Rabbit's house and knocked on the door.

The first time, there was no reaction inside.

So Li Yu knocked twice more. After a while, the girl's voice came from the room. It sounded muffled, "I am serving the ancient spirit of the Arias family. I don't have time to see anyone. If you have something urgent, just go to him."

Fausto or Alfred."

"It's me." Li Yu replied.

The other side of the door fell into silence again.

"Don't you think it's too late to pretend that there is no one here?" Li Yu paused and added, "Don't worry, I'm not here for the necklace."

After a while, Ilea finally opened the door reluctantly, stuck her head out from behind the door, and said with a wary look, "Isn't it really about the necklace?"

"Well, it's really not the case, I can guarantee that."

Miss Rabbit thought carefully. Apart from things related to the necklace, was there anything she could do that Fausto and Alfred couldn't do?

The final answer is - no.

So she winked at Li Yu and said, "Goodbye."

She was about to close the door again, but Li Yu's next words stopped her movements.

"I've helped you so many times. This is the first time I ask you for help. Do you want to reject it without even wanting to hear it?"

Even though Miss Rabbit is a person with many faults, there is one thing that is quite good about her, that is, she can clearly distinguish between grudges and grudges.

The first thing I did after winning the election was to find my half-brother, scare the latter into pissing his pants, and avenge him on the spot for threatening to kill her. Qidian Shuangwen has never been so fast.


And what she is today is inseparable from Li Yu's selfless support.

As the saying goes, eating people has short mouths, and taking people has short hands. When the girl heard this, she was immediately embarrassed to chase people away. Not only did she politely let Li Yu into the house, she also asked the maid to get some wine.

Ilea temporarily put down the electronic pet egg in her hand and looked at Li Yu on the chair opposite, with a look of embarrassment on her face, her fingers interlocked and separated from time to time.

"Well, I am indeed very... thank you very much, yes, but forming a religious order in my territory is not my business alone. I also have to consider the people, especially the Silver Moon Goddess.

the feelings of the believers.”

"I'm not here for this," Li Yu said. "Actually, I'm a little short of money recently, so I brought some local products from my hometown and wanted to find a place to sell them."

Miss Rabbit was slightly relieved after hearing this, "A souvenir? It's simple. There is a shop in the castle. You can sell it to the boss. Just give me my name and let him give you a good price."

"I asked before and the boss said the quantity was too much and he couldn't take it."

"How many did you bring?" Ilea was startled when she heard this, "I didn't see you bowing much when you appeared in front of me before."

"I brought almost two pounds with me this time."

"Two pounds? That's not much. Two pounds of what?"

Li Yu didn't answer and directly threw out a small bag.

Miss Rabbit was still a little confused. When she saw the things on the table clearly, her expression changed drastically, and she blurted out, "Black gold, this is... black gold?! Oh my God, how can you have so many!!!"

"I have three more bags here, which add up to a little more than two pounds." Li Yu took out the other three bags and piled them on the table.

Miss Rabbit's eyes straightened instantly.

The pupils were dilated, the nostrils were quivering, and hot air was constantly blowing out from inside.

It's like a dragon breaking into the treasure house.

——If you could travel back in time, what are some things that are common in modern times but very valuable to bring back to the past?

Similar questions always appear on major forums from time to time, like ghosts that never disappear. Other popular ones include whether Zhuge Liang can succeed in the Northern Expedition with ten Tyrannosaurus rex, and who will be the one-on-one challenge between Tyson and the silverback orangutan?

To have the last laugh...

In short, sand sculpture netizens have always spared no effort in having fun, which is admirable.

Going back to the first question, if you could go back to ancient times, what would be the most valuable thing to bring?

Although the scope of the word ancient is too general, and the questioner did not mention the specific place of travel, which is obviously not rigorous enough, there is one answer that always appears very frequently in the answers below.

That's pepper.

Regardless of any country or era, the pursuit of food is eternal.

When it comes to eating, there is no way to avoid spices.

Especially in the older eras, the cooking methods became more singular. If you want to obtain a good taste, you rely on spices to enhance the taste.

When he was at the Marquis's residence, Li Yu noticed that there was very little pepper on the salmon.

It's only a symbolic bit, and you can't even taste it if you don't eat it carefully.

Of course, this is also related to their status. Ilea and their table are all big nobles, so they should still have enough pepper. But no matter what, the dignified Marquis Mansion is very careful when entertaining guests, which shows how precious pepper is.

The title of black gold is well deserved.

In Li Yu's universe, the reason why pepper was so rare in medieval Europe was because most spices were produced in the East, with transportation distances of tens of thousands of miles and complicated trade chains.

When pepper finally arrived in Europe, the price naturally became ridiculously high.

After chatting with the shop owner in the castle, Li Yu discovered that the situation in this plane was similar, and the person who mastered the spices was the Elephant Man.

They live in the emerald sea to the east, where thousands of small islands are scattered. The elephants build manors on the small islands, grow various spices, and then transport them to all parts of the world through Naga's sea caravans.

The closest route to Bratis is directly through the intervening Sea of ​​Storms.

That hellish place has extreme weather that even the Nagas don't want to face. Storms are commonplace, and there are terrifying waves that are tens of meters high. If you are not careful, the boat will be destroyed and people will die.

And even if you are lucky enough to survive the stormy sea, there will be other troubles waiting for you later.

In short, every cargo ship that successfully arrived at the port carrying spices went through many difficulties and dangers along the way. It was a little more expensive after it docked, and the nobles on the Bratis continent couldn't say anything.

"This may be worth a lot of money!" Ilea picked up a pack of pepper and put it in her hand, and put her face up to look at it carefully, "Oh, it's not small, each one is quite plump, and the color is also very beautiful.

, and the most important thing is that it is not damp at all, incredible, incredible, really incredible!”

Miss Rabbit said it was incredible three times in a row to express her surprise!

Although she had not drank yet, the girl's little face was already flushed, her eyes were misty, as if she was wandering in a beautiful fantasy, and she murmured, "This is absolutely top-quality goods, no noble can refuse it,

It can be sold one by one."

But soon she remembered something again, her ears suddenly drooped, the light in her eyes disappeared, and she returned to her listless look.

This chapter has been completed!
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