The 161st Liaoning Beyond Football Club (Part 2)

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 "500 million?"

Even though Huang Xin is already well-informed and has personally been responsible for the 150 million investment in Tubingen Youth Club, he is still surprised by this figure! This is 125 times the price of Shide's acquisition of Sichuan Quanxing! Huang Xin can imagine

, this decision or the subsequent contract will have a sensational impact on the domestic football circle, business circles and even ordinary citizens.

"Yes!" Wang Ai said resolutely: "Either don't do it, or do it well! We don't need to brag to others about how many years we won the championship or what a century-old club we are, we don't say anything, we just do it!

I believe that God is watching what people do, and how we do it is seen by the football circle, fans, and the general public. Our ideas, our goals, and our intentions are all clearly put in the sun.

I believe that if this investment continues, no one will doubt that we are playing football, no one will doubt that we draw blood from Liaoning Football Club, and no one will doubt our ambitions. I hope that we can be praised by society and fans

Spontaneously shouting the slogan 'Centennial Club'."

Huang Xin took a deep breath. Even though she knew that her family's annual profit was close to one billion this year after just surpassing the first series, she was still overwhelmed by the impact of Wang Ai's ambition! But what if it was an ordinary person who heard this news? What about ordinary fans?

? Huang Xin didn’t dare to think any more. The only thing she knew was that Beyond Sports Company would definitely be carried forward by Liaoshen fans on their shoulders!

"So, what about the relationship with Shide? If we do this, it will definitely be embarrassing for them." Huang Xin barely maintained his composure and said with a slightly trembling tone.

"Shide is engaged in real estate, and we are engaged in manufacturing and the Internet. We are not in the same business circle as them. Why do they think that we can't control it and can block our investment? We are happy!"

"Then what if the football team targets us?" Huang Xin asked worriedly.

"This is what I have considered." Wang Aidao: "Do you know the difference between 50 million and 500 million? In fact, the investment of 50 million we announced is enough to satisfy the Football Association, Liaoning football circle and fans. After all, we have surpassed them.

Ten times the expectations, right? Why 500 million? A slightly larger investment may indeed arouse the challenge of other teams. But when the scale reaches a certain level, it will be counterproductive. When we invest 500 million,

When investing, we disclosed at least two pieces of information to other teams rather than investors: First, we are by no means a one-time deal with Liaoning Football Team, but a long-term operation. If they bully us, we must be careful of our retaliation in the future.

Second, we are not short of money! If they really dare to besiege us and make us anxious, then we will simply buy a few more teams. I wonder how they can play? The current 500 million can buy all the A-level teams.

, when the time comes, we will play A by ourselves! Then do they still want to continue eating this bowl of rice?"

"What do you think other football teams who have gained this impression will think of us?" Wang Aidao said: "In professional football, no matter whether it is a player or a coach, no one can guarantee where they will be tomorrow. If a coach deliberately targets us,

For example, at the critical moment when we win the championship, if a team that has no hope of winning the championship and is not in danger of being relegated, and has no hatred against us, kicks us to death, or a player deliberately hurts our Liao Football players, then they are not worried.

Will we be targeted one day? For example, we can deliberately target teams whose coaches have a deep hatred against us. In the future, we will definitely form a first echelon, a second echelon, and a third echelon. We can target employees in any first-level league.

Our enemy's club will drive our enemies out of the football circle! We can even buy a player who has deliberately hurt us at a high price and hide it for a long time. I will give you a salary, but I will not let you play, let you train every day, and make you a

Substitute, and even send you to the youth team!"

"Are you too cruel?" Huang Xin said.

"Is this considered cruel?" Wang Ai said in surprise: "If you ask in China, this is the most civilized way we do it. At least we will support you with high wages, but we will cut off your upward path. But they

How do you deal with disobedient players? If you are asked to run 10,000 meters a day, if you fail to finish, you will be accused of not abiding by team discipline, and your salary will be deducted until the money you owe the club is deducted. You will not get a penny and still have to force you.

Retirement! Where are we now? This is because we still care about our image. Besides, if others don’t offend us, we won’t offend others, and if others don’t offend us, we should compete, invest, manage, and play the game in a serious manner.

, we don’t say anything when we lose because our skills are inferior to others, but it’s not enough to deliberately target us and bully us, then we must fight back, otherwise what will the football fans think of us? This is not why we spend so much money.

Suffering from cowardice."

"We just have a lot of money, right?" Huang Xin sighed: "In this way, I won't even have enough security when I go out. I don't know how many troubles will come to my door."

"At least your boyfriend doesn't have to worry about it anymore." Wang Ai teased.

Huang Xin didn't say anything for a long time. She turned 24 in the new year. Huang Xin's personal problems were indeed resolved, but she was so busy all day long that she had no time. Huang Xin was unwilling to find someone casually.

When she was studying for a master's degree at Renmin University, it was not that no one approached her, but Huang Xin knew the complexity of the business world. The richer the people, the more deceitful they were. In addition, Huang Xin himself had no idea, so everyone called Wang Ai pouting.

No, now you are still telling me this...

"Ahem!" Wang Ai also knew what he was doing was untrue: "What, you should take two guards with you when you go out in the future. Later, our company's security personnel should really be strengthened. North, flowers, beyond these three areas, everything

There are very few people at the company's general manager and vice president levels, and some even have no security at all. This is really unsafe. For example, Secretary Jin is the vice president of the Northern Group. Although he has been working in Liaoyang for a long time, he does not have financial power.

But it can’t be justified without a security guard. It’s too unsafe. And you’re more likely to be targeted as a public person. By the way, Shi Wenjun should also be equipped with a security guard. Don’t wait until she officially joins the job after graduation this year.

Okay, stupid food has offended a lot of people now, so brothers Zhou Guoxin and Zhou Guoyi also have one for each."

Huang Xin was pulled out of her melancholy by Wang Ai and said involuntarily: "They should be unwilling. In fact, we made adjustments last year. Neither of them were willing. They said that they were barefoot, so how could they use anyone to protect them? They also occupied the company.


"Just tell them." Wang Ai said with a wicked smile: "This is not a guard, this is a guard! They will definitely be happy!"

This chapter has been completed!
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