Chapter 183: The Six Skills of Governance

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Chapter 183 Six Skills of Government: Is it a Good Disciple?

But although he had approval in his heart, Zhuge Liang didn't show anything unusual on his face.

Zhuge Liang looked at Mi Yang and said, "Since Zi Sheng has this opinion, does he have a corresponding strategy?"

Zhuge Liang's tone was very unusual, which made Mi Yang a little confused about Zhuge Liang's thoughts.

In his remarks just now, in addition to drawing on the understanding of the great ministers of the past dynasties, he also added his own opinions.

It is undeniable that the Han Dynasty died due to land annexation and the growth of local wealthy families.

But this is the cause, not the root cause.

Land annexation and local tyranny were important reasons for the demise of previous dynasties.

However, the root cause of land annexation and the continuous growth of local powerful powers lies in the small-scale peasant economy.

The direct reason lies in the imperfection of the feudal system and the weakness of the imperial court.

This root cause cannot be easily changed in feudal society.

This point is currently not suitable to be mentioned in front of Zhuge Liang.

So we can only start with the direct causes.

As long as the imperial court can act and adopt corresponding systems to suppress and combat it at different times, this situation can be improved.

As long as the basic life of the people is maintained, the basic stability of society can be guaranteed.

For example, Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty, the reason why he was able to bring the Han Dynasty to its peak was that he was well aware of the sufferings of the people.

After he took real power, he began to carry out drastic reforms, the core of which was to rectify the administration of officials and to crack down on the powerful and restrain land annexation.

With his efforts, the Han Dynasty was finally pushed to its peak.

Most of the resurgences of dynasties in the past relied on these two methods.

As for his successor, Emperor Yuan of Han, he was not necessarily that bad in terms of character.

But what he did after he came to power was almost the opposite of what Emperor Xuan of the Han Dynasty did.

He even abolished the "lingqian" system, a unique method used by Han Dynasty emperors to rectify local powerful people, and finally led the Western Han Dynasty into the abyss of destruction from which it would never return.

It was only thirty years at most.

The role that systems can play is very large, and those in power who are responsible for creating and improving systems must assume corresponding responsibilities and roles.

Although she didn’t know whether Zhuge Liang agreed with his idea, Mi Yang continued to say to Zhuge Liang: “By looking at the reasons for his wrongdoing, we can find countermeasures.

Yang believes that the most urgent task is to get to the bottom of things.

The court should first recruit capable people to assist the government and depose the incompetent and treacherous in order to rectify the situation. Once the court is stable, it should then issue policies that benefit the people and win the hearts of the people with kindness and trust.

To achieve this, there should be three steps: clearly distinguish rewards and punishments so that the people can do their best, be frugal in spending to enrich the national treasury, and reduce taxes and taxes to make the people rich.

When the national treasury is full, the armaments are sufficient, and the people's hearts are in favor, the troops can be raised and sent out for war.

If the people of the enemy country know that our government is politically clear, the top and bottom are united, the country is strong, and the people are happy, they will definitely have expectations for our country.

If we unite with the hope, we will surely take over the enemy's country.

With this general trend, people who are familiar with the enemy's national conditions will act as spies for our country.

People who are familiar with the mountains, rivers and terrain of the enemy's country will become our guides in attacking the enemy's country.

If the people of the north are of the same mind as the people of our country, then it is God's will.

Use practical benefits to arouse the hearts of people in the world to miss the Han Dynasty. When the king raises his troops to the north, he will be invincible."

In Mi Yang's view, the so-called "everyone in the world misses Han" is more like a political slogan, but since this political slogan exists, it naturally has its own reason for existence.

Just like in history, during the Zen dynasty of Cao Wei and Sima Jin, celebrities in society praised it out of selfish motives, thinking that a prosperous age was coming.

Then came Shenzhou Luchen, and an even greater disaster came.

After that disaster struck, the whole society came to know how good Han was, and people began to think about him one after another.

Even when many foreign races established political power, in order to win over people's hearts, they all used Han as their country's name. In the end, they all used the country's name Han.

