Chapter 182: Doing My Best

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Chapter 182 Do your best Zhuge hugs his knees

On the second day after Mi Yang returned to Chengdu, at about Mohai time, a simple car drove in a silent show of grace.

The sound of wheels rolling sounded particularly eye-catching in the quiet late night alley.

This time was different from that of later generations, which may have been the beginning of nightlife, but in the Han Dynasty, Haishi was already late at night.

Most of the people in Shien were already asleep, but only a few people who were still awake heard the sound of the rolling wheels.

After they heard this voice, a look of understanding instantly appeared on their faces: This is Mr. Ge's duty.

In the Han Dynasty, there were clear regulations on officials’ rest and duty time.

Generally speaking, officials in the Han Dynasty took four days off and one day off. The upper time was around Mao hour in the morning, and the lower time was around Shen hour.

Mao hour is approximately between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m., which is the time of day when the sun rises and when the rooster crows.

Shen Shi is a period of time before sunset, approximately between 15:00 and 17:00 in the afternoon.

Although different regions have different regulations on the promotion and dismissal of officials due to different regions, most of the promotion and dismissal times will not differ much from the above.

Most of the officials in Chengdu also go up and down according to these two time periods.

But there is only one exception, and that person is Zhuge Liang.

Since Zhuge Liang acted as the shogunate for Sima, he has been involved in many important military and political affairs, and Liu Bei has great trust in him, so Zhuge Liang has always had a lot of official duties.

Especially the Battle of Hanzhong and the Battle of Jingzhou in the past two years have not only severely depleted the people of Yizhou and Jingzhou, but also put a much heavier burden on Zhuge Liang, who already had many things to do.

Enough food for the soldiers, these four words are easy to say, but in practice it is like Mount Tai weighing down the top, making the entire officials in the Sima Shogunate breathless.

Take the Battle of Hanzhong as an example. The Battle of Hanzhong lasted for nearly two years from the 22nd year of Jian'an to May of the 24th year of Jian'an!

In order to fight for Hanzhong, Liu Bei used a total of nearly 70,000 troops!

This does not include the huge number of other civilians.

During the Battle of Hanzhong, the battle at Dingjun Mountain made Fazheng and Huang Zhong famous throughout the world.

But at that time, Liu Bei and Fazheng had to go around many mountains to reach Dingjun Mountain.

It was Zhuge Liang who was responsible for transporting grain, grass, and troops from Chengdu to Dingjun Mountain, bypassing numerous mountains.

Zhuge Liang, with the power of one state and relying solely on his outstanding personal talents, braved all kinds of difficulties and all kinds of impossibilities, and always ensured that the logistics of Liu Bei's army was worry-free.

It can be said that without Zhuge Liang, there would never have been a victory in the final battle of Hanzhong.

Compared to Cao Cao, Cao Cao has the richest and largest territory in the world, and he also has world-famous political talents under his command.

However, Cao Cao personally led his army to Hanzhong in March and began to withdraw in May. He only persisted for two months before giving up on Hanzhong.

It wasn't that he didn't realize the importance of Hanzhong, or that he was afraid of Liu Bei. It was just that the long logistics line and the civil strife in the Central Plains forced him to temporarily abandon Hanzhong.

With the national power of a state to resist the national power of Hebei in the Central Plains, Zhuge Liang had already unlocked this skill during the Battle of Hanzhong.

And Zhuge Liang was able to perfectly complete the task Liu Bei gave him to have enough food for his troops.

On the one hand, in addition to his outstanding political talents, on the other hand, it is because of his hands-on attitude.

Ever since Zhuge Liang took charge of military affairs in central Shu, he would personally handle every detail.

And in order to ensure that there are no omissions, he will arrange everything clearly before placing any orders.

This point is similar to Huo Guang, the famous auxiliary minister at that time.

Cautious and meticulous.

Because of his attitude towards doing things, everything he handled was always error-free, but it also caused him to be busy until late at night every day before returning home.

