Chapter 239 Two persuasion full favor situation change

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Chapter 239: Two Persuading Full Favors, The Situation Changes

After Man Chong was captured by Yanping, the last fighting spirit of the Wei army in Wudang City had been shattered.

When they knew that the situation was over, they abandoned their weapons and surrendered and came to the city gate. They knelt on both sides of the city gate and waited for the Han army to fall.

However, because there was no order from the general Mi Yang, the thousands of Han troops who piled up mounds of earth under the command of Zhang Nan did not rush into Wudang City.

They just controlled the north gate of Wudang City under Zhang Nan's order.

At present, this is not only the case at the north gate of Wudang City, but also at several other gates in Wudang City.

Tens of thousands of Han troops were waiting for Mi Yang's next order.

Mi Yang led his guards and quickly arrived in front of Wudang North Gate.

When he came to the north gate of Wudang, he saw an old man being held hostage by a man with an injured hand behind him on the filled moat outside the north gate.

The old man's forehead was bright red, and the man behind him had a look of excitement on his face.

Mi Yang recognized at a glance that the subdued old man was Man Chong.

On the previous chariot, the surrendered general of the Wei army had identified Man Chong for Mi Yang.

According to the news just received, the man in full uniform should be Yanping.

When Mi Yang rode his horse to the front and rear of Yanping, Man Chong, who knew Mi Yang, deliberately turned his face away from Mi Yang.

And when Yanping saw a young general coming to him surrounded by Han troops, he immediately guessed that the man in front of him was Mi Yang.

After guessing this, Yanping handed over Man Chong, who had been tied up by Wu Huada, to the care of his nephew.

He himself, together with the heads of the powerful Wudang clan, bowed respectfully to Mi Yang and said with fear in his mouth:

"The common people pay homage to the general."

After Yanping called Mi Yang the general, the clan leaders behind him also respectfully called Mi Yang the general.

General is not an official title. General is an honorific title given to generals who have made great achievements.

Among these clan leaders, some are even old enough to be Mi Yang's grandfather.

But in front of Mi Yang, they acted like they didn't dare to look directly at Mi Yang.

This is because of Mi Yang's reputation.

Although these clan leaders were local emperors in Wudang City, they kept their status very low in the face of Mi Yang, who was now powerful in the world and commanded tens of thousands of Han troops.

This is how ordinary wealthy families make a living in troubled times.

After Yanping saluted him, Mi Yang sat on the horse and looked at Yanping, with a smile on his face and said:

"Lai She, I know about Cen Peng today."

After saying this, Mi Yang said to Yanping: "You have made great contributions this time, and I will report it to the King of Hanzhong to express your merit."

After hearing Mi Yang's promise, a look of joy appeared on Yanping's face.

He risked his life to capture many favors, one was for his own benefit, and the other was an investment on his part.

Now that his investment is about to be rewarded, Yanping feels great satisfaction.

Satisfied, Yanping, who was already in awe of Mi Yang, felt grateful to him.

Compared to Man Chong, Mi Yang, whose strength and prestige was far superior to Man Chong, was indeed the one more worthy of his service.

Because of his gratitude to Mi Yang and in order to further please Mi Yang, Yanping wanted to step forward and lead Mi Yang's horse to personally welcome Mi Yang into the city.

However, his move was stopped by Ding Feng beside Mi Yang.

Yanping is now a dangerous person in Ding Feng's eyes, and of course he will not let Yanping get too close to Mi Yang.

After being stopped by Ding Feng, Yanping also understood that his actions were a bit abrupt.

But after being stopped, he did not directly step aside.

He held Man Chong behind him in front of Mi Yang's horse like a treasure, and then Yanping wanted Man Chong to kneel down in front of Mi Yang's horse.

But Man Chong, a man with a strong temperament, felt extremely humiliated and humiliated by being captured by Yan Ping. How could he kneel down in front of Mi Yang's horse in accordance with Yan Ping's wishes?

Facing Yanping's pressure, Man Chong's old body showed great resistance, which made Yanping unable to press Man Chong to the ground for a moment.

Yanping saw that Man Chong still dared to resist at this time. He was eager to show off in front of Mi Yang and a cruel look flashed on his face. He raised the scabbard and was about to hit Man Chong's calf.

Man Chong is an old man. If he was hit hard on the calf by the scabbard, he would probably be seriously injured.

Just when the scabbard in Yanping's hand was about to touch Man Chong's calf, his move was stopped by Mi Yang's sharp shout.


Mi Yang's sharp shout made Yanping subconsciously stop what he was doing.

Although he didn't understand why Mi Yang wanted to stop him, Yanping, who now had all his treasures on Mi Yang, certainly didn't dare to disobey Mi Yang's order.

After Mi Yang shouted to stop Yanping, he signaled Yanping to step aside first, and then asked his bodyguard to untie Man Chong's body.

