Chapter 15 Board of Directors

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 Li Yu also saw Xu Mengyuan, but before he could say hello, the latter hurriedly went upstairs with a waiter.

Li Yu asked Shi Yitong beside him, "Where is the place upstairs?"

Shi Yitong just went to the bar to order a cup of Gemini and came back to sit down. "Oh, there is a small bar, a gym, a spa area, a Western restaurant and so on. You can also go to the housekeeping department through a corridor."


"Yes, there are four luxurious rooms there for visiting directors to rest. It is said that each room is fixed, and the decoration and furnishings are completely based on the directors' personal preferences.

"Did you see the two people who went upstairs before Xu Mengyuan?"

"The little white girl, and the Indian."

"Yes, that is Miss Windsor and her servants. It is said that she had many servants before, but many of them left her later. Only a few loyal servants are still with her and never leave her. .

"Ash is one of them. Miss Windsor used to have a lot of power in the board of directors, and everyone had to listen to her. Unfortunately, now...she is no longer as beautiful as she looks on the outside."

"But she is only in her teens now," Li Yu said. "How old could she have been when she was in glory before, six or eight years old?"

"The first lesson is, don't treat the directors of the board of directors with common sense." Shi Yitong took another sip of the cocktail in his hand.

"They are all old monsters. The equipment department will provide us with some services, help us unlock the godhead sequence, and provide us with various gadgets that can make our work more convenient.

"But that's only the most insignificant part of their job. They mainly serve the board of directors, right, Hephaestus."

The handsome mixed-race guy nodded, "You are right. Most of the time our research and development has clear goals, and the goals are provided to us by the company's senior management, such as the [Reincarnation Bell] sold to you before.

"This project already existed when I joined the company. I can't reveal too much. I can only tell you that the company has invested a terrible amount in it, regardless of the cost. The amount of faith consumed over the years is simply astronomical. number."

Hephaestus also went to the bar not long ago, but he just asked for a bottle of Diet Coke.

"The [Reincarnation Bell] is very useful, but there are many restrictions. Why is the company so interested in this project?" Shi Yitong asked.

"I don't know about that, I'm just a worker." Hephaestus drank Coke, "The company pays me to hire me, and I will do whatever the company asks me to do."

"Besides Miss Windsor, how many directors are there in the company?" Li Yu asked again.

"There are five directors in the Third Age. In addition, there is also a mysterious independent director. It is said that his duty is to supervise the other directors on the board of directors, so he has the greatest power." Shi Yitong said.

"But no one has seen him, and they don't even know whether he is a man or a woman. Every year at the company's annual meeting, the other five directors will come, but he never shows up, so many people are speculating that this independent Do the directors really exist?"

"I bet it doesn't exist," said the handsome mixed-race guy. "Although it seems crazy to me to have five people controlling a company like the Third Age, but if one person is to supervise the other five people, then it's crazy. Even more crazy.

"If something happened to his head, the results could be catastrophic and it would be very difficult to stay awake."

"Yes, as long as we are human, we will make mistakes sometimes." Shi Yitong agreed.

"You said the company has five directors, plus one independent director, but there are only four guest rooms upstairs." Li Yu said.

"Oh, the independent directors never show up in front of others, so they don't need a room. There is only one director left, who is the owner of this manor. He lives in the master room. You can call him Mr. Qin."

"Mr. Qin?"

"Yes, Mr. Qin is Chinese just like you and me. You will see him soon. He doesn't talk much, but when he speaks, you'd better listen carefully."

"What about the other three directors?"

Before Shi Yitong could answer, he saw eight waiters pushing a huge color TV to the direct north of the guest room. The color TV was made up of four 100-inch TVs spliced ​​together.

The waiters plugged it in and began to adjust it.

Hephaestus's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket.

After that, he didn’t forget to urge Li Yu, “Hurry, hurry, hurry, the first round of lottery is about to begin.”

Li Yu also remembered that the handsome mixed-race man seemed to have said before that the annual meeting of the Third Era would also have a draw for the traditional items of the annual meeting, and according to him, there was a prize in the prize pool that made even the directors excited.

So Li Yu was not polite and took out his mobile phone. When the TV came on, a QR code appeared and he scanned it.

The next moment, a page popped up on his phone, and Li Yu saw a symbol that looked like a cat's head, and four simple limbs outlined by lines.

Looking at Hephaestus again, the symbol that popped up on his phone was more abstract. It was two mountain peaks placed sideways with a slash underneath.

Only Shi Yitong's side is better, you can barely tell that the character "Si" is crooked.

Li Yu looked at the other people and found that their faces also showed confusion, especially those foreigners who were looking at their phones upside down.

I tried hard to find some clues from it, but no one found anything.

In addition, mobile phones in Hongye Villa cannot access the Internet, which makes them lose the possibility of seeking help outside the venue.

In the end, Shi Yitong thought of something first and said, "Do you think this could be ancient Chinese?"

"It's quite similar." Li Yu also said, "We can't see it here, but your Si character is quite obvious."

"Chinese is originally a kind of hieroglyphics, and the oldest and most famous hieroglyphics in Chinese civilization should be oracle bone inscriptions."

"It doesn't matter, as long as we can draw a lottery." Hephaestus was quite open-minded, "If nothing else happens, these should be our respective numbers."

After another five minutes, when everyone in the living room successfully scanned the code, a field of hieroglyphs appeared on the TV and began to scroll continuously.

At this time, four more waiters pushed a cabinet to the side of the TV. The cabinet contained many strange things.

Li Yu glanced around, but he didn't see the suit that the handsome mixed-race man had mentioned before that could curse the assailant.

This chapter has been completed!
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