Therefore, sometimes, revitalizing the Han Dynasty can not only be used as a slogan, but also a great tool to win over people's hearts.

After all, the Han Dynasty has ruled the world for four hundred years, and the strength of the Han Dynasty has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But in order to achieve this, strategically speaking, we must first govern the people under the rule of the King of Hanzhong so that the powerful national power can be transmitted to the enemy country.

Under such circumstances, relying on the "Han" banner, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people all over the world, will achieve twice the result with half the effort during the Northern Expedition.

For example, the great turmoil in the Central Plains caused by Guan Yu's flooding of the Seventh Army, and the historical example of Zhuge Liang's first Northern Expedition when the three northwest counties surrendered without a fight.

When Mi Yang continued to express his opinions, a smile gradually appeared on Zhuge Liang's face.

This is the first time Mi Yang has expressed his views on the chaos in the world in front of the world. It cannot be said that what Mi Yang said is a golden rule, but it is really rare for Mi Yang to have such an opinion at this age.

The most important thing is that Mi Yang's views coincide with Zhuge Liang's inner thoughts.

In the world-famous "Longzhong Dui", Zhuge Liang once put forward a similar view.

In history, when he was presiding over state affairs, he also did what Mi Yang said today.

After listening to Mi Yang's views, Zhuge Liang's feelings about Mi Yang began to change.

Mi Yang was filial, loyal and upright, but there were people with better moral character than him.

Mi Yang's victory in the public security battle is very eye-catching and admirable.

But this does not mean that Mi Yang is the only famous general in the world. With Mi Yang, Liu Bei can sit back and relax from now on.

In competitions between countries, the victory or defeat often does not depend on one person, but on the comparison of all aspects.

What Zhuge Liang prefers is a capable military and political minister who can govern the world, and a partner who can work with him to calm down the world's troubled times.

To pacify the world, we cannot rely solely on military strategy, but also need to have a long-term vision.

Mi Yang's insights tonight were not enough to shock Zhuge Liang and set him as an example, but it made Zhuge Liang see a kind of hope in Mi Yang.

Mi Yang is only twenty-one this year.

Zhuge Liang is already forty years old this year. As long as everything goes well, he can only assist the man for another twenty or thirty years at most.

But in the future, the Han Dynasty will have new virtuous ministers to take care of him, and new virtuous ministers will inherit his mantle and continue to protect the Han Dynasty.

In the past, Zhuge Liang focused most of his expectations on Ma Su and Jiang Wan, but Mi Yang's performance tonight made him have a third candidate in mind.

Zhuge Liang's eyes shone with joy, and his expression was no longer as calm as before, but showed praise.

Zhuge Liang looked at Mi Yang and said, "What you said is very good. Although there are some omissions in your opinions, it is very rare for you to have such opinions at such an age."

Compared to Ma Su, Mi Yang's answer was more in line with Zhuge Liang's wishes.

Zhuge Liang felt that he had neglected Mi Yang in the past.

Since it is consistent, Zhuge Liang will naturally not hesitate to teach Mi Yang.

Zhuge Liang did not immediately answer Mi Yang's question about governance. Instead, he asked Mi Yang: "Does Zi Sheng know what military power is?"

There was already a teaching in Zhuge Liang's words, and Mi Yang could not fail to hear it.

He bowed to Zhuge Liang and said, "I hope you can teach me, sir."

Mi Yang's attitude towards asking for advice is very good.

When Zhuge Liang saw this, the look of satisfaction on his face became even stronger. He said to Mi Yang: "The one who has the power of the army is the commanding officer of the three armies and the power of the general.

A general is able to hold the power of an army and use the force of his troops to attack the masses. He is like a tiger that soars across the sea with its wings and responds wherever it encounters.

If you are about to lose your power and do not use your power, you are like a fish or a dragon that escapes from the rivers and lakes, seeking the power of swimming in the ocean, running on the waves and playing in the waves, how can you get it?"