Mi Yang's behavior surprised both Man Chong and Yanping, but after the surprise, a look of understanding appeared on Man Chong's face.

After the personal guards untied the rope from Man Chong, Mi Yang jumped off the horse and came to Man Chong under the protection of the personal guards.

After being unbound, Man Chong felt sore all over, but when he saw Mi Yang coming in front of him, he turned his head away and deliberately didn't look at Mi Yang as before.

This old man has quite a character.

When Ding Feng saw that Man Chong was already a defeated general and was still so rude, anger began to appear on his face.

It’s already here, what else is there to do?

Ding Feng was about to step forward to scold Man Chong, but Mi Yang took the initiative and bowed to Man Chong:

"Manjun has suffered."

Man Chong was born into a high-ranking noble family in the North, and he had served in the Central Plains for many years and had considerable political achievements, so his reputation in the world was not low.

Mi Yang, who knows the history, also knows that in history, Man Chong finally reached the rank of Taiwei, and his fiefdoms reached 9,600 households. It can be said that among all the Wei officials, his fiefdoms were considered the best.

But in the end, he had no money left, which shows that Man Chong's personal moral character is quite honest.

What's more, when the Han army approached the city, Man Chong could have abandoned the city and fled.

Even though he might be punished by Cao Pi if he returned to Luoyang, according to Man Chong's reputation, he could be exempted from the death penalty.

It's better than staying and holding on with no hope.

Because of Man Chong's actions, Mi Yang admired Man Chong even more.

For such an elder, Mi Yang will feel a headache and want to get rid of it quickly when he is an enemy.

But now that Man Chong has been captured by him, Mi Yang will not hide his respect for Man Chong.

Although Man Chong did not look directly at Mi Yang, he could hear Mi Yang's words and tone clearly.

Compared to Mi Yang, Man Chong's prestige in the world is far inferior.

After all, he has not yet reached Huainan, his treasured land for military exploits.

Therefore, after Man Chong heard that Mi Yang, who was far more prestigious than him, actually saluted him and apologized to him, the gloomy look on Man Chong's face became much better.

Although their positions are different, Man Chong is also a scholar.

Under this relationship, Mi Yang's politeness changed Man Chong's impression of him.

Man Chong finally turned around and looked at Mi Yang.

After Man Chong looked at him, Mi Yang continued to say to Man Chong: "Today Yang is lucky enough to capture Man Jun. If Man Jun changes his mind and only obeys the righteousness, I will report to the King of Hanzhong to protect you and your wealth, and you will have all your merits."

In the future, Yang and you can fight side by side, share gold and stone, and be as famous as heaven and earth."

Facing Mi Yang's solicitation, Man Chong did not show surprise on his face, but there was no emotion on his face either.

He just looked at Mi Yang with an appraising look and said, "If I don't obey, will my head and feet be in a different place, my reputation will be destroyed, and I will be a laughing stock for the world?"

Mi Yang did not answer Man Chong's question.

But Man Chong went on to say: "I have a noble family like Mi Jun and a famous teacher. I should know about the death of a gentleman."

"Didn't I just write in the letter at the beginning that I would like to be the emperor's death festival?"

"I have been greatly favored by Emperor Wu, and I am now sixty-eight years old. It is the right time for my reputation to disappear!"

Man Chong's words clearly expressed his attitude.

That is, he would rather die than change his family to serve Liu Bei.

Despite Man Chong's explicit rejection, Mi Yang did not give up.

Mi Yang continued to persuade Man Chong: "I think Man Jun's talents are like those of ancient sages. Therefore, the king values ​​talents and the ministers judge the master.

If the king is loyal and good, the king's career will be prosperous; if the minister is loyal to the queen, the disaster will be ruin. Life and death, honor and disgrace, will always come from this.

Now Caozi rebelled against the thief Pi and usurped the Han Dynasty's foundation. People and gods were angry. He had no talent and virtue. In the end, he had no choice but to die and destroy his family.

A martyr does not think about himself in what he does. As a minister of the princes, his righteousness is fulfilled. Is there any difference between Kuang Jun and Ni Wei's pure ministers?

"Poetry" says: "When you are about to pass away, you will be suitable for that paradise." If you want to leave your country, there is a way to do it. There is no need for you to have any doubts."

Although Mi Yang wrote a letter before saying that he wanted to fulfill Man Chong's death plot, it was Mi Yang's way of attacking the heart when the two were in conflict.

Facing a talented and virtuous man like Man Chong, Mi Yang would not kill Man Chong if possible.

After all, Man Chong was different from Cao Ren. As Mi Yang said, Man Chong was originally a Han official.

Now that there are three powerful powers in the world, in the final analysis, the people of China are essentially still in a civil war.

Mi Yang did not want to lose too many outstanding talents of the Chinese nation because of the civil war.

Therefore, Mi Yang's persuasion to surrender was very sincere. It was not like persuading Cao Ren to surrender before, but he was just going through the process.

