Chapter 655 Overlord Zazhi Cunning Liu Chan

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Seeing that all the ministers here had initially understood his first intention, Zhuge Liang did not hesitate. He slightly raised his hands to Liu Bei who was sitting there and continued:

"Liang Liang has just seen the oath of proclaiming himself emperor written by Thief Sun.

In Sun Thief's oath of proclaiming himself emperor, he ignored the fact that our dynasty existed and claimed in vain that the legal system of the Han Dynasty had been transferred.

Our dynasty is in the first lunar month of China, and although we cannot send troops to conquer the Sun thief in the short term, we cannot sit idly by and ignore this behavior of the Sun thief."

Zhuge Liang's words aroused the recognition of all the ministers present.

Naturally, they knew this, but positional battles were always easy to fight, but verbal battles were not.

With Sun Quan's shameless character, if the Han Dynasty issued a formal document to refute him, it might play into Sun Quan's hands.

But if they do nothing, they will inevitably feel indignant.

In order to prevent Sun Quan's conspiracy from succeeding and to prevent the legal system of the Han Dynasty from being questioned, Zhuge Liang said with a smile:

"Regardless of what Sun Quan was like as a person, when his father and brother were alive, he was recognized by the world as a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty."

None of the ministers here have any objections to this point.

When all the heroes attacked Dong, only Sun Jian led the army to advance and successfully invaded Luoyang.

When the heroes were separatist, all the local princes were indifferent to Liu Xie, and only Sun Ce paid tribute every year and abided by the etiquette of a minister.

These two points are facts, and they are the most powerful evidence that the world believes that Sun Jian and Sun Ce are loyal ministers of the Han Dynasty.

"Since Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his son have made great contributions to the former Han Dynasty, and our government continues the legal tradition of the former Han Dynasty, how can we not give these two great rewards?

Liang suggested that your majesty could posthumously make Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his son the Grand Lieutenant of our court, and bestow them with beautiful posthumous titles.

In addition to showing great condolences to Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his son, as Sun Deng's heir, His Majesty also wants to give him a large reward.

Rewards for officials, gifts of titles, fiefs, and marriages!

Because Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his son are recognized by the world as important ministers of the former Han Dynasty, our dynasty's large reward to them and Sun Deng will naturally demonstrate our dynasty's integrity in winning the country!

In addition, once the news of our dynasty's large-scale awards to Sun Jian, Sun Ce and his son, and Sun Deng comes out, people all over the world will naturally compare our dynasty's move with Sun Quan's act of proclaiming emperor.

Sun Quan was his son and younger brother. Would he dare to deny the achievements of Sun Jian and Sun Ce during his lifetime?

If he doesn't dare, what will everyone in the world think?

The Sun family in Jiangdong was full of loyal people, but Sun Quan turned his back on the Han and proclaimed himself emperor. This is not unfilial, but what does it mean!

In addition, Sun Deng's identity is known to everyone in the world.

As the direct heir of the Sun family in Jiangdong, but receiving a reward from our dynasty, doesn't this prove that the Sun family in Jiangdong recognizes the legal system of our dynasty?

In addition, Sun Deng is Sun Quan's biological son. As a biological son, he does not even want to be a prince, preferring to stay in our court as a lord.

When this incident spreads throughout the world, the world will think that even Sun Deng, his own son, does not despise Sun Quan's rebellious behavior.

In this way, where will the legal authority of Ni Wu be in the long run?

How can Sun Quan's true face be continued to be disguised in front of the world!

Sun Quan acted deceitfully, intending to disturb the hearing and hearing of the people in the world.

Our dynasty is the first day of the Chinese Empire, and we should act in an upright and upright way and use the most powerful facts to rectify the world's opinions!

A big man has his own magnanimity.

You should also show your magnanimity to the people of the world."

When Zhuge Liang finished speaking eloquently, many of the ministers in the palace listened in rapt attention.

Including Mi Yang.

Is it difficult to expose Sun Quan's shameless behavior?

To be honest, it's not difficult.

After regaining Guanzhong, the Guanxi family became an emerging political force in the Han Dynasty.

The biggest advantage of joining the Kansai family is that it has contributed many famous people to the Han Dynasty.

And what is the greatest role of celebrities in today’s world?

Isn't it just influencing or even controlling public opinion?

As long as Mi Yang gives an order, it won't take long for many famous people from Guanxi to set off a storm of public opinion against Sun Quan in the Han Dynasty.

In that storm of public opinion, many celebrities from Kansai were able to spray Sun Quan all over his body.

However, this method can be used to relieve anger, but it cannot solve the fundamental problem.

Because no matter how many celebrities there are in Kansai, the most they can influence is within the territory of the Han Dynasty.

After regaining Chang'an, the great Han Dynasty must consider the whole world in everything he does.

After all, Dahan's position is Zhengshuo of China.

But this does not mean that there are many famous people. There are also many famous people in Cao Wei and Sun Wu.

