Chapter 819 Ilkander’s request

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Now that the decision has been made, the female lord gave the order to attack to the army surrounding Irkand.

After a day and night of fierce fighting, Ilkand and his five thousand soldiers and horses soon couldn't hold on any longer and had no choice but to retreat into the castle and defend it.

Ilkander wiped the blood on his face and looked at the densely packed enemy troops outside, obviously knowing that this battle was impossible to win.

Besides, there is still a giant dragon on the opposite side that has not been dispatched.

At this time, Ilkand regretted not leading the remaining cavalry to break out.

He originally had some hope in the Second Sons League, but Claudio heard that he was good at fighting and had 5,000 men under his command, so he wanted him to join him.

But I don't know whether it was because the envoy of the Second Son Alliance did not have time to rush to Ilea, or whether the talks between them broke down. In short, it seems that the new Lord of the West does not intend to let him go.

Ilkand sent all his guards to guard the gate. He is now sitting in the banquet hall on the second floor of the castle, while two maids are cleaning the wounds on his arms.

Ilkand looked around and saw Vanessa and Blanco, mother and son, shivering in the corner. Hugo's face was also ugly, his eyes were wandering everywhere, and he couldn't help it.

He let out a soft groan.

Hugo heard his hum and looked up at him, saying in a horrified voice, "Lord Ilkand, what should we do now?"

"What should we do? Can't you see that we are already dead?" Ilkand said calmly.

"But I don't want to die yet." Hugo cried sadly.

Ilkand said disdainfully, "That's why you become a traitor."

"Aren't you also a traitor? You even killed your lord with your own hands. Why are you always a traitor? You call me a traitor!" Hugo said angrily.

He was a little afraid of Ilkander at first, but seeing that everyone was going to die together, he was not so afraid anymore.

Ilkander said disdainfully, "I'm different from you, I'm not..." However, he suddenly stopped mid-sentence, as if he felt that it was pointless to argue about this kind of thing now.

Hugo listened to the banging of the door outside, and like an eggplant beaten by frost, he slumped back on the chair and hugged his head.

Ilkander ignored him and waited for the maid to finish bandaging, then stood up and walked to the mother and son in the corner.

Seeing this, Vanessa quickly blocked her son behind her, "Lord Ilkander, we have already done what you said, what else do you want to do?"

Ilkand took out a piece of paper from his arms and threw it to Vanessa.

The latter picked up the note, opened it and glanced at it, then his expression changed.

"This...where did you come from?"

Ilkander did not answer, but said, "You should be glad that this note fell into my hands. The servant you sent out to deliver the message has long been bribed by Herodotus.

"If I hadn't stopped and killed him, your son might still be alive. After all, he is still of some use to Herodotus. As for you, you are dead now."

Vanessa's face turned pale, "Herodotus came to us, mother and son, and said he could help us take back the Green Fields. I believed him at first, but later I found out that he just wanted to use us to deal with Ilea and Arias.


"I told him that I wanted to terminate the cooperation, but he refused to let us leave at all, and even sent someone to put us under house arrest. I secretly sent someone to send a message to Ilea, hoping that she or the Prophet Merlin could rescue us."

"Don't worry, you will be saved soon." Ilkand said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Hugo suddenly sat up from his chair, then took out the sword from his waist and walked over to this side.

Seeing this, Ilkand frowned and said, "What do you want to do?"

"Find us a way to survive." Hugo said with gleaming eyes. He grabbed Vanessa's hair and lifted her up from the ground regardless of her screams.

"She is Ilea's stepmother, and that boy is Ilea's brother. There are two of us, one for each, and we will use them as hostages. If the people outside don't withdraw their troops, we will kill them."

Hugo became more and more excited as he talked, but the next moment his voice stopped abruptly.

He covered his throat and looked at Ilkand in disbelief.

The latter inserted the still bleeding dagger back into his waist and said without changing his expression, "I have tolerated you for a long time. If you hadn't colluded with those dwarves, I wouldn't have become a traitor now."

After Ilkander finished speaking, Hugo's body fell backwards. Ilkander did not look at the body in the pool of blood, but turned his gaze back to Vanessa, who was in shock.

"You don't need to thank me. I originally kept you as a bargaining chip in negotiations."

Vanessa smiled bitterly and said, "My stepdaughter and I don't have a good relationship. We already had a falling out when we competed for the position of head of the Arias family. I'm afraid my son and I are not as useful as you think.


Ilkand waved his hand, pointed at Blanco and said, "Anyway, the blood of the Arias family flows through this child. Based on your understanding of your stepdaughter, do you think she will bear to see it?"

Would Blanco die in front of her?"

Vanessa was silent.

Ilkander said, "Don't worry, my request this time is not too much. She will agree to it."

Vanessa sighed, "My son and I will cooperate with you."

"Very good." Ilkander said with satisfaction.

After a while, the castle door that was still closed was suddenly opened.

The soldiers besieging outside were stunned for a moment, but before they could rush in, Ilkander had already walked out of it.

Behind him were Vanessa and Blanco.

Ilkand spoke loudly, "Where is Sir Ilea? I want to see Sir Ilea!"

The leading knight snorted, "There is no need for Lady Ilea to deal with you traitors. We are enough."

"Then please take me to see Lady Ilea." Ilkand said, "I am willing to give up resistance and hand over Lady Ilea's brother and stepmother."

The knight frowned. He had indeed received an order asking them to capture Vanessa and Blanco alive as much as possible.

So he said, "Call the people out first."

"Then do you agree to my request?"

"Prisoners have no right to make demands."

"I killed Marquis Cullen for a reason." Ilkand said, "Actually, this was an order from Marquis Cullen. You take me to see Sir Ilea, and I will explain everything to her."

The knight looked hesitant, as if he was still thinking about his words, but at this moment, the crowd behind him separated automatically.

A silver-haired figure walked out of it.

He asked Ilkander, "Do you remember Gerald?"

Ilkand frowned and pondered for a moment, "Jero, this name sounds familiar, as if he entered the Dragon's Back Mountains with us."

"He is my son, my only son." The silver-haired old man said, "And you killed him."

"I will challenge you to a duel until one of you or I lies down and cannot stand up again. If you win, my people will take you to see Sir Ilea. Are you willing to accept my duel?"


This chapter has been completed!
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