Chapter 199 Purple level is unpredictable!

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Chapter 1219 Purple level is unpredictable!

Another Hesse: "That's why we don't want to go. We Hessians advocate freedom and freedom. We are the masters of the continent. We cannot be threatened by work to live in the houses they give us. We must control our own lives!"

"If we don't go, wouldn't it be better to live here? The scenery here is beautiful, it's close to water sources, and the green plants next to it are our cattle's favorite food. Life is very convenient, and we don't have to work."

"Yes, the Hesse people would rather die than work as laborers."

Qinghu citizen: ""

Northern Province.

After wandering in the white mist diffused by the Wall of Sighs for an unknown amount of time, I had an obvious feeling that more and more calls seemed to be directed at me.

In the billowing white mist, these calls gradually became clear and reflected in the unpredictable consciousness.

"Master Imperial Master, please protect my lover from being discovered by my wife."

"Master Imperial Master, please protect me. My son is not my husband's. Don't let him know. Therefore, if we get divorced, I won't be able to get any family property."

"Your Majesty, please bless my cow to give birth to a healthy calf this time."

"Your Majesty, please give me wealth! The kind that doesn't require work, for example, if I pick up 100 gold dollars while walking on the road."

"My admirable National Master! I am a writer. Please bless me to save my last few hairs."

"Your Majesty the Prince"


The layers of prayers were of various kinds, most of which were deviant, which made Mo Zhi deeply understand that it is not easy to be a "god".

It's too difficult, okay.

What is this and what!

I’m not a wishing lamp!

However, these layers of blessings seemed to have an inexplicable, strange, and imperceptible connection with him. It was as if there were countless invisible threads in the void that entangled him and connected him. They were like "ghosts" to him.

There was a faint tug on the body.

The problem is, there are so many!

The sand becomes a mountain!

Gather water to become the sea!

Gather the thread into a thread!

There were more and more calls and prayers, causing these pulling forces to converge and become stronger, exerting an increasingly stronger pull on him.

It was as if the unpredictable spirit was forcibly pulled out from the void, from the illusion, from the delusion.

In the illusive white mist, the unpredictable spiritual entity is an eye.

A jet black one seemed to be able to penetrate all vertical pupils.

After completing the process of creation from scratch, the unpredictable spirit or soul takes shape again and becomes an entity again.

Eyes of mind!

At this time, the inner eye is different from the natal spiritual weapon condensed when it was at the blue level. It seems to have become more mature, and the gaze has become deeper. There seems to be endless sources of symbols flowing in the dark pupils, even the eyelids that did not exist before.

It also condensed out, flowing around the eyes like dark clouds, making the pupils of the "heart's eye" as dark as ink appear and disappear, making it extremely mysterious.

There is still endless white mist around him, but the vertical pupils at this time have given him the ability to feel the things around him again. Through these vertical pupils, he can see countless prayers, like fireflies, those endless fireflies.

A dazzling galaxy converged in the white mist.

That's a way!

That's right, it's a road, a road with a clear direction, a road pointing outside and back to the world!

The white mist was rolling, but it could not annihilate the star path composed of fireflies. Even if it scattered countless fireflies, it could not stop more fireflies from forming a brighter and more brilliant star path.

Once you have a direction, the rest will be easy.

The vertical pupils, as black as ink, slowly wandered around. They seemed real, but they appeared and disappeared, as if they did not exist in this world. They just flowed with the waves on the "Galaxy", passing through layers of layers.

white mist

Unwilling to fail, the white mist of the Wall of Sighs surged crazily, trying to block Vertical Eye's progress, but in the end it was in vain.

When the white mist was extremely thick and he was about to make the final resistance, his unpredictable mind still broke through the obstacle. After all, no matter how dense the white mist was, it was just a cloud of mist.

There is a bright future, and the unpredictable is back.

When the vertical eye passed through the last layer of white mist, its shape actually changed in an instant and returned to its original appearance.

Unpredictable look.

The extremely powerful talisman that had recovered from the appearance of the eyes seemed to have suddenly disappeared. It was all absorbed into the unpredictable body and remained hidden.

