Chapter 143: Two-Wall Merged Soldier 5,000 words!

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Chapter 143 Two walls join forces and one hundred thousand people are destroyed (5000 words!)

When Guan Ping led his troops to burn the company camp and Mi Yang led his troops to surprise the public security port.

Outside Sun Quan's commander's tent, Lu Xun was anxiously waiting to be summoned.

The cold wind blew and the hair on Lu Xun's temples kept rolling, just like his anxious heart at this time.

Outside Sun Quan's handsome tent, Sun Quan's attendant Gu Li saw that Lu Xun had been waiting outside the tent for two hours, and he felt a little unbearable in his heart.

Since Lu Xun was suspected by Sun Quan, although he was not immediately deprived of military power by Sun Quan, Sun Quan no longer used him in any important way.

During this time, Sun Quan only sent Lu Xun to the public security port to escort grain and grass.

And at sunset, just after Lu Xun escorted a new batch of grain and grass back to the camp, he heard about Sun Quan's withdrawal from the siege of the Western Camp.

After getting the news, Lu Xun immediately came to Sun Quan anxiously.

Unexpectedly, when he arrived, Sun Quan was still sleeping peacefully.

Gu Li, Sun Quan's close servant, saw that Sun Quan had not slept peacefully for many days, so at first he did not want to report to Sun Quan for Lu Xun's entry.

Later, he could not resist Lu Xun's repeated pleas and quietly reported Lu Xun's request to see Sun Quan. Sun Quan woke up, but he had no intention of seeing Lu Xun.

After Sun Quan refused his first request to be summoned, Lu Xun had been waiting outside Sun Quan's commander's tent.

He expected Sun Quan to see him.

Gu Li saw that Lu Xun had been standing in the cold wind for a long time. Lu Xun was always friendly and never looked down on others because of his status. Therefore, Gu Li, who came from a humble background, still had a good impression of Lu Xun.

Unable to bear it, Gu Li bit the bullet and reported Lu Xun again.

Under this report, although Sun Quan did not choose to summon Lu Xun into the tent, he himself walked out of the commander's tent.

To keep out the cold, Sun Quan put on a bright red fur. The bright red made the tall Sun Quan stand out in the dark.

Sun Quan stood high on the steps. He looked down at Lu Xun and asked coldly: "Why did Boyan ask for a summons late at night?"

Seeing that Sun Quan was finally willing to see him, Lu Xun's face lit up with joy.

He stepped forward, raised his hands and admonished Sun Quan: "Your Majesty, the camp in the west of the city must not be withdrawn."

Seeing that Lu Xun's first sentence was to veto his today's command, Sun Quan frowned.

But Lu Xun had no time to care about Sun Quan's expression at this time. He continued to admonish Sun Quan: "Our army is surrounding the city on all sides, aiming to isolate the Han army from both inside and outside."

"Before, under siege from all sides, our army was unable to capture the public security forces, but it also trapped the Han army firmly in the city and could not move."

"If the enemy comes for reinforcements, our army can attack them."

"If the enemy troops leave the city and break the siege, the remaining three battalions can rescue them together."

"Besieging the city on all sides may not allow our army to win, but it will be enough to make our army in an invincible position."

"As soon as the Western Camp is withdrawn, one of the four corners of our siege city will be missing. On the one hand, it will be difficult to rescue, and on the other hand, the Western Camp will be wide open, which will easily allow Mi Yang to lead his troops out of the city smoothly and take advantage of the opportunity."

After finishing his analysis, Lu Xun bowed solemnly to Sun Quan and said, "So I beg you, Your Majesty, not to withdraw the Western Camp."

"Now, while Mi Yang has not yet taken any action, we should order the army to continue encircling the west city of Gong'an tomorrow at the end of the day."

Lu Xun spoke sincerely, hoping that Sun Quan would listen to his advice.

When Sun Quan saw that his niece-in-law requested to be summoned late at night for this matter, he became more and more dissatisfied.

He said nonchalantly: "Bo Yan is too worried."

"For several days, the bandits have sent troops to attack Dongying."

"His intention was to imitate Zhang Liao's previous move of heading straight towards the Chinese army.

Gu Zhi ordered the Western Camp to withdraw its troops. Instead of withdrawing its troops, the North and South Battalions merged the soldiers and horses withdrawn from the Western Camp into it.

If this happens, the thieves plan to attack our east camp again, and the two camps in the north and south will be saved soon."

