Chapter 893 Giant Tree and White Horse

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After Mr. Qin finished speaking, the five directors stood up together and gave Li Yu thunderous applause.

The warm applause lasted for a full minute before stopping, and in addition to the applause, Li Yu also vaguely heard the sound of horses.

At first, Li Yu thought it was his hallucination, but the next moment, the huge ash tree in front of him suddenly cracked a gap, and a white horse jumped out of it.

"This is a gift prepared for you by the board of directors." Taylor said, "Its name is Trasil, and it is a five-star equipment. If you share your blood with it, it will become your mount and will only be loyal to those who are loyal to you.


"No matter where you are, as long as you whistle, it will appear in front of you."

According to Taylor's statement, Li Yu lightly scratched his palm with a knife, then dipped some blood in it and smeared it on the white horse's forehead.

The latter also stuck out his tongue and licked Li Yu's palm affectionately.

Taylor spoke again at this time, "You have said before that you want to know more about the company's rescue plan, but at that time I told you that it was not yet time, but now the time is finally ripe.

"You have proven your loyalty to the board and we can move on and get to the real core.

"Come on, we'll take you to the company headquarters."


"It's not the one you went to. That one is just an office on the surface to provide help to candidates like you. The real headquarters is in another place."


"Buzhou Mountain." Mr. Qin said, "Beyond the northwest sea, in the corner of the wilderness, there is a mountain that does not fit together, and it is called Buzhou Mountain."

“This is the Classic of Mountains and Seas?”

Mr. Qin nodded, "We found it based on the records in ancient books. It is said that it is the intersection between the human world and the heaven. In ancient times, some people once passed through Buzhou Mountain to climb to immortality."

"So there really is a heaven?"

"It depends on how you define it," Mr. Qin said, "We didn't find gods or fairy palaces there, but it is indeed a very suitable place for interdimensional travel.

"In Buzhou Mountain, even without any aid, you can feel the intersection, ups and downs of the planes. Have you ever heard of the story of Gonggong and Buzhou Mountain?"

"Are you talking about the legend that Gonggong crashed into Mount Buzhou?"

"Yes, it is said that in ancient times, Gonggong, the god of water, and Zhurong, the god of fire, did not get along, and the two fought. In the end, Gonggong accidentally broke Mount Buzhou, causing disaster.

"A very interesting coincidence. In that myth, Buzhou Mountain was also used to support the sky pillar. Buzhou Mountain broke, causing the Tianhe River to pour out, and that was how Nuwa later made stones to mend the sky.

"We don't know if it's because of a hole in the sky that the intersection with other planes is so frequent now, but this is conducive to our research and subsequent salvation plan."

Windsor interrupted at this time and said, "That place is probably also the landing place for other visitors from other dimensions when they come to our universe."

"You have said so much, where is it?" Li Yu asked.

"The Pamir Plateau, to be more specific, is located in the southeast of Tajikistan. It is shrouded in a mysterious barrier and cannot be reached by ordinary means of transportation."

Taylor pointed to the ash tree behind him. The crack in the tree had not closed.

"Fortunately, now we have a faster way to get around."

After Taylor finished speaking, he took the lead into the interior of the ash wood, followed closely by Windsor and Bernard, followed by Sergey.

Mr. Qin made an invitation gesture, and Li Yu also stepped inside.

And the white horse he had newly acquired remained in Hongye Villa because he had not received any orders, and was currently nibbling on a potted plant that looked valuable.

Li Yu walked into the ash wood and smelled a faint scent of grapefruit, and the light in front of him gradually dimmed.

The inside of the tree was wider than Li Yu imagined. There was a path under his feet that extended forward, but Li Yu could no longer see Taylor and others, and Mr. Qin didn't seem to be catching up behind him.

Li Yu walked forward along the path for about three or four minutes. During this period, there was a constant rustling sound in his ears, as if the giant tree was still growing.

The light around Li Yu was already so dim that he could hardly see clearly, but the next moment his eyes suddenly opened up, and he had already arrived in front of another gap.

Li Yu walked out along the gap and immediately felt that the temperature around him was more than ten degrees lower than before, and there was a cold wind blowing, making his suit rustle.

His breathing became rapid, and Taylor and others were standing under the tree waiting for him.

"The altitude here is already over 5,000 meters. Do you want to slow down?"

Li Yu looked at the white building in front of him that looked like a research institute, estimated the distance, and decided to walk there before resting, so he shook his head.

"Then just keep going."

Mr. Qin's voice sounded from behind Li Yu, and he also walked out of the giant tree.

The six people continued to move forward, and when they were about to approach the white building, a blurry afterimage suddenly passed in front of Li Yu's eyes. He saw an ice pick shooting toward him and piercing his chest.

Li Yu lowered his head and looked at the wound, but there was nothing there.

"Plane Intersection" Bernard explained, "The space here is not as stable as outside, but it doesn't matter, those are just afterimages of alien planes and will not really affect us."

"Do you need oxygen?" Taylor, who was walking at the front, asked.

"No, but it would be nice if I could have a cup of hot tea."

A familiar voice sounded, "Then I'll pour it for you."

Hephaestus from the Equipment Department is also here, accompanied by an Indian woman and an old white man in his sixties or seventies.

The three of them stood outside the entrance of the institute to greet the arrival of Taylor and other directors and Li Yu.

The oldest old man among them seems to be the person in charge of the research institute.

He opened his arms and hugged the guests one by one. When it was Li Yu's turn, he hugged him for an extra long time and seemed to be extra hard. He looked excited and muttered something in his mouth.

“But God demonstrates his own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”

"New Testament·Romans." Bernard introduced Li Yu, "Dr. Robin, he has always believed that you are the incarnation of that person and will guide us through the end of the world safely."

"It's not just me, many people think so." Dr. Robin wiped his glasses, "You are the source of our power.

“We are now in the 21st century, science has never been more developed, and we are accustomed to using a scientific and rational attitude to understand and analyze the world, so many people feel that faith is no longer important.

"But even if we put our research aside, I still think people should have faith. Even if it can't help you defeat disease or make you rich overnight, faith can at least make you rich when you face difficulties and pain.

The spirit is not that uncomfortable.

"Unfortunately, in many cases it is just a subjective experience. I have come into contact with many powerful practitioners. Although they cannot use those powerful secret techniques like you, they have trained their spirits to be very powerful and can control themselves.

With this kind of perception, even if you are in hell, you can still maintain the peace of your soul."

Today is the first update. Happy National Day everyone. Have you gone somewhere to play during the holidays? Or stay at home like me. This book is coming to an end. Thank you for your company~

This chapter has been completed!
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