Chapter 435: How long do I need to stay after I die?

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"Defend the enemy outside the country's borders?"

As a veteran, Ma Chao suddenly understood Mi Yang's intention after pondering these words carefully.

If you want to defend the enemy outside the country's gates, how can you let the enemy enter the country, and how can you abandon the city and escape?

After understanding the strategy Mi Yang was going to adopt, Ma Chao had a heavy look of hesitation on his face.

He knew that the man sitting in front of him was the most famous general in the world.

Mi Yang's reputation has already allowed him to transcend the boundaries of seniority, treat each other as equals, and even look down upon any general in the world.

However, despite Mi Yang's profound reputation, Ma Chao was still unconsciously puzzled by the strategy Mi Yang wanted to adopt.

Our own strength is far weaker than the enemy's, so how can we adopt a strategy of holding on everywhere?

However, although he had hesitation in his heart, Ma Chao did not open his mouth to dissuade Mi Yang.

After all, Ma Chao still cares about his sensitive and embarrassing identity. If he is not Mi Yang's confidant, he will not be able to speak freely when doing many things.

But Mi Yang, who was good at observing words and expressions, could see the doubts in Ma Chao's heart from his face.

After realizing this, Mi Yang reached out and took out a memorial.

He handed the memorial in his hand to Ma Chao and motioned for him to open it and read it.

At Mi Yang's signal, Ma Chao hesitated but still took the memorial and started reading it.

When his eyes touched the first sentence in the memorial, Ma Chao's pupils couldn't help but shrink.

"Today's strength is not enough to resist the enemy. We should stick to the Han Dynasty and Le'er City. If we encounter thieves, we will move in. Bijian and Yizhou's reinforcements will be enough to save the pass."

Just by reading this sentence, Ma Chao knew that the person who wrote this memorial offered Mi Yang the same strategy as he had in mind.

After Ma Chao read all the contents in the memorial, Mi Yang moved half of his body away, allowing Ma Chao to look past him and onto the desk behind him.

At this moment, there is a mountain of memorials stacked on top of the desk.

"After "Fighting Shu" spread in Hanzhong, it caused a panic inside and outside Hanzhong.

In panic, hundreds of officials from the county and state governments all wrote to me to explain their strategies for dealing with the enemy.

General Hussar, do you know that most of the strategies for dealing with the enemy described in the hundreds of memorials are basically similar to what you just described?"

Hearing what Mi Yang said, Ma Chao's expression became even more hesitant.

Among the hundreds of officials who submitted letters, there must be Mi Yang's direct confidants.

He might have thought just now that Mi Yang didn't adopt his strategy because he didn't trust him.

But now it seems that this suspicion in his heart is not true.

And the real fact may be that defending the enemy outside the country is the strategy Mi Yang really wants to adopt.

But how is this possible?

With the strategies Mi Yang showed before, how could he not understand that the strategy he just presented was the best strategy to deal with Liangzhou at the moment?

Soon Mi Yang's next sentence solved Ma Chao's confusion.

Mi Yang looked at Ma Chao intently and said to Ma Chao in a sincere tone:

"The strategy adopted by General Hussar and my subordinates is indeed the best strategy for Liangzhou at present."

"But this strategy is a very poor strategy for the Han Dynasty.

The current defense system and fortresses in Hanzhong were built by my two mentors.

Based on the strategies of the two of them, don't they know that if the bandit army attacks Hanzhong in the future, they will mobilize a terrible force?

Today, Cao Cao has millions of people, holding the emperor in his arms and commanding the princes. This sincerity cannot be competed with.

These words were spoken by Prime Minister Nian Longzhong.

The Prime Minister's Longzhong rivalry came out more than ten years ago, and the Wei army in more than ten years has become a force that is difficult to contend with in the world.

More than ten years later, the strength of the Wei army is bound to reach a higher level. Not only the prime minister and Yihou know this, but everyone in the world also knows this.

But since the Prime Minister and Yihou knew this, why did they set up this continuous defense line in Hanzhong?

Don’t they know that with the national strength of Hanzhong, or even the national strength of the Han Dynasty, it is extremely disadvantageous to repeatedly fight against the enemy on this continuous defense line?”

Mi Yang's explanations went step by step, successfully making Ma Chao fall into deep thought.

Zhuge Liang was famous for his strategic thinking, and Fazheng frightened the Wei army with his unpredictable tactics. The Hanzhong defense system created by these two people would not ignore such a fatal weakness.

But the two of them still did it, which showed that there was some reason why they had to do it.

And what is the reason for this?

“Those who plan for a moment are not enough to plan for a whole life. Those who plan for a small corner are not enough to control the overall situation.

