Chapter 656: He seems to be unethical Zhang Zhao knocks on the door

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Mi Yang knew Liu Bei's intention of asking him to pick up Liu Chan in person.

It was just that in recent years, he had been away from Chengdu for a long time, and Liu Bei was worried that his relationship with Liu Chan had become estranged.

But judging from Liu Chan's performance, Liu Bei's worries were overblown.

After receiving Liu Chan outside the city, at Liu Chan's request, Mi Yang and Liu Chan brothers rode horses towards the gate of Chang'an City.

As the two horses moved forward, when they passed Zhangcheng Gate, Liu Chan looked at Zhangcheng Gate which was being repaired, and couldn't help but think of Mi Yang's attack on the city that he had seen in the report.

Just hearing these four words will make you feel shocked.

After seeing with his own eyes the city wall that had not yet been restored, Liu Chan was naturally more shocked.

Liu Chan did not hide his exclamation, but despite his exclamation, Liu Chan still said with a little worry:

"Can Zhangcheng Gate be restored to perfection?"

Hearing Liu Chan's concern, Mi Yang smiled and answered decisively:


Mi Yang's answer made the worried look on Liu Chan's face a little heavier.

Perhaps he already knew the answer. After all, given the current architectural conditions, it was indeed impossible to perfectly repair a city wall that had been severely damaged twice.

It's just that although Liu Chan had already had this conjecture in his mind, Liu Chan could not help but still hold on to some expectations - cousin, the prime minister hasn't made a final decision yet, what's impossible?

But after receiving Mi Yang's accurate answer today, the remaining expectations in Liu Chan's heart were naturally completely shattered.

After being shattered, Liu Chan would certainly feel worried.

Chang'an is the capital of the country and the heart of the Han Dynasty.

The big man's heart was defective in some aspects. As the prince of a big man, how could Liu Chan not be worried.

After seeing Liu Chan's worried look, Mi Yang didn't take it seriously.

"Don't worry, Adou.

Talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and as long as the Han Dynasty has a long-lasting foundation, and the country's governance is clear and clear, and talents are nurtured from generation to generation, who can dare to say that the Han Dynasty will not reappear as Lu Ban in the future?"

After saying this, Mi Yang went on to say:

"If you want to protect a country well, it does not depend on the thickness of the city walls, nor on the number of soldiers, but on the support of the people."

Seeing Mi Yang calling him Adou affectionately, Liu Chan felt very happy.

What Mi Yang said also made Liu Chan think deeply.

What my cousin said today is very similar to what my father and the prime minister said in the past.

It's just that Liu Chan didn't dislike Mi Yang's slightly preachy words. On the contrary, Liu Chan quite liked the feeling of someone taking care of him.

Of course, there are only three or five people in the world who can make Liu Chan voluntarily accept his discipline.

After carefully considering Mi Yang's words, Liu Chan expressed his opinion:

“The preparation of a great nation lies in virtue rather than danger.”

Seeing that Liu Chan understood what he meant, Mi Yang praised Liu Chan without hesitation and said: "Let me just say that Adou has always been extremely smart."

After Mi Yang's praise fell into Liu Chan's ears, Liu Chan's eyes moved slightly.

Then, at a moment that was not easily noticed by others, Liu Chan made his body on the horse stand upright and straighter.

Liu Chan's little moves could be hidden from others, but they couldn't be hidden from Mi Yang.

Realizing that Liu Chan was in a good mood at the moment, Mi Yang changed the subject and said, "When repairing one's virtue, the country's most important weapons cannot be abandoned.

I think that in the future, the Han Dynasty will be able to vigorously promote talented people in the miraculous arts. If we can recruit such talents, coupled with Adou's virtue and intelligence, the Han Dynasty's foundation will surely be established forever."

Mi Yang's tone was gentle, as if she had said a small thing inadvertently.

Liu Chan, who heard Mi Yang's suggestion, didn't feel there was anything wrong with what Mi Yang said.

My cousin is helping him become a holy king in the future!

Liu Chan turned to look at Mi Yang and said, "My cousin is right.

If what you say is right, you can do it.”

Liu Chan gave Mi Yang a positive answer.

Liu Chan's reply made Huang Hao's black lines dense behind him.

It’s not that Huang Hao thinks what Mi Yang said is unreasonable, it’s just that Liu Chan is the prince!

Moreover, Mi Yang put the matter of advice in the future, so Mi Yang cannot simply answer with the identity of the prince - isn't it obvious what identity the prince will have in the future?

And as the king of a country, how can he obey his ministers like this?

Huang Hao could see clearly from behind the two of them, and Liu Chan didn't even show any hesitation just now.


Liu Chan didn't know what Huang Hao was thinking. After following Mi Yang for a while, Liu Chan suddenly remembered something.

Liu Chan turned the horse's head to bring himself closer to Mi Yang, and then whispered:

"On my way to Chang'an, Tai Chang Xu Ci wrote me a letter.

He said in the letter that his cousin was domineering."

