Chapter 516: Inner Torment, Trapped in a Net

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Chapter 516: Inner Torment, Trapped in a Net

Author: Soy Sauce Mixed History

Chapter 516: Inner Torment, Trapped in a Net

After learning that he was being left behind, Jiang Wei didn't notice anything unusual at first.

For the ambitious Jiang Wei, he is not afraid of taking risks, and he is even willing to take risks.

Stationing in Gushan seems to be a dangerous thing at the moment, but danger often also represents opportunity.

Therefore, at the beginning, Jiang Wei not only did not feel repulsed by being left behind, but also had some vague expectations.

But as time went by, Jiang Wei still discovered some abnormalities.

Guo Huai was very thoughtful, but he forgot one thing, that is, the wisdom of Jiang Wei and Chang Diao was not in the same dimension.

Maybe Guo Huai had thought of this, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It's impossible to lend your own wisdom to Chang Diao.

Since Jiang Wei and Chang Diao were not at the same level of intelligence, some of Chang Diao's arrangements that seemed harmless to him turned out to be problems for Jiang Wei.

"What do you want?"

How could Mi Yang specially send the general to Wei Yan just to let Ding Feng pass the message?

Ding Feng came to Wudu this time without bringing a large army.

Jiang Wei immediately wanted to write a letter to Yang Fu, but as soon as he raised his brush, Jiang Wei could not write a word.

Chang Diao's arrangement chilled Jiang Wei even more.

That person is Mi Yang.

Jiang Wei was a man who put faith first, and Yang Fu recommended and promoted him, so he was regarded as his old master.

That means it’s not Chang Diao who has a problem with him, but Guo Huai!

This layer of worry prevented Jiang Wei from writing for a long time.

After all, among the entire army, the only one who can influence Chang Diao's attitude towards him, and who can give Chang Diao the confidence not to deal with him, is Guo Huai!

It was as if there was a huge net in the dark, wrapping around him, and he wanted to struggle out of the net.

With the water of time and the catalysis of Cao Zhen's defeat, this seed was not only deeply planted in the hearts of Jiang Wei and Guo Huai, but it has even reached the moment of fruition today.

But what Guo Huai didn't expect was that the Han army could do the same when the time was right.

After the order was issued, thousands of Wei troops surrounding him rushed towards Jiang Wei.

After all, if Jiang Wei's men can be defeated quickly, then even if the camp is lost, he will still have a way out.

This matter is usually left to the deputy general Jiang Wei.

When Chang Diao saw that Jiang Wei was still pretending to be innocent, he was immediately laughed out of anger.

With Jiang Wei's character, it is impossible for him to further put his deceased master in danger for the sake of his personal safety.

Jiang Wei didn't know if this was an illusion on his part.

In other words, this seed of doubt was originally Mi Yang's deliberate move.

Unfortunately, what Jiang Wei didn't know was that someone had indeed weaved a giant web specifically for him.

All the Qiang and Di leaders in the two counties of Yinping and Wudu were willing to accept Mi Yang's dispatch.

While the fire successfully hindered the Wei army, it also burned Gushan's camp clean.

And this is probably what Jiang Wei planned to do when he revealed the information!

Thinking of this, Chang Diao made an immediate decision and immediately summoned his sergeants to head towards Jiang Wei's military tent.

To be honest, Chang Diao's reasons were not very clever. The combination of the shabby reasons with the unusual arrangement successfully aroused Jiang Wei's suspicion.

Jiang Wei originally thought that as long as he risked his own life in the battle to attack Yinping, Guo Huai's suspicion would be dispelled.

At first glance, the tent of Chang Diao's tribe looks like stars looming over the moon, but in fact, it looks like it's just a form of enclosure.

Jiang Wei originally thought that this was not a big deal, because as long as the Wei army won a complete victory in the future, Guo Huai's doubts would naturally be dispelled.

Seeing Chang Diao desperately trying to kill him, Jiang Wei felt that Chang Diao was really sick!

Chang Diao was not surprised by Wei Yan's arrival. When he learned that the army led by Ding Feng appeared in the rear, he knew that the camp might not be able to hold it.

This rope is Ding Feng sent by Mi Yang.

But Wei Yan's reaction was extremely quick.

As expected, these bursts of shouts of killing reached the Han army camp not far away.

He may even be led into unnecessary trouble again because of his letter.

It's a pity that the person who compiled the network was too clever and blocked almost every outlet for him.

Chang Diao currently does not know that most of the Qiang and Di leaders in the two counties of Yinping and Wudu have surrendered to Mi Yang.

Even if he is covered in blood, even if he has reached a dead end.

But there was still a part of the Wei army, under the command of a young general, that refused to put down their weapons.

Wei Yan led the Han army and easily broke through to the area where Chang Diao and Jiang Wei were fighting.

Moreover, Chang Diao was not from a high family. In the political environment of Cao Wei where people were judged by family background, Chang Diao came from a poor family. What confidence did Chang Diao have to dare not deal with himself who was from a famous family?

After ruling out this possibility, another possibility quickly emerged in my mind.