What appears in those unpredictable abyss-like eyes is the still broken but rolling black vortex. They are the fifth chief Cang Lan and the fourth chief Yan Yuan, who are facing the enemy in front of them, as well as the black vortex outside.

, the giant tree and cocoon of light that seemed to be giving birth to the moon demon, and countless white monsters who wanted to rush in but did not dare to step beyond the thunder pool.

The figure flutters and the unpredictable body disappears.

Appearing again, it was in front of Cang Lan and Yan Yuan.

"Did it succeed?" Cang Lan was so shocked that she said with a trembling voice that was almost unrecognizable.

Yan Yuan was completely speechless.

Mo Zhi nodded and expressed his affirmation.

Purple level is unpredictable.

Finally, I entered the threshold of a senior contractor.

The "heart's eye" on Mu Zhi's forehead did not appear. He just glanced with his eyes and the two people in front of him, Cang Lan and Yan Yuan, were as clear as a piece of paper.

As if taking a breath, Mu Zhi smiled and said in a calm tone:

"Most of your thoughts, or reasons for shock, are that breaking through the Wall of Sighs would result in the source of symbols exploding, blocking out the sun, causing turbulent waves, and shaking the world. But you didn't expect it to be so peaceful."

"Another small part of the reason is emotion! I actually witnessed the process of me being promoted to purple level. I think of my experience starting from white level and stepping into a high-level contractor step by step, and when I was my enemy before,

You have fought with me several times and wanted to kill me, but now you see me reaching a height that you cannot touch, and it is inevitable that you will be touched in your heart."

Hearing the unpredictable words, Yan Yuan and Cang Lan both had shocked expressions on their faces.

This is exactly what the two of them had in mind.

Almost exactly.

Cang Lan pursed her lips, unable to say a word.

What Mo Ke said was true. Before, Cang Lan thought of using Mo Bo as a tribute to allow Chang Xin Mo to advance to a higher level. Now, this tribute has entered the purple level first, while Chang Xin Mo has gone to the purple level.

It has become unpredictable nourishment, how can I not have some ideas.

Yan Yuan doesn't have many complicated emotions because he can describe them in one sentence

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi.

Mo Zhi smiled again and nodded slowly.

Yes, this is exactly his ability after entering the purple level. Not only has he inherited almost all of his previous contract skills, but he has also made them tangible and intangible, eliminating the need to activate all contract skills.

It no longer uses mind reading or hypnosis, it can directly read other people's thoughts.

This is the first ability.

Perhaps, this is the reason why after his promotion, there was no grand scene where the source of symbols exploded and the color of the world changed. That phenomenon should be the performance of the super system, spiritual language system, beast king system and other attack system abilities after promotion, and Heart Nightmare

The first series is weird, invisible, and secretive. They like to fight in the calmest and most imperceptible way, so the promotion process also conforms to this principle in form.

The second ability is also a collection of previous abilities - if mind reading, hypnosis, and reading memory abilities are about reading other people's emotions and thoughts, then "trembling and screaming", "surrender", "visual misdirection and other sensory misdirection"

The second ability is to affect the consciousness of others with a specific emotion, and this second ability is exactly in this aspect. It can change other people's consciousness, thoughts, and memories without the medium of symbol source.

All contract abilities seemed to be promoted to the extreme at this moment.

Both formally and internally, it has reached its peak.

Mu Zhi exhaled slowly and continued to feel the many changes brought about by the upgrade.

The ability to control the source of symbols is not unique to the inner nightmare skills, but should be a common ability that all contractors will have after reaching the purple level. Each system is strong or weak. Well, I can now change the source of symbols into a

A sword is a long spear, and it has the ability to change the original properties of the object, such as cutting people with a knife or stabbing people with a gun.

There's nothing terrible about this. After all, even purple-level symbols can't turn the source of symbols into sophisticated things, such as a watch or a pistol.

This doesn’t require too much research.

However, this ability has changed the shape of the symbol source that I am accustomed to. In the past, to activate the ability, I needed to activate the symbol source. The most accustomed way was to make the symbol source into a snake shape. Well, it was the symbol source silver snake before and the symbol symbol silver dragon later.

