Chapter 365 Nanzheng Yaowu Signs of Great Change

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Chapter 365: Signs of great changes in Nanzheng Yaowu

The first thing Mi Yang had to do was to conduct a military parade.

The military parade is a ceremony in which the country reviews its armed forces.

The military parade ceremony has a long history for the Chinese nation.

"Zuo Zhuan" says: "The great affairs of the country lie in sacrifice and military affairs."

It is said that as early as the Xia Dynasty in China, there were already ceremonies similar to military parades.

But at that time it had a more specific name:

"Observe the troops to intimidate the princes."

The most famous military parade ceremony in China's pre-Qin period was King Wu of Zhou's "Mengjin Oath."

In addition to the "Mengjin Pledge of Allegiance", there are also many military parade ceremonies, such as "Jiantu Alliance", "Huangchi Yaowu" and so on.

Although the organizers of the several military parades were all of different sizes.

But there is no doubt that those military parades brought great prestige to the organizers and established their great cause.

"Wait until I return victorious."

Early this morning, Mi Yang got up and freshened up under Guan Yan's service.

When he met Mi Yang, Wu Yi originally thought that Mi Yang wanted to test his intention of staying behind closed doors during this period of time.

After putting on the gorgeous dress and hat, Mi Yang looked at herself in the bronze mirror.

This high platform was built by Cao Cao to review his troops after he captured Hanzhong.

With the strong support of all the ministers, the preliminary preparations for the military parade went smoothly.

Due to the confusion in his heart, Wu Yi unknowingly followed the large army to the outside of the city.

Because this symphony represents that Mi Yang has supreme power in Liangzhou.

Although Liangzhou is not big, it is small but has all the internal organs. When all the officials in the state are summoned, there are still hundreds of officials.

When they arrived at the location where the military parade was held, a high platform several feet above the ground that could accommodate hundreds of people appeared in everyone's eyes.

Since today is a very important day for Mi Yang, Mi Yang, under Guan Yan's service, put on a dress and hat that would only be worn during grand ceremonies.

"On the Mid-Autumn Festival, I would like to congratulate Mu Bo!"

Mi Yang's words were full of confidence.

Now, with the passage of time, the owner of this high platform has become Mu Mi Yang of Liangzhou.

Before Mi Yang's team of thousands of people arrived, the 30,000 Hanzhong army, led by generals at all levels, were already waiting quietly in the vast open space below the high platform.

There are undoubtedly many officials gathered inside and outside the hall today. This is because today is both the Mid-Autumn Festival and the day when Mi Yang holds a grand military parade.

This day is not only the day when the military parade is held, but also the Mid-Autumn Festival, one of the four traditional festivals of the Chinese nation.

Mi Yang knew that there were still many officials who were not qualified to enter the hall to congratulate him, so they could only wait miserably outside the hall.

When Mi Yang suddenly asked him this question last night, Wu Yi was stunned for a moment and could not answer.

Seeing that Mi Yang didn't answer her question directly, Guan Yan was a little unhappy.

In the current period, due to the troubled times with constant wars, military parade activities are even more valued by the rulers of the three families.

After putting on the dress and hat, Guan Yan finally hung a beautifully decorated long sword on Mi Yang's waist.

After completing this action, Guan Yan looked up at Mi Yang in front of her and said with a slightly worried tone:

"Can what we do today be accomplished?"

Precisely because he guessed Mi Yang's intention, when Mi Yang revealed this idea in a parliament half a month ago, his idea received strong support from all the state ministers.

The origins of the Mid-Autumn Festival are diverse, but what is certain is that the Mid-Autumn Festival has become one of the important traditional festivals of the Han people in the Han Dynasty.

Not only that, when bursts of congratulations were heard outside the hall, hundreds of officials outside the hall also began to congratulate Liangzhou Mu outside the hall under the auspices of the etiquette officer.

On both sides of the team, there were many soldiers guarding them.

Even the Wu brothers, who had been staying at home until now, came to the hall today.

Taking the specific situation in Liangzhou as an example, Mi Yang's sudden desire to hold a military parade must have been for the last purpose - demonstration.

Under such circumstances, military parades that can promote military power and boost morale are often held.

In ancient times, wearing dresses, hats, and hats was very cumbersome, but today Mi Yang rarely has the patience to let Guan Yan fiddle with her.

At the end of the team, there were hundreds of officials.

Just thinking of how much Mi Yang had always valued him, Deng Ai felt firm in his heart.

But in the world, is there any general who wears grand uniforms and goes to war?