Soon, bursts of killing cries rang out in the Wei army's camp.

This is just for Guo Huai's army. What if we focus on the entire Wei Dynasty?

With such a large concentration of resentment, Yang Fu may not be able to save himself this time. Maybe his connections will save his life, but his demotion is certain.

Maybe Guo Huai felt that he was hiding it well that day, but Jiang Wei still noticed that day that Guo Huai was unhappy about Mi Yang writing to him.

Soon the Han troops all over the surrounding hillsides shouted the slogan "surrender without killing".

Just when Chang Diao was puzzled, a shocking news came from the back of the camp - thousands of Qiang and Di soldiers were heading towards Gushan Camp!

After realizing this, Jiang Wei carefully recalled whether he and the family behind him had ever offended Chang Diao.

Of course they are not Cao Zhen and Cao Hong, these two are the clan members of Cao Wei.

After the news of Cao Zhen and Cao Hong's defeat spread one after another, the morale of Guo Huai's army continued to be severely shaken, and at the same time, a feeling of blame quietly spread among the army.

The Wei army's camp is strong, but no matter how strong the camp is, it still needs soldiers to defend it.

After learning that Ding Feng's purpose was to break through the Wei army camp in Gushan, a Qiang and Di envoy soon proposed a strategy:

That is to send people around the mountains and forests to the tribes at the back of Gushan, summon the Qiang and Di armies from those tribes, and attack the Wei army gathered in Gushan from behind.

When Ma Chao retreated from Gushan, he set a fire in the camp to hinder the Wei army's pursuit.

Without the supplement of this link, his young lin would definitely be able to struggle out of this giant net.

Guo Huai's residence was not in Tianshui. How could Jiang Wei and his people offend Chang Diao, who was thousands of miles away?

Before Ding Feng left Yinping, it was the eve of the gathering of Qiang and Di leaders in Yinping.

Under such circumstances, Chang Diao organized his soldiers to rebuild the camp on the day Guo Huai led his army to leave.

Young people are always full of emotions.

Soon after, tens of thousands of Han troops launched a fierce attack on the Wei camp.

With Jiang Wei's wisdom, it is not difficult to see that Chang Diao is on guard against him!

But this does not affect his next move.

After seeing Chang Diao's evil look and a group of Wei soldiers approaching with swords, Jiang Wei couldn't help but shouted:

After learning the news, Ding Feng, as Mi Yang's envoy, summoned the leading envoys who had just returned to Wudu and asked them to send troops to assist him.

Without knowing this, a reasonable guess was made in his mind.

In the absence of evidence of guilt, no matter how suspicious Guo Huai and Chang Diao were, they could not convict themselves because of the kindness left behind by their parents.

Unexpectedly, he had gone through life and death for Guo Huai several times in the past year, but just because of a letter from Mi Yang, Guo Huai would treat him like this!

For a time, grievance, anger, unbearable, and all kinds of uncomfortable feelings filled Jiang Wei's heart.

"General Chang, what do you want?"

In this case, if he writes to Yang Fu, even if he is willing to help him, how much can he help?

If Jiang Wei suddenly rebels when thousands of Qiang and Di soldiers arrive at the rear of the camp, the camp will not be able to defend it.

After decades of fighting with the Wei army, Wei Yan gained a new understanding of the Wei army.

Or it would be more appropriate to say that it is doubtful.

Ding Feng can be said to be the most prestigious general under Mi Yang. In addition to Mi Yang's status as an envoy, all the leaders and envoys expressed their willingness to assist Ding Feng.

Mi Yang was the best at snaring sentient beings. Even hundreds of thousands of Wei troops could not escape from his huge net, let alone a mere Youlin?

Just when Jiang Wei was thinking about staying calm and waiting for the situation to change, a rope seemed to be thrown from Yinping, thousands of miles away, filling the last loophole in this giant network.

Thinking of Guo Huai's purpose, Jiang Wei couldn't help laughing at himself.

But now that the situation was urgent, he was too lazy to talk nonsense with Jiang Wei.

Thinking of quickly defeating Jiang Wei's "traitor Wei Jun" was his only way out in desperation.

After looking at the flag behind the young general and recognizing that he was the one the general wanted, Wei Yan personally came to the front of the two armies and shouted to him:

Unfortunately, although Jiang Wei's soldiers were few in number, they were very tenacious in combat, so Chang Diao lost this only chance.

He took a look at the surrounding tents, which seemed unusual to him. However, after deducing the intentions of Guo Huai and Chang Diao, Jiang Wei discovered the unusual way Chang Diao arranged the tents.

The most important thing is that in addition to Jiang Wei's troops and horses, there are also many camps of Chang Diao's tribe in this place.

When setting up the camps for the generals, Chang Diao arranged Jiang Wei's camp behind Gu Mountain.

But Jiang Wei was not one to sit still and wait for death.

Jiang Wei had been accumulating a lot of resentment in his heart during this period of time, and Chang Diao's actions today directly caused all the resentment in Jiang Wei's heart to explode!

