Chapter 330 A good man who does not seek fame or fortune!

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Chapter 330 A good person who does not seek fame or fortune!

Unpredictable just found a seemingly reasonable conjecture to offend Zong Baiyi. Anyway, Zong Baiyi couldn't verify it.

As for the woman in black robe who was protecting herself inexplicably, she didn't care. It was unclear whether the other party was a friend or an enemy, so it wasn't too much to blame her.

What is unpredictable and unknown is

His words came true.

Throughout the night, the figure in black robes stood high in the sky above the Shenghua Hotel.

To be precise, she had been following the unpredictable movement in the sky, secretly overlooking the movement of "Heartmare", and then she tracked it to the height of Shenghua Hotel tonight.

As if to avoid exposing herself, the woman in black robe raised herself to a considerable height and witnessed everything happening below her feet.

From the beginning to the end, she seemed to be very hesitant. She wanted to land several times and was ready to take action to save the young man, but she stopped again and again due to successive changes.

After "Scalpel" resurrected in the parking lot, she faced the powerful enemy alone. Her raised brows even made the silver mask on her face slightly bulge. Her figure flew down, but she escaped unexpectedly.

Enter the Shenghua Hotel.

The interior of this Shenghua was obviously not simple. Last time after she followed the unpredictable people in the sky, she noticed that there were fluctuations in the talisman of at least two yellow-level "blasphemers" in this Shenghua.

Unknown to the situation, she cautiously stopped again

She cannot take risks, and her existence cannot be discovered. Any rash action will put her at risk of being exposed, making her afraid to act rashly. Once exposed, she cannot afford the consequences.

Of course, the last time she encountered the "blasphemer" who manipulated steel on that hill was an accident, because it was indeed an accidental encounter - she never expected that there was a contractor who was not half-spirited and used his ability to fly through the air.

, and encounter with myself.

Fortunately, although he fought against Cha Fei and was seen by the other party's appearance under the mask, the opponent was not the person of "Light of Rune Source", but the opponent of "Light of Rune Source" - otherwise, even if he fights

If you risk your life, you must deal with the woman who manipulates steel on the spot.

Because we can’t let people from the “Light of Symbols” discover us

After circling around for a long time, she retreated, feeling annoyed for a long time that she was almost exposed due to her carelessness.

Fortunately, the "blasphemer" who manipulated steel was indeed the enemy of "Light of Fuyuan". Although he was confused about his identity, he did not inform "Light of Fuyuan" about this matter.

In fact, she has been following the "Nightmare" these days. Whether he was unexpectedly arrested by the Sheriff's Department, successfully avenged Chafee, or attacked the Black Mustang Club where the Southern Tribe is located, she followed him from high altitude every time.

When the "Heart Nightmare" encountered life-threatening danger, she had to help her, but unexpectedly found that this young "Heart Nightmare" could cunningly avert danger every time, which was why she did not take action.

"Heart-nightmare". Can't die!

Her goal is undoubtedly unpredictable, but it is not just to protect unpredictable people from unexpected events, but to capture them alive!

Secretly, without exposing yourself, secretly abduct the "Heart Nightmare".

Because of caution and because she couldn't be exposed, she was extra cautious. She kept following but didn't dare to take action easily, hoping to succeed with one blow.

Therefore, every time the spirit doll girl spreads the source of talismans and watches around the "inner nightmare" all night long, she cannot take action;

Every time "Heartmare" is surrounded by other "blasphemers", even if it's just a red-level blasphemer possessed by a cat, she will carefully give up the opportunity to take action.

In the eyes of the silver mask, the black car of the Inspectorate leaving along the road was seen.

The brows under the mask relaxed, and the woman in black robe relaxed slightly.

Fortunately, "Heartmare" escaped with his life again this time and no longer had to protect him. Unfortunately, there was a yellow-level and an orange-level "blasphemer" beside him at this time, so naturally he was gone.

Opportunity to take action.

She could only move slowly in the high air, carefully keeping up with the car.

She has patience, almost infinite patience

This is her mission, a task she must complete, and there must be no deviation.

Until the "Heart Nightmare" is captured alive

In the dark sky, under the starry sky, the black robe fluttered in the wind, revealing her graceful figure, and flew far away in the direction of the Inspectorate's car.

"For. Luna!"

The flying silver mask muttered to himself. Although his voice was small, his tone was extremely solemn.