Zhuge Liang, who was sitting in the carriage, was closing his eyes and meditating. Even though he was on duty, he was still thinking about whether there were any omissions in the affairs arranged today.

While Zhuge Liang was thinking, his car had already arrived outside the Military Advisor General's Mansion.

Compared with the tall and glorious Anhan General's Mansion, the Military Advisor General's Mansion seems quite simple and simple.

After the chariot arrived at the military advisor general's residence, Zhuge Liang woke up from his thoughts at the reminder from the servant outside the chariot.

Then Zhuge Liang opened the car curtain and walked slowly down from the car.

There was only one old servant and a few soldiers in the driving team of the high-ranking military advisor general.

The old servant was the boy who accompanied Zhuge Liang when he was working in Nanyang. More than ten years later, the boy was already a middle-aged man.

As for those soldiers, Liu Bei saw that Zhuge Liang always returned home late at night, so he specially assigned them to protect him.

After Zhuge Liang landed, he ordered the servant beside him to rest first, and then he stepped into the gate of the mansion alone.

The residence of the military advisor general does not occupy a large area, and most of the buildings inside are made of ordinary wood. There are no high-rise pavilions, gardens or other places to play.

Very simple and plain.

When Liu Bei came to Yizhou, he rewarded Zhuge Liang with five hundred catties of gold, one thousand catties of silver, fifty million coins, and one thousand pieces of brocade.

With such a generous reward, it was extremely easy for Zhuge Liang to build a magnificent mansion.

But Zhuge Liang was of a weak nature and did not like luxury, so when Liu Bei rewarded him with so many gold, silver, and silk items, although he did not refuse, he did not use the gold, silver, and silk items for himself.

Receive it and put it into the national treasury for the use of the people.

Only a few people in Chengdu knew about this matter. Compared with the celebrities of the day who often refused to use rewards to raise their reputations, Zhuge Liang's actions seemed more calm and selfless.

After Zhuge Liang entered the mansion, he didn't walk long before he arrived outside the lobby of the mansion.

He had already had a simple meal in the official office. He came to the lobby now not to eat, but to study.

Zhuge Liang was born into the famous Langya Zhuge clan. Although he lost his mother when he was 3 years old and his father when he was 8 years old, he was raised by his uncle Zhuge Xuan since he was a child. Under the influence of his uncle Zhuge Xuan, Zhuge Liang developed the habit of reading well from an early age.

After he wakes up every morning or before falling asleep every night, he must read the classics.

As of this year, Zhuge Liang has been doing this for nearly twenty years.

As for Zhuge Liang not going back to his dormitory to study, it was because at this time, his wife Huang Yueying had already fallen asleep.

Reading must be done by holding a lamp, and Zhuge Liang did not want to disturb Huang Yueying's rest.

When Zhuge Liang came outside the hall, he unexpectedly discovered that there were lights on in his hall.

Could it be Bertson?

Surprised, Zhuge Liang lifted up his clothes, walked up the steps and entered the lobby.

After Zhuge Liang entered the lobby, he saw his eldest son Zhuge Qiao and his wife Huang Yueying who were both in the lobby at this time.

And there is another person in the lobby.

That person is Mi Yang.

Mi Yang was sitting somewhere in the lobby, holding a book in his hand and looking at it intently.

The dim lights in the lobby reflected Mi Yang's body, making his shadow on the ground grow longer.

It's just that Mi Yang's shadow didn't twist at all because of the uprightness of his body.

Seeing this scene reminded Zhuge Liang of the scene when he was teaching Liu Chan in Chongwen Hall.

At that time, Mi Yang was Liu Chan's reading companion, and just like tonight, she sat quietly and listened to his teachings.

Don't squint your eyes, don't bend your body.

Zhuge Liang's appearance was also noticed by Huang Yueying, who was sitting opposite the entrance of the lobby.

Seeing Zhuge Liang return, Huang Yueying immediately picked up a bowl of tea soup that had been warming and walked towards Zhuge Liang.