This is what His Majesty taught me back then. I could not deeply understand the meaning of this sentence before, but now I gradually understand it.

The reason why the Prime Minister and Yihou wanted to set up a continuous defense line in Hanzhong was because they were the ones who planned their lives and were in charge of the overall situation.

Fish recovery and the key point are actually the door to disaster and fortune in Yizhou.

After setting up the defense line in Hanzhong, Yihou said this to his left and right sides.

The pass (Yangping Pass) is not the place of life and death in Hanzhong, but the place of life and death in Yizhou, and even in the entire Han Dynasty!

The reason for this lies in the word human heart.

The plan of General Hussar and my subordinates took every aspect into consideration, but they ignored the key factor of human heart."

"If we adopt the strategy of General Hussar, Nanzheng will be safe for a period of time, but the passes such as Yinping, Qiaotou, and Yangping Pass will all fall into the hands of the enemy.

And after losing these places, what's the use of holding on to a Nanzheng city?

The bandit army is powerful. With their strong national power, after taking over the fortresses, they are enough to make the fortresses impregnable.

By that time, they had actually captured Hanzhong County.

The most important thing is that once the news of the fall of the fortresses in Hanzhong spreads back to Yizhou and spreads throughout the world, the hearts of the Han people will be violently shaken.

People's hearts are fickle, and even more unpredictable when shaken. Once we get to this point, maybe I can defend Nanzheng, but won't there be people in Yizhou who surrender to the enemy?"

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! When Ma Chao heard this sentence, he instantly understood what Mi Yang's concerns were.

Mi Yang's concerns are exactly what happened in history.

The strategy proposed by Ma Chao was exactly the method used by Jiang Wei when he defended Hanzhong in history.

Tactically speaking, Ma Chao and Jiang Wei's strategies were not wrong, but they both ignored people's hearts.

In the last battle against Shu in history, the reason why the Han army was completely defeated was that there were some traitors among the Han army.

But did those traitors want to surrender from the beginning?

Humans are the animals that are best at weighing pros and cons.

It is undeniable that during the Three Kingdoms period, there were many touching deeds in which ideals, aspirations, and emotions transcended interests, but the reason why those deeds are touching is that they are rare.

For most people in the world, they do not have too lofty moral integrity. They are very direct and regard pursuing the greatest interests as their life creed. Even many celebrities are not exempt from this.

Otherwise, how could Cao Wei be established?

And under this human nature, the most fearful thing is that the situation is over.

Historically, due to Jiang Wei's mistakes and Liu Chan's stupidity, many strategic locations in Hanzhong fell into the hands of the Wei army. Even the main force in Shuzhong, under the leadership of Jiang Wei, retreated to the Jiange area.

In that case, Hanzhong had actually been declared occupied.

Hanzhong is not an ordinary county, its strategic significance is extraordinary. Hanzhong is the gateway to protect Yizhou and the capital of the Han Dynasty!

When the gateway of the Han Dynasty was occupied by the enemy, and when the natural barrier of Hanzhong that they originally relied on disappeared without a trace, many people in Yizhou would naturally feel that the situation was over.

It was this that ultimately led to the disorganization of Chengdu's army, causing many people in Yizhou to defect to the enemy, which greatly accelerated the demise of the Shu Han.

Some people may think that while Liu Bei is still alive today, the changes in Yizhou's history will not happen in the future, but this idea is incorrect.

During the First Battle of Xiangfan, Guan Yu flooded seven armies and surrounded Fancheng, trapping Cao Ren, the first general of Cao Wei, in Fancheng.

As a result, large-scale rebellions occurred all over the Central Plains, and even in Yecheng, the capital of the Wei Kingdom.

You must know that Cao Cao was not dead at that time, and he led 100,000 elite Wei troops in Luoyang.

Could it be that Cao Cao's prestige in the Central Plains is not as good as Liu Bei's prestige in Yizhou?

And compared to the time when Cao Cao apparently had an army of 100,000 unused, everyone today knows that Yizhou does not have a main force.

This difference is likely to plunge Yizhou into turmoil after the fall of Hanzhong.

Needless to say, rebellions were widespread in Yizhou. As long as a guard at a pass in Yizhou surrendered to the enemy, the chain reaction would be fatal to the Han Dynasty.

This is the significance of Hanzhong to Yizhou and to the Han Dynasty.

Ma Chao is not a stupid person. After Mi Yang's reminder, he understood the biggest concern in Mi Yang's heart.

Ma Chao could not imagine how bad the situation in Yizhou would become when Hanzhong was largely lost and the number one general of the Han Dynasty was besieged in Nanzheng by the Wei army.

