Chapter 212: The prototype of the team, sudden bad news

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Chapter 212 The Prototype of the Team Sudden Bad News

In the prefect's mansion in Xicheng, Mi Yang, the prefect of Hanxing, was handling government affairs.

After taking Xicheng, Deng Fu's powerful forces in Fangling City were intimidated by Mi Yang's military power and immediately surrendered to Mi Yang willingly.

Since then, Mi Yang has successfully gained actual control over the entire Hanxing County.

After becoming a de facto governor, Mi Yang began to implement a series of administrative measures in Hanxing County.

The most important of these is personnel arrangements.

During the Pre-Han Dynasty, the local administrative system implemented a two-level system of counties and counties, with the county as the highest local administrative agency.

In the modern Han Dynasty, as the powers of the governor continued to increase, the local administrative system transformed into a three-level system of prefectures, counties, and counties, and the prefecture became the local middle-level administrative agency.

Hanxing County is under the jurisdiction of Yizhou in terms of administrative division, and the current pastor of Yizhou is Liu Bei.

Therefore, according to the administrative system, Mi Yang had to obey Liu Bei's instructions in government affairs, but in the Han Dynasty, the power of the prefect was very powerful.

At that time, most prefects were worth two thousand shi, and two thousand shi was an important indicator of whether an official in the Han Dynasty was a high-ranking official.

Regarding the powers of a prefect of a county, "Han Guan" has a detailed introduction:

"The governor specializes in the county, he is responsible for the integrity of the people, he encourages farmers to help the poor, he decides on lawsuits, promotes benefits and eliminates harm, investigates traitors in the county, promotes good deeds and deposes evil, and punishes cruelty."

"Continuation of the Book of Han·Hundred Officials and Five Officials" also says: "When filial piety and integrity are promoted together, one person will be promoted from 200,000 people in the county."

Due to the great power of the prefect, Emperor Xuan of the former Han Dynasty once said:

"The reason why the common people live in peace in their fields and sigh and feel sorrow and hatred is the principle of political peace and litigation.

Whoever shares this with me is only worth two thousand stones!"

From the above examples, we can know that the prefect of a county is almost equal to the local emperor of the county. He has almost no control over the military and political affairs.

Under such circumstances, Mi Yang could almost make a decision on the appointment and dismissal of officials in the county.

Among the many official positions in a county, three are the most important, namely, captain, chief secretary, and meritorious officer.

When the system of prefectures and counties was implemented in the Qin Dynasty, the prefecture commanders were appointed, that is, the captains of the two Han dynasties.

"A county lieutenant is an official of the Qin Dynasty. He is the commander-in-chief, the guardian, and the military officer. His rank is two thousand shi. There is a prime minister, and his rank is six hundred shi. In the second year of Emperor Jing's reign, he was renamed Duwei."

In the Han Dynasty, basically every county had a captaincy, but occasionally in a few inland counties there were no captains, and in border areas or larger counties there were occasionally two or three captains.

In the sixth year of Jianwu in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Liu Xiu deposed the commander-in-chief of the county and state. However, due to military needs, commanders were often appointed from time to time in border counties, adhering to the principle of setting aside when there was something to do and stopping when there was nothing.

Except for the three auxiliaries, the counties in the interior rarely had captains during the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The position of captain in the Han Dynasty was relatively flexible.

The captain is subordinate to the prefect of the county, and his status in a county is second only to the prefect. His subordinates include the chief minister, the chief secretary, the meritorious officer, the minor historian, etc.

Except for the prime minister, who is an official of six hundred stones, the rest of the subordinates are appointed by the captain on his own initiative.

Although Hanxing County is not a large county, because it borders Nanyang County, Hanxing County is considered a border county among Liu Bei's forces.

In this case, it is customary to appoint a captain.

The captain was a high-ranking official with two thousand shi, and Mi Yang had no authority or responsibility, but Mi Yang had the right to recommend the selection of the captain of Hanxing County.