When Huang Yueying came to Zhuge Liang, she handed the hot tea in her hand to Zhuge Liang, and then she whispered to Zhuge Liang:

"The end of Zi Sheng Shen's time has arrived."

Zhuge Liang took the tea soup from Huang's hand and took a sip. Then he realized that Mi Yang had been waiting in the lobby for almost two hours.

After drinking the tea soup in his hand, Zhuge Liang gently asked Huang Yueying and Zhuge Qiao to rest early.

At this time, Mi Yang had also discovered Zhuge Liang's return. He quickly got up and came to Zhuge Liang to pay his respects and said, "Thank you Master Ge for your hard work. I apologize for disturbing you late at night."

Facing Mi Yang's bow, Zhuge Liang stretched out his hand to help Mi Yang up, and then said to her: "It doesn't matter."

Mi Yangshen had already arrived at his house at the end of the night. Actually, it was not a late-night disturbance, it was just that he came back late.

When Zhuge Liang helped Mi Yang up, Zhuge Qiao and Huang Yueying had already left the hall, leaving only Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang.

Because of Zhuge Liang's support, Mi Yang and Zhuge Liang are now close at hand.

From such a short distance, even under the dim candlelight in the hall, Mi Yang could see the paleness of Zhuge Liang's temples.

Seeing this situation, Mi Yang's eyes were filled with worry, and he said to Zhuge Liang: "Master Ge is the pillar of the country. Please take care of yourself and don't overwork yourself."

Zhuge Liang was only forty this year. In later generations, forty-year-old men were a new force in society.

But in ancient times, there was no confusion at forty. Forty years old was considered to be slowly entering old age.

Facing Mi Yang's concern, a smile appeared on Zhuge Liang's face. He asked Mi Yang to sit down, and then he came to sit opposite Mi Yang.

After sitting down, Zhuge Liang said to Mi Yang: "The world is difficult and the Han Dynasty has not yet risen. How can I not do my best and do my duty to assist the king?"

"It doesn't matter if I have to work a little. As long as I can assist the king in restoring the Han Dynasty, then everything is nothing."

After finishing speaking, Zhuge Liang asked Mi Yang with a smile on his face: "Why did Zisheng just stop Bo Song from going to the official office to call me and ask me to return home early?"

Zhuge Liang knew that after Mi Yang arrived at the house, Huang Yueying was a person who knew etiquette and would not let Mi Yang wait.

So I think Huang Yueying must have planned to ask Zhuge Qiao to call him.

But in the end, Zhuge Qiao didn't show up, so it might have been because of Mi Yang's obstruction.

"Today, after I ordered all the armor from the arsenal, I came to Master Ge's house to pay my respects.

It was already the time when Master Ge was on duty and Master Ge had not returned yet, which is enough to show that Master Ge was delayed by state affairs."

"State affairs are more important than personal affairs. This is what Master Ge taught me in the past. Therefore, I did not let Bosong go to find Master Ge to return."

Mi Yang had heard of Zhuge Liang before, and he was the last minister to be demoted.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhuge Liang would come back so late in order to take care of state affairs.

Hearing what Mi Yang said, Zhuge Liang nodded.

Zhuge Liang looked at the young man in front of him, with relief in his eyes.

Although Mi Yang called him Master Ge, compared to Fazheng, he did not have a formal apprenticeship ceremony with Mi Yang.

The master-disciple relationship between him and Mi Yang was mostly due to the fact that when he was teaching Liu Chan, he also taught Mi Yang.

Therefore, the master-disciple relationship between Mi Yang and him is not strong.

Mi Yang has always regarded him as his teacher, which more reflects Mi Yang's moral character of respecting his teachers.

But even though he was not a formal master and apprentice, Zhuge Liang still had a fondness for Mi Yang.

Zhuge Liang served Liu Bei in the thirteenth year of Jian'an, and it has been nearly fourteen years now.

From the time when Xinye County was in trouble to today's Wolong soaring in the southwestern land of Han Dynasty, in these fourteen years, Mi Yang, like Guan Xing and others, he watched grow up.

