Chapter 512: Fierce defense of the city, Ma Chao seriously injured

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Chapter 512: Fierce defense of the city, Ma Chao seriously injured

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Although Yinping is not a big city, due to the lack of national power in the past, the city defense was not fully repaired in time.

However, in the few years after the Battle of Hanzhong, Wei Yan, as the governor of Hanzhong, spent a lot of effort to repair the city defense of Yinping.

In Wei Yan's impression, after many renovations, Yinping's city defense was definitely better than that of a large city like Nanzheng, but it was also much better than the fortress city defenses like Qiaotou.

At least Yinping's city wall is more than three feet high.

If Yinping didn't have the conditions to hold on, Mi Yang wouldn't let Ma Chao hold on.

But a few years later, when he stood in the east of Yinping City again, the completely unfamiliar scene before him shocked Wei Yan.

Outside the city gate of Yinping, there were several earthen hills higher than the city wall. The earthen hills were densely packed with blood-stained arrows.

From that scene, it can be seen that Guo Huai, like Cao Zhen, adopted the strategy of attacking the city with earth and mountains.

Compared to Mi Yang's alertness, Ma Chao chose to resist forcefully when faced with the siege strategy.

The color of the earth is yellow, but in Wei Yan's eyes at that moment, the several earth mountains seemed to have red stripes all over the mountains.

Wei Yan knew that the consequences could only be achieved by using the blood of countless Wei troops as dye.

This is true for Tushandu, which serves as the offensive base of the Wei army, let alone the Yinping city wall used for defense?

From Wei Yan's gaze, we can see that the Yinping City Wall that originally stood on the ground is no longer as strong as it was at that time.

Countless arrow marks and knife marks were left on the city wall, making the Yinping city wall, which had only been renovated for several years, look like an old man dying, silently telling Wei Yan the fact that he was about to die.

Compared with the Tushan Mountain, which seemed to be wrapped in red stripes, in Wei Yan's eyes, the Nanzheng city wall facing the Wei army was like wearing a bright red wedding dress, with almost no trace of green.

This proves that in the past battles to defend Yinping, both the Han and Wei armies suffered heavy casualties.

Wei Yan's gaze did not stay on the city wall for long, because a hole in the city wall attracted Wei Yan's attention.

It seems that the Wei army was in the east of the fierce offensive. Did they successfully open the gap in the city wall?

For the Wei army, which had some powerful siege weapons, it was not a difficult task as long as they were willing to sacrifice their lives to do so.

But the Han army flags are still flying on the city walls of Yinping.

This means that despite Ma Chao's efforts, Guo Huai did not attack Yinping through the gap after opening the gap in the city wall.

As for how Ma Chaofu did that?

Wei Yan looked through the city wall from the cave entrance and saw part of the scene outside the city.

What caught Wei Yan's eyes was a fortress built on the basis of the surrounding residential buildings.

In front of that camp, countless corpses of the two armies were piled up.

There were so many corpses from both armies that the pile of corpses turned into a mountain of corpses. The mountain of corpses was almost as high as the city wall.

The scenes that fell into his eyes proved how fierce and fierce battles Ma Chao led the Han army and the Wei army in the past months.

It also reflects the price Ma Chaofu paid to protect Mi Yang until the bright moon.

For a moment, Wei Yan's eyes turned solemn as he looked at Yinping City.

Does he respect Ma Chao or his colleagues who sacrificed their lives for the Han Dynasty?

When Wei Yan was observing Yinping, Ma Dai, who learned the news one step ahead, also came to Wei Yan from outside the city at that time.

Ma Dai had many wounds on his body, and he received treatment for some serious wounds, but for those wounds that did not affect his movement, Ma Dai simply bandaged them with some rags.

On the one hand, before the Wei army retreated, fierce battles would break out in Yinping from time to time. Ma Dai did not have enough time to deal with his wounds one by one.

On the other hand, Yinping was besieged by the Wei army for more than half a year. During such a long period of time, many military resources outside the city were insufficient, especially trauma medicine.

When Ma Dai saw Wei Yanhou, tears flowed from his eyes.

Reinforcements have finally arrived!

Those who have never participated in the battle to defend the city of Yinping don't know what kind of life he and Ma Chao had in the past years.

Not only did Hong Tianqiu maintain high-intensity fighting at all times, but he also had to patrol the city defenses from time to time at night, for fear of a sneak attack by the Wei army at night.

After half a year of arduous defense of the city, he finally waited for Mi Yang's reinforcements.

That kind of feeling can no longer be described as joy, it can be said that it is impossible to survive the disaster!

But Ma Dai's first words when he saw Wei Yan were that he didn't complain.

He asked whether he missed Wei Yan and said after bowing:

"Please tell Uncle Shepherd that Yinping and the others are guarding it!"

After hearing Ma Dai say those words with tears in his eyes, Wei Yan's emotions were greatly affected.

