Chapter 213 Unpredictable, flap your wings

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Chapter 213 Unpredictable people flap their wings

In the previous process of quelling the turmoil in Hanxing County, Meng Da, Zhang Ni, and Deng Ai all made military exploits.

Although Mi Yang did not assign important positions in the county to these three people, this does not mean that Mi Yang did not value them.

The main reason is that compared to Ding Feng and others, these three are all generals under Mi Yang who actually hold military power.

Therefore, Mi Yang had written to Liu Bei before, talking about Meng Da's contribution to quelling the rebellion, and asked Liu Bei for a reward.

After Liu Bei received Mi Yang's letter, although Liu Bei had not yet given a clear reply on whether Fa Miao would end his mourning, Liu Bei approved Mi Yang's suggestion to reward Meng Da and the others.

Liu Bei appointed Meng Da as the captain of Yingyang, Zhang Yi as the captain of Xingweiyuan, and Deng Ai as the captain of Xingsuiyuan.

Compared with Meng Da, Zhang Ni and Deng Ai's military positions as captains were temporarily suspended.

This is because Zhang Yi and Deng Ai's previous positions were too low.

Zhang Ni and Deng Ai are not like Meng Da. Meng Da was originally a high-ranking official with two thousand shi, but he was demoted for committing crimes.

It's just that although they were listed in the same profession, it was only due to Zhang Yi and Deng Ai's lack of qualifications.

After a period of time passes, or Zhang Yi and Deng Ai make meritorious deeds again, then that "act" will naturally be discarded.

In any case, Liu Bei's appointment solved the name problem that Meng Da and the others had when leading the army, and allowed the three Meng and Da to become the commanders of the first battalion worthy of their name.

When Meng Da and the others learned that he had become a school captain on Mi Yang's recommendation, Meng Da was fine. Zhang Ni and Deng Ai both shed tears of gratitude for Mi Yang's support.

They thought they would have a good future following Mi Yang, but they didn't expect the promotion to come so quickly.

After all, the previous identities of these two people were very different from those of the mid-level and senior generals like Xiaowei.

Following Mi Yang's call, Colonel Meng Da quickly arrived in the lobby.

After Meng Da and the others came to the lobby, Mi Yang asked them to sit down, and then he asked Lu Yi to read out the information he had received.

With a sad expression on his face, Lu Yi told Meng Da and the others about the news he had collected about Cao Pi's usurpation of the Han Dynasty and independence.

When they learned of this shocking change, the faces of Meng Da and the other three people all showed signs of shock.

Then the look of shock on their faces turned into anger!

Compared to Mi Yang, they didn't know that Cao Pi would usurp Han and become independent this year.

In their previous thoughts, although the Cao family and his son were both traitors, since Cao Cao had not usurped the Han Dynasty before his death, they did not expect that Cao Pi would usurp the Han Dynasty so quickly.

Cao Pi has inherited Cao Cao's power for less than a year!

Perhaps since the time of the Young Emperor of the Han Dynasty, the world has been in chaos for decades. The rule of the Han Dynasty has long been on the verge of collapse, and the princes in various places have long been interested in self-reliance.

But after all, the Han Dynasty has ruled the land of China for more than four hundred years. Under such a long rule, the Han people have already become the identity given to everyone in the world at birth.

Under such circumstances, Cao Pi's sudden move to usurp the Han Dynasty made Meng Da and the other two people feel strong shock and anger.

Among the three men from Meng Da, Zhang Yi was the most angry. He looked north with his sword and said bitterly: "Cao Pi deserves to die!"

The three of them, Meng Da, were fine. After learning the news, they mostly felt shocked and angry.

But for Lu Yi, a nobleman who was loyal to the Han Dynasty, his emotions were much richer.

Because Cao Pi's move to usurp the Han Dynasty meant that there would no longer be a dynasty like the Han Dynasty in the world.

They were ministers of Liu Bei, the king of Hanzhong, and Liu Bei's political slogan was to help the Han Dynasty.

Now that the Han Dynasty is dead, what will happen to these ministers who follow Liu Bei to support the Han Dynasty?

Without a name, it is impossible to unite people's hearts.

So Lu Yi was not only shocked and angry, but also deeply sad.

Because for Lu Yi, the ideal he had been pursuing since he was a child was gone!

Mi Yang looked at the reactions of several people in the lobby and roughly knew how loyal they were to the Han Dynasty.

Among the subordinates he summoned today, there is no doubt that Lu Yi and Zhang Ni are the most loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Although Meng Da and Deng Ai were also shocked and angry, their expressions were not intense, which shows that they were not very loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Nowadays, the Ding brothers and Wang Hong have their own important affairs, so Mi Yang did not summon them to the hall. However, these three people may not be very loyal to the Han Dynasty.