"After the death of the general last year, many ministers in the court suggested that I take over as the pastor of Jingzhou, but His Majesty, the Holy Heart dictatorship, established Liangzhou and ordered me to serve as the pastor of Liangzhou.

This is your Majesty's trust in me.

Before Guanzhong was recovered, Hanzhong, as the gateway to Yizhou, actually protected the people of Yizhou.

Your Majesty believes in me. No matter how critical the situation becomes one day, with my talents, I will always help him guard this treacherous and unpredictable human heart.

Your Majesty's trust makes me grateful, but it also places a heavy responsibility on me.

If there is no such mission in Hanzhong, then I will definitely adopt the strategy of a hussar general, and even in some aspects I will do it even more brilliantly.

But this strategy is excellent for me and Nanzheng, but it may put the Han Dynasty into a desperate situation, so I will never adopt it.

Even if the path I choose is full of difficulties, I will never be the sinner of the great man through the ages."

Mi Yang's words were resounding, and every word he said struck Ma Chao's heart like morning bells and evening drums, making his heart feel like a stormy sea.

Ma Chao might be scornful of ordinary people saying these words, but when Mi Yang said these words, he naturally had unparalleled persuasiveness.

Because that's what Mi Yang did in the public security battle that made Mi Yang famous.

Compared with what he is now, Mi Yang's status has undergone earth-shaking changes, but perhaps there is a precious quality called original intention that Mi Yang has never discarded.

This quality is enough to make Ma Chao admire him.

Seeing Ma Chao's expression change drastically due to his words, Mi Yang knew that half of his goal today had been achieved.

Due to the strategy in his mind to deal with the enemy, he must get Ma Chao's full assistance.

Under this plan, his strategic thinking must not be hidden from Ma Chao.

In the face of a formidable enemy, if the strategic thinking of the coach and generals is not unified, then half of the battle will have been lost before it is even fought.

Of course, what Mi Yang said to Ma Chao just now was not a pretense to deceive him.

Mi Yang is a fair person.

When he first became the shepherd of Liangzhou, he placed close associates and released his military power over a glass of wine. Later, he carried out a series of reforms in the territory and almost wiped out the powerful families who opposed him in the territory.

All his actions essentially made him the real master of Liangzhou, and he was monopolizing power.

Liu Bei was not unaware of Mi Yang's behavior. With Liu Bei's experience, he could certainly see Mi Yang's thoughts, but he did not become suspicious of Mi Yang because of this. Why?

Because Liu Bei believes that if a state pastor cannot fully control his own territory, how can he help him resist powerful enemies in the future, especially Mi Yang, a state pastor whose strategic significance is too great.

This is Liu Bei's trust in Mi Yang.

And because of this, before the enemy comes, when the Han Dynasty needs Mi Yang, the Liangzhou Shepherd, to help him survive this most difficult disaster, Mi Yang cannot retreat, let alone put his personal interests above the interests of the Han Dynasty.


This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! It is true that Mi Yang has a strong desire for power, but power and obligation are unified, and Mi Yang will not escape from this.

He is the Liangzhou Mu of the Han Dynasty.

Ma Chao's mental shock did not last long. Soon after, his expression stopped changing and finally boiled down to one expression, that is - determination.

Regardless of whether the future is difficult or not, as long as Wei Jun fights, what's the harm in him accompanying Mi Yang to fight a difficult battle?

Ma Chao looked up at Mi Yang and asked, "What will the champion do next?"

Hearing Ma Chao call himself the champion, Mi Yang's face showed a smile.

The title of "Champion Hou" is of great significance to the Han army. If Ma Chao can call him "Champion Hou" as a soldier, the meaning expressed by Ma Chao is very obvious.

What Mi Yang gained today was no longer an ally, but a "subordinate" who could be dispatched as he pleased.

However, Mi Yang didn't point this out, it was just a matter of tacit understanding between each other.

After Ma Chao asked that question, Mi Yang immediately picked up a wooden stick and pointed at a place on the map, which was Wudu.

"I have carefully studied the march route of the rebel army. Let alone the intentions of the middle and east route armies, the intention of the rebel army on the west route must be to capture Wudu County.

Once the rebels capture Wudu County, Yinping will be directly exposed to the rebels' front, and there is no room for loss in Yinping.

So I want General Hussar to lead the army to resist Guo Huai's army."

Hearing what Mi Yang said, Ma Chao's eyes gradually narrowed.

He asked Mi Yang: "How long do you need to guard?"

Seeing Ma Chao ask this, Mi Yang fell into silence.

After pondering for a long time, Mi Yang faintly uttered a sentence:

"After I die."

Mi Yang's answer made Ma Chao look sideways for a moment.

Then he laughed.

When will the great Han Dynasty rise?

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