Of course Mo Bo didn't know that, considering his safety, Captain Vera arranged for Xiao Bai to be by his side and Lao Mao to protect Luo Sheng, which inadvertently prevented Mo Bo from encountering an unimaginable accident——

When it comes to one's true situation, it is really "unpredictable" even if one is as cunning as a ghost.

In Hot Spring City, in a dark room in a rather tall building.

The middle-aged man with an elegant face slowly pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on his nose and continued to look up at the night sky outside the window.

Although he was not in a hurry, his face was cold, as if he was waiting for something

There is no wind or cloud tonight, and the night sky is full of brilliant stars, revealing the vastness of the deep space of the universe.

Until late at night, nothing changed.

"It seems that Von Jackman failed and failed to attract Pandora's half-spirit."

The middle-aged man sighed silently.

However, he was not disappointed by this. He raised the corner of his mouth in a rather cold arc, turned around, and slowly took off a long piece of Hesse pattern cloth hanging on the wall.

Under the long cloth, there is a crystal clear crystal ball.

The inside of the crystal ball is wrapped in a group of faint blue water, and there are no waves in the ancient well.

A weak source of talismans emitted from his body, and he manipulated these few weak talisman sources to slowly inject them into the crystal ball.

Soon, the blue water in the crystal ball gave off a faint fluorescence, as if listening to the middle-aged man's talk.

His face was solemn, his tone was full of respect, and he slowly narrated in a prayerful tone:

"Lord Mizukage. My revenge has begun!"

"This time, I have arranged a grand plan. If it succeeds, the collected souls will be enough to wake up my Lord and reappear in the world."

"However, this requires your help. I hope with extremely fervent heart that you can help me find someone."

"That person's title is Soul Singer."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man leaned down and kowtowed repeatedly to the crystal ball.

in crystal ball

The faint blue fluorescence jumped in vain, turned into dots of starlight, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Shirelyn Perry felt like she was having a long nightmare.

After waking up in a daze, she suddenly felt soreness everywhere on her body and couldn't help but hissed.

However, she soon discovered that there were two concerned faces in front of her.


Xierlin exclaimed in surprise.

I don’t know why, but my father, who used to be calm and graceful, suddenly became excited. He stretched out his hands, hugged Xierlin in his arms, and kept repeating:

"Excellent! My Shireen, my baby girl!"

"It's okay, we're all okay!"

Xierlin suddenly felt the pain in her body intensify. However, seeing her father express his love so fiercely, she endured the physical discomfort, waited for a few seconds, looked at the smiling mother next to her, and said to Jason

Perry said:

"Dad, I'm here."

Only then did Jason Perry let go of his daughter and looked up and down, as if checking whether his daughter had any undiscovered hidden injuries. He was relieved when he confirmed that Xierlin's face was filled with the smile of a good daughter:

"My Shireen is back."

Shirelyn Perry nodded, responded to her father with a smile, and then asked doubtfully:

"what happened?"

The excited expression of his father in front of him was obviously not normal. It must be that something extraordinary happened while he was sleeping.

She tried to remember, but she felt something strange. She had been reading in the study, so she probably fell asleep because she was tired.

However, this is obviously nothing unusual!

Mrs. Perry next to her sighed:

"Xirin, do you still remember that unpredictable thing?"

Xierlin was stunned when she heard this. The unpleasant memories that she had temporarily forgotten because of her drowsiness suddenly came to her mind.

Although she didn't know why her mother suddenly mentioned that bad guy, her beautiful eyes widened, her lips pursed, and she said bitterly, "

"Of course I remember! That bastard, liar, scumbag and liar!"

"He just is."

"Sirlyn!" Jason Perry heard this and interrupted sharply.

Xierlin looked at her father in confusion, and soon discovered that Jason Perry had a horrified expression on his face, and then a little angry.

Congressman Perry shook his head repeatedly and said in a fatherly educational tone:


"You can't be so unpredictable! He is the benefactor of our Perry family!"

"He is your and my savior! He just saved both of our lives!"

Xierlin was completely shocked this time.

Savior? That scumbag?

In the end what happened

Dad probably doesn't know why this unpredictable person is so excited all of a sudden. He seems to be very protective of him.

Jason Perry said solemnly with a serious face:

"Xirin, do you know what happened tonight?"

"Let me tell you. Fugitives have sneaked into our home. Not only did they kidnap me, they also knocked you unconscious and took you out of the house together!"