Now, you can freely change the symbol source into any form.

It is also a form that is difficult for people to detect, which is the best form for the nightmare type. He can just look at the opponent and make the opponent receive the above effects, eliminating the formal restrictions of Fuyuan itself.

In addition, there is a change in the form of the rune source. To describe this change from another perspective is - the rune source of the great hero can be activated to a very high level, but it can be completely invisible to the opponent, just like

A nuclear bomb was released. The other party could not see the mushroom cloud or the blazing light, but it could still bear the power of the nuclear bomb explosion.

The source of symbols can be invisible.

Of course, this may be a unique feature of the Heart Nightmare system, and may not be the case for other systems. The reason may be that the form of the symbol source is different between each system, and even between each contractor, and has a distinct characteristic.

Personality tags, such as the space apostle Summerfield Tang who we fought against before, like to compress the created space into halos to surround themselves, so that they can save the process of condensing talisman sources during the battle.

, directly emitting the contract ability with spatial attributes in the form of a halo.

This is more like a habit of using talisman sources. Some people like to make the talisman sources outward, while others prefer the talisman sources to be introverted. The change depends on the individual's understanding of the talisman sources and their own contract attributes.

The fourth aspect should still be the change of ontology.

After the contractor is half-spirited, the symbol source can be virtualized and begin to break away from the human form. Then after reaching the blue level, he can condense a new existence form suitable for himself-the natal spiritual weapon.

At this time, Mo Zhi has completed this process, and his natal spiritual weapon is this "Heart's Eye".

The "mind's eye" is Mu Jian's current body. At the same time, he is equivalent to Mu Zang's "original form", and Mo Jian's current form wearing a gray trench coat is just an "illusion" transformed by the "mind's eye".

That's right, the unpredictable body is equivalent to becoming an eye, and this eye can change into various forms.

This ability may not be unique to the Heart Nightmare series, but the Heart Nightmare series is definitely the best at it among all the departments. His "Mind Eye" prototype can already transform into anyone or anything, and the transformation process is extremely short.

, it can be easily made invisible to the other party.

Don't forget, even if you don't use this ability to change, you can directly use the ability to mislead your consciousness to directly change yourself in the other person's eyes, thinking that the unpredictable person you see is another person you know.

This is where the unpredictable signature skill - "Clone" comes from.

The "imaging" ability of the "mind's eye" can even cause one's own consciousness to split into countless "illusions" at the same time, which are so-called clones.

This is also not a skill unique to the Nightmare type. Contractors of almost every series can create their own projections and clones when they reach Blue level or even Green level. However, this ability of theirs is incomparable to the Contractors of the Nightmare type.

It's the younger brother.

The mind nightmare type itself can control consciousness, which naturally includes splitting its own consciousness. This allows the mind nightmare type ability users to combine "imaging" and "split consciousness" to create far more clones than other types.

As strong as a star, it can only create one or two clones at the blue level. Any more will affect the stability of its own consciousness, and it cannot control more clones at the same time. But at the blue level, it is unpredictable.

At that time, it was possible to create tens of thousands of clones, and this was the difference.

After reaching the purple level, the unpredictable clone ability has been further strengthened, becoming almost unlimited.

He can make each of his clones turn into a raindrop, causing a heavy rain to fall on a certain province.

In short, there are countless.

At the same time, this "mind's eye", as the unpredictable body at this time, has the ability to virtualize the source of symbols at the previous semi-spiritual level, and it also has the effect of repairing injuries on its own.

Another point worth noting is that the mind's eye, as an unpredictable entity, can already carry his consciousness - if an ordinary person's brain is a container that carries his soul, then the mind's eye at this time is an unpredictable consciousness container.

At this time, the "mind's eye" already has a very strong inertia of its own. For example, if unpredictable does not control the "mind's eye" with consciousness, after the mental eye is damaged, it will automatically blur the source and repair itself; if unpredictable's consciousness is controlled by

If it is destroyed, then the mind's eye can exist as an independent individual, able to absorb the surrounding symbols on its own to maintain its own form, and it will not even age.

This chapter has been completed!
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