Chapter 358 Abandoning the City to Deter Ma Su from Playing

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The administrative efficiency of the newly established Liangzhou Dynasty was very fast. Coupled with the unanimous testimony of dozens of rebel generals, the evidence of Deng Xian's crime can be said to be conclusive.

On the second day after Deng Xian was arrested, Mi Yang rang the bells and drums to summon all the state ministers to gather at the Prefectural Mufu.

In the main hall of the Prefectural Shepherd's Mansion, Mi Yang asked the chief secretary Deng Ai to publicly declare the crimes of Deng Xian and the dozens of rebel generals.

After completing this step, Mi Yang decisively made a decision on the dozens of rebellious ministers in front of the ministers - abandoning the market.

When all the ministers heard that the punishment for these dozens of rebellious ministers was to abandon the market, all of them showed shock on their faces.

The penalty of abandoning the market first originated in the Shang and Zhou dynasties, gradually spread during the Spring and Autumn Period, and has been passed down to the present.

"Book of Rites" records: "Execute people in the market and abandon them with the crowd.".

Abandoning the market means executing a prisoner in a busy market where people gather to show that he is abandoned by the public.

Although there are records of this punishment in the "Book of Rites", it was the Qin Dynasty that really promoted the punishment of abandoning the market.

The reason why the punishment of abandoning the market was favored by Qin Shihuang was because of the special nature of this punishment being executed in front of the public, which could greatly deter those who harbored evil intentions among the public.

The family that is also subjected to this kind of punishment will also suffer a huge blow to their reputation, thus strengthening the deterrent effect of this kind of punishment.

The Han Dynasty inherited the Qin system, although the monarchs of the Western Han Dynasty abolished many of the tortures of the Qin Dynasty.

However, even Taizong of the Han Dynasty, who was famous for his benevolence and righteousness, did not abolish the punishment of abandoning the market, which was very effective in maintaining rule.

During the four hundred years of the Han Dynasty, there were many criminals who were punished by abandoning the city, and most of them were guilty of heinous crimes.

Similarly, whenever law enforcers impose the punishment of abandoning the market, it will have a great deterrent effect.

Otherwise, the faces of the state ministers in the main hall would not be shocked when they heard that dozens of rebellious ministers were sentenced to abandoning the city.

Among the three major forces in the world, although Liu Bei is famous for promoting talents from poor families, Liu Bei's power alone is limited.

Without the assistance of a system, the number of talents from disadvantaged families he can promote is limited.

At least judging from the current overall national conditions of the Han Dynasty, many people who hold middle-level and grass-roots official positions are from noble families and wealthy families.

This is particularly serious in Yizhou.

Otherwise, how could the Yizhou clique compete with the Yuancong clique and Jingzhou clique without occupying a core position?

Most of the dozens of rebellious ministers were Yizhou nobles and came from wealthy families.

Now that they have been punished by Mi Yang for abandoning the market, they deserve to die, but as mentioned above, this punishment will have a certain impact on the families behind them.

Such consequences made the state ministers in the hall even more frightened.

Most of them are from local noble families.

As a disciple of Zhuge Liang and Fa Zheng, it is impossible for Mi Yang not to know the consequences of abandoning the market.

However, he still insisted on using this punishment, which in addition to reflecting his deep hatred for chaos and corruption.

He also used the bloody facts to warn all the noble families and wealthy families in Liangzhou.

Give me some peace of mind.

Otherwise, there is no guarantee that he will not directly use the most frightening clan execution in the world next time.

After all, whether Mi Yang can use the power of clan execution is all that is required to write a request for instructions to Liu Bei.

Mi Yang will specially summon a group of state ministers today, with the intention of killing chickens to scare monkeys.

After understanding Mi Yang's intention, many of the state ministers present could not help but look at each other in confusion.

They thought that not long ago Mi Yang had shown favor to them and spared no expense in money because of their obedience.

Originally, they thought Mi Yang was a tolerant king.

But from Mi Yang's behavior today, it can be seen that Mi Yang does not lack decisive iron-fisted and cold-blooded methods when encountering people who disobey him.

If Mi Yang's behavior in the past few days is called the winter sun, then his behavior today is the summer sun.

Be dignified and upright, and use the blazing sunshine to burn away all evil spirits.

Mi Yang's combination of kindness and power gave all the state ministers present a deeper understanding of Mi Yang, and also established a sense of awe in their hearts based on personal experience.

This kind of awe is undoubtedly deeper than the awe caused by the rumors before.

Mi Yang looked at the awe on the faces of the state ministers present after learning about the punishments received by the dozens of rebellious ministers and understanding his deeper intentions. He nodded with satisfaction.

