Chapter 362

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Chapter 362: Ma Su enters the Liang Dynasty and gives some tips

Zhuge Liang was very efficient in his work. After he left the palace, he immediately drafted an edict reprimanding Mi Yang for the emperor Liu Bei as the prime minister.

After writing the document, Zhuge Liang originally wanted to send his assistant Dong Yun to Nanzheng.

After all, most of the envoys sent by the imperial court to meet Mi Yang in the past were Dong Yun. Dong Yun was very familiar with the matter of sending envoys to Mi Yang.

But Zhuge Liang then thought about it, Mi Yang was now a shepherd, and Dong Yun was a close minister of the emperor in the palace.

As the two were sensitive to each other, they could not always send Dong Yun as envoy to Mi Yang.

After considering this, Zhuge Liang summoned Ma Di.

After Zhuge Liang's summons, Ma Su quickly came to him.

After Ma Su arrived, Zhuge Liang handed the document with the seal in his hand to Ma Su.

Zhuge Liang suddenly made such a move, which already made Ma Su a little puzzled.

What Zhuge Liang said next made Ma Su even more surprised.

Later, he ordered the heads of these criminal generals to be hung on the city wall as a warning."

But he never imagined that Ma Su, who had been "wholeheartedly dedicated to the public" in the past, would have doubts about shrinking back before arriving in Liangzhou.

After unfolding the edict and reading its contents, Ma Di was completely relieved of his worries.

Anyway, the edict he asked Ma Su to send to Liangzhou was nominally Liu Bei reprimanding Mi Yang.

So under the leadership of Fa Miao, Ma Su and his party quickly entered Nanzheng City.

What is protected is the public interest.

The day before Ma Su arrived, Mi Yang in Nanzheng City learned the news in advance.

However, before the formal reading, Ma Su reminded Mi Yang in advance out of doubts in his heart: "This is your majesty's edict of rebuke."

It was the spring and summer flood season, and with the help of convenient water transportation, the delegation of dozens of people headed by Ma Su quickly arrived outside Nanzheng City.

During this period, Mi Yang shocked everyone in Nanzheng City with nearly a hundred bloody heads.

Even as he went deeper into Nanzheng City, Ma Di found that many county soldiers were demolishing some high walls.

Although a lot of Hanzhong's population was moved away by Cao Cao before, after several years of recuperation and continuous migration of refugees from Yizhou, it is difficult to say about other counties in Hanzhong County. Nanzheng City has long been restored to a county of ten thousand households.

So when Ma Su entered Nanzheng City and saw this scene that he had wanted to do but could not do in the past, his feelings in his heart were deeper than ordinary people.

Although Mu Bo has defeated the enemy today, he may break it tomorrow. Now Mu Bo is stationed in northern Xinjiang to shock the northern thieves, and his first move should be to stabilize people's hearts.

Fa Miao said in a nonchalant tone: "Not long ago, some military officers outside Nanzheng City were in turmoil because of corruption.

What you are tearing down is the face of the wealthy family.

In today's world, the larger the city, the greater the population in the city, which means the city's economy is more prosperous.

Although Ma Su didn't know why Liu Bei suddenly issued an edict to reprimand Mi Yang, Ma Su, who had a smart personality, knew that if this matter was not handled well, it would probably become a big trouble.

So he feels anxious now.

He wondered if his taking over Wu Yi's military power really caused Liu Bei's dissatisfaction?

Pedestrians in the city and street vendors in the city are basically moving around in their respective areas peacefully.

In this case, it is better to take this opportunity to let Ma Su and Mi Yang get in touch in advance.

After the turmoil was put down by Uncle Mu, Uncle Mu enforced strict law and order and sentenced them all to abandoning the market.

But even though there were more private soldiers than county soldiers who demolished the wall, those private soldiers could only watch silently.

When Ma Su arrived, Mi Yang had already ordered an incense table to be set up in the main hall.

What's more, he personally imprisoned nearly a hundred rebels some time ago.

The high walls that can be built to block the streets of wealthy families have undoubtedly become cancerous tumors in these arteries. Apart from satisfying their selfish desires, these cancerous tumors have no benefit to the country or the city.

Especially when Wu Yi stayed behind closed doors, no one could restrain the power in Mi Yang's hands.

Ma Su wanted to say something, but when he thought of his mission, he consciously swallowed what he wanted to say.

In Yizhou, because Zhuge Liang valued him, Ma Di's reputation was very wide.

Only then did he fully understand Zhuge Liang's true intention of sending him.

It is an honor to serve as the emperor's messenger and to rebuke his subordinates on behalf of the emperor.

Today, Uncle Mu wants to kill all the guilty ministers to eliminate future troubles. This is not the way of a benevolent person, so how can he achieve his wish?

The way you govern is the same as the way you use military force. Conquering the heart is the highest priority, and destroying the body is the lowest priority. I am worried about the shepherds."