"In troubled times, people's hearts are unpredictable. If you want to govern, you must first have military power in your hands. With military power in hand, Zi Sheng can only govern after he arrives in Xing County, Han Dynasty. Zi Sheng must remember this."

Mi Yang listened to this and nodded.

After Mi Yang nodded, Zhuge Liang continued to teach: "There are ways to govern in the world, and they are complicated and chaotic, and they vary."

“Wanghua’s government is suitable for overall and long-term governance, but when used to deal with specific affairs, it becomes vast;

Strategies and strategies are suitable for rescuing people from danger, but will not have significant effects in stable and peaceful times;

The policy of hyperbole is suitable for correcting the declining trend of extravagance. Relying on it to govern a country that is already ill will only make things worse;

The government of public engraving is suitable for correcting the evil forces in the court. If you rely on it to control unhealthy trends outside the central government, you will easily lose the people;

A mighty government is suitable for combating civil strife, but relying on it to manage the people in peacetime would be extremely cruel;

The government of skills is suitable for developing the economy, enriching the country and strengthening the people, and is used to solve the problem of poverty and weakness, but taking it too seriously will only waste people and money, and increase the hardship of the people."

At this time, outside the lobby, Huang Yueying came to the entrance of the lobby carrying some snacks.

But just when she was about to step into the lobby, she saw Zhuge Liang hugging his knees.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yueying had a look of surprise on her face.

She hadn't seen Zhuge Liang behave like this for a long time since entering Yizhou.

Huang Yueying looked at Mi Yang opposite Zhuge Liang again, a smile appeared on her face, and then in order not to disturb these two people, Huang Yueying silently exited the lobby.

Zisheng, you are blessed.

Mi Yang was almost fascinated when listening to Zhuge Liang's political skills.

Mi Yang has read many classics and classics since he was a child, and has heard many political talents talk about politics, but this is the first time Mi Yang has heard of Zhuge Liang's method of analyzing all aspects of politics.

This is the political experience and wisdom from a great statesman!

While fascinated, Mi Yang was also moved in her heart.

Zhuge Liang selflessly informed him of his political experience and wisdom. This was preaching, receiving karma and solving doubts!

After listening to what Zhuge Liang said, it took Mi Yang a while to fully digest the knowledge imparted by Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang looked at the thoughtful look on Mi Yang's face, but he didn't bother him and just waited for Mi Yang quietly.

After Mi Yang finished digesting it, he immediately asked Zhuge Liang:

"Master Ge, the above are all the techniques of governing, but what about the way of governing?"

Facing Mi Yang's inquiry, Zhuge Liang took a writing brush from the desk and slowly wrote a sentence on the desk.

"The people are the foundation of the country, and the foundation is solid and the country is in peace."

These eight characters written by Zhuge Liang come from "Shangshu".

The meaning of this sentence is that the people are the foundation of the country. Only when the foundation is strong can the country be stable.

Zhuge Liang loved calligraphy when he was young. After years of unremitting practice, Zhuge Liang is also a famous calligrapher in the contemporary era.

The eight characters he is currently writing are as beautiful as dragons flying and phoenixes dancing.

And these eight characters fell into Mi Yang's eyes under the illumination of candlelight. Because of Zhuge Liang's beautiful handwriting and the meaning of these eight characters, Mi Yang felt a unique charm when reading it.

"Shang Shu" is one of the must-read scriptures for Confucian disciples. I think many Confucian scholars know these eight words, but how many Confucian scholars still remember these eight words?

There is no doubt that Zhuge Liang is one of the few Confucian scholars who remembers it. Now Zhuge Liang also wants Mi Yang to remember this sentence.

After writing this sentence, Zhuge Liang finally said to Mi Yang with great sincerity: "What I just said are all appropriate governance techniques for a specific situation, and they are not the fundamental way to govern."

"What is Tao? Tao is the foundation."

"The foundation of governance is to value the people. If the people are safe, the world will be safe."

"If you want to achieve great governance, you can only have a heart of fear for the people of the world at all times, and then choose appropriate governance techniques based on the actual situation."

