Chapter 8 Secret Exploration of Hongye Villa

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 Han Bin continued to observe the situation on the other side with his telescope, and he saw vehicles passing by one after another.

There are Lamborghini, Bentley, Pagani, Ferrari...except for a BMW three series, almost all of them are luxury cars worth millions or even tens of millions of dollars.

They drove through the gate of the villa like ghosts, and the security guards outside the gate readily let them go after checking the identity of the guests, without conducting further inspections of the vehicles.

Seeing this scene, Han Bin felt like he had grasped something important, so he sat back in his car and started the engine.

There is only one private manor on this hill. In other words, everyone who goes up the hill must be here to attend the annual meeting in the evening.

If he can secretly hitch a ride on one of them, he can break through the outermost layer of security and sneak into Red Leaf Villa without anyone noticing.

Just as he thought, Han Bin drove his Magotan to the foot of the mountain, opened the double flashers, opened a door, and put a warning sign on the back to create the illusion that it had broken down.

And he himself was hiding in the grass on the other side of the road.

After that, four cars passed by in a row, and they didn't stop until the fifth one, which was a gentian blue Panamera. Out of it stepped a foreigner, with blond hair and a horse-faced blue boy, with a typical Slavic appearance.

As he walked towards Magotan, he asked the people in the car if they needed help in broken Chinese.

However, when he came to the car, he found that there was no one inside.

The foreigner was a little strange and looked around again, but he didn't see the owner of Magotan nearby.

At this time, Han Bin had already jumped out of the grass and crept into the Paramelari.

Han Bin curled up his body into a ball and placed himself as close as possible between the driver's seat and the car door.

But in this way, he couldn't see the foreigner outside the car. He waved his hand and pushed the ownerless Magotan, which weighed a ton and a half, toward the roadside.

The foreigner looked at the road that had become more spacious, clapped his hands with satisfaction, turned around and returned to his car, and continued driving towards Hongye Villa halfway up the mountain.

Han Bin, who was in the back row, tried hard to control his heartbeat and didn't dare to take a breath.

After about ten minutes, the car stopped again, and Han Bin knew that they had arrived at the entrance of the villa.

The foreigner opened the car window, stretched out his left hand, and pressed his fingerprint on something similar to a punch card machine.

The green light quickly came on on the instrument, but the foreigner did not drive immediately. Instead, he took out a cigar and asked the security guard, "Is there a fire, my friend?"

The security guard he was questioning shook his head. Just when the foreigner was feeling disappointed, another security guard took out a lighter from his body, stepped forward and lit the foreigner's cigar.

The latter took a deep breath, blew out a smoke ring, and showed a satisfied smile on his face. Then he pointed at the security guard and said, "Wait!"

As he spoke, he stretched his other hand behind him and groped around in the back seat, but he didn't find what he wanted.

Han Bin's heart was already in his throat. He was worried that the foreigner would lean over him later. No matter how well he hid, it would be difficult not to be discovered.

Many thoughts flashed through Han Bin's mind at this moment, and he knew that he had to take some risks.

So the next moment he reached out and moved the backpack on the back seat towards the foreigner's hand, allowing the latter to successfully grab the backpack bag.

"Ha, here, my little darlings."

The foreigner did not become suspicious, lifted the backpack from the back seat, and opened the zipper on it.

I didn't know what I took out from inside and threw it to the security guard, which caused a cry of surprise.

And he laughed heartily, threw his backpack on the passenger seat, held the cigar in his mouth, and drove his Panamera into the mountain village.

Since the zipper had been opened, this time Han Bin also saw what was in the backpack - RMB.

There were bundles of RMB. Han Bin visually determined that the thickness of each bundle was about 4-5cm, which meant that one bundle was worth almost 50,000 yuan.

Han Bin had heard before that there were rich people abroad who would give money to the poor, but this time he saw with his own eyes the prodigal who gave away 50,000 yuan for just a cigarette.

But this also shows from another aspect that the business in the third era is not simple, there are so many rich employees below.

The Panamera drove a long distance before stopping again.

The foreigner got out of the car and threw the car keys to the waiter who came up to him. Han Bin also wanted to get out of the car with him, but because he didn't know the situation outside, he decided to stay in the car out of caution.

The waiter parked Paramela into the garage of the villa. Han Bin remained patient until the waiter got off the car and walked away, then quietly straightened up and looked out the car window first.

Unlike the tight security outside, there are almost no guards inside Hongye Villa. It is probably a strategy of tightening outside and loosening inside.

Firstly, it was to avoid disturbing tonight's guests as much as possible, and secondly, Han Bin guessed that it was probably because there would be some shameful things happening here tonight.

Thinking of this, he became energized, opened the door gently, and got out of the car.

Han Bin looked around carefully. This was an underground garage, and it seemed to have more than one floor. He also saw a spiral driveway in the northeast corner. There were about fifty parking spaces on this floor alone.

The entire garage is very beautifully designed, like a museum, and the parking spaces are separated by display cabinets.

There are pieces of ancient cultural relics stored inside, some from the East, some from the West, and even some from countries that Han Bin has never heard of.

Han Bin is not an expert in this field, and he has no idea how much these cultural relics are worth.

But if they are all true, they will definitely not be cheap.

Moreover, the owner of the manor just placed them casually in the garage. Han Bin could not imagine how expensive it would be if he accidentally drove his car and hit several display cabinets.

Sure enough, all rich people are crazy?

Han Bin also noticed later that the collections in the display cabinets seemed to be related to the myths and legends of different civilizations.

For example, there is a Sabotei in the display cabinet on his left. Han Bin read the introduction below and said that this was a burial object used by the ancient Egyptians when they were buried. There would be spells engraved on the body and legs to make it the deceased.

Servants in Hades.

The display cabinet on his right displays a jade-handled magical sword. Judging from the talisman on the hilt, it belongs to Taoism.

When Han Bin saw this jade-handled magic sword, he suddenly thought of something. He took out his mobile phone and took a photo of it. He wanted to send it to the bureau for investigation to see if this would constitute the crime of reselling cultural relics.

But soon he discovered that his mobile phone had no signal.

This chapter has been completed!
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