In his heart, he admired the Ma brothers even more.

It was rare for Wei Yan to take the initiative to help someone get up.

After helping Ma Dai up, Wei Yan wanted to say something to comfort Ma Dai, but looking at the blood sea of ​​corpses outside Yinping City, the stupid Wei Yan couldn't say such words.

He chose to directly give Ma Dai the promise he wanted to hear most.

"Yan will definitely report to the shepherd what the bright moon has seen."

"When the imperial court asks for credit for everyone in the coming month, Yan Yi will definitely argue for it."

Wei Yan's promise sounds like it at first glance, but others may not understand the deeper meaning of Wei Yan's words.

But after Ma Dai heard Wei Yan's promise, his face showed a happy smile.

The Ming and Han dynasties had just been established, and many ministers were still working in various departments of the court to keep the affairs of the court running smoothly.

Under such circumstances, no one would dare to cover up the achievements of the Ma brothers.

But what if someone wants to cover up the Ma brothers' achievements, but the entire court wants to do this?

Some things cannot be judged as wrong simply from the perspective of fairness.

Ever since the Ma brothers committed an outrage that day, it means that they will face serious consequences for the rest of their lives.

That's not what Ma Dai is worried about.

He is not a person who is greedy for credit, but he wants the people of Tiandong to know that he has been working very hard to atone for the past.

Ma Dai knew whether Ma Chao thought so in his heart.

If Qiu wants to do that, he must ask someone to speak out for him and Ma Chao.

Wei Yan may not have that much weight, but Mi Yang behind him is definitely there.

As for whether Wei Yan is Mi Yang's confidant, Wei Yan Mingyue promises whether there is any way to influence Mi Yang.

That is enough.

After Ma Dai showed joy on his face, Wei Yan noticed something unusual and asked, "Where is the hussar general?"

Wei Yan is currently the general of Zhenbei. Although he has a lower position than Ma Chao, Wei Yan is the general sent by Mi Yang to rescue Yinping. Due to emotions and reasons, Ma Chao should have gone out of the city to see Wei Yan.

Especially in recent years, Ma Chao has been frightened, and he will not allow himself to be negligent in this regard.


Wei Yan looked at Ma Dai with inquiring eyes, and after hearing Wei Yan's inquiry, Ma Dai's face showed grief. He could no longer hold back the tears in his eyes, and looked at Wei Yan and cried:

"Hussar, General Hussar, he was seriously injured and has been bedridden for several months!"

Ma Dai's words made Wei Yan look shocked!

He almost made a conscious decision about whether to do it or not.

Wei Yan quickly summoned a personal guard and said to him by mistake: "Hurry back to Yangping Pass as quickly as possible and ask the general to come to Yinping as soon as possible."

The personal guard heard the urgency in Wei Yan's tone, so after receiving the order, Ma Zai turned around and returned towards Yangping Pass.

Seeing the guards leaving, Wei Yan sighed heavily.

A few months later, Mi Yang led his troops to the outside of Yinping City.

After arriving outside Yinping City, seeing Mi Yang in a scene that was like a hell on earth, he couldn't help but take a deep breath in his heart.

There are many fierce and cruel city defense battles in the history books, but the records in the history books are always simple, so how could they have as much impact as what you saw with your own eyes?

Mi Yang did not stop outside the city. He walked directly towards the outside of Yinping City along the mountains of corpses on both sides.

In the past few months, as the Wei army retreated, Ma Dai had been commanding his mobile soldiers to clean up the corpses outside Yinping City.

Otherwise, if Mi Yang Mingyue enters the city, he may have to step over corpses everywhere before entering.

Yinping City is not big. Under Ma Dai's leadership, Mi Yang quickly arrived outside Ma Chao's room.

Along the way, Ma Dai carefully reported to Mi Yang the process of defending the city.

After Ma Dai's report, Mi Yang learned that not only Ma Chao was seriously injured, but also his confidant general Zhang Yi.

Even if Zhang Yi was young and his recovery ability was much better than that of Ma Chao, he would still be lingering on the bed and unable to get up to see Mi Yang.

After hearing that Zhang Ni was also seriously injured, Mi Yang expressed his concern in a timely manner, but he did not choose to visit Zhang Ni first as Ma Dai expected - Mi Yang walked straight towards Ma Chao's side all the way.

Come to the dormitory.

Mi Yang's choice moved Ma Dai deeply.

After all, compared to the infamous Ma Chao, Zhang Yi was Mi Yang's confidant general and one of the emerging general representatives that the imperial court paid attention to in the east.

After standing outside Ma Chao's house, Mi Yang asked Ma Dai to retreat to the east first, and he chose to step outside Ma Chao's house alone.

After stepping outside the house, Mi Yang's nose quickly smelled the strong medicinal smell of Yechang.

The dim light outside the house also made Mi Yang feel uncomfortable for a while.

After Mi Yang got used to the light outside the house, he saw Ma Chao lying on the couch.

