Chapter 5 Survival Instinct

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Although the time-travelers have different identities and occupations and have weird personalities, because they have all done detailed background checks before coming, and they are all modern people, it is relatively easy to communicate with each other.

On the other hand, the other group of people are not so easy to talk to.

Li Yu persuaded Yin Leya to accept the 10,000 dwarf prisoners, partly because in any real-time strategy game, population is the most important resource.

After these dwarves come to the green field, they can greatly speed up various production and construction. You must know that all of these 10,000 people are adult men. There are no old people and no children among them. They are the highest quality labor force.

On the other hand, they can also produce faith.

Yes, the Shuangxiu religion founded by Li Yu does not emphasize national and racial attributes. In this case, the internal cohesion may be slightly weaker, but it will help to attract a wider range of believers.

Li Yu's first followers were the lizardmen in the Gaigu Great Swamp, and not long ago, he made a historic move to recruit the first savage believer from the Longcrest Mountains - Iron Spear.

The latter lost a bet with him and now has no choice but to switch to Saturday.

Li Yu originally thought that the female savage would play tricks again and pretend to be stupid to get this matter over to Hu, but he didn't expect that Iron Spear came to him the night before the battle and said that he would follow him.

Moreover, after the war, the female savage became more and more enthusiastic about converting to Saturday. She kept pestering Li Yu and asked Li Yu to explain to her the teachings and precepts of the Shuangxiu religion.

However, Li Yu didn't have much time, so he sent Tie Qiang to learn the common language of the mainland first, and asked her to come to Luye after she learned it.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult plans to use the iron spear to slowly transform her fellow savages into Shuangxiu Cult believers.

As for the dwarf prisoners in front of him, Li Yu was also not prepared to let them go.

The dwarves now know that the bolide in the sky that night, the inexplicable white light that appeared, the glowing eyes of the Imperial soldiers, and the overwhelming swarm of rats were all the work of the Shuangxiu Cult and its prophets.

Therefore, I hate and fear Li Yu.

In their eyes, Li Yu has probably become some evil warlock with terrible dark power.

When the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult appeared in front of them, they faced a pair of eyes full of vigilance.

Some dwarves simply blocked their ears, fearing to hear Li Yu's curse.

When Li Yu saw this, he didn't waste any time changing these dwarves' impressions of him, and casually named a few people in the crowd.

The selected dwarves thought Li Yu was planning to kill them or use their bodies for some evil experiments.

This is not just their own imagination, but they have learned from previous mistakes. The giant lava ax was killed by those imperial people and then came back to life.

Moreover, the revived Lava Ax behaved strangely, as if he had completely changed and no longer recognized them. The dwarf warlock among the prisoners said that the Lava Ax was possessed by an evil spirit and had become a container for evil spirits.


So when they saw Li Yu choosing someone, the dwarves felt nervous, and the person who was chosen had a tragic look on his face.

However, Li Yu then told them that they were allowed to leave now and find a place to hide. The black dog guards and the Arias family guards would not follow them.

As long as they are not found before dark, they can be sent back to the dwarf kingdom.

The twenty-three dwarves who were selected were all excited when they heard this. They did not expect that happiness would come so suddenly.

Because it was already afternoon, it wouldn't be too long before evening, and if they were just hiding for an afternoon, they didn't have to worry about food and drink.

In other words, just find a place that is private enough and put the cat in it. If that doesn't work, you can dig a hole and bury yourself, leaving a small hole for ventilation.

They didn't believe that he could still be found like this. The only question was whether the human in black clothes in front of them would keep his promise.

But now the dwarves have no other choice. They are already prisoners, and being caught is nothing more than remaining prisoners.

Following Donya's order, the twenty-three dwarves dispersed and fled in all directions.

Li Yu, on the other hand, had someone move a grandfather clock that was picked up by [Environmental Frog] and placed it in front of the dwarves.

It wasn't until the clock's hour hand turned around that Li Yu released all the drones and began a blanket search.

Drones flying in the air can have a clear view of all the scenes on the ground, and the traces left by the dwarves when they escaped are no exception.

After discovering the suspicious location, he sent the black dog guards to search. It took Li Yu less than an hour to find seventeen dwarves, and the remaining six were better hidden.

It took Li Yu another hour and a half to dig out all the people. It was only about four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was still very early before dark.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult did not punish the caught dwarves, and just released them back into the group, and then got off work.

Li Yu is actually not too worried about those dwarves escaping, because this is the Western Region. Once the dwarf kingdom goes to war with the empire, the dwarves will become particularly conspicuous here.

If they are discovered by farmers along the way, they will probably report it to the lord immediately. In addition, if they want to go home, they have to cross the Rock Castle and climb over the Dragon Ridge Mountains. Without the help of the savages in the mountains, this is almost impossible.


Therefore, the main reason why the prophet of Shuangxiu Cult showed such a trick was to frighten the dwarves.

After returning from the Dragon Ridge Mountains, Li Yu searched for a lot of classics about dwarves and asked Yin Leya to help him find some dwarves who had lived in the empire for a long time.

Learn more about their ethnic group and country from them, and it turns out that these dwarves are very similar to a neighbor from another dimension.

In other words, most small countries have a somewhat similar Stockholm complex.

The stronger you are and the harder you beat him, the more he will admire you. This is the way for a small country to survive.

Only by hugging the thickest thigh can their race continue. This is not so much a political wisdom as it is the survival instinct of the species.

Compared with the wars and conflicts that have occurred in the past, the grudges that have been formed are nothing.

Therefore, if Li Yu wants to conquer these dwarves, he must first show sufficient deterrence in front of them.

The battle in the Dragon Ridge Mountains was a good start, but it was not enough.

The prophet of Shuangxiu Cult needs to make these dwarves realize that he cannot resist.

So next, Li Yu drove his tractor over, roaring filial piety in front of these dwarves, blowing out black smoke.

He made them realize that taking a double break could also give life to steel, and then organized the dwarves to visit and study under the iron tower.

Feeling the shock brought by the first height of the Bratis continent. He even called Lu Weijia to compete with these dwarves in mining technology. In short, he attacked these dwarves in all directions without blind spots.

This chapter has been completed!
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