Chapter 35: Famous Generals of the Empire

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 Yin Leya later learned from Kamzi and others that the 10,000 troops brought by Marquis Cullen now had less than 3,000 people left, and these 3,000 people had basically lost their ability to fight.

The good news is that most people are just hungry. If they can eat enough and rest for two or three days, they should be able to calm down and get back to fighting.

The bad news is that the dwarves probably won't give them this time.

But no matter what, the female lord decided to evacuate the survivors from the valley first.

In addition to Yinsong and his more than 100 warriors, Miss Rabbit sent an additional 300 men and 200 horses, and then moved most of the people to a safe area outside the valley before dawn.

They were given food and clean water, and the herbalists in the army and the monks on weekends were allowed to treat their illnesses.

The rescued people were all grateful to the female lord and Saturday, and some people cried loudly after escaping from this death valley.

It wasn't until the last person was out of danger that the female lord breathed a sigh of relief. However, before she could sit down and rest, Du Lun came to find her again.

The former captain of the royal guard said straight to the point, "We don't have much supplies."


"We carried a total of ten days of food rations into the mountains this time. Today is already the fourth day. We originally had six days of supplies left, but now we have 3,000 more mouths. The remaining food can only last for four more days at most.


"When will the next supply be delivered?" the female lord asked.

"We made an appointment with Morse for the day after tomorrow. He sent rangers to wander behind us. So far, no trace of those savages has been found."

"So the new food and military supplies will be delivered the day after tomorrow. Do we have anything to worry about?" Miss Rabbit asked doubtfully.

Du Lun shook his head, but his expression was a little solemn, "I don't know, it's just a hunch that something is not right about those dwarves ambushing on the mountain."

The former captain of the royal guard paused, and then said, "If I were their commander, I would not give up the blockade of the valley so easily.

"And when we first evacuated people outside, they didn't make any movement and didn't push the rocks down."

"Well, could it be because it was too dark that they didn't notice?"

In fact, after saying this, the female lord herself realized that this situation was unlikely.

When she sent Yinsong and others into the valley before, it was good to say that there were hundreds of people and war horses coming and going from behind. Even in the middle of the night, it was impossible for the people on the mountain to know anything.

However, after she discussed it with Duren for a while, she couldn't figure out what those dwarves wanted to do. They were so kind and refused to eat the meat that was on their lips, and returned the three thousand people to her.

In addition, it was almost dawn at this time, so the female lord could only put this problem aside and focus on the upcoming battle.

As the first ray of sunlight breaks through the clouds in the morning, it lights up the horizon.

Shuangxiujiao also released six DJI drones. The six soldiers carefully controlled these iron birds, letting them take off and fly towards the nearby mountain peaks.

Search for enemies lurking inside.

In addition, Greta's mice are also busy. Although they cannot transmit the images they see back in real time like drones, they cannot fly as fast or as high as drones.

But the advantage is that he is a resident of this mountain, so he is more familiar with it, and even if he is discovered, it will not arouse suspicion.

Greta was also aroused with the desire to win. She seemed to want to compete with the monks in Shuangxiu to see who could find the target first.

Not long after the results were over, the rats gained something. According to the information they brought back, a troop was secretly evacuating in the southeast.

[A novel app that has been running stably for many years, comparable to the old book-chasing tool, a source-changing app used by old bookworms,]

However, the mice didn't know how many people there were in that army. On the other hand, the drone on the other side, although a little late, was condescending and also noticed the movements of the group.

And from the feedback screen, it can be clearly seen that it was a group of dwarf warriors, with a number of between one hundred and two hundred people. They retreated in an orderly manner without any panic. It was obviously premeditated.

Then another drone also searched for a small group of dwarves in the opposite direction and was also evacuating.

The female lord made a prompt decision and sent two cavalrymen to pursue them. Before setting off, Miss Rabbit also lent a wireless walkie-talkie to each of the two knights leading the team.

This allowed them to keep in touch with the army at all times, and at the same time ordered the drones that discovered the dwarves to lock onto the targets on the ground and move with them, while the remaining drones continued to perform search missions.

Miss Rabbit doesn’t understand what information warfare is.

After all, in another universe, the first information war would not happen until the beginning of the twenty-first century.

A certain superpower found a non-existent excuse and declared war on a certain regional power. In less than a month, it defeated basically all of the latter's official armed forces and controlled its entire territory.

At that time, the precise strikes carried out by a certain superpower in conjunction with satellite systems and the degree of informatization of its troops really amazed the world, and they followed suit one after another.

As for falling into the vast ocean of people's war after the war, that's a story for another day.

Of course, there are no satellites on the female lord's side, and the communication equipment used for communication is only the simplest civilian wireless walkie-talkie with no encrypted channels.

There are no missiles mounted on the drone. In short, compared to that world-famous battle of the century, her side is much more crude.

But it can’t hold up to the opponent’s equipment, which is more primitive.

According to the standards of the Bratis continent, the dwarves here are actually considered an elite force. Everyone is wearing armor and carrying a battle ax on their waist. The leading dwarf commander is also equipped with a dwarf horse.

But marching and fighting are not much different from those hundreds of years ago. Although it is easier to command when divided into small groups, they are just executing the previously formulated plan.

When the time came, I saw that all the Imperial people in the valley had left, so they began to retreat. As for whether they were being pursued, I didn't know at all.

After all, they didn't cheat as much as Miss Rabbit did in the war. They directly opened the overall vision, so wherever they went there was the fog of war.

Moreover, once the troops are separated, there is no way to contact them unless they meet again. Even if someone discovers danger, there is no way to notify his companions.

Just highlight one and fight each other, and the result is of course one can imagine.

The dwarves never dreamed that in such a large mountain range, they were evacuating separately, each looking for different directions, but they could be found one by one by the opposite party, and troops were sent to hunt them down.

After a troop killed everyone, they didn't even have to come back. The female lord immediately issued a second order, asking them to continue chasing new targets.

After playing micromanaging in a medieval war, Miss Rabbit, who was still a little nervous, gradually relaxed.

Thinking about it, it seems that it is not difficult for this leader to fight, or is it that he actually has amazing commanding talents and is a hidden embryo of a famous general?

This chapter has been completed!
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