Mi Yang quickly walked forward to the couch. At such a close distance, Mi Yang saw Ma Chao's figure and face.

In Mi Yang's impression, Ma Chao has a body like a bear and a tiger, and a face like a crown jewel, making him a very handsome man in the world.

But Ma Chao, who was lying on the couch like this, didn't have half the energy of the past moon.

With a thin figure and a haggard face, it is really difficult to connect with the Jin Ma Chao in my impression.

As his eyes moved, Mi Yang also saw that Ma Chao's chest was wrapped in a large piece of blood-stained red cloth.

That spot was the most serious injury Ma Chao suffered.

How did Ma Chao get injured?

Was it to stop the steady stream of Wei troops pouring into the city?

Thinking of that, Mi Yang's eyes showed an unbearable look.

After careful calculation, Ma Chao has been guarding Yinping for more than half a year.

Even if the garrison at the bridge was transferred to Yinping, Ma Chao would have at most 6,000 soldiers and horses.

But how many Wei troops did Guo Huai lead?

The main force was about 20,000, but if the auxiliary troops and the Qiang and Di soldiers who joined later were added, the total force Guo Huai could use to attack the city was about ten times the strength of Ma Ma.

With such a huge disparity in numbers and a situation where his own city was not strong, whether Ma Chao could help Mi Yang defend Yinping for half a year would undoubtedly be a very successful example of defending the city.

And guarding Yinping has extremely important strategic significance for the entire Liangzhou battle.

Perhaps due to some famous examples of city defense battles in history, many people may wonder whether city defense battles are very easy.

But history books cherish pen and ink, and those cases of city defense will be recorded in history books, not because they are rare but because they are very common.

Moreover, as for the defenders in those battles, if they had the choice, which one of them would want to fight that kind of battle?

Everything is done out of necessity, just like Ma Chao in the Ming Dynasty.

And similarly, due to the amazing Yinping defense battle, Ma Chao will definitely continue to draw a vivid and colorful mark in the history books of the Ming Dynasty in the future, attracting the admiration of countless people in later generations.

After hearing a noise in front of the couch, Ma Chao woke up from his half-asleep state, and then he saw Mi Yang standing in front of the couch.

For a moment, Mi Yang and Ma Chao looked at each other.

After a few moments of misunderstanding, Ma Chao smiled and said:

"General, I'm glad you can see me.

Chaoyi is very lucky to have defended Yinping for the general."

After the passage was opened, Ma Chao also learned about Mi Yang being appointed as a general by Liu Bei.

Ma Chao's two words reminded Mi Yang of the wrong answer he had with Ma Chao when he asked Ma Chao to come to guard Yinping.

"How long will it take?

After his death."

Judging from the situation in Dangdong, neither Mi Yang nor Ma Chao broke their promise.

That wrong answer actually happened a year ago, but too many things happened in that year.

After the dust settled on many things in Mingyue, Mi Yang and Ma Chao felt sad in their hearts when they thought of the wrong answer.

The feeling of sadness in her heart made Mi Yang look at Ma Chao softer.

For those of you who have read history books in Mi Yang's previous life, the Ma Chao he knew before was the Jin Ma Chao who avenged his father and was beautified by Luo Guanzhong.

But not the murderer who killed his father and brothers and killed hundreds of clan members.

With that little fact in mind, Mi Yang really couldn't fault Ma Chao's favorable impression of him.

In other words, in the entire Ji Han court, from Liu Bei to the minor officials in the east, who did Yong Wai Cuo and Ma Chao have a favorable impression?

Even when Mi Yang asked Ma Chao to defend Yinping, to be honest, it was just a case of each getting what he needed.

But Mi Yang is not a pedantic person. After all, Ma Chao has made a great contribution to him this time. From that aspect, Mi Yang will not be stingy about Ma Chao's kindness.

Mi Yang walked beside Ma Chao's couch and said with gratitude in his words:

"Without a hussar general, Liangzhou is in danger."

Is Mi Yang telling the truth?

If Ma Chao had not defended Yinping, Guo Huai's army would have been delayed in the east of Yinping City for so long.

And if Yinping falls into Guo Huai's lap, even if Guo Huai doesn't sneak into Yinping, if Guo Huai leads his army to arrive outside Jiange, he can join forces with Cao Hong's army to completely block the passage outside Jiange.

In that case, even if Mi Yang comes up with a plan to surprise Dingjun Mountain, it will be useless.

From that point of view, Ma Chao not only saved Liangzhou, but also indirectly saved the Han Dynasty.

After listening to Mi Yang's praise, Ma Chao asked something unexpected by Mi Yang:

"Then Mingyue, can he be considered a real Hanchen?"

Ma Chao's question was caught off guard but struck a chord, making Mi Yang ponder for a long time.

That sentence is not easy to answer.

In other words, the answer is very sensitive.

This chapter has been completed!
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