Mi Yang had previously used his power of suggestion to make Ding Feng the captain of Xing County in Han Dynasty.

As for the county soldiers in Hanxing County, they have not yet been formed, so Ding Feng currently has no other military power except assisting Deng Ai in commanding the 3,000 troops in the camp.

But as Hanxing County gradually gets on the right track, the importance of his captaincy will gradually become apparent.

When Ding Feng learned that he had been recommended by Mi Yang to become the captain of Han Xing County, he was extremely grateful to Mi Yang.

Before following Mi Yang, he was just a small army Sima.

But after following Mi Yang, he gained Mi Yang's trust, and now he has become a captain with a rank of two thousand stones. This is undoubtedly something that Ding Feng could not imagine before.

You must know that the captain is not only in charge of the military power of a county, but more importantly, when Mi Yang, the prefect, is not in the county, once a war breaks out in the county, Ding Feng can directly replace Mi Yang according to the usual practice and temporarily command the military and political power of the county.


This kind of promotion and trust made Ding Feng feel that he had done the right thing by working hard for Mi Yang.

But Mi Yang just smiled and didn't care when faced with Ding Feng's gratitude.

Everything Ding Feng has received so far is what he deserves.

If Ding Feng hadn't fought bloody battles that day, he wouldn't have put down the rebellion in Xicheng so quickly.

As the first official to quell the rebellion in Xicheng, it was natural for Mi Yang to promote Ding Feng to the position of captain.

After solving the position of captain of Hanxing County, Mi Yang can appoint other important positions on his own.

For example, in the Han Dynasty, the post of Governor of Posts, Governor of Posts, Meritorious Officer, and Chief Secretary were all positions on the right side of a county. Although their ranks were low, they held important responsibilities.

The postal governor is directly under the prefect, and the post office is under the supervision of the county, with branches set up.

"The county under its supervision has five departments to supervise postal services."

But in fact, the establishment of postal administration in the Han Dynasty varied in complexity and simplicity according to the size of the county, and was not divided into five divisions.

For example, in Hanxing County, Mi Yang only established one postal governor.

The postal governor is responsible for the patrol department and has the power to supervise the county magistrate, county lieutenant and various officials at the county level. He has the power to pursue arrests and question the county magistrate, but he cannot kill without authorization.

In addition to supervising county officials, postal governors are also responsible for punishing local tyrants in their counties.

If the central government has an edict involving the counties under the jurisdiction of the governor, the governor will go to the county to execute it.

The county magistrate can also entrust the postal governor to handle various other matters, such as capturing criminals in the county under his jurisdiction, etc.

It can be said that the postal supervisor is the eyes of the prefect in the county. For such an important position, Mi Yang handed it over to Ding Feng.

Ding Feng was a surrendered general. As a surrendered general, if he wanted to gain a foothold in Hanxing County, he could only rely on him.

So as long as Mi Yang can pass certain things, it can prove that brother Ding Feng is sincerely loyal to him.

So to a certain extent, the loyalty of the Ding brothers to Mi Yang may be greater than that of Zhang Yi and others.

Such an identity is very suitable for Ding Feng to serve as postal supervisor.

Similarly, Mi Yang recommended Ding Feng for the post of captain, also based on this consideration.

Leaving aside Deng Ai for the post of captain, Meng Da and Zhang Yi are both suitable.

However, both Meng Da and Zhang Yi were already in charge of a battalion of troops. If Mi Yang handed over the post of captain to them, the authority in their hands would be too heavy.

In the long run, this will be detrimental to Mi Yang.

It's not that Mi Yang doesn't trust Zhang Yi or Meng Da, but trust is emotion and checks and balances are means. Both are indispensable to maintain stability.

Otherwise, like Cao Pi, he trusted the nobles very much, but he did not formulate any means to check and balance the nobles.

Therefore, the power of Cao Wei was later seized by the nobles. This is a lesson learned from the past.