Facing the arrival of the emperor's messenger, even though she knew in advance that it was Ma Su, the street pavilion war god, Mi Yang still showed full respect.

Regarding Ma Su and Mi Yang, Zhuge Liang's personal feelings are now more biased towards Mi Yang.

He saw that Mi Yang was in a good mood now, and he felt that Mi Yang was indeed well-deserved, so he reminded everyone in public:

"Liangzhou is barren, the people are strong and fierce, and the ambitious people are emboldened and have been dissatisfied for a long time.

Ma Di, who once served as Mianzhu and was the county magistrate of Chengdu, knows this best.

He had never experienced fighting on the battlefield, and he had never seen such a terrifying sight.

However, after getting to know him in detail today, Fa Miao felt that Ma Su, whom he had an excellent reputation in the past, was not such a perfect person.

General Zuo, Champion Marquis, Liang Zhou Mu, not to mention the deep background behind Mi Yang.

Just any one of his three identities is definitely something that Ma Di cannot afford to offend now.

Moreover, he also saw that beside the county soldiers who demolished the high wall, there were many private soldiers of wealthy families.

Almost as soon as he saw this scene, Ma Su asked Fa Miao beside him in a surprised tone: "Why is this?"

Mi Yang led a group of important officials in Liangzhou to welcome Liu Bei's edict.

When a foreign enemy invades, the streets can continuously send the defenders in the city to the walls of all sides.

Among the current young heroes of the Han Dynasty, Mi Yang is the first.

Who wouldn’t be afraid of the bright and scorching sun?

But although there was a smile on Fa Miao's face, he didn't say anything.

Ma Di, who had long wanted to complete the mission and return to Chengdu as soon as possible, would certainly not refuse Fa Miao's proposal.

It's not that Ma Su was unaware of these hidden dangers in the past, it's just that Chengdu and Mianzhu are both large counties, and the wealthy families entrenched in them are powerful.

The prime minister always valued him very highly.

In fact, it is better to say that it is a kind of praise from Liu Bei to Mi Yang, which can also invisibly draw in the relationship between Ma Di and Mi Yang.

After heaving a long sigh of relief, Ma Di quickly read out the contents of Liu Bei's edict in front of everyone.

When Zhuge Liang recruits disciples, he naturally wants to recruit the best.

Now I plan to ask you to go and deliver this edict to Liangzhou Mu."

But this also depends on the identity of the minister being reprimanded.

Due to Mi Yang's advance preparation, Ma Su could read Liu Bei's edict as soon as possible.

I saw many dried human heads placed on the top of the city in Nanzheng.

After arriving at the destination, Mi Yang will check the wax seal.

It was a pity that Guan Xing was sick and feared that he would never live forever, so he used to attach great importance to Ma Su.

Especially Mi Yang.

Seeing the joy on the faces of everyone in Mi Yang, Ma Su felt more and more relaxed.

Ma Di was very grateful for Zhuge Liang's thoughts.

After taking the document from the official's hand, he respectfully bowed to Zhuge Liang and said, "I will live up to the prime minister's high expectations."

Feeling anxious, Ma Di quickly removed the wax seal in front of everyone and took out Liu Bei's edict to Mi Yang.

Therefore, when Ma Su wanted to solve this hidden danger in the past, his efforts were always in vain due to various reasons.

Since taking charge of the county government, his county soldiers have not only demolished those illegal high walls, but even when they want to perform official duties, they will have to take a detour due to the obstruction of many illegal high walls in the city.

Moreover, that war was an extremely fierce Battle of Hanzhong.

Factors such as human congestion, illegal construction of houses, and unreasonable city divisions are all important causes of clutter.

Zhuge Liang had a good idea, but he overlooked one thing, that is, Ma Di still doesn't know the specific content of the document.

So when the night passed, the doubts in Ma Su's heart not only did not diminish, but became more serious anyway.

But similarly, because there was no very scientific and coordinated management method in this world, the more prosperous the city, the more chaotic it would be inside.

Looking at the many heads with horrible death signs, Ma Di estimated in his mind that there were probably nearly a hundred heads hanging high!

But when he entered Nanzheng City, he discovered that at least in Nanzheng City, although the place he looked at could not be called orderly, it was definitely not chaotic.

Ma Di was born into a noble family, and his elder brothers had protected him from the wind and rain since he was a child. When he grew up, he was favored by Zhuge Liang and held various important positions.

After Ma Di entered Nancheng City, the scene inside the city quickly attracted his attention.

The high wall built to block the street is a way for the wealthy families in the city to enclose their territory and protect themselves, and it is also a way for them to show their identity.

After accepting the task assigned to him by Zhuge Liang, Ma Di slowly exited the hall.

Fa Miao saw that Ma Su looked a little hesitant after his expression of surprise. He didn't know what the messenger was thinking for a while.

After listening to Ma Su's reminder, Mi Yang had not yet reacted, but most of the important ministers behind him had an idea in their minds.

So when Ma Su's words fell into the ears of Mi Yang and his ministers, confusion appeared on their faces.