In fact, Fa Miao had suggested before that Mi Yang should be punished by genocide for dozens of rebellious ministers.

After all, the crimes committed by those dozens of rebellious ministers were essentially launching a rebellion.

To punish such a crime, the punishment of clan execution is most appropriate.

Compared with the punishment of abandoning the market, Mi Yang only had a formal petition for instructions.

When there is clear evidence of guilt, as long as Mi Yang writes a formal letter asking Liu Bei for instructions, Liu Bei will not reject Mi Yang's request.

It's just that Mi Yang is not a murderous person.

Maybe for people in the world, it is politically correct to punish those who rebel.

But Mi Yang comes from later generations.

Anyway, judging from the current situation, the deterrence effect of abandoning the market is strong enough, so the punishment of clan execution should not be used if possible.

After shocking the people of Liangzhou with severe punishments, Mi Yang ordered the dozens of rebellious ministers in the main hall to be taken to the downtown area and executed immediately.

When the dozens of rebellious ministers heard that they were sentenced to death by Mi Yang, many of them collapsed to the ground in fear.

Now, under Mi Yang's order, many wolf-like soldiers suddenly appeared behind them and escorted them to the busy city. This made the fear in their hearts rise to the maximum in an instant.

Some rebellious ministers were so frightened that they peed their pants, some rebellious ministers kept kowtowing like worms and begging for mercy, and some rebellious ministers were like frightened black fish on the table, struggling incessantly.

Before life and death, few people can maintain normalcy, especially those who are obsessed with profit.

And all the different ugliness before death were like sharp arrows shot into the hearts of the state ministers present.

The more ugly the dozens of rebellious ministers were before their deaths, the more deeply shocked they were.

Since the first hundred years of the Han Dynasty, Hanzhong County has never executed so many people at the same time for abandoning the city.

However, no matter how big a farce is, there are moments when it comes to an end. Dragged by a group of soldiers who looked like wolves and tigers, the dozens of rebellious ministers were all taken to the downtown area soon after.

After the dozens of rebellious ministers were escorted away, the entire hall seemed extremely quiet, as if you could hear a pin drop.

This kind of atmosphere filled the already deep hall with a frightening atmosphere.

Just when the state ministers were sitting on pins and needles in the main hall, a faint sentence came from Mi Yang's position:

“A teacher who never forgets the past is a saying his Majesty often teaches me.

Therefore, Gu decided to set up a Si Wen Cao, directly subordinate to Gu, to supervise all matters in Liangzhou. What do you think?"

What do you think?

Mi Yang asked this question in a rather indifferent tone, but when these four words fell on the ears of the ministers in the palace, they continued to look at each other in confusion.

Among the ministers looking at each other, no one dared to take the initiative to act as a direct minister.

According to the etiquette system of the Han Dynasty, county princes and shepherds could call themselves orphans to show their honor.

With Mi Yang's current status, he could actually claim to be an orphan in front of his ministers, but he had rarely claimed to be so in the past.

But now he rarely calls himself alone in front of everyone. This is to remind everyone present that he is now their lord.

The lord intended to establish an official position, and also brought up the real dragon Liu Bei. Mi Yang did not ask the opinions of the people present.

He is informing.

Not many of Mi Yang's confidants have a sense of politics, but most of the state ministers here come from noble and wealthy families, so they still have this political sensitivity.

After realizing Mi Yang's true intention, although they all knew that the official position of Siwen Cao was quite sensitive, it might endanger their interests to a certain extent.

But under the shock of Mi Yang just now, who dares to oppose Mi Yang's intention now?

Especially for today's discussion, Wu Yi, the only person who might hinder Mi Yang, claimed to be ill and did not attend.

You know, the downtown area is not far from the state pastoral office.

You know, it is very normal for noble families to marry each other.

Once Mi Yang flipped the table and unleashed the killing weapon of clan execution, at least most of the state ministers present would be implicated.

So when Mi Yang finished speaking, some of the state ministers who knew the current affairs immediately raised their hands and worshiped Mi Yang: "Uncle Mu is wise."

This voice sounded very clear in the quiet hall.

And after this voice sounded, many people immediately echoed this sentence.

Soon after, all the state ministers in the entire hall expressed that Mi Yang's decision was very wise.

Seeing that no one had any objections, a smile appeared on Mi Yang's face again.

I guess this is what is recorded in the history books as "the top and the bottom are united".

This is a sign that Liangzhou's national power is about to flourish.

A few days later, dozens of rebellious ministers were executed in a busy city, causing the people of Nanzheng to rush to watch and take a warning.

Several cavalrymen in Nanzheng City drove out from the south gate carrying the messengers sent by Liangzhou Mu, and headed quickly towards Chengdu.