If he rashly and secretly instructs celebrities from Guanxi to criticize Sun Quan, then celebrities from Cao Wei and Sun Wu will definitely fight back.

When celebrities from the three families insist on their own opinions, it will create a default psychological impression for the people of the world-the three families of Han, Wei, and Wu are fighting each other, and there is no difference in essence.

This kind of psychological impression is beneficial to Sun Wu, but not beneficial to the Han Dynasty.

Needless to say, Sun Quan's political talent is really full of potential. Every step he takes may seem funny, but there is a profound meaning behind it.

Knowing this, Mi Yang never made any suggestions in this regard from beginning to end.

And Mi Yang has never found a good way to fundamentally disrupt Sun Quan's conspiracy.

Mi Yang couldn't figure it out, but Zhuge Liang figured it out.

Since the big man was Zhengshuo of China, he naturally did not bother to argue with the so-called Wu Dynasty.

Rather than wanting to win with words, Zhuge Liang directly used upright actions to defeat all Sun Quan's plots.

Respecting loyalty, generosity, self-confidence, etc. are in line with the image of Zhengshuo of China. After Sun Deng was awarded the award, he will gradually and subtly become the label of the modern Han Dynasty in the hearts of people all over the world.

And divisions, alienations, sowing chaos, and other means that can make Sun Wu's internal affairs a mess will also be fermented step by step in the heart of Jiangdong after Sun Deng is rewarded.

After understanding all Zhuge Liang's thoughts, Mi Yang unconsciously remembered a very famous sentence in the history books: "The Han family has its own system, which is based on the overlord's way!"

Doesn’t Zhuge Liang’s advice today vividly interpret this sentence?

Not only the officials in the palace were surprised by Zhuge Liang's suggestion, but Liu Bei, who was sitting on the main seat, looked at Zhuge Liang with eyes full of satisfaction and pride at this moment.

Wolong never sings softly.

But once it screams, it must be the sound of nature.

Without too much hesitation, Liu Bei said:

"The Prime Minister's words have won my heart and I will implement them immediately.

As for how Sun Deng should be rewarded, it is up to the Prime Minister to decide, and there is no need to repay it to me."

As the saying goes: Only the vessel and the name can be used, and cannot be faked.

But as the emperor, Liu Bei did not hesitate to hand over the power of rewarding Sun Deng to Zhuge Liang.

This shows how much Liu Bei trusts Zhuge Liang.

After leaving the matter to Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei looked at Mi Yang and said:

"The prince will arrive in Chang'an tomorrow.

You go and pick it up in person."

Mi Yang was a little stunned when she was suddenly assigned a task.

It's not that he doesn't know about Liu Chan's arrival in Chang'an tomorrow, nor is he unwilling to pick Liu Chan up.

The reason why he was in a daze was that he still had a lot of government affairs to deal with in the Chancery, and he really couldn't get out of his way.

There is already enough backlog of government affairs. If it continues to be backlogged, he will never even think about taking a break on New Year's Day.

Liu Bei saw a hint of hesitation on Mi Yang's face. If other kings saw that their subordinates were having trouble accepting the crown prince, Bao Buqi would be filled with doubts.

But Liu Bei would not be like this.

On the contrary, he could see at a glance why Mi Yang was hesitant.

After knowing Mi Yang's "difficulties", Liu Bei said angrily:

"From now on, the government affairs of Shangshutai will be handed over to the Prime Minister."

After hearing Liu Bei's words, Mi Yang not only did not feel that Liu Bei was reducing his power, but instead felt that Liu Bei was saving him.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Mi Yang's loud thanks echoed throughout the hall.

Such a loud voice of thanks really shocked some of the courtiers in the palace.

But it also made Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and others smile uncontrollably on their faces.

This nephew is too lazy.

Wei Chen, who was at the end of the list of ministers and had recently surrendered to the Han Dynasty, looked at what was happening in the palace and felt that their outlook on life was rapidly collapsing.

The atmosphere of discussion among big men is so strange.

But, I like it so much!


On December 20, the fifth year of Emperor Zhangwu of the Han Dynasty, the chariot of Liu Chan, the prince of the Han Dynasty, gradually arrived outside Chang'an City.

Liu Chan, who was sitting in the chariot, could not conceal his young man's temperament.

The closer he got to Chang'an, the less Liu Chan could control himself and kept opening the curtains of his car to look out.

Liu Chan grew up in the south and has never been to the north.

Compared with the warmth and humidity in the south, the air in the north appears dry and cold.

Especially the landforms, the south is mostly hilly, while the north is mostly plains.

Feeling the temperature that he had never felt before, and looking at the endless plains in his eyes, Liu Chan's eyes were full of surprise.

Liu Chan has been staying in the imperial palace in Chengdu since the Han Dynasty launched the Northern Expedition.

For him, in the past, he only learned about the war in the Northern Expedition through cold letters.