"Besides, outside the west gate of the Public Security Bureau, there are many dense forests. Even if Mi Thief can withdraw his troops alone and lead his troops out of the city smoothly, what can he do?"

"You are really worrying too much."

Sun Quan withdrew his troops from the Western Camp today. In addition to strengthening the defense around him, he naturally also had the confidence to dare to do so.

In his opinion, there was not much omission in his move.

Facing Sun Quan's explanation, Lu Xun couldn't think of any reason to refute it for a while.

But there was always a sense of crisis lingering in his heart, and he felt that Hanlu in the Public Security City would never let go of such an opportunity.

It's just like Mi Yang couldn't tell what strategy Lu Xun would use to deal with him.

Currently, Lu Xun cannot figure out what Mi Yang will do next without sufficient intelligence support.

Sun Quan saw that his explanation had stumped Lu Xun, and he had a proud look on his face.

Lu Xun has always been famous in Jiangdong for his resourcefulness and good judgment, but Sun Zhongmou may not be weaker than him.

But just when Sun Quan was proud and Lu Xun was choking on his words, a loud shout of death came from several miles away.

Sun Quan and Lu Xun looked in the direction where the shouts of killing came from, and saw that the place was completely covered in fire.

That’s Beiying!

After seeing this scene, Sun Quan and Lu Xun both had looks of shock on their faces.

The Han army attacked Beiying at night!

At this moment, Han Dang stumbled out of Sun Quan's tent. When he saw Sun Quan standing just outside the tent, he immediately ran to Sun Quan's feet and said anxiously:

"Your Majesty, the Han army left the city and attacked Beiying at night, and found that Beiying has almost fallen!"

"The Han army set fire everywhere, and the fire has spread to the outskirts of Dongying!"

Upon hearing Han Dang's words, Sun Quan's eyes darkened and his body began to shake.

Fortunately, he was caught in time by Gu Li behind him, otherwise he would have fallen to the ground on the spot.

He has more than 20,000 elite troops in Beiying. Now Han Dang has reported that Beiying has almost fallen, which is enough to prove that his army of more than 20,000 in Beiying may have been completely destroyed.

This tragic news made Sun Quan feel heartbroken.

Moreover, his tent is in the middle of Dongying, which stretches for more than ten miles.

He could see fire and hear shouts of death here, which was enough to prove that the Han army was gradually approaching him at this time!

Sun Quan clenched his teeth and yelled out those two words full of hatred: "Misthief!"

But Sun Quan was also a man who had experienced large battles. He forced himself to calm down and asked Han Dangdao: "How many people are there in the enemy army?"

Han Dang has fought countless battles in his life, but it was his first time to face such a critical situation tonight, so he looked very panicked.

He replied with a trembling voice, "Countless, there are Han soldiers in the fire, nearly ten thousand in total!"

Hearing that nearly ten thousand Han troops were dispatched to Gong'an City, Sun Quan immediately asked, "Who is leading the troops?"

"It's a bandit! It's a bandit! His banners are all flying in the Han army, and his name is the one shouting out!"

After receiving these two pieces of news, Sun Quan immediately made a judgment in his mind.

In order to attack at night, the Han troops in Gong'an City, led by Mi Yang, came out in full force.

At this time, an idea came to Sun Quan's mind, and he immediately said to Han Dang: "Send an order for the army that can still be mobilized to go outside Dongying to occupy the enemy."

Although the annihilation of the Wu army in Beiying made him very heartbroken, if he could take the opportunity to kill Mi Yang and nearly ten thousand Han troops here, then Gong'an City would be within easy reach!

In order to encourage military morale, Sun Quan pretended to be calm.

He now has nearly 80,000 troops, and he still has the ability to fight!

Following Sun Quan's order and looking at Sun Quan's "calm" expression, Han Dang temporarily calmed down the panic in his heart, and then immediately sent the order.

After Han Dang left, Sun Quan no longer cared about Lu Xun who was present, and he immediately rushed towards the battlefield.

After Sun Quan left, Lu Xun was the only one outside the huge commander's tent.

Lu Xun was not frightened by the news reported by Han Dang. Instead, after hearing the news from Han Dang, he carefully considered the information.

"Beiying, why is it the North Camp and not the South Camp?"

"Obviously the South Camp is further away from the East Camp, which makes it even more difficult for our army to rescue."

"Is it possible that he is aiming to attack Dongying?"

"But if that's the case, why didn't you just attack Dongying at night from the beginning?"