Therefore, among his own team, Deng Ai, the Ding brothers, and Wang Hong should be more loyal to themselves than to the Han Dynasty.

As for Meng Da, he was not very loyal to the Han Dynasty, nor was he very loyal to himself.

After Mi Yang took everyone's reactions into his mind, he opened his mouth and said to Lu Yiyan in the hall:

"Ji Yang, you immediately prepare a memorial for me to report Cao Cao's usurpation to the king as soon as possible."

When saying this, Mi Yang also had a huge look of indignation on his face.

Although Lu Yi was in grief and anger, he did not forget his duties. Therefore, after hearing Mi Yang's words, he bowed to Mi Yang to express his acceptance of the order.

Although Mi Yang was surprised that Cao Pi usurped the Han Dynasty and established himself in advance, now that the fact has happened, he must respond accordingly.

Because Hanxing County is located in the border area and is very close to Nanyang County, Mi Yang may get the news of Cao Pi usurping the throne earlier than Wei Yan and Guan Yu.

Under such circumstances, Mi Yang should report the news to Liu Bei as soon as possible.

The most important impact of Cao Pi's usurpation of the throne to establish independence for the Han Dynasty is that Liu Bei's political group, which used the slogan of "supporting the Han Dynasty", lost its name.

Perhaps everyone in the world knows that Cao Pi must have forced Liu Xie to give him the Zen throne, but in terms of etiquette and name, the Wei Dynasty established by Cao Pi did inherit the legal system of the Han Dynasty.

In this case, you should have emotions such as anger, sadness, etc., but you should not let these emotions affect your judgment.

The top priority now is to send this news to Chengdu, and then let the ministers in Chengdu study countermeasures.

Otherwise, over time, in this world where names are important, this incident will definitely have a great negative impact on Liu Bei's political group.

You will know it just by looking at Lu Yi’s performance.

After making this arrangement, Mi Yang ordered Colonel Meng Da to pay close attention and lead his troops to patrol the border to avoid being taken advantage of by the enemy.

After giving two orders in succession, Mi Yang asked the people in the hall to retreat.

But when Lu Yi and others obeyed the order and left, Deng Ai, the captain of Xingsuiyuan, took the initiative to stay.

After Deng Ai saw everyone leaving, he walked up to Mi Yang and bowed to him:

"General, you may wish to write a letter to General Anhan and General Huhan, asking the two generals to contact the ministers in Chengdu and persuade the king to advance at the appropriate time."

Seeing that Deng Ai stayed behind to talk to him about this, Mi Yang looked at Deng Ai with a look of scrutiny in his eyes.

Deng Ai saw that Mi Yang didn't respond to his words. He knew that Mi Yang was waiting for him to continue talking, so Deng Ai continued:

"At this time, it is the general trend for the king to proclaim himself emperor in Chengdu and resume the Han Dynasty."

"Since this is the general trend, why not take advantage of this opportunity, general, to gain further advancement for yourself?"

Deng Ainai was recruited by Mi Yang when he was recruiting troops outside Xiangyang City.

That day outside Xiangyang City, Deng Ai stopped his horse and recommended himself, and Mi Yang leaned down to listen. With this kind of past, the relationship between the two was closer than that of ordinary ministers.

The first position Deng Ai held was Mi Yang's secretary. This position inherently had a strong personal attribute.

After taking Deng Ai under his command, Mi Yang could not be said to have no faith in Deng Ai. Under Mi Yang's kindness, Deng Ai was also devoted to Mi Yang and grateful.

What's more, Mi Yang also saved Deng Ai's mother's life.

Under these circumstances, the relationship between Deng Ai and Mi Yang was that although they were both ministers of the King of Hanzhong in name, in terms of actual relationship, Deng Ai had already regarded himself as Mi Yang's personal minister.

As a private minister, Deng Ai certainly had nothing to avoid in front of Mi Yang.

At this time when the Han Dynasty was cut off, Deng Ai, as a Han official, did not focus on grief and anger, but instead thought about making money for Mi Yang through this matter.

Strictly speaking, this behavior can certainly be regarded as a sign of disloyalty to the Han Dynasty.

But after listening to Deng Ai's words, Mi Yang did not reprimand him.

Mi Yang just picked up a document on the desk and continued to give instructions. At the same time, he said lightly: "Let's talk about this matter slowly. Don't rush it."

After hearing Mi Yang's words, Deng Ai immediately understood.

A smile appeared on his face, and then he bowed to Mi Yang and slowly left the lobby.

After Deng Ai left the lobby, Mi Yang looked at the direction Deng Ai left and put down the brush in his hand.

Encouragement is essentially a kind of political investment.

Once this kind of political investment is successful, the benefits to those who invest will be huge.

Otherwise, in history, when powerful officials wanted to usurp the throne, why would so many people take the lead in persuading them to take huge risks?