"The art of governance can change according to the actual situation, but the way of governance cannot be forgotten, otherwise it will be too biased, which will eventually be counterproductive and cause chaos."

"Zisheng, promise me that you will always remember these eight words: the people are the foundation of the country, the foundation is solid, and the country is peaceful, and always alert yourself with these eight words!"

When Zhuge Liang said the last sentence, his tone was particularly serious, and Mi Yang also realized Zhuge Liang's solemnity.

He immediately stood up from his seat, then knelt down in front of Zhuge Liang and promised: "Master Ge taught me tonight, I will not forget a word."

Under the dim and swaying candlelight, a group of students prostrated themselves in front of an elder with a solemn expression.

This kind of scene is very similar to the scene passed down from the pre-Qin Dynasty, where the ancient sages taught their disciples.

And this scene also fell deeply into the eyes of Huang Yueying outside the door.

After teaching Mi Yang, Zhuge Liang saw that it was getting late and asked Mi Yang to return home early.

When Mi Yang stood up and left, Zhuge Liang and Mi Yang noticed Huang Yueying standing outside the door.

After Mi Yang bowed to Huang Yueying, he slowly left the lobby.

But when Mi Yang left, Huang Yueying stuffed a few snacks into Mi Yang's hand.

This is the kindness that comes from Master.

After Mi Yang left, Huang Yueying came to Zhuge Liang.

At this time, Zhuge Liang had already arrived at a sword stand in the lobby. There was a sword placed on the sword stand.

There are records from later generations: In the first year of Zhangwu, Liu Bei mined iron ore in Jinniu Mountain and asked famous craftsmen in Shu to cast eight swords.

One was worn by Liu Bei himself, and the remaining seven were given to Liu Chan, Liu Yong, Liu Li, Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun respectively.

Liu Bei gave each sword a nice name and asked Zhuge Liang to inscribe it on the sword.

But in fact, this incident happened in the 24th year of Jian'an. After all, Guan Yu had already passed away in the first year of Zhangwu.

The sword that Zhuge Liang is looking at now is the sword that Liu Bei rewarded him back then.

This sword is named Shendu.

What does it mean to be cautious about being alone? It means being sincere in the middle and outward in form. Therefore, a gentleman must be cautious about being alone.

After watching, Zhuge Liang picked up the sword and pulled the sword out of the scabbard. After a sword sound, a sharp sword appeared in front of Zhuge Liang.

A faint cold light circulated on the sword. Zhuge Liang looked at Shen Dujian in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

Huang Yueying watched Zhuge Liang stare at the sword, and she asked: "Does your husband have the intention of accepting a disciple?"

There is no better wife than a husband. After hearing Huang Yueying's words, Zhuge Liang showed a smile on his face.

"Zisheng is indeed a good candidate for a good disciple."

After listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Huang Yueying asked: "Then why didn't my husband reveal this meaning to Zi Sheng just now?"

Facing Huang Yueying's question, Zhuge Liang replied: "I am waiting for Zi Sheng's political achievements in the future."

"Observe his behavior and observe his people. After he arrives in Hanxing County, if he can really follow my teachings today and bring benefits to the people of Hanxing, then I will not be too late to accept him as my disciple."

After listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Huang Yueying smiled and said: "If Zi Sheng can become your husband's disciple in the future, will your husband prepare to give Shen the sword as a gift?"

The most obvious symbol of the apprenticeship ceremony in this world is the exchange of tokens between master and apprentice to clarify the relationship.

Regarding Huang Yueying's guess, Zhuge Liang nodded and put the Shendu sword into its sheath: "If Zisheng can use the peace of hundreds of thousands of people as his apprenticeship ceremony, then what's the harm in me giving him Shendu?"

With a clang, the sheathed Shendu sword was once again placed on the sword stand by Zhuge Liang. Under the flickering candlelight, Zhuge Liang stood with his hands behind his back:

"The sword is right here. Whether you can get it or not depends on Zi Sheng himself."

good night everybody.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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