If Huang Hao heard Liu Chan's "snitch", he would probably fall off his horse.

Even Mi Yang looked a little surprised after hearing Liu Chan's "report".

Mi Yang knew what happened to Xu Ci, so he secretly read his book to Liu Chan.

Mi Yang had never thought of Xu Ci's move before.

After all, Xu Ci was not only Tai Chang, but also taught Liu Chan Confucian classics for a period of time.

But Mi Yang never expected that Liu Chan would tell him this matter.

Looking at Liu Chan, whose head almost turned to him, Mi Yang couldn't help but ask:

"Then what does Adou think of this matter?"

Mi Yang didn't ask, but when asked, Liu Chan's face showed an angry look that had rarely been shown in the past.

"I think Xu Ci is talking nonsense.

He is slandering his cousin.

He is an immoral person."

In three consecutive sentences, Liu Chan directly expressed his views on Xu Ci.

Liu Chan, who has been familiar with scriptures since childhood, knew the existence of the Oath of the White Horse.

As the saying goes, the butt determines the head. Under normal circumstances, Liu Chan should understand Xu Ci's painstaking efforts.

But Liu Chan is a unique existence.

In history, Liu Chan once built a temple for Zhuge Liang, a minister, in the name of the Han emperor.

At first glance, this matter may sound less serious than the matter of proclaiming Guan Yu king, but in fact, Liu Chan faced greater resistance and pressure in order to do this.

Because breaking the Oath of the White Horse is at best a violation of the ancestral system, and there were many Han emperors who violated the ancestral system.

To build a temple for your subordinates is against etiquette!

Violating the etiquette and violating the ancestral system are completely different concepts.

The ancestral system is a matter of one family, and the ritual system is the cornerstone of maintaining the stability of ancient society. It is a rule that has been observed by Chinese feudal society for two thousand years.

No matter which dynasty or generation you come from, as long as you live in a feudal society, you will definitely be bound by etiquette.

And if an emperor dares to violate the etiquette, not to mention what kind of resistance he will encounter while alive, even after his death, he will be repeatedly criticized by countless scholars in later generations.

Liu Chan's character was gentle, but once he started running for love, his desperate attitude would make any emperor of the Han family call him a good guy.

Liu Chan dares to violate the etiquette system, will he still care about the ancestral system?

The ancestral system is very important, but in Liu Chan's eyes, it is far less important than some people.

After understanding this, we understand why Liu Chan hates Xu Ci so much.

After learning about Liu Chan's views on Xu Ci, Mi Yang couldn't help but ask: "Then how is Adou going to deal with this matter?"

Mi Yang's question made Liu Chan think for a while, and he quickly gave the answer:

"Immoral people should no longer stay in a court based on virtue."

Liu Chan's words made Mi Yang laugh dumbly, but they also made Mi Yang further understand Liu Chan's trust in him.

This gave Mi Yang a little more confidence in the plan in his mind.

In the following time, Liu Chan kept taking the initiative to talk to Mi Yang, but what Liu Chan talked about was not national affairs, but some interesting things about his life in recent years.

Faced with Liu Chan's proactive sharing, Mi Yang of course responded very positively.

As time went by, the slight sense of strangeness between the two gradually dissipated.

While joking all the way, Mi Yang brought Liu Chan to Weiyang Palace soon after.

What Mi Yang and Liu Chan didn't know was that on a high platform in Weiyang Palace, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were watching them.

Watching Mi Yang and Liu Chan talking and laughing along the way, showing no signs of life. After coughing a few times, Liu Bei smiled and said to Zhang Fei behind him:

"I'm relieved."

What is Liu Bei worried about?

Everything is self-evident.

Zhang Fei did not choose to answer Liu Bei's words. He just stepped forward and supported Liu Bei's body that was shaking due to coughing.

"Brother, the building is high and the wind is strong, let's go back."

After hearing Zhang Fei's concerned words, Liu Bei nodded and said:


So Zhang Fei supported Liu Bei and walked towards the dormitory step by step.

On the way to the dormitory, Liu Bei said slowly:

"After a while, I will issue an edict and make you a general.

In addition to the position of general, I will also let you serve as the commander-in-chief."

Judging from the content, Liu Bei's words were obviously addressed to Zhang Fei.

But Zhang Fei did not choose to respond to Liu Bei's words.

He didn't even ask, "I am a general, how about Zi Sheng?"

After decades of life and death brotherhood, it was not difficult for Zhang Fei to understand Liu Bei's thoughts.

With Zhang Fei's support, Liu Bei arrived outside the dormitory.

But standing at the door of the dormitory, Liu Bei did not immediately walk into the dormitory.

He turned around and glanced at the distant mountains and rivers, then tightened his tight fur, feeling a little cold, and said leisurely:

"The wind is going to blow."

Will Sun Quan's proclaimed emperor and the alliance between Wu and Wei change the fate of the Han Dynasty?

It's not easy.

There is always one thing that can make the big man's future go into the unknown.

And Liu Bei knew that Cao Rui and Sun Quan were silently licking their wounds while waiting for that incident.