After appointing Ding Feng as the postal supervisor, Mi Yang officially appointed Lu Yi as the meritorious officer.

The Han people regard meritorious officials as the prime minister of the country.

Wang Chong once compared a meritorious officer to a male tiger:

"In the Bianfu family, it is said that a tiger cannibalizes people because the meritorious officer is a traitor. This means that the meritorious officer is the leader of all officials, and the tiger is also the most powerful of all birds."

He also said: "The official with great merit is the prime minister of the country."

The meritorious officer "is in charge of selecting the department's meritorious service". Almost all personnel in a county are done by the meritorious officer, so he actually has quite a lot of power.

Related to employing people, merit officers can also discuss rewards and punishments. Proper selection of merit officers can lead to "all the traitors in the county being lured away".

If the merit is not used properly, the subordinates will be harsh, the good will be shielded and the stubborn will be favored, just like a tiger cannibalizing people.

Therefore, Wang Chong said: "The meritorious officer is a traitor and fishes for the officials, so the tiger eats people to show his intention."

Due to the important role of the meritorious officer, when the prefect has something to do, he often entrusts government affairs not to the county magistrate, but to the meritorious officer.

The county magistrate is only the second-in-command in government affairs in name only, but in fact he has no real power at all.

When Lu Yi raised food and grass for Mi Yang before, Mi Yang was quite satisfied with Lu Yi's administrative abilities.

Therefore, the candidate for "Prime Minister" in Mi Yang's mind is none other than Lu Yi.

As the local emperor of a county, the prefect and his subordinates who assist him in managing the affairs of a county all have clear positions and correspond to the official positions of the central court.

For example, Duwei corresponds to Taiwei, Duyou corresponds to Yushi Dafu, and Gongcao corresponds to Prime Minister.

Although there are still many differences between these positions in detail, in terms of main functions, they are not far apart.

Because the county officials are recruited and appointed by the prefects, their titles to the prefects are equivalent to those of monarchs and ministers. For example, many county officials call the prefects "Fujun";

Many county officials call their county "this dynasty", which almost equates the county with an independent government.

At present, Mi Yang seems to be forming the administrative team of Hanxing County, but in fact he is forming his personal team.

His current team does not appear to be large, nor does it have many talents.

But in the future, as his official position increases until he has the power to open a shogunate, the team he has formed today will grow with him step by step, and will eventually develop into a complete and independent shogunate.

Even in the future, it will not be difficult to achieve "the palace and the palace are all integrated" like Zhuge Liang did in history.

However, after completing the appointments of captains, postal supervisors and meritorious officers, the position of chief clerk posed some difficulties for Mi Yang.

The position of chief registrar was an administrative official of the county magistrate, that is, the office director in later generations.

In the Han Dynasty, the position of chief registrar was not as important as that of meritorious officials, but compared with other officials, the chief registrar had more direct dealings with the prefect, and general affairs in the county were handled by him.

The responsibilities of the Registrar are to "manage government affairs and make up for missing items."

Since the great chaos in the world, the status of the chief register has gradually become more respected, and its importance has gradually become equal to that of the meritorious official.

The office of the chief registrar is called Menxia.

If you want to compare, the chief secretary is equivalent to the position of Shangshu Ling in the central court.

For such an important and intimate position, Mi Yang finally chose Fa Miao, the son of his mentor Fa Zheng.

After Fa Zheng's death, Fa Miao inherited Fazheng's contribution and was given the title of Marquis of Guannei by Liu Bei.

In history, Fa Miao officials ranged from Fengche Duwei to Hanyang Prefect, but now Fa Miao is upholding filial piety for Fa Zheng.

In the original person's impression, Fa Miao and the original person were very close because of their relationship with Fa Zheng.

In addition, Fa Miao came from a well-known family and his business ability was good. He was indeed the most suitable candidate to serve as Mi Yang's chief bookkeeper.