In addition, Mi Yang has a benevolent and filial personality. Which elder would not like such a junior?

Because of Mi Yang's benevolence and filial piety, Zhuge Liang once praised Mi Yang in his correspondence with Zhuge Jin.

Zhuge Liang's love for Mi Yang's excellent moral character gradually changed to his valuing after Mi Yang won the public security battle last year.

With love and respect, Zhuge Liang now has a very good sense of Mi Yang.

It’s almost the same sentiment as Ma Su.

Zhuge Liang looked at Mi Yang and asked, "Zi Sheng came here specially to visit me today. It should be more than just visiting me."

Facing Zhuge Liang's inquiry, Mi Yang did not hide anything. He raised his hand and said to Zhuge Liang: "In three days, my disciple will go to Hanxing County to take up a post."

"The establishment of a county in the Han Dynasty is very important. There are many powerful people in the territory, and the disciples are worried.

I pay a visit to Master Ge today, firstly to see how well Master Ge is, and secondly to inquire about Master Ge’s way of governing.”

Mi Yang frankly stated his twofold intentions.

Facing a genius like Zhuge Liang, if you use your little tricks in front of him, it will be a shame.

In this case, it is better to be honest and sincere. But after Mi Yang finished speaking, there was a look of anxiety on his face.

Needless to say, Zhuge Liang is talented. If you ask him about the key to governance, of course he will have unique insights.

But this doesn't mean that Zhuge Liang will definitely give him a heads up.

In the final analysis, my relationship with Zhuge Liang is not as strong as that of Fazheng.

There are countless talented people in Chengdu. In the past, even Ma Di, who was deeply loved by Zhuge Liang, did not have many opportunities to receive advice from Zhuge Liang.

To put it bluntly, in today's world, students choose teachers, and teachers also choose students.

After listening to Mi Yang's request, Zhuge Liang did not answer for a while.

The lobby suddenly fell into silence.

Not long after, a question rang out in the quiet lobby: "In your opinion, where is the source of chaos in today's world?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Mi Yang with bright eyes, looking forward to his answer.

What is a teacher? A person who preaches, learns, and solves doubts.

Since Mi Yang wants to get his own way, let him see if Mi Yang has the wisdom to inherit his way.

Zhuge Liang has only asked two people the same question so far, one is Ma Su and the other is Mi Yang.

Under Zhuge Liang's bright gaze, a look of thought appeared on Mi Yang's face, but only a moment later, he gave his own opinion.

"The root cause of great chaos in the world is that the court has lost its way and people's hearts are in chaos."

“The two emperors Huan Ling were ignorant and ignorant, which led to the corruption and chaos of the government. When the government was in chaos, treacherous ministers filled the court, and the soldiers became arrogant and lawless.

In the end, the people had no place to stand and no food to eat, and the Yellow Turban Rebellion broke out.

The treacherous ministers were in the court and the rebellious generals were outside. Even though it was a small evil at first, they were tolerated without any sanctions, so that the situation got out of hand. In the end, everyone broke into rebellion and war broke out.

When war broke out, the world collapsed, and the people of the world were scattered, not attached to the imperial court. The bandits from all directions took advantage of the chaos to arrogate themselves, or to seize the prefectures and counties in order to consolidate themselves, and did not obey the imperial orders, and this is how it is today."

After Mi Yang finished speaking, he looked at Zhuge Liang, hoping to see from the look on his face what he was thinking in his heart at the moment.

But it's a pity that Zhuge Liang's face is just like an ancient well.

But at this moment, Zhuge Liang was kneeling on the seat and subconsciously put his hands on his knees.

Mi Yang didn't know the meaning of Zhuge Liang's action, but if Huang Yueying were present, she would definitely be able to see the meaning of Zhuge Liang's action.

When Zhuge Liang discussed current affairs with Shi Tao, Xu Shu, and Meng Jian in Longzhong, Zhuge Liang would make this move whenever these three friends said something that Zhuge Liang agreed with.

There is another chapter at 2 o'clock in the morning, so I'll write it right away.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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