Chapter 513 Willing to be angry for you, kneel to the meeting

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Chapter 513 I am willing to be angry for you and go to the meeting on my knees

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Is Ma Chao considered a Hanchen?

In terms of status alone, Ma Chao, who was a hussar general of the Han Dynasty, had the title of Mu of Liangzhou, and was granted the title of Marquis of Zhuxiang, was certainly an out-and-out Han official.

But many things are not as simple as they appear.

Although Ma Chao holds a high position in the Han Dynasty, he has never had real power.

In addition to having no real power, the officials of the entire Han Dynasty were as if they were seeing snakes and scorpions when they misunderstood Ma Chao, and they were afraid to avoid them.

Under such circumstances, Ma Chao could stay alone in Mianyang for several years without leaving home.

This was neither Liu Bei's defense against Ma Chao nor his protection against Ma Chao.

Please don't let Ma Chao fade out of people's sight as much as possible. Mi Yang can guarantee that the memorial to impeach Ma Chao in the Han Dynasty will fill Liu Bei's desk.

It can be said that no one in the entire Han Dynasty regarded Ma Chao as their companion.

And in that kind of hard-pressed Li Kuangdong, can Ma Chao be considered a Hanchen?

In name only but in reality.

Ma Chao's question seemed ridiculous, but it was actually a subtle question to Mi Yang. After such a bloody battle, could he really be accepted by the Han in the east?

It was precisely because he understood Ma Chao's profound meaning that Mi Yang remained silent.

The reason why Ma Chao was deliberately isolated by the Han Dynasty in the East was that his status as a former prince was not the most important reason.

Because at most it will make it difficult for him to have real power in his legs, but it will not make him disliked by everyone.

The reason why Ma Chao is despised by everyone is because he killed his father and his clan members.

In the real history, Ma Teng was persuaded by Zhang Ji to join the imperial court as an official and was appointed as a guard by Cao Cao.

Of course, Ma Teng was not unwary of Cao Cao, so although he left Xiliang with his two sons Ma Xiu and Ma Tie, he did not leave Ma Chao in the east to command his troops in Liangzhou.

This also proves whether Ma Teng really wanted to join Cao Cao, otherwise he would not have moved everyone from the Ma clan, including himself, to Yecheng.

Is it because Ma Teng wants to keep Dong Dong a guarantee for himself?

The soldiers and horses in Ma Chao's legs can protect the most important protection for the Ma clan in the East.

And if Ma Teng dares to do that, doesn't he think that Ma Chao won't harm him?

Could it be that what happened later shattered that agreement into pieces?

Then Ma Chao suspected that Cao Cao intended to use false tactics to destroy Guo, so he directly and brazenly led his army to rebel, completely putting the safety of Buqin's father and brother's tribe in Yecheng.

"As is clear, Ma Chao abandoned his father and took General Han as his father. General Han should also abandon his son and take Ma Chao as his son."

Ma Chao's words that shocked the world did not directly prove what he thought back then.

I want to know if Ma Teng was still alive at that time, so Ma Chao was actually responsible for commanding the army for Ma Teng, and he was not considered the master of Ma Jiajun in Liangzhou.

But Ma Chao not only rebelled against Ma Teng's agreement, he even used Ma Teng's own soldiers and horses to send Ma Teng to his death.

When the news of Ma Chao's rebellion reached Yecheng, even Cao Cao couldn't believe it.

Ma Chao rebelled in the 16th year of Jian'an, and Cao Cao did not send troops to capture Ma Teng and other Ma clan members until the 17th year of Jian'an.

This proves that outside of that year, Cao Cao was very hopeful that Ma Chao would change his mind.

But no.

As a result, Ma Teng and hundreds of people from the Dongma clan were all killed by Cao Cao in Yecheng.

Is it disloyalty to violate an agreement? Is it disloyalty to rebel against the commander's order? Is it unfilial and unkind to kill his father's clan members?

Ma Chao has committed all the four evil deeds that are most unacceptable to the world, so how can the world be so good? Ma Chao scolded him endlessly.

Based on what Ma Chao has done in the past, was it thanks to Liu Bei that he took Ma Chao in at the end? Otherwise, would Ma Chao have survived to the bright moon?

However, the Han Dynasty was wrong in the East and Ma Chao was disgusted with it, so how could it be said that it was not wrong?

But Ma Chao, who had made great contributions to the East, wanted to truly become a Hanchen, so it was not wrong.

In a situation where both are correct, the most difficult thing now is to deny it.

If he asked Ma Chao no, then what he did would be understood by the people of Tiandong, and he would just let Ma Chao down.

If you can answer Ma Chao no, then he will make efforts for his answer. Then he will only get thanks from Ma Chao alone, but will attract criticism from the people of Tiandong.

Which one is more important, seems to be an easy choice.

After Ma Chao asked that question, he kept staring at Mi Yang.

At first he might be very hopeful, but it can be seen that Mi Yang pondered for a long time, and the hope in Ma Chao's eyes gradually disappeared.

