Chapter 371 The inner demon is hard to bear

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What is maturity?

If maturity is the ability to see reality clearly and force yourself to do things you don’t want to do.

If we talk about tact in the workplace.

A long-sleeved dancer in the business world.

So many people cannot mature in their lifetime. Some people say this is because they do not know how to take responsibility, while others say this is the only way in life.

Perhaps the price of maturity is losing youthfulness.

This is a huge conflict.

In the atmosphere before the end of the world, if you want to do something.

Hey! You just have to know something.

After the end of the world, maturity is not a multiple-choice question or a fill-in-the-blank question.

It's an open question...

In such an apocalyptic world, there is no moral restraint, because zombies are everywhere, and no one knows whether they can survive today.

What follows is that the ugly and dirty parts of people's hearts are revealed one by one.

However, there are also some people who live a less tiring life mentally because of this.

In the past, for various reasons, people swallowed their anger and were cowardly and did not dare to fight back.

In the face of oppression, if you want to say something like grass and mud, just say grass and mud.

It feels like if you come over and fuck me, if you really come over, you will scream to attract the zombies, and everyone will die.


The rituals have collapsed, the morals have completely deteriorated, and there is no longer any restraint.

Madness, madness, violence, gore, terror.

The perpetrator and the victim of violence transform very quickly.

Like Abi hell...

True faith comes from your heart, not what others tell you.

In social communication, the elite controls public opinion and communication channels, and all the information received by human beings is screened and given to the general public.

What you care about is the hot spots, and what I want you to know is public opinion.

I don’t know that I am in the prison of communication, but I mistakenly think that I am on the outside.

late at night.


Li Yu woke up from a big dream. He dreamed that he was taking the college entrance examination before the end of the world.

Li Yu rubbed his face and smiled bitterly.

What the hell.

A dream within a dream within a dream.

The first dream was about taking the college entrance examination before the apocalypse and doing math questions. Mathematics was something he was not good at. Then he dreamed that he was back before the college entrance examination and couldn't solve a single question.

It worried him to death.

The second dream was about staying up late and working overtime to catch up on a project, because the simplest typesetting made me vomit blood.

Then he entered the third dream in a coma.

The wall is broken!

Li Yu looked around and saw that he was in his bedroom in the villa.

There is also a pebble on the table that Yutong gave him when he was a child. It is reflecting light under the dim yellow light.

Li Yu took a breath, then took out the walkie-talkie and said to his second uncle who was now on the fence: "Second uncle, second uncle. Is everything okay?"

The second uncle's voice came from over there: "Everything is okay. Don't worry."

After Li Yu heard this, he felt relieved.

He stood up from the bed, walked to the table and got a glass of water.

Gudong, gudong, Li Yu drank a whole glass of water.

Bedside lamp, flashing.

Li Yu's heart was turbulent at this moment.

There was a sharp light in his eyes.

The wall cannot be broken!

People cannot die!

He suddenly felt that he was too naive, but at this moment, Li Yu felt as if he had turned dark.

In the apocalypse, the most dangerous thing is not zombies, but humans.

Must become stronger.

Li Yu felt excited for a moment.

The heavy rain outside is still falling.

Li Yu stayed in the room and felt a different kind of security.

If it rains so heavily, whoever goes out will die.

Li Yu took out his phone and swiped it up.

Along with the sound of water droplets, the screen was unlocked.

The cell phone light illuminated his face.

Suddenly he saw a small sign.


It was a novel software that he had downloaded before, and it also contained some novels that he had downloaded.

I couldn't sleep anymore, and the enthusiasm in my heart just now was gone. It was like buying a Coke. Once I bought it, everything became boring.

You have to keep doing things, but you won't become fat after one bite.

"Apocalyptic novel?"

Li Yu murmured to himself and suddenly laughed.

"have a look."

He took out a blanket from the room and put it on his body.

Sitting on the balcony, on a chair with fur cushions. The air conditioner in the room is on, which is a little warm, but a little dry.

So Li Yu opened the window a small crack.

The rain and moisture outside the house came in, which shocked Li Yu.


There was a sound of lightning and thunder, and the small vertical lamp was moved to the side of the stool, and a large pot of monstera was placed in the corner of the balcony.

The Monstera deliciosa is verdant, and the wooden basket looks so quiet and simple under the dim yellow light.

Li Yu turned on his phone and lay on the chair.

Neither warm nor cold.

There was still a faint warmth in the room, and from the small cracks in the window, a little bit of rainy and humid wind occasionally blew.

The heavy rain outside the house formed a huge contrast with the tranquility and peace inside.

But in this warm yellow light, my body cannot feel the cold and violent wind outside, but I can watch the thunderstorm outside.

There is a kind of unique beauty and peace.

A sense of happiness arises spontaneously.

Li Yu closed his eyes and listened carefully to the sound of rain outside the window. The rain was like his raging heart that could not be settled.

Listening to the rain is just hearing the tranquility in the bursting.

In the busy city, taste soy milk and fried dough sticks.

Amidst the fireworks on the street, I smoked skewers and drank while watching the red light.

In the evening breeze, facing the setting sun, I stepped on the fallen leaves to go home.

Drinking tea and reading a book in the patter of rain.


Li Yu just read the novel and drank some water occasionally.

In this kind of weather, it is impossible to distinguish between day and night.

They are all the same black anyway.

Li Yu just looked at it and saw that he fell asleep behind him.

When I woke up, I felt a little chilly.

It turned out that the robe had fallen off, so Li Yu stood up and went to close the window.

Checking the time, it was already past nine in the morning.

I went to bed early yesterday and went to bed before 10 o'clock. I don't know how long I slept just now, and I felt full of vitality in my body.

Li Yu planned to go to the underground gym to exercise. It had been raining recently and he couldn't run outside.

After washing up, I walked downstairs. As I was going downstairs, I saw Xiao Shi, who was the same age as my sister Li Yuan, in a room.

This little poem is from the person who came in with Bai Jie and the others last time.

Although it is not of much use, her identity and background are very extraordinary.

Later, Bai Jie and others all played some role. This little poem didn't have the temper of a young lady, on the contrary, he was very well-behaved.

No matter what she was asked to do, she never complained.

Later, for a period of time, Li Yu asked her to feed pigs for a period of time in order to test her temperament, and she actually did quite well in the end.

Later, Li Yu praised Xiao Shi and praised her for feeding the pigs very well.

Xiao Shi originally thought that she would not need to feed her anymore.

As a result, Li Yu said:

Since I am fed so well, you will be the one to feed me from now on.

This really confused this pretty little beauty.

At this time, Xiaoshi and her sister were lying on the bed.

Xiaoshi was half lying on her stomach, with a section of her calf, like a lotus root, exposed.

It reflects a trace of youthful atmosphere under the light.

Li Yu coughed, closed the door for them, and went down to the basement.

My sister and this little poem have the same temperament, and they play quite well.

Strangely enough, my sister and Yutong have a very good relationship.


This chapter has been completed!
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