Because Jiang Wei asked himself, he had never taken any actual action to communicate with Mi Yang. Without action, there would be no evidence of crime.

Guo Huai thought of treating him in kind to prevent the Han army from further pursuing him.

The worst case scenario is that he will go back to his hometown to serve his mother, and then he will find an opportunity to make a comeback one day.

Chang Diao had been stationed in Gushan for some time and had been waiting for the Han army to attack. However, to Chang Diao's surprise, the Han army had not made any move to attack the city.

When Wei Yan saw the chaos between the two Wei armies, he was really confused.

Jiang Wei, who was reading a book, soon learned about the arrival of Chang Diao's army, and he walked out of the military tent in confusion.

When Ding Feng heard this strategy, his eyes lit up and he agreed.

Jiang Wei, who lost his father when he was young, has been able to observe people's emotions since he was a child.

But there is something about Ding Feng, and that is Ding Feng's prestige.

But at this moment, Jiang Wei still had no idea of ​​betraying Cao Wei.

Not to mention how many people in the world have such methods, but the people who have such methods are none of the top figures in the world, so why would they do this to themselves?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei laughed to himself again.

The most important thing is that those thousands of Qiang and Di soldiers are personally led by Mi Yang General Ding Feng!

At this moment, Chang Diao felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

But after calming down his thoughts, Jiang Wei realized that it was useless to feel uncomfortable at this time. The most important thing was to clear away the suspicion on himself as soon as possible.

This self-reliance suddenly made Jiang Wei feel better.

This was also Guo Huai's strategy to defeat Ma Chao.

Jiang Wei had hundreds of troops in his headquarters. The hundreds of troops in his headquarters were composed of Jiang Wei's dead soldiers as the core. Before they saw Chang Diao coming with his army, they sensed something was wrong and had already gathered in Jiang Wei's camp.


In this case, what does he have to fear?

The seeds of doubt sown by Mi Yang that day did not only exist in Guo Huai's heart.

This is God's wish to fulfill the general's preferences!

Feeling depressed, he slowly stood up and walked outside the tent. Looking at the sky covered with dark clouds, Jiang Wei felt a little breathless.

In addition, in order to fulfill Mi Yang's request, all the Qiang and Di leaders who could not leave Yinping sent envoys back to Wudu to gather their tribesmen.

When people encounter humiliation or failure, they will naturally want to find someone to take the blame.

Who is this scapegoat?

Regardless of whether an expert had laid a net for him, the expert was still not skilled enough and actually missed this most important link.

After sighing, Jiang Wei put down the brush in his hand.

He and Jiang Wei were the only two people who knew about this route at the beginning and are still in the camp, not Jiang Wei. Could it be that he revealed it himself?

Chang Diao also thought that Jiang Wei's current military tent was stationed behind Gushan Camp. After thinking of this, Chang Diao couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

Chang Diao was Cao Ren's general and had been stationed in Wancheng. He was transferred to Guo Huai's army just last year.

But Chang Diao's first reaction was not to think about how to deal with the enemy, but to get furious.

Wei Yan:???

Does Wei Jun like internal strife so much?

It wasn't like this before.

And just when Wei Yan was setting up camp outside Gushan and actively building siege equipment, the latest news spread from Yinping to Wudu.

But Mi Yang exists in the world.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants enjoy the shade.

The Wei army in the camp was already demoralized due to internal turmoil, so as soon as the Han army launched a fierce attack, many Wei troops without a general under their command surrendered without resistance.

Gushan has been guarded by him. How did the Han army contact the Qiang Di sergeants in the rear?

How could Ding Feng easily find the mountain path and reach the rear of the camp without precise information?

You must know that it took him a long time to find a way around Gushan.

After careful consideration, Jiang Wei quickly ruled out this possibility.

Someone in the army revealed his original route!

When this guess was made, Jiang Wei's name instantly appeared in Chang Diao's mind.

After inferring that the instigator behind Chang Diao was Guo Huai, what Guo Huai wanted to do could no longer be hidden from Jiang Wei.

As bright and promising as Yang Fu's plan for the southern expedition was at the beginning, how great is the resentment now focused on Yang Fu alone.

As for whether the road around the mountains and forests is easy to find, of course it is.

Jiang Wei, now filled with resentment, could no longer care about anything else. He commanded hundreds of troops and horses around him to form a circular formation to resist the attack of Chang Diao's soldiers.

After subconsciously "forgiving" these two men, the army naturally poured out all their blaming emotions on Yang Fu, who was the first to propose the strategy of the southern expedition.

If you don't take what God gives you, you will be punished by God.

Jiang Weineng instantly thought of Guo Huai. Apart from the above reasons, the bigger reason was the letter Mi Yang wrote to him.

Amid waves of loud slogans persuading surrender, more and more Wei troops put down their weapons.

But not only did Chang Diao not take the initiative to hand over this important task to Jiang Wei, he even declined Jiang Wei's request.

"Jiang Wei, your army is completely defeated, surrender!"

How about Youlin?

Just tie it up in a net.

There are 2 more chapters today!

I will update a lot, but I want a monthly pass~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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