Day 157 New Year's Eve (Part 2)

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 The 30th day of the twelfth lunar month is the official day. Compared with families in Guan Nei, Northeastern people are less particular about celebrating the Spring Festival and are more bold and unrestrained. There is no way, today's Northeastern people all fled from Guan Nei in the early years. In other words, they are all mixed.

It's not very good. It's naturally different from the customs passed down from generation to generation in my hometown. It can be said that someone who can clearly remember the name pattern of eight generations of his ancestors is considered literate.

Relatively speaking, the traditional customs in southern Liaoning are better preserved. The further north you go, the fewer the traditions, and the more free you are to spend whatever you want. For example, when it comes to burning paper during the New Year, some families burn paper on New Year's Eve, and some on the New Year's Eve.

Nineteen, some are twenty-eight, and some only burn paper after the New Year. As for offering incense to ancestors, worshiping gods, etc., it's a place-by-order order.

Wang Ai's family is even simpler. In the morning, Wang Bin went back to Wangjia Village to give New Year's gifts to his family. He came back at noon to help in the kitchen. In the past, he didn't care. But in the past few years, he and his wife and son have spent less time together and more separation.

Working together has become a rare moment to enjoy the warmth of family. Ai Xiaoqing does not go home as usual. Anyway, the old man is gone, so he can take care of the family in his own small home. Although the population is not large, the habit of Wang Ai's family is that of years ago.

Prepare enough meals for the entire fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It is said that this is a custom from Dalian, or Shandong? Who knows? Anyway, Wang Ai’s family does not need to prepare so much now. The German regional league starts on the fifth day of the first lunar month, and it is a double week.

Who said this year was the year of the World Cup? And Wang Bin had to return to Beijing after the third day of the first lunar month. It was time to pay New Year greetings, and it was time to pay New Year greetings to others. The Spring Festival is the peak period for Chinese people to socialize. Ai Xiaoqing can have some leisure time,

At least I was able to spend the fifteenth day of the first lunar month with Xu Qinglian, but I had to get busy after that, so I didn't cook that much food, but it was enough for five days.

Wang Ai loves to eat steamed buns, so the Wang family not only makes dumplings during the Spring Festival, but also steamed buns with leek, egg and shrimp skin, radish and beef, cabbage and pork, sauerkraut and pork, mushrooms and chicken, and radish vermicelli. Even if vegetables are out of season, they are not available.

But the family's taste has become a habit in their poor life. In addition to meat buns, there are also bean buns. Wang Ai doesn't like to eat the bean paste stuffing he bought, so Ai Xiaoqing had to steam the red beans specially and make them by hand.

Mix the filling so that the bean buns taste distinct and not as sweet as the purchased bean paste filling.

Wang Ai doesn't know what Xu Qinglian likes to eat, at least not before. In the first year or two when she first came to Wang Ai's house, Xu Qinglian always hid her preferences for fear of causing trouble to others. In the past two years, it's been better. She may have preferred sweets. As for

What other flavors are there? In fact, the girls and wives in the Northeast are all the same. They can be summed up in four words: big fish and big meat.

Wang Ai held the camera and clicked it non-stop from early in the morning, and also clicked it during lunch. In fact, according to the habits of some Northeastern people, New Year's Eve consists of two meals. They get up late in the morning and have breakfast at ninety o'clock.

Eat early in the afternoon, have New Year's Eve dinner at two or three o'clock, and then have supper with the crackling of firecrackers in the middle of the night, the first day of the first lunar month.

But Wang Ai’s family doesn’t pay attention to this. Wang Ai gets up early and goes out for morning exercises on New Year’s Eve. Many people may not have noticed that the early morning of New Year’s Eve is the best morning of the year: there is not a single car on the road! Even in

Even in densely populated communities, everything is quiet.

Wang Ai got up early, and none of the remaining three members of the family could sleep in. Not to mention this family of three, even Bai Guanghai and Luo Tongliang, who were far away in Shenyang, didn't get up well. Wang Ai called the two hungover people to wake up and do morning exercises with him.


Besides, father and daughter Huang An and Huang Xin came over in the afternoon. Their intellectual family pays attention to healthy living, and they don't care about such chaotic eating arrangements.

It wasn’t too busy in the afternoon. The family sat chatting by the TV. Wang Ai went back to his room to upload pictures. Wang Bin and Ai Xiaoqing were very curious, so they came over to watch the fun and found that the Germans celebrated the Spring Festival better than us.

It’s still lively. People in the Northeast lack inheritance. The oldest ancestors that can be counted are at most eight or nine generations. Even in the middle of the Qing Dynasty, the earliest ancestral graves were all in the pass. Many people don’t even know where their hometown is.

I know. So it’s basically one family. It’s hard to have a big family, so it’s hard to have any grand and large-scale family-style Spring Festival activities. Wang Ai’s family is a little better. Before the New Year, the Northern Paper Group had four branch bases

, Northern Flowers Company, Stupid Food Company and Beyond Company all held New Year's parties. They stopped work for a day. The leaders gave speeches and handed out certificates and bonuses for outstanding workers of the year, model workers, and bonuses. After that, there was a cultural performance, which was a bit lively. For ordinary people, that's not the case.

The rest was to eat, drink, watch TV, and burn paper.

Dietfurt is a real Chinese carnival. On the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, the whole village goes to the streets and dresses up as Chinese, with young men wearing mandarin jackets and long robes, little girls wearing cheongsam and headdress, and a dragon that grins and breathes fire.

Even children drew two mustaches around their mouths. The citizens elected an emperor. The emperor sat in a large sedan chair and appointed the prime minister accompanied by guards on stilts. Then... a concubine selection ceremony was held! These Germans started from 1928

Playing it to this day, it’s hard for you to imagine how a place with no Chinese cultural foundation could persist in this kind of gameplay.

Wang Bin hugged his shoulders and watched Wang Ai flipping through the pictures one by one thoughtfully. He was not as lively as Ai Xiaoqing and Wang Ai said. He pointed at the computer screen: "Do you have any ideas?"

Wang Ai turned around with a smile and said, "I want to help them play better."

Wang Bin nodded: "I met a friend from the Ministry of Culture a few years ago. Their ministry is studying the promotion of Chinese culture to the world. Do you think this is a better entry point? It is said that they are planning to establish a Chinese culture for foreign countries.

Language school, I think this one might be better.”

Wang Ai nodded: "At least in southern Germany, I can clearly feel the local or European discrimination against Chinese people and misunderstanding of Chinese culture. This is a good example."

"Okay." Wang Bin patted Wang Ai on the shoulder: "After the Chinese New Year, you can go and inspect it when you have time to see if there are any political problems. If not, I will go back and apply with the Ministry of Culture. If there are any

Of course we must make use of such a good base for Chinese culture. This is the heart of Europe, and people have been learning Chinese on their own for almost a hundred years. This is much better than spending our own money to recruit people to learn Chinese. If we can do this

Well, we can dismantle the prejudice and misunderstanding against us Chinese from within Europe."

"A way to break the surface?" Wang Ai's eyes lit up: "If we do it well, will there be less resistance to our company's development in foreign countries?"

Wang Bin laughed and sighed: "There is no way, politically and culturally the differences are too big. Soviet chauvinism has discredited socialism, and the Qing Dynasty has discredited the Chinese. History is written by the victors.

, if we lose, we have to bear the price. You have a good vision, whether intentional or not, this point was well chosen."

This chapter has been completed!
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