"As soon as the Western Camp retreated, he immediately launched a night attack.

There is a dense forest outside Xiying, which stretches and covers three sides of the police city."

"Now that the northern camp has been destroyed, why doesn't he retreat?"

Lu Xun stood there, thinking about Mi Yang's intentions in the cold wind. At this time, the entire landscape outside the Public Security City appeared in his mind.

"Beiying, Dongying, Northeast?"

After Lu Xun put all the clues together, a bold idea took shape in his mind.

Could it be that his real purpose is to?!

After thinking of this, Lu Xun instantly looked to the northeast, where Wu Jun's life and death depended.

There was a huge look of fear in his eyes!

With the help of the winter wind, the fire started in the tent and soon covered the entire North Camp.

Most of the tens of thousands of Wu troops in the northern camp of the Wu army are still sleeping.

When the entire Beiying camp was covered in flames, they woke up from their sleep one after another.

But what’s the use of waking up at this time?

The tens of thousands of Wu troops surrounded by raging fire were completely plunged into death.

Their command system has been paralyzed by the burning of thousands of rockets.

Most of the Wu soldiers just woke up from their dreams, only to die howling in the fire.

The remaining Wu troops were lucky enough to escape from the sea of ​​fire, but they were frightened by the noisy flames and fled in all directions.

The scene that happened in Yiling in history is being played out outside the Public Security City at this moment, but the roles have been reversed.

Because of the Huoshao Company, the thousands of Han troops led by Guan Ping had already penetrated the Wu Army's North Camp and marched towards the Wu Army's East Camp without experiencing any major battles.

Previously, in order to prevent the Han army in Gong'an City from having any chance of breaking through, Lu Meng built the four camps of the Wu army in a closed loop.

After the flames engulfed everything in the Wu Army's North Camp, the rapid fire was spreading towards the periphery of the Wu Army's East Camp.

With the help of the rapidly spreading fire, Guan Ping easily reached the outskirts of Wu Jun's east camp.

Water and fire are ruthless, these two products of nature are what contemporary people fear the most.

When the fire that seemed to be able to engulf everything burned in front of them, the Wu army outside Dongying was instantly frightened and collapsed.

But when Guan Ping led thousands of Han troops and continued to attack inward, the Wu army, which was reluctantly organized under the leadership of some Wu generals, began to resist the attacks of thousands of Han troops in an organized manner.

Among them, those who firmly resisted the advance of thousands of Han troops in the front were those led by Zhu Huan and Quan Cong.

They did not bring all the troops with them when they went to the police this time.

But at this time, with the combined efforts of the two of them, their tribes numbered in the tens of thousands.

These tens of thousands of Wu troops were all supported by two generals, Zhu Huan and Quan Cong. They were very loyal to Zhu Huan and Quan Cong and were willing to die for them.

Zhu Huan was brave and Quan Cong was steady. One person was responsible for killing the enemy in front, and the other was responsible for commanding the soldiers at the back. They were able to withstand the flood-like offensive of thousands of Han troops for a while.

At this time, the rest of the Wu army came towards this place one after another under the command of Sun Quan.

When tens of thousands of Wu troops gradually swarmed in, although they were afraid of the fire, under the strict orders of their respective generals, they relied on their numerical advantage to form a confrontation with the thousands of Han troops led by Guan Ping.

Guan Ping stood on horseback in front of thousands of Han troops. He kept rushing into the enemy formation, waving the sword in his hand to kill the enemies.

Guan Ping already had extraordinary military power, and with the excellent defense provided by the Mingguang Armor, he became even more powerful.

After just a few attacks, Guan Ping killed dozens of Wu soldiers and several Wu army generals.

Guan Ping's bravery greatly inspired the morale of thousands of Han troops behind him.

In this world filled with fire, thousands of Han soldiers could already see everyone and everything in front of them clearly.

They did not need any drum guidance at this time. Under the leadership of their respective generals, they advanced step by step to harvest the lives of the Wu army in front.

Although the Wu army was large in number, most of them were reluctantly forced to resist the Han army.

Therefore, under the offensive of the high-morale Han army, they actually felt like they were retreating.

If it weren't for the small number of people under Guan Ping's command, Guan Ping's command would have defeated the tens of thousands of Wu troops just by relying on the strength of the burning battalion.

In the Battle of Yiling in history, Lu Xun burned the company camp, then used his own forces that were not weaker than the Han army, and finally defeated the Han army.