Mi Yang had written to Liu Bei before, hoping that Liu Bei would win over Fa Miao and allow Fa Miao to end his filial piety and come to Hanxing County to assist him in handling government affairs.

The petition has already been sent to Chengdu, and I hope I will get a reply from Liu Bei in the near future.

According to Mi Yang's assumption, Liu Bei would not refuse this request.

It's just that Fa Miao has not yet arrived, and there is one less "Shang Shu Ling", so Mi Yang needs to do many government affairs personally.

Since Mi Yang took control of Hanxing County, on the one hand, he severely punished the officials who committed the most evil crimes in the county, and on the other hand, his land reclamation project was progressing very smoothly.

After gradually sorting out the population and total number of acres of land in Hanxing County, Mi Yang announced to the entire county that he would start "land granting."

The act of conferring farmland has happened frequently since the Han Dynasty, mostly after the prefect cleared out the local powerful.

After all, after clearing out the powerful locals, there will be a lot more unclaimed land.

Under such circumstances, in order to develop people's livelihood, land granting occurred naturally.

Of course, the content of land granting in the Han Dynasty and "dividing land" in later generations are very different in content and cannot be confused.

But after the news was announced, the government affairs in Hanxing County became more complicated.

Since last month, many people have been coming out of the mountains in Hanxing County.

These people were originally residents of Hanxing County, or some of them fled from Guanzhong to Hanxing County.

Because of the evil deeds committed by the Shen brothers in Hanxing County, they all fled from Hanxing County and hid in the mountains and forests.

However, although most of these people used to hide in the mountains and forests, their contact with the outside world was not severed.

After learning that the Shen brothers and other members of the Shen family had been brought to justice, they also heard that Mi Yang, the new prefect, was planning to "grant farmland", so they came out of the mountains one after another, hoping to be protected by Mi Yang, the prefect of Hanxing.

Over the past month, thousands of families have fled from the mountains and forests.

In order to accommodate these thousands of people, Mi Yang could only temporarily recall those officials who carried out "land transfer", and this move undoubtedly slowed down Mi Yang's policy ideas.

But there was no way, Mi Yang couldn't just sit back and watch thousands of people become homeless and without food to eat.

Moreover, with thousands of families, or at least tens of thousands of people, this kind of strategic resource is exactly what Mi Yang needs most.

Therefore, in the two months since he took charge of Xicheng, Mi Yang has been entangled in complicated government affairs.

Of course, the reason for this is that Mi Yang executed too many members of the Shen family before, which resulted in too few officials in Hanxing County, seriously slowing down the administrative efficiency of the prefecture.

Mi Yang has no regrets about this.

Even if it would seriously affect the administrative efficiency, Mi Yang could not tolerate those who harmed the people and still work in peace and with the imperial salary.

The slower the efficiency, the slower. Those who harm the people must die!

Moreover, if Mi Yang did not execute those who committed the most heinous crimes out of concern, those people would undoubtedly feel emboldened. This would be tantamount to planting time bombs in Hanxing County.

It may be okay at ordinary times, but if it explodes at a critical moment, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although efficiency has slowed down, after more than two months, most of the government affairs in Hanxing County are on track.

I think it will take no more than half a month to sort everything out.

Mi Yang was lying on the desk, constantly reviewing the documents submitted by his subordinates.

At this moment, Lu Yi, who looked sad, came to the lobby with a piece of information in his hand.

When Lu Yi came to the lobby, there were tears in his eyes. He bowed to Mi Yang and said:

"Master Fu, Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and established itself!"

Lu Yi's sad words pulled Mi Yang's thoughts away from the complicated government affairs.

He immediately stood up and came to Lu Yi, took the information in his hand and read it carefully.

After reading it, Mi Yang's eyes flashed with a cold look.

Cao Pi!

Then Mi Yang ordered to the guards in the hall:

"Summon Captain Mengda to come see me!"

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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