In the past few days, it was the time when Mi Yang shocked people with his thunderous methods, and it was also the time when Liangzhou Biejiafa Miao was thinking hard about how to hand in his homework.

After thinking hard for several days, the talented Fa Miao finally wrote a petition and gave it to Mi Yang to read.

After Mi Yang saw that there was no problem, he forwarded the letter to Deng Ai for review. After Deng Ai reviewed it and found that there were no omissions, the letter was officially handed over to Lu Yi, who sent someone to send it to Chengdu.

Although the three-province system reformed by Mi Yang was only the first implementation, under Mi Yang's leadership, Liangzhou's political affairs handling process has become more and more like the "three-province system" of later generations.

It is spring and summer, which is the flood season for the rivers in Yizhou.

Thanks to the convenient water transportation, the messengers quickly arrived in Chengdu.

In the Han Dynasty, although those responsible for delivering documents to and from Cao Cao were all minor officials, due to the importance of delivering documents, such minor officials must have been the chief's confidants.

And the petty officials who can take charge of such tasks are all very smart and capable people.

Just like Taishi Ci back then.

Being shrewd and capable ensured that the messenger would not make some negligence that would damage Mi Yang's interests.

When the officials from Liangzhou entered Chengdu, they delivered the documents in their hands to the official office at the Chancellery as usual.

But when they handed the document in their hands to the clerk in the Chancery, they specifically reminded that the letter must be handed over to the prime minister.

The Liangzhou official's move to report to Cao Cao was not superfluous, but a very necessary thing.

Originally, according to the official system of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the Shangshutai was the place where the central court received documents from local areas.

Similarly, letters from various places must be handed over to the minister, Liu Ba.

However, after Liu Bei proclaimed himself emperor, on the one hand he did not reduce the powers of the Chancellor in order to show his legitimacy, but on the other hand he reinstated the post of prime minister.

Liu Bei's move is full of contradictions.

Because the Shangshutai gradually became the center of political power of the central government, it was achieved by gradually eroding the power of the prime minister.

Even the establishment of the Chancellor's Desk was intended to suppress and reduce the power of the prime minister.

Now that the central court of the Han Dynasty has both ministers and prime ministers, who should send the documents to?

Previously, Liao Li, the governor of Bajun, was confused about this issue, so his clerks sent the document to the minister, Liu Ba.

So not long after, he was recruited back to the court to serve as a lieutenant in Changshui.

Since then, once the documents from the local area are sent to Chengdu, the clerks from all over the country will specially tell the clerks at the Shangshu Desk not to make mistakes.

After this political tragedy occurred, all the local governors in the Han Dynasty seemed to understand Liu Bei's intentions.

The reason why Liu Bei put Shangshu Ling and the Prime Minister in the court side by side was not to check and balance each other at all.

What he was waiting for was for people like Liao Li to make this kind of mistake.

Then he could use the political signal sent by punishing that person to spontaneously and quietly transfer all the power of Shangshu Ling Liu Ba to the hands of Prime Minister Zhuge Liang.

This would not only prevent anyone from criticizing him for tampering with the ancestral system, but also effectively transfer all administrative power to Zhuge Liang.

It can be said to be the best of both worlds.

But some ministers in the government and the public knew that this was not the only thing Liu Bei wanted to give Zhuge Liang.

The reason why Liu Bei did this was to pave the way for giving Zhuge Liang a power that countless people dream of.

When the clerk in Liangzhou handed the document to the clerk in Taichung, he knew that the document came from Liangzhou.

Therefore, the little official in Shangshu Taizhong did not dare to slack off. He immediately held the documents in his hands and rushed to Zhuge Liang's location.

As the center of power of the central court, the Shangshutai certainly occupies a very large area.

When Prime Minister Zhuge Liang entered the Shangshu Terrace in the name of recording the affairs of the Shangshu, his place soon became the center of the Shangshu Taichung.

When the clerk walked through the corridors and came to a hall with Liangzhou documents in hand, he saw Ma Su on duty outside at a glance.

As a rising star in the Jingzhou clan who was highly regarded by Zhuge Liang, Ma Di recently became a minister in Shangshu Taichung on the recommendation of Zhuge Liang.

Ma Di also knew that he was where he was today, all thanks to Zhuge Liang's promotion.

Therefore, after he became Shangshu, he always followed Zhuge Liang and assisted him in handling government affairs.

After the junior official saw Ma Su, he immediately came to Ma Su, but before the junior official could speak, Ma Su frowned when he saw the document in the junior official's hand.

"You just stand aside for now."

After finishing speaking, Ma Su pointed to the side with his finger.

Only then did the clerk realize that there were already dozens of clerks waiting in line, holding documents from different places in their hands.

This chapter has been completed!
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