New Year's Day is coming.


Jianye City.

Because the proclaimed emperor was too sudden, the palace belonging to Wu State had not yet been completed.

This forced Sun Quan, who became emperor, to temporarily stay in the former Taiwei Mansion to handle government affairs after returning to Jianye City.

After handling the government affairs at hand, Sun Quan asked Shi Yi to summon Sun Lu.

Sun Lu is the second son of Sun Quan.

Compared to Sun Deng, Sun Lu was smarter and more versatile than Sun Deng since he was a child, so he was highly valued and loved by Sun Quan.

After Sun Deng became a hostage and stayed in Jingzhou, Sun Quan paid more attention to Sun Lu because of a certain plan in his heart.

In the third year of Zhang Wu's reign, Sun Lu officially passed the ten-year-old threshold, and it was from that year that Sun Quan's love for Sun Lu could not be increased.

In order to cultivate the son who stayed by his side, Sun Quan would summon Sun Liu to his side to personally inspect his studies whenever he had free time in Jianye City.

Sun Lu's dormitory was not far from Sun Quan. Under Shiyi's leadership, Sun Lu quickly arrived in front of Sun Quan.

When he saw Sun Lu arriving, Sun Quan's face revealed his fatherly affection, and he quickly waved to Sun Lu to come and sit down next to him.

Facing his father's call, Sun Lu came to Sun Quan's side without any hesitation.

After Sun Lu sat down, Sun Quan grabbed Sun Lu's hand and asked him, "Has Huishu taught you well recently?"

The Huishu mentioned by Sun Quan refers to Zhang Wen.

Zhang Wen is the most knowledgeable celebrity in Jiangdong today. Sun Quan allowed Zhang Wen to teach Sun Lu, which shows his expectations for Sun Lu.

After hearing Sun Quan's inquiry, Sun Lu said obediently: "Master Zhang has always tried his best."

Sun Lu's answer made Sun Quan's face even more joyful.

Needless to say, Zhang Wen was knowledgeable, and Sun Liu was very talented. I thought that within a few years, he would have an outstanding successor.

Thinking of this, Sun Quan whispered to Sun Lu: "In a few days, I will issue an edict to make you the crown prince."

Sun Quan's sudden words made a look of surprise appear on Sun Lu's face.

Although he is still a young man, he knows the importance of the word prince.

After appearing shocked, Sun Lu's face did not show any joy.

On the contrary, he still hesitated to speak.

He was just smart, but he knew that there were some things he couldn't ask at the moment.

What Sun Lu wanted to ask was: "What about brother?"

No matter how smart Sun Lu was, he was only a young man, so how could he hide his thoughts from Sun Quan?

Fortunately, Sun Lu didn't ask this question, otherwise Sun Quan really didn't know how to answer.

In fact, since he became emperor, ministers have been writing letters to him asking him to determine the foundation of the country early.

Sun Quan was not unaware of this.

He was just waiting for an opportunity.

In other words, he was waiting for "bad news".

According to my inference, the "bad news" will be delivered within a few days.

Just when Sun Quan was thinking about this, Sun Shao, who had just become the prime minister of Wu, hurried to Sun Quan with a document in his hand.

Seeing Sun Shao's eager look, Sun Quan instinctively felt unhappy.

Originally, whether based on political performance or seniority, Zhang Zhao should have become the first prime minister of Wu.

But something Zhang Zhao said recently made Sun Quan feel that Zhang Zhao was gradually getting out of his control.

Therefore, Sun Quan overcame all objections and made Sun Shao the prime minister of Wu.

It's just that Sun Shao is not Zhang Zhao after all, and his character is quite different.

Unhappy, Sun Quan couldn't help but coldly said to Sun Shao: "As the prime minister of a country, your words and deeds represent the country's demeanor.

How can you lose your composure rashly?"

Facing Sun Quan's rebuke, Sun Shao wanted to defend himself, but in the end he chose to send the document in his hand directly to Sun Quan.

After receiving the document, Sun Quan calmly unfolded it and read it.

He wanted to see what could possibly cause Sun Shao to lose his composure.

But before he could finish it, Sun Quan, who had just finished reading half of the content, stood up from his seat in shock.

At the same time, Sun Shao reported another urgent matter:

"Zhang Gongzheng led some of his important ministers to wait outside for his Majesty's summons!"

Zhang Zhao!

Sun Quan knew Zhang Zhao very well as he and Zhang Zhao had been emperors and ministers of each other for many years.

One of the very important reasons why Zhang Zhao remained loyal to him was Sun Ce's dying instructions.

Today, Zhang Zhao will lead his ministers to ask for an audience by knocking on the door. Isn't it because of Sun Ce?

Thinking of this, murderous intent emerged in Sun Quan's heart.

How many years have passed, why can't he escape the shadow left by him no matter what he does? If you like Mi Han, please bookmark: ( Mi Han's novel search website has the fastest update speed on the entire Internet.

This chapter has been completed!
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