The place where the military parade was held was just one mile outside Nanzheng City.

He stretched out his hand and pinched Guan Yan's nose, and said with a smile: "Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, you shouldn't be worried."

Is this the journey of a shepherd uncle?

Even when Zhang Shijun was in power, the grandeur of his travels was probably just like this.

Mi Yang just asked him: "The sage said that you cannot have both fish and bear's paws. But what is more precious than fish and bear's paws is the righteousness of a scholar.

It looked like there were at least a hundred people there.

Such a day of double happiness and special significance is rare not to mention in Liangzhou, even among the entire Han Dynasty.

She is caring about him, but he is playing tricks on her.

Although this represented his supreme power in Liangzhou, in comparison, he still preferred to hear the congratulations of tens of thousands of troops.

When Mi Yang walked towards the outside of the hall, the wall of hundreds of people standing a few steps in front of him immediately parted automatically, revealing a passage for Mi Yang to pass through.

Has Mr. Wu ever forgotten what it means to be a scholar?"

After figuring this out, Deng Ai looked forward with determination.

This question has puzzled Wu Yi from last night to now.

When the hundreds of celebrations in the hall and the hundreds of celebrations outside the hall collided with each other, it seemed to play a symphony that would make any man extremely intoxicated.

When Mi Yang passed through the passage, a group of civil and military officials from Liangzhou behind him, led by Fa Miao and Wu Yi, turned into two streams and followed Mi Yang towards the main hall.

Walk outside.

Liu Bei, Cao Cao, and Sun Quan, the three current overlords, all personally directed military parades.

The sound of a charioteer's horse was heard, and Mi Yang's honor guard immediately moved towards the outside of the city.

What Deng Ai didn't know was that while he was thinking about things, Wu Yi, not far in front of him, was also fighting between heaven and man.

But when Mi Yang heard the symphony, his face looked very indifferent.

When the state pastor's ceremonial guard, numbering over a thousand people, drove down Kuandai Street, it immediately aroused exclamations from the people in the houses on both sides of the street.

Therefore, many people did not notice that there was a hint of nervousness on Deng Ai's face.

At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, because the Xiongnu in the north often caused chaos, rulers of all dynasties attached great importance to military affairs.

When Mi Yang walked up to his seat step by step, all the civil and military officials in the hall, led by Fa Miao and Wu Yi respectively, all bowed to Mi Yang:

Mi Yang didn't know how long Guan Yan had been fiddling with it, but she only knew that his legs were almost numb from standing up.

Finally, when the sky was completely bright, Guan Yan finally dressed everything for Mi Yang.

See you soon.

Regardless of whether it is August 16 or August 14 in other places, August 15 will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in Liangzhou from now on.

Military parades are held for three reasons: oath-taking, dominance, and demonstration.

But even though she was a little unhappy in her heart, Guan Yan still wished: "I hope your husband will come back victorious."

Later, when Hanzhong fell into the hands of Liu Bei, he did not order anyone to demolish the tower.

No matter how they view Mi Yang behind their backs, they are all ministers of Liangzhou now.

When he recommended Shi Bao to Mi Yang before, Mi Yang also smiled and unexpectedly thanked him for recommending a great talent to him.

When Mi Yang stepped out of the Zhou Mu Mansion and got into his car, the two streams of people, which were originally like streams, gradually grew bigger after hundreds of officials gathered in each.

Only Mi Yang's close ministers had some different emotions flowing in their hearts.

In fact, Deng Ai knew in his heart that Shi Bao had not yet revealed any obvious deeds to the world, so how could he be considered a great talent like Mi Yang?

After hearing Guan Yan's worries, Mi Yang, the protagonist who wanted to do something big, didn't seem worried at all.

There is no reason why they would refuse such an exciting thing.

It’s no wonder that many officials take it so seriously.

When Mi Yang appeared in the hall with a luxurious temperament, hundreds of officials in the hall looked at him.

Mi Yang is now in great power. He can rest easy in Liangzhou from now on. What else is he dissatisfied with and what else should he do?

However, Wu Yi keenly realized from Mi Yang's inquiry that today's military parade was definitely not simple.

Last night, Mi Yang specially summoned him to go to the Prefecture Mufu.

Mi Yang was already tall, but when he put on the gorgeous dress and hat, he looked even more noble and dignified, calm and dignified.

After all, there were hundreds of officials attending the ceremony with Mi Yang today, and such a large number of people could not allow them to walk all the way to the camp several miles away.