Why did he agree to Mi Yang to defend Yinping?

He did not want to establish meritorious service, because he knew that no matter how great his achievements were, he would never be able to hold too much power in his life.

He wanted to help Mi Yang win the battle, so that Mi Yang could use his position to speak out to the world for him after the war - he, Ma Chao, knew he was wrong! He, Ma Chao, was correcting it!

It seems that Mi Yang doesn't want to take that risk.

Although Ma Chao felt disappointed and heartbroken, he also understood Mi Yang.

How many people in Tiandongzhong are willing to take that risk for him?

But just when Ma Chao felt desperate, a gentle word came to his ears:

"I heard that General Hussar is a descendant of the late General Fubo.

The late General Fubo fought to the death for the unification of the Han Dynasty and made great achievements. He can be said to be one of the loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty that Feiyang admires the most.

The hussar general of the Ming Dynasty has the style of his ancestors!"

Mi Yang's words were like the spring breeze blowing through the ice, causing Ma Chao's already cold heart to gradually regain its temperature.

Ma Chao looked at Mi Yang with disbelief, his eyes full of emotion.

Our ancestor Ma Yuan has always been the pride of every descendant of the Ma family in Liangzhou.

Although Ma Yuan did not surrender to the emperor of the Han Dynasty halfway, looking at his life as a whole, he can indeed be called a hero of the Han Dynasty.

Now Mi Yang compares Ma Chao to his ancestor Ma Yuan. Is the first one highly praising Ma Chao's achievements, and the second one is not answering Ma Chao's questions head-on.

"You have always said no."

Mi Yang's answer made Ma Chao excited and wanted to get up and pay homage.

But he was stopped by Mi Yang.

After stopping Ma Chao from trying to get up, Mi Yang might as well speak more clearly:

"Please take good care of yourself. Your Majesty will arrive in Liangzhou in less than a month.

At that time, he will meet with Bidong to ensure that your meritorious service in that battle will be treated fairly.

In the future, when Zhaozhao Qingshi is here, you and he will share the infinite glory of that battle."

Although Mi Yang's words were spoken in a gentle tone, it was not difficult to hear the firm meaning in them.

In this world, a promise made by a scholar is as important as the nine tripods.

As for whether Mi Yang can do that, there is no doubt about it.

Because the so-called clear history is just a memoir of the future.

After listening to Mi Yang's promise, Ma Chao felt as if the sky was clear, and the haze that had accumulated for several years was instantly swept away.

The general who made that promise to him had just saved the Han Dynasty. Ma Chao believed that Mi Yang could do that.

After making the promise, Mi Yang wanted to ask Ma Chao to have a good rest, so he got up and walked out of the room.

But before he had taken a few steps, Mi Yang was stopped by Ma Chao's question.


Is that the biggest doubt in Ma Chao's mind right now?

Why are you willing to help Tiandong despite the consequences of being criticized by him?

Why do you want to cause trouble for yourself when you should be enjoying the glory alone?

Ma Chao didn't believe Mi Yang and didn't know what consequences he would bear after making that promise.

Facing Ma Chao's question, Mi Yang turned to look at him and answered slowly:

“Gong is a matter of merit, and failure is a matter of failure.

He will not cover up for me the mistakes I made in the past, nor can he cover them up for me.

But if I obey his orders and make great contributions to the Han Dynasty for him, then he will definitely not let me be treated wrongly by Bu Yuanping.

What I did in the past month has its corresponding consequences, so I must bear them.

But I, Ming Yue, deserve a fair reward for my efforts.

Is that the reason?"

Mi Yang's last rhetorical question and his matter-of-fact attitude made Ma Chao stunned.

But a moment later, a hearty laugh burst from Ma Chao's mouth.

Enough! Enough!

Amid Ma Chao's loud laughter, Mi Yang walked out of Ma Chao's room.

Ma Dai has been standing guard outside the room. Of course he knows what Ma Chao will ask him for after seeing Mi Yang.

Therefore, he never left because he wanted to know the consequences as soon as possible.

Ma Dai already knew the answer from Ma Chao's bursts of laughter.

So he looked at Mi Yang who walked out of the room, his eyes full of gratitude and respect.

He is the first person in the world who does not view him and Ma Chao with prejudice.

Mi Yang was not surprised when he saw Ma Dai was there. He took advantage of the situation and summoned Ma Dai in front of him.

Before Ma Dai arrived, Mi Yang asked him: "I just said that General Hussar still has an enemy alive?"

Mi Yang's question made Ma Dai stunned.

Just now when he was taking Mi Yang to see Ma Chao, Ma Dai mentioned the matter to Mi Yang in a vague way. If he mentioned it, he would only be refuting Ma Chao.

Given Ma Chao's physical condition, he would definitely not be able to take revenge himself.

Then Ma Dai wanted to use Mi Yang's power.

Could it be that when he mentioned that matter just now, Mi Yang seemed not to have heard it, which made him afraid to talk about it in depth.