However, in the face of Mi Yang's second attempt to persuade him to surrender, Man Chong still had a look of determination on his face.

Man Chong thanked Mi Yang for respecting him, so he bowed to Mi Yang and said, "No need to waste words anymore, I have made up my mind."

"Today, let me try to see if the sword is sharp enough!"

The behavior between Mi Yang and Man Chong made some people present stunned for a moment.

They didn't know why the two people who had originally vowed to kill each other, now started to salute each other.

In fact, this is an unspoken rule among contemporary scholars.

When each is his own master, it is okay to speak harshly to each other and fight him to death.

But when one party wins, the winning party will also maintain enough respect for the losing party.

Tolerance means magnanimity, which is the excellent character of traditional Chinese scholars.

After Man Chong refused his offer to surrender for the second time, Mi Yang showed no anger on his face.

But he didn't intend to persuade him a third time.

It's only three things. If he still can't persuade Man Chong to surrender the third time, then it's hard to say what Man Chong's fate will be.

Reserve the third time, leave some room between the two, and think carefully about how to persuade Man Chong to surrender in the next time.

Mi Yang asked people to bring Man Chong into the camp, asked the medical officer to heal the wound on his forehead, and asked everyone in the army not to neglect Man Chong.

After Man Chong was taken away, Mi Yang looked at Yan Ping who looked worried.

The reason why Yanping was upset was because he saw Mi Yang treating Man Chong with great respect, which made him regret a little bit for being so rude to Man Chong.

Mi Yang could see what Yanping was thinking. What he was going to do next would require the assistance of local wealthy families like Yanping, so Mi Yang took out the riding whip in his hand, pointed at the city gate in front and spoke to Yanping in a conciliatory manner:

"I am not allowed to enter this door without you today."

In fact, even if there had not been the uprising of Yanping and other wealthy families, Mi Yang might not have been able to capture Wudang City.

Therefore, Mi Yang's praise is obviously an exaggeration.

But it was Mi Yang's praise that made the anxious look on Yanping's face disappear in an instant.

Mi Yang then asked Yanping and the heads of the powerful Wudang clan to lead the way, while he ordered Zhang Yi, who had already rushed to the scene, and generals Zhang Bao and the Han army to follow behind and enter Wudang City one after another.

At the moment when Yanping captured Man Chong and opened the city gate, not to mention the Wei army in the city had no intention of resisting, even the major wealthy families in the city could only surrender to the Han army under this fact.

Therefore, the Han army's march into the city went very smoothly.

Under Feng Xi's arrangement, the Han army, which successively took control of key areas in Wudang City, had completely controlled the entire Wudang City.

Just as the Han army broke out of their camps and entered the city one after another, Cao Tai and Sima Yi, who were wandering outside the Han army's camp, soon learned about this.

When the two of them learned about this, their faces showed sadness.

Such actions by the Han army indicate that Wudang City has been completely captured by the Han army.

Because the two thousand Wei army's cavalry wanted to attract the Han army out of the camp to fight, most of them were wandering on the plain outside the Han army's northern camp.

Blocked by numerous tents, they did not know this when the gates of Wudang City were opened.

As the Han army continued to dismantle the camp and enter the city, they only realized it later.

After knowing that Wudang City had been captured by Mi Yang, Cao Tai asked Sima Yi:

"Zhongda, Wudang has fallen. Should we return to Wancheng next?"

Facing Cao Tai's inquiry, Sima Yi decisively replied, "We cannot retreat."

Sima Yi took out a map of Nanyang County, placed it in front of Cao Tai and said to him:

"Wudang City was captured by Mi Yang, so his next target is likely to be Wancheng."

"Although Wancheng has a water connection with Wudang City, there are many cities of Wei Dynasty beside the water system."

"His Majesty should have learned about the military situation in Nanyang County by now. The Luoyang Chinese Army will be arriving soon to provide reinforcements. Mi Yang must also know this.

In this case, he does not have time to destroy our cities one by one, so his navy cannot gallop in Nanyang County."

"If Mi Yang wanted to attack Wancheng, he could only order the rebels to go northward by land. However, the area between Wudang City and Wancheng is mostly plains with no dangerous strongholds.

As long as the general's two thousand cavalry troops do not withdraw, Mi Yang will be worried about the safety of the food road, and will have scruples not to send a large army northward. And as long as Wancheng is not lost, Nanyang will not be lost!"

Sima Yi quickly analyzed the current situation for Cao Tai.

Under Sima Yi's analysis, a look of determination appeared on Cao Tai's face.

Mi Yang had previously taken advantage of the situation that was favorable to him, rendering his two thousand cavalry troops useless, but the situation would not always be favorable to Mi Yang.

The terrain of Nanyang County is what he can take advantage of next!

There are three chapters today, the second chapter is at 22 o'clock, and the third chapter is at 2 o'clock in the morning.

If you write the third chapter quickly, you will post it as soon as you finish it.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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