Because those tens of thousands of congratulations were definitely more inspiring and more sincere than the hundreds he heard so far.

For them, a grand military parade can be used to demonstrate the military power of their country and deter the powerful enemies in the north.

Since the date of the Mid-Autumn Festival is closely related to the agricultural harvest season, when the Mid-Autumn Festival comes, people's mood will become very good.

Mi Yang not only had great trust in him, but also relied on him as her confidant.

Seeing that Wu Yi couldn't answer, Mi Yang didn't blame him. He just asked Wu Yi to go back and think about the problem carefully.

And when the exclamations of the people on both sides of the street reached the ears of the hundreds of officials, the faces of most of the officials were filled with the joy of attending the grand event.

After the bursts of congratulations finally stopped, Mi Yang looked at the hundreds of officials standing in front of him and said word by word:

After saying this, Mi Yang immediately walked out of the hall.

Perhaps in Liu Bei's mind, continuing to keep this high platform is the best sign of his victory over Cao Cao.

Especially Deng Ai among them.

Coupled with the special structure of the hall, the bursts of celebrations continued to echo in the hall.

He put his hand into his arms and held a document tightly.

However, although the military parade ceremony has appeared very early, it was during the Han Dynasty that the military parade ceremony became popular.

Of course, there are so many officials from Liangzhou gathered inside and outside the main hall today because Mi Yang had ordered to invite all the officials from Liangzhou to Nanzheng in the past half month to enjoy the grand event.

The reason why Mi Yang commented so much on Shi Bao was simply because of her trust and love for him.

For such a lord, why should Deng Ai hesitate?

Just what will it be?

The total number of regular soldiers in Liangzhou was nearly 50,000.

It has to be said that although the dresses, crowns and hats of today are very troublesome to wear, it certainly has a reason for its existence if it is something that the nobility likes.

After the fall of the Western Han Dynasty, although Liu Xiu, the founder of the Han Dynasty, did not want the local armed forces to be too strong, he did not rashly abolish this ceremony.

"All your lords, please go with me to the outside of the city to see the great strength of our army!"

Unless Mi Yang wants to fight a war without smoke.

Of course, Mi Yang, who came from later generations, ordered the specific period of the Mid-Autumn Festival to be determined in Liangzhou shortly after becoming the shepherd of Liangzhou.

However, in the Han Dynasty, the date of the Mid-Autumn Festival had not been uniformly determined, and each place had its own Mid-Autumn Festival at different times.

After saying these words, Mi Yang came to the main hall outside with one hand on the long sword at his waist.

If others heard Guan Yan's words, they would think that Mi Yang was going to fight today.

But since Wu Yi came back last night, he still hasn't understood the meaning of Mi Yang's question.

When he thought that he would announce the contents of the document in front of tens of thousands of troops and hundreds of officials, he would inevitably feel nervous.

At the front of the team, there were more than a hundred elite riders clearing the way.

Of course, the most important thing is that after nearly half a year of continuous efforts, most of the middle and junior generals in the 30,000-strong army are direct descendants of Mi Yang.

A scholar dies for a confidant.

Liangzhou was the northern frontier of the Han Dynasty, and Mi Yang must have demonstrated to the generals of Cao Wei in Guanzhong if he wanted to demonstrate.

As one of the three nobles in Liangzhou, Deng Ai's position among hundreds of officials was very high.

When Mi Yang arrived at the main hall, he found that Liangzhou officials, whether they were in the state capital or not, had already gathered in the main hall.

But what he didn't expect was that Mi Yang didn't pay attention to this after meeting him.

August 15, the second year of Zhangwu's reign, was the day when the Liangzhou military parade was held.

Liangzhou's army was originally a battle-hardened elite, and now after extensive elimination, the remaining 30,000 sergeants are a rare and powerful army in the world.

However, after Mi Yang eliminated the old and weak, only 30,000 of the nearly 50,000 troops were left.

Hundreds of uniform congratulations instantly resounded throughout the entire hall, filling the empty hall to the brim.

After hearing Guan Yan's blessing, Mi Yang smiled even more.

This is what Mi Yang wants most.

It was after accomplishing this that Mi Yang decided to conduct a military parade.

It is precisely because of this that when Mi Yang's chariot appeared in front of the 30,000-strong army, the eyes of the 30,000 Han troops, led by their respective generals, all turned towards Mi Yang's chariot.

Under the bright and scorching sun, thirty thousand steadfast eyes were filled with admiration and fanaticism.

(End of chapter)

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