Although the contents of the letter often made Liu Chan's blood boil, Liu Chan always felt that something was missing.

After seeing the scenery of Guanzhong with his own eyes, Liu Chan finally knew what was missing.

Liu Chan excitedly pointed to the outside world and said to Huang Haoyan on the side:

"I have never seen such a vast world, and whenever I think about it, not long ago, the general led my Han family athletes to compete with the bandits in this vast world, and I feel very excited."

As the prince of the Han Dynasty, Liu Bei always attached great importance to Liu Chan's education.

But Liu Bei protected Liu Chan very well.

It cannot be said that Liu Chan's IQ is lacking, it can only be said that under Liu Bei's protection, Liu Chan's character has not been effectively tempered.

Seeing Liu Chan's excited expression, Huang Hao first echoed Liu Chan with good words, and then couldn't help but admonished:

"Yesterday, news came from Chang'an, and today the general personally greeted His Highness outside the city.

As the crown prince of the Han Dynasty, His Highness should pay attention to his manners."

He is a close follower of Liu Chan.

Huang Hao knew that Liu Chan didn't pay much attention to his manners in front of him, so it was not a big deal.

But Huang Hao was worried that Liu Chan would act like this when he saw Mi Yang.

Huang Haoneng was regarded as a confidant by Liu Chan in a short period of time. He is naturally a smart person.

As a smart person and being next to the prince of a country, Huang Hao would definitely pay attention to some things.

Who is Mi Yang?

At a young age, he accomplished extraordinary feats and became a great general of the Han Dynasty. He was highly valued by His Majesty and possessed immense power.

It can be said that Mi Yang already has all the conditions to become a powerful minister, the only thing missing is an opportunity.

Powerful ministers are not necessarily traitorous ministers.

But for Liu Chan, he should maintain his dignity in front of Mi Yang no matter what.

Only the profound dignity will prevent Mi Yang from despising Liu Chan.

Huang Hao knows that his future lies with Liu Chan, so he will definitely consider things more comprehensively.

After listening to Huang Hao's words, Liu Chan thought for a moment.

Then Liu Chan said to Huang Haoyan: "What you said makes sense."

After saying this, Liu Chan took the initiative to sit down and stopped looking around.

Seeing that Liu Chan listened to his advice, Huang Hao breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

As the chariot continued to move, Liu Chan's chariot stopped directly after reaching a certain place.

Liu Chan knew that he had arrived at Chang'an City.

The moment the chariot stopped, a deep voice sounded from outside the chariot:

"Chen Yang pays homage to His Highness."

This rich voice may seem unfamiliar to Huang Hao, but to Liu Chan, it is familiar to him and what he misses.


Not seeing each other for a long time did not make Liu Chan forget his friendship with Mi Yang.

The strong friendship between the two also made Liu Chan subconsciously make a move.

Liu Chan did not respond to Mi Yang's visit.

He chose a more direct approach.

Liu Chan suddenly stood up, opened the curtain, and walked out of the carriage outside the carriage.

After standing on the bicycle frame, Liu Chan finally saw Mi Yang, whom he had not seen for several years.

The monarch and his ministers have not seen each other for many years, and there may be some bad blood.

But what about between relatives?

Excited and delighted, Liu Chan jumped off the chariot without waiting for help from his attendants, and strode towards Mi Yang.


While walking towards Mi Yang, Liu Chan also subconsciously called out the title he had been wanting to call for several years.

Liu Chan moved so fast that Huang Hao didn't even have time to stop him. In the end, he could only follow Liu Chan and walk towards Mi Yang.

And Liu Chan's reaction was indeed beyond Mi Yang's expectation.

But looking at Liu Chan walking towards him with a happy face, Mi Yang couldn't say anything to advise him.

The distance of a few steps was covered in a moment.

When Liu Chan stood behind Mi Yang, Mi Yang reluctantly whispered to Liu Chan:

"The etiquette between king and minister cannot be abolished.

Your Highness should not call me your cousin."

Liu Chan came to Mi Yang with great interest. Unexpectedly, the first thing Mi Yang said to him was not to miss him, but to advise him not to call him cousin.

This made Liu Chan unhappy.

Cousin has changed?

"Let me ask you, how does Han rule the world?"

Facing Liu Chan's sudden inquiry, Mi Yang was a little strange but quickly answered:

"It is natural to govern the world with filial piety."

After receiving Mi Yang's answer, Liu Chan's face showed some cunning.

"When King Xiangyang was alive, my father often called King Xiangyang his second brother.

Aren't the King of Xiangyang and his father emperors and ministers?

And as a son, what’s the problem with following the father’s ways?”

Liu Chan's two rhetorical questions directly stopped Mi Yang.

Then seeing the cunning look on Liu Chan's face, Mi Yang couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Chan has never been a stupid person.

He has always been a person who values ​​love and justice - this is really similar to Liu Bei. If you like Mi Han, please bookmark it: ( The Mi Han Novel Search Network has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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