Unexpectedly, Mi Yang suddenly asked about that matter at that moment.

Ma Dai respectfully reported to Mi Yang the origin of Ma Chao's enemy.

That person was the enemy Qiang Duan who betrayed Ma Chao and led to the defeat of the Han army during the Battle of Dongbian.

Qiang Duan's betrayal not only caused heavy losses to the Han army, but also made Ma Chao almost accused of collaborating with the enemy. It's strange that Ma Chao didn't hate him to death.

After hearing the origin of Qiang Duan, Mi Yang nodded slightly, and turned to Ma Dai and asked:

"When you send an order, tell him that he is in Yinping now, and ask the Qiang and Di leaders from Yinping and Wudu counties to come and see him."

By the bright moon, the entire Liangzhou War has entered its final stage.

At that stage, it would be time to take back Yinping and Wudu counties for the Han Dynasty.

If you want to regain the two counties of Yinping and Wudu, you must conquer the Qiang and Di leaders in the two counties.

Well, with Mi Yang's current prestige, if you want to achieve that, you no longer need to send troops to conquer.

Foreign races have always been fearful of power and unethical.

As for power, looking at the entire Tiandong, who can compare to Mi Yang at present?

Calling him with one word is the right time.

As expected by Mi Yang, when Ma Dai spread the news that Mi Yang was in Yinping, not to mention the reactions from outside Yinping County, it seemed that a major earthquake was triggered in Wudu County, which was a little further away.


Yinping is not far from Wudu County, and isn't that man's intention in Yinping obvious?

For a time, the entire Qiang and Di leaders in Wudu County were panicked.

Then the Han general who had just defeated hundreds of thousands of Wei troops, could that be done by someone?

Many Qiang and Di leaders secretly compared Mi Yang with other famous generals in history, and found that there seemed to be no famous general who could achieve such dazzling achievements at Mi Yang's age.

After thinking of that, many Qiang and Di leaders trembled even more.

Hundreds of thousands of Wei troops were defeated by Mi Yang. Can Mi Yang lead his army into Wudu? Can they defeat Mi Yang?

Putting aside the feasibility of it, which "big king" would dare to be an enemy of Mi Yang?

When that idea arose in the minds of all the Qiang and Di leaders, they made a decision instantly.

You must seek to go to Yinping. If you go to Yinping, you don’t know whether you will die, but if you don’t go, you will definitely die in the future.

Soon, many Qiang and Di leaders handed over their tribal troops and horses to the tribesmen at Zhaolingdong in Mi Yang, and then led a small group of personal guards and rushed towards Yinping.

In the past, the Qiang and Di leaders were all capable of claiming the kingship of one side, but when faced with Mi Yang's orders, they were so frightened that they did not even dare to bring more soldiers and horses to protect them.

They were afraid of arousing the slightest suspicion in Mi Yang, so they would send troops to eradicate their entire tribe.

It didn't take long for the Qiang and Di leaders, who were good at riding, to arrive outside Yinping City.

And after they arrived outside Yinping City, they were almost frightened by the scene they saw before them.

Tall piles of corpses composed of Wei army corpses were standing quietly outside Yinping City, like huge beasts, staring at them with cold eyes.

A scene like that in Jingguan would be unbearable to any normal person, let alone the Qiang and Di leaders who were already deeply misunderstood and fearful in their hearts.

Many Qiang and Di leaders have seen the bravery of the Wei army. Although the Wei army has failed in foreign wars recently, it has never lost a foreign war.

And how brave is the Han army who can build up such a powerful Wei army into Jingguan?

I don’t dare to think about it, I simply don’t dare to think about it.

After learning that most of the Qiang and Di leaders had arrived in Yinping City, Mi Yang soon held a meeting with all the Qiang and Di leaders in the military camp outside Yinping City.

After receiving the notice, many Qiang and Di leaders arrived outside the camp gate early to show their respect.

However, when many Qiang and Di leaders learned that Mi Yang was waiting outside the camp gate, they were so frightened that they all walked forward on their knees, and no one dared to look up at the young man standing on the high platform.

Their lives are all in the blink of an eye at this moment. If they don't pretend to be grandsons at that moment, when will they pretend to be grandsons?

Mi Yang looked at the Qiang and Di leaders walking outside with a sneer on his face.

What did you do early?

When all the Qiang and Di leaders walked to an open space not far from Mi Yang, a question floated from the high platform, frightening all the Qiang and Di leaders to the point of crying.

"At the beginning, Gu Zeng asked General Hussar to recruit you to lead troops to jointly defend Liangzhou, but how many of you can lead troops to help?

That incident made Gu very unhappy."

As soon as Mi Yang finished speaking, countless Han troops surged out from around the gate and surrounded the Qiang and Di leaders who were kneeling on the ground.

Looking at the gleaming blades around them, the Qiang and Di leaders could no longer hold back and cried directly.

This chapter has been completed!
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