The fire was spreading everywhere, and the thousands of Han troops bathed in the fire were like heavenly soldiers and generals. They shouted the slogan "Mi Lang" and fought desperately with the tens of thousands of Wu troops in front of them.

At this time, Sun Quan had also arrived outside the battlefield, on a high platform not far away.

He couldn't help but feel angry when he saw that his side was being beaten back step by step by the opponent despite such a huge numerical advantage.

He pushed all the Wu troops behind him forward. He was going to use his numerical advantage to strangle all the Han troops here tonight.

Sun Quan heard the words "Mi Lang" in his ears, and his eyes were filled with murderous intent.

As Sun Quan continued to overwhelm all the Wu troops behind him, relying on his numerical advantage, the Wu troops gradually stabilized their position, while the thousands of Han troops no longer felt like they were advancing.

If this continues for a long time, the future of these thousands of Han troops will not be optimistic.

But at this moment, a cavalry group appeared from behind Wu Jun's east camp.

This cavalry was led by Mi Yang and came from Gong'an Port to support Guan Ping.

As for those war horses, they were originally kept by Sun Quan in the public security port for emergency use.

After many years of accumulation, there were many war horses in Jiangdong, but at this time, they were all used by Mi Yang.

The war horses in the south are not as tall as the war horses in the north, but they are very docile and more than enough for transportation.

When Mi Yang led the barbarian cavalry behind him and arrived not far from the east camp of the Wu army, he saw the situation on the battlefield and heard the slogans of "Mi Lang".

He saw that the Han army led by Guan Ping was gradually falling into a disadvantage, and he immediately shouted: "Be calm, I will come!"

Just like when Guan Ping risked his own life to save Mi Yang outside the Gong'an City, now Mi Yang also led the barbarian cavalry towards Guan Ping's location.

After Mi Yang led the barbarian cavalry to the battlefield, he immediately shouted, "The King of Han's reinforcements have arrived! The public security port has been broken!"

The moment Guan Ping saw Mi Yang appear on the horse, he knew that something big had happened.

So he also ordered the thousands of Han troops behind him to shout, "The reinforcements of the King of Han have arrived! The public security port has been broken!"

Under the shouts of thousands of Han troops, many Wu troops looked in the direction of the public security port.

Because there are countless grain and warships in the public security port, the fire caused by the burning reaches into the sky in the dark night and can be seen for dozens of miles.

Wu Jun saw that the public security port that represented their retreat, where all their supplies were stored, had been covered by fire.

This scene made all the tens of thousands of Wu soldiers feel jealous and heartbroken!

The fire at the public security port destroyed all hopes of the tens of thousands of Wu troops.

Originally, the fighting spirit of these tens of thousands of Wu troops was not high.

When they knew that the public security port had been breached and the reinforcements of the Han army had arrived, the fear in their hearts, like the fire in front of them, began to boil non-stop.

No one wants to die in vain!

Then run away!

Quan Cong, who was at the forefront of resisting thousands of Han troops, felt a burning feeling in his heart after seeing all the food, grass and baggage of his own army destroyed.

Without food and grass, why fight?

How can we resist the enemy without weapons?

At this time, Quan Cong remembered what Zhu Huan said to him in the camp today.

The next moment, a cruel look flashed on his face, and he immediately fled towards the rear with his infantry.

When Zhu Huan saw that Quan Cong had escaped one step ahead of him and was still fighting the enemy bravely at the front, he was almost furious to death.

But at this time, he had no fighting spirit.

After Quan Cong led his troops to flee, Zhu Huan immediately led his infantry and fled quickly towards the rear.

Originally, all the Wu troops were in great panic. When the two generals Zhu Huan and Quan Cong in the front led the infantry to retreat, the Wu troops in the rear could only retreat because of fear in their hearts.

One brings ten, one hundred brings thousands, one thousand brings ten thousand!

In an instant, the nearly 100,000 Wu troops retreated crazily like a flood that had burst.

Mi Yang was overjoyed after seeing this scene.

At this time, he saw Sun Quan not far away. Because he had sent all his soldiers to fight against the enemy, he had very few guards around him at this time.

Mi Yang made a prompt decision and led two thousand barbarian cavalry with war horses to charge directly towards Sun Quan's location.

"Mi Lang is here! Capture and kill Sun Quan!"

Mi Yang shouted slogans and led two thousand barbarian cavalry to quickly reach Sun Quan's commanding banner.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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