"They are going to kill us, father and daughter, do you understand? They are going to kill us! You almost lost your life in a coma!"

"It's the unpredictable one, yes, that unpredictable one! He is the punisher of the Supervisory Office, and he happens to be in charge of our case."

"Only a little bit, Xierlin, just a little bit short. Just when the fugitives were about to execute us, the unpredictable appeared."

"It was precisely because he risked his own life that he saved us from the bad guys and allowed our father and daughter to return home safely!"

Of course, these contents were modified by Jason Perry. After all, he could not reveal the true situation.

However, he still describes the whole process in a shocking way and highlights the role of uncertainty.

This made Sireen's surprise suddenly rise, making her feel confused about what her father said, and it was difficult for her to accept that she had encountered such a risk while in a coma.

Until she set her sights on her father, trying to find some flaws in Representative Perry's face, but found nothing. There was no need for her father to lie to herself.

Only then did Xierlin gradually begin to recall what her father had described.

The figure in my heart experienced a huge personality contrast almost in an instant, from a villain full of lies to a benefactor who saves families and lives.

This is unbelievable!

She reached out and covered her mouth:

"He saved dad and me? He really saved our lives!"

Jason Perry nodded firmly, making most of the doubts in Xierlin's heart disappear again:

"So, you have to thank him, understand? Mu Zhi is the benefactor of our Perry family!"

"You'd better go and thank him in person!"

Hearing what her father said, Xierlin froze again.

Mrs. Perry, who had been standing next to her, reached out and stroked Xierlin's back and said:

"To the benefactor who saved my husband and daughter, we need to express our family's gratitude. Mu Zhi is in our house and is still investigating the fugitive."

Xierlin thought for several seconds, then hesitantly opened the quilt and got out of bed.

It seems that I did almost lose my life in a coma, and was saved by unpredictable people. My parents were right, this is indeed worthy of the whole family's thanks.

Just the transformation of her character still made her face slightly red, and her heart was filled with the embarrassment of meeting Mo Zhi - the "evil person" who had been cursing in her heart all day suddenly turned into a benefactor.

No, there is something wrong with this logic. He did save us, but these are two different things and it does not change the nature of him being a liar.

Xierlin looked at her parents with a complicated mood, and was about to go out with them when she saw a maid trotting in:

"Madam. Mr. Mo said that he and two colleagues had inspected the manor. There were no problems. He said there was no need for me to see him off, so he left first."

Jason Perry quickly asked: "Where are the others?"

"Already gone!" the maid replied truthfully.

Jason Perry was stunned for several seconds, then turned to look at his wife and daughter, and said in a deep voice:

"Look, this person is taking credit without being proud, and he doesn't even accept our thanks."

"He is really a good man who does not seek fame or fortune."

For the first time, Shirelyn Perry felt that the philosophical education about human nature she had received seemed to have been subjected to the most severe test in history.

Who is the unpredictable person?

After a long night of tossing, the provincial governor's dinner party was over. Naturally, Mu Zhi no longer had to run back to the city to attend. After he contacted Rebecca via communication, he learned that Ding's father had already left for Tianqin Bay, so he returned to Ding's mansion nearby.


There is no other way. It is my job responsibility to protect Deputy Speaker Ding 28 hours a day.

Coincidentally, after Akali drove Mo Chou to the car, she was on her way to meet Vice Speaker Ding's return car.

Ding Bangchang looked at the damage on the chest of the unpredictable windbreaker, thought for a few seconds, opened the car door, and walked home.

Well, Father Ding has something to say. Mu Zhi quickly followed.

The two were almost walking side by side.

Ding Bangchang said calmly:

"Tonight, Sheriff Maeve Foresta died at the hands of a murderer."

Unpredictable nodded: "Yes, he was killed by a scalpel."

Ding Bangchang seemed to sigh, smiling and looking at Mo Jian:

"You did well."

Thanks to [book friend 20200918220611762] for the reward.

Thanks to [One Night of Spring] [The Sorrow of Leaving Water] [No One to Talk to] [Reader 1562934844197268] [Recalling Old Thoughts] [Book Friends 20200918220611762] [I Think How I Named It] [Book Friends 100615234923739] [Old Ham of Truth and Destiny]

】【Hidden Sword Village Hidden Sword】【Little Snake in the Late Stage of Procrastination】monthly pass.

This chapter has been completed!
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