Chapter 367 Fierce Battle on a Rainy Night

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It's just that it's raining a little harder now, and there are more zombies.

Li Yu saw that there was a shortage of manpower in some places.

So he took out the walkie-talkie and said to his second uncle: "Second uncle, I think the rain is a bit heavy. Let ten more people come over and keep thirty people on the wall."

The second uncle replied on the intercom: "Okay, I'll arrange for someone to come over right away."

Li Yu immediately replied: "As soon as possible, and then ask Li Yuan and the others to bring some food over. We haven't eaten anything yet."

The second uncle replied: "Okay, don't worry, I have already arranged it just now."

Li Yu simply replied "Hello".

This time it rained again and again, and there were waves of zombies again and again.

Whether it is for him personally or for most people in the base, it already feels like a commonplace meal.

got used to.

I have become accustomed to zombies attacking every time it rains.

I'm used to fighting zombies in the dark.

I am also used to being assigned tasks. When it is my turn to be on duty, I go up to the wall, and when it is not my turn, I stay in the room to rest.

Occasionally, I am always waiting for orders and setting out for support at any time.

But no matter what, compared to people outside the base, people in the Da Zhangshu Base are relatively safe against zombies.

After all, for most survivors outside the base, once the zombie wave strikes, it means a narrow escape from death.



Safe City.

Mr. Wu personally led the personnel to resist the incoming zombies.

It's just that there is relatively little energy in Safe City, and it's already dark now.

The most terrifying thing is fighting zombies in the dark.

Through the weak light, Mr. Wu could clearly see the zombies pouring in continuously.

Mr. Wu said loudly: "Move that high beam from the basement, no, move everything here."

"Make some torches. Don't we still have a lot of gasoline and diesel? Use them all. Do you still want me to teach you these things? Hurry!"

Mr. Wu was a little angry when he saw this scene. It was getting dark and there was such a big trap in the west. He didn't report it earlier.

Mr. Wu looked around and asked, "Where's Lao Li? Didn't he be responsible for the protection here? Where did the others die?"

The person who had been following him said: "Brother Li, he was bitten by a zombie. After the bite, he took care of it himself."

As soon as the words came out, Mr. Wu suddenly fell silent.

Suddenly there was a sound of footsteps coming from behind.

Mr. Wu looked back and saw that Mr. Zhuang was coming with a group of civilians. If the opening to the west was not protected, everyone would probably die.

So these people came to support.

When Mr. Wu saw so many people coming, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and he said excitedly: "Old Zhuang, you guys came just in time, hurry up and divide into two groups.

One team on the left, one team on the right, Lao Ke and Lao Hua were blocking the front.

I'll send someone here to close the loophole at the west entrance."

Lao Zhuang held the torch, nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Wu, be careful."

After saying that, he left here and said to the people behind him: "Old He, you take people to the right to block the zombies, and I will take people to the left."

The torch illuminated Lao He's face red, and Lao He said worriedly: "Okay, let's go."

Before walking very far, we encountered a group of zombies.

The combat effectiveness of these zombies in the dark is already higher than during the day, and it is greatly enhanced in the rain.

The running speed of these zombies is even slightly faster than that of an adult.

"Rush over." Lao He shouted.

After saying that, he held a torch in one hand and a spear in the other and rushed forward.

The hot torches and cold raindrops dripped onto the torches, making a sizzling sound.

But because

The torches were doused with gasoline and were not extinguished by the rain.


A spear pierces a zombie's head.

But the zombies were too excited, and the impact of the zombies crushed Lao He to the ground.

Seeing the zombies behind him rushing towards Lao He, people around Lao He rushed over to help.


Human figures and zombies are in a melee. If you look down from high in the sky, you can't tell which ones are zombies and which ones are humans.

Lao He watched helplessly as a man who had just run over to save him had his neck bitten off by zombies.

Bright red blood spurted from his neck.

Blood flowed to the ground and mixed with the rain.

Looking around, the brothers are all fighting with zombies.

The rainwater on the ground was dyed red.


On the other side, Mr. Wu led his subordinates and rushed towards the entrance of the west gate.

There are not many people in their team, only about twenty people.

But after training, his individual quality is much better than those of Lao He.

Mr. Wu saw that both the left and right sides had blocked the zombies for the time being.

But he knew that he must block the entrance to the west gate as soon as possible.

Otherwise, Lao He and the others would not be able to resist these zombie waves in the end, even if they fought to the last man.

How can you survive using human lives to pile up zombies?

I don’t know where these zombies come from. Every time there is a zombie wave, there is always a steady stream of zombies appearing.

"Don't save bullets, go to the west gate as quickly as possible. Hurry up and block the west gate. Otherwise, everyone will be dead." Mr. Wu shouted.

Bang bang bang~!

Amidst the gunfire, a road was barely opened.

Mr. Wu led the people and rushed directly to the entrance of the west gate.

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly lit up.

It's a high-beam headlight. Mr. Wu just sent someone to get the high-beam headlight.

At this time, in this area, it is as bright as day.

But precisely because of the brightness, Mr. Wu and others were even more frightened.

In front of me, hundreds of zombies are attacking like crazy. Now, there are already hundreds of zombies that have entered the safe city.

More than a hundred meters away, at the entrance of the west gate, more zombies continued to pour in.

On the left and right sides in front of the west gate, Lao Zhuang, Lao He and others were leading people to resist the zombies.

It's just that everyone who has experienced this cold winter is extremely weak. Resisting these zombies at this time is entirely dependent on willpower.

Looking at the corpses on the ground, I couldn't tell which ones were zombies and which ones were fallen people.

Sometimes, you will see a fallen person, who will turn into a zombie after a while.

Gotta do it as soon as possible!

Mr. Wu and his men rushed directly to the west gate. When passing by, Mr. Wu saw a truck next to him.

Mr. Wu's heart moved, and he killed a zombie with one knife. He turned around and said, "Put down the iron railings you prepared first, then drive the truck over and block the door directly with the truck. It will be too late at night."

"Okay, I have the key here." said a tall man next to Mr. Wu.

In less than two minutes, the truck drove over violently, crushing zombies along the way.

But soon, after entering the core area of ​​the zombie trend, the speed slowed down a lot.

"Let's go and help him clear the way." Mr. Wu looked at the truck surrounded by zombies and said to the people around him.

Zombies are extremely powerful on a rainy night, and the truck is like a small boat in the tide of zombies.

Shake left and right.

Mr. Wu rushed in that direction with a dozen people to help reduce the pressure on the truck.

There were fewer and fewer people around. Mr. Wu watched the familiar people around him die one by one, his eyes were splitting.


The truck drove directly into the gap.

All of a sudden, the zombies seemed to be intercepted by a dam.

However, there are still hundreds of zombies in the safe city.

However, everyone has seen hope. They are not afraid of too many zombies, but they are afraid that they will not be able to fight them all!

This chapter has been completed!
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