Compared with the risks brought by persuading people to join, the rewards brought by successful persuasion are enough to benefit the person who persuades people to join for a lifetime.

But as Deng Ai said, persuading Liu Bei to join him now that Han unification has been severed is basically a hugely profitable deal.

Because no matter what, for the sake of the overall situation and to stabilize people's hearts, Liu Bei will definitely resume the Han Dynasty.

This is a naked consideration of interests, and it is also the path Deng Ai has thought of for Mi Yang.

But from Deng Aihui's sudden suggestion to him, it can be seen that a series of bad effects of Cao Pi after taking over the Han Dynasty began to appear.

Before, perhaps the knowledgeable people in the world knew that the Han Dynasty had already existed in name only.

But even if it is only in name, the Han's orthodox name can still contain the ambitions in the hearts of most people in the world.

Four hundred years of righteousness cannot be completely erased from people's hearts in just a few decades of war.

But Cao Pi now used the power in his hands to take the lead in tearing away the last trace of fear in people's hearts.

This is undoubtedly telling the world that even if you have four hundred years of righteousness, as long as you have absolute power in your hands, you can still get what you want.

The last trace of scruples in the hearts of the world has disappeared.

Even if Liu Bei later reestablished Han rule in Chengdu, the bad influence brought by Cao Pi had already begun to permeate the hearts of the world.

In a sense, Cao Pi's move was as bad as the historical impact of the Sima family killing the emperor in the street.

If any one of the three families can quickly defeat the other two and re-unify the world, then of course this bad influence will not have too big consequences.

But there is no way to do this.

And as long as the world maintains the situation of three factions standing at the same level, this kind of collapse of people's hearts will become more and more serious.

In the end, many profit-seeking individuals will emerge, such as today's Deng Ai.

This is why, compared with the latter three kingdoms, each of the first three kingdoms had a stable political system, but careerists emerged in endlessly.

The one who started making figurines has no descendants!

But Mi Yang knew this clearly, but he couldn't change it, because this is the human heart.

Isn't it that the reason Zhuge Liang has been admired for thousands of years is because he was a great sage who went against the current of worldly desires?

Mi Yang is not a saint, he also has selfish motives.

So when he faced Deng Ai's suggestions, he adopted an attitude of acceptance, but Mi Yang knew that now was not the time to persuade him to join.

Historically, Cao Pi officially received Zen in October of this year, while Liu Bei only ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor in April of the following year.

During these six months, Liu Bei was not trying to persuade Liu to join, but was trying to find out about Liu Xie.

After learning about Liu Xie's death, Liu Bei was persuaded by his ministers to resume Han Dynasty and proclaimed himself emperor.

Therefore, we cannot rashly persuade him to join us at this time. We must first send Liu Xie's "death news" to Chengdu.

Thinking of this, Mi Yang called Gan Gao in from outside the hall.

Afterwards, under Mi Yang's order, several mounted scouts quickly came out of the West City and headed towards the northwest and the Central Plains respectively.

After Deng Ai left, he returned to the military camp of his own army.

After returning to the big tent, Deng Ai actually felt a little excited in his heart.

In Deng Ai's heart, he cannot be said to be disloyal to the Han, but his loyalty is relatively limited, and he is more accustomed to the country's name of "Han".

According to Deng Ai's vision, once Liu Bei ascends the throne and proclaims himself emperor, he will definitely grant a large number of ministers.

Mi Yang already has great military exploits, and if he is encouraged to join, his status will definitely be greatly improved.

This expectation undoubtedly gave Deng Ai, who was Mi Yang's private minister, an exciting feeling in his heart.

Only the higher Mi Yang's status is, the higher his achievements will be.

Thinking that Mi Yang might have a big jump in official position, Deng Ai couldn't help but have some thoughts in his mind.

He wanted to introduce one of his good friends to Mi Yang.

That friend's name is Shi Bao.

When Deng Ai was young, he and Shi Bao were both members of the Diannong tribe in Xiangcheng.

Because Deng Ai stuttered but had great ambitions since childhood, he was often laughed at by his peers. Only Shi Bao expressed appreciation for his ambitions.

Under such circumstances, Deng Ai became good friends with Shi Bao.

Two years ago, Shi Bao was assigned to go to Yecheng to take up a public position, so Deng Ai separated from Shi Bao.

Although the two were separated from each other since then, Deng Ai often wrote letters to greet Shi Bao after he settled in Hanxing County.

A few days ago, Deng Ai received a reply from Shi Bao. He knew that Shi Bao's current life in Yecheng was not satisfactory.

In this case, Deng Ai came up with the idea of ​​introducing Shi Bao to Mi Yang.

Then Deng Ai wrote a letter to Shi Bao in the military tent.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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