Of course, it cannot be said that this was Zhuge Liang's suddenness.

According to etiquette, even though Ma Su was the emperor's messenger, he could not open the edict in advance and read it without permission before arriving at the destination.

With such a past, Fa Miao's psychological quality is much better than Ma Su's.

It's just that Fa Miao didn't think much about this. Maybe Ma Di was acclimatized?

On the second day, under Zhuge Liang's arrangement, many messengers went to various places in Yizhou carrying the emperor's notice reprimanding Liangzhou Mu.

Many of those high walls belong to wealthy families. Of course, it doesn't matter who those high walls belong to. The important thing is that they are in the way.

After exiting the hall, Ma Su looked at the horizon where the sun was setting, and he couldn't help but let out a deep sigh.

Ma Su's words may sound confusing at first.

However, no matter how deep the doubts in his heart were, Ma Su knew that after he accepted the mission, the only way he could take was to go north.

Nanzheng was the original seat of Hanzhong County and now Liangzhou. According to its size, it must be a big city.

This is not an edict of rebuke. It is clearly an edict from Liu Bei to support Mi Yang!

He just continued to lead Ma Di towards the Prefecture Mufu.

Being smart, he certainly understood the true meaning of the content in the edict.

He specifically asked Ma Su to be the envoy to Liangzhou. On the one hand, he wanted Ma Su to go out for training, but he also had an idea in mind.

Seeing that Mi Yang and the officials behind him changed their expressions because of these words, Ma Su felt even more uneasy.

Unlike Ma Di, although Fa Miao also came from a famous family, he participated in the war with Fa Zheng.

Seeing Ma Su pointing at the nearly a hundred high-hanging heads and asking questions in a suspicious tone, Fa Miao didn't think there was anything fuss about it.

In addition to Mi Yang, Ma Su and Guan Xing are also rising stars that he deeply values.

Feeling relaxed, Ma Su remembered what he wanted to say just outside the city.

But the second half of Zhuge Liang's words made Ma Su feel a little worried.

I don’t know at what time, a saying gradually spread in the city, which is to compare Mi Yang to the "summer sun" of the world.

"This is your majesty's edict of rebuke to Liangzhou Mu. You have just become minister and have not yet achieved any merit.

The anxiety in Ma Su's heart disappeared instantly, and was replaced by joyful emotions.

So he specially sent Fa Miao to greet Ma Di at the city gate today.

Fa Miao had naturally heard of Ma Su's reputation before.

I just hope that Mi Mu is as good as His Majesty as rumored.

After seeing this, Ma Di turned to point at the private soldiers of the wealthy family who were helplessly watching, and said excitedly to Fa Miao, who was riding half a mile behind him:

"Liangzhou, Zhenzhou Muye!"

After realizing this, everyone admired Liu Bei's wisdom.

What Zhuge Liang needs are subordinates who can share his worries, not close ministers who can shirk responsibility when things happen.

Seeing that Ma Su was willing to take on this task, Zhuge Liang nodded lightly with satisfaction.

This is Zhuge Liang paving the way for Ma Di's future.

For a city, streets are its lifeline.

Fa Miao felt the excitement in Ma Su's words, and a smile appeared on his face.

Setting off with them was Ma Su, who was full of worries.

Ma Di knew very well how much resistance Mi Yang would encounter if he wanted to do this, but at the same time, he also felt how powerful Mi Yang's authority was in Nanzheng.

It's just that in this world, there really are false governors and false state pastors.

Soon after, Fa Miao brought Ma Di to Mi Yang in the Prefecture Mufu.

And when a certain city wall is in trouble, as long as the streets in the city remain clear, it is also very convenient to draw reinforcements from other city walls.

After Fa Miao received Ma Su, he immediately proposed to take Ma Su to see Mi Yang.

The first half of Zhuge Liang's sentence explains why there were so many ministers in the ministerial office, but he singled out Ma Su to complete this task.

No matter what the wealthy families in Nanzheng City think, at least on the surface they are extremely obedient to Mi Yang's orders.

After listening to the contents of the edict, the doubts on Mi Yang's and other ministers' faces instantly disappeared.

Not only do they make the streets appear crowded, they also create a huge hidden danger.

When Ma Su arrived outside Nanzheng City, he was frightened by what he saw.

It's just that in Zhuge Liang's view, Ma Su and Mi Yang were both young heroes of the Han Dynasty, and after a few years they would eventually serve together to annihilate the Han Dynasty.

After realizing this, Ma Su, who weighed the interests in his mind, did not appear abnormal on the surface.

The reason for this phenomenon is nothing more than the local wealthy families.

When Fa Miao told the reason, although Ma Su's face showed a look of enlightenment, he still couldn't help but sigh.

Even though he was worried, Ma Di could not refuse Zhuge Liang's appointment.

Where does this nerd come from?

I got off work a little late today, so that's not a big problem.

Keep coding.

It may be posted later, early in the morning.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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