Chapter 17 The Cornerstone of Civilization

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 In order to turn those four children who are still young, do not know how to write, and are almost blank slates into usable helpers, Li Yu needs to provide them with some necessary training.

The first is to teach them number writing and simple mathematical calculations.

Because numbers are one of the important cornerstones of civilization, almost all modern natural subjects cannot do without numerical operations. Especially the deeper you study, master's degree, and postdoctoral studies, the more you realize the importance of mathematics as a research tool.

Regardless of these cutting-edge scientific research fields, numbers also play an extremely important role in daily life.

Without numbers, there is no way to trade. It is difficult to express how many sheep an ax exchanged for. Even the most basic statistical work cannot be carried out.

Many civilizations on the continent of Bratis have developed to this day, and of course they also have their own number systems.

Take the most popular elf numerals at the moment as an example. Li Yu learned from Anton that this is a counting method that is very similar to Roman numerals.

Basically, you pick out a few symbols, agree that they represent different numbers, and then add or subtract them in the order of writing to get the number you want to express.

The advantage of this counting method is that you only need to learn five or six characters to write all the numbers. The disadvantage is also obvious, that is, it does not have a place value system.

In Li Yu's universe, when you write down a number, such as 219, everyone knows that the second 1 represents 10, and the first 2 actually represents 200.

However, there is no concept of place value in Elven numerals or Roman numerals. They basically just pile a bunch of symbols there, and this brings up a problem. When you look at it at first glance, it is actually

I can't tell what that number actually represents.

You need to perform an operation on all the symbols that exist in it to get the accurate number.

This is undoubtedly very time-consuming and increases the risk of miscalculation.

Therefore, in order to carry out statistical work smoothly and perform basic calculations in the future, Li Yu did not hesitate to introduce Arabic numerals.

Ten numbers from 0 to 9 were given to four children.

Memorizing ten abstract symbols wasn't too difficult. Even Aaron, the youngest among the four, didn't take much time to write the numbers Li Yu casually reported fluently.

But after breaking through 10, and adding and subtracting are introduced, it becomes a little more challenging. Fortunately, although the number of elf symbols is troublesome, it still uses decimal, not binary like computers, or the weirder twelve or fifteen


Otherwise, Li Yu didn't know how long he would have to teach before these children could accept the decimal system again.

And when it comes to simple multiplication and division, you can clearly feel the gap in the qualifications of each child.

After Li Yu brought out the nine-nine multiplication table, which was a nightmare for elementary school students, the little girl named Nicole introduced by the manager, although she had been working hard to recite it, her progress was obviously lagging behind the other three.

She herself was obviously very anxious, and soon she was sweating profusely. However, the more anxious she was, the worse her recitation efficiency became, and her recitation became confusing.

"Six, seven, forty-eight, seventy-seven...seventy-seven..." Nicole felt like her head was full of mush. She grabbed her hair and squatted on the ground, with frustration written all over her little face.

"Don't worry. If you can't recite it today, just recite it for two more days. I'll check your homework next time. It doesn't make any difference if it's earlier or later." Li Yu said.

He didn't just say this just to comfort Nicole. Li Yu's goal is not to train these four children to become mathematicians. He just hopes that they can master some basic calculations for the second and third grade of elementary school. At this stage, it is enough.


The quality of qualifications is really not that important.

Moreover, if Li Yu spends one day here or three days here, there is nothing he can't afford to wait for. In comparison, he still values ​​the attitude of learning and doing things more.

He is quite satisfied with this so far. Both Nicole and the other three children are studying seriously.

Even if they don't know the use of the knowledge they have learned, just having enough food every day, having a holiday every five days, and getting silver coins is enough for them to work hard.

Nicole seemed not to have heard Li Yu's words. She still closed her eyes and kept repeating, "Qiqi, Qiqi..."

"Seven seven forty-nine."

A voice floated past Nicole's ears. Li Yu turned his head and found that the speaker was Clara.

The little maid was quite happy during this time, because the job assigned to her by Fausto was to accompany Li Yu and meet Li Yu's various needs.

What Li Yu wants is to wander around, chat with people, and ask all kinds of strange questions.

Clara could also go outside the castle with this foreigner in black clothes, bask in the sun, and smell the fragrance of the grass. While Li Yu was talking to people, the little maid would pick some flowers and plants and make them into various small animals to play with.


Not to mention that Li Yu has to fight with Mr. Anton every time he comes. No, no, it’s in class. During this time, Clara can fish freely, so what Clara is looking forward to most now is Li Yu’s appearance.

However, in the past few days, Li Yu suddenly had a whim and taught the children not to run outside the castle. The little maid could no longer mess around with women, and she was not interested in the crooked symbols on the ground.

Just standing on the side and yawning.

Li Yu ignored her until Clara blurted out forty-nine.

In fact, the little maid regretted it after saying this. Although she didn't know why the foreigner in front of her wanted to teach such strange things, it was obvious that he was doing business at the moment, and Clara, as a maid, should not interrupt.

But seeing Nicole's painful expression, Clara still couldn't hold it back.

However, she was already familiar with Li Yu, so she wasn't too scared when she knew she was in trouble. She just stuck out her tongue at Li Yu in embarrassment.

Li Yu asked, "Qi Ba..."

"Fifty-six," the maid said casually.

"It's eighty-eight."



"I don't know the rest of it, I didn't listen carefully."

"That's not bad. You have a good memory."

"Hehehe, Director Fausto also praised me like this." Clara puffed up her chest and said proudly.

"Then let's study together."

"Hey... there's no need for that." The little maid was immediately frightened to death when she heard about the study. She didn't want the lazy time she finally got to go to waste, so she explained, "I'm just a maid, I don't know anything.

I don’t understand…”

But before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by Li Yu, "Didn't Fausto tell you that you must meet all my requirements? Then I ask you to be like these children and study mathematics with me. So

It would be a shame to have a good memory go to waste.”


Clara was completely dumbfounded and stood there blankly. For the first time, she deeply understood what it means to have trouble come out of your mouth.

"Don't think about acting stupid in front of me in the future and deliberately not studying hard. Then I will ask Fausto to find a maid for me. You don't want such a leisurely job to disappear, right?"

"But it is no longer leisurely." The little maid said with tears.

"I will discuss with Fausto to buy you." Li Yu said, "In this way, you will no longer have to work in the castle and concentrate on working under me. Like them, you can work for five days and take two days off.

As an adult, you will receive two silver coins per month, and if you study well, you will get a scholarship."

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