Chapter 729: Bowang as bait and Soochow as aid

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Because he thought of a way, Tian Yu's heart aroused the desire to meet Cao Rui.

Tian Yu is currently the Colonel of Huwuwan. Although his position is not high on the surface, the Colonel of Huwuwan is different from other general captains. In terms of status, Tian Yu's status is no lower than that of the Governor of Youzhou.

With this status, it would not be difficult for Tian Yu to meet Cao Rui.

But what is surprising is that when the thoughts in his heart appeared, a bitter smile appeared on Tian Yu's face.

The servant on the side has followed Tian Yu for many years and has a good understanding of Tian Yu's thoughts.

After noticing his husband's expression, he knew why Tian Yu was troubled.

"Master, forget it."

The servant let out a long sigh and advised in this way.

The reason why the servant persuaded Tian Yu in this way was naturally not because he wanted Tian Yu to lose the opportunity to make contributions.

It was because the servant knew that since Tian Yu surrendered to Cao Cao, Cao Cao had been hot and cold towards him.

The reason why Cao Cao treated Tian Yu like this was because Tian Yu's character was not lovable enough?

Or is Tian Yu's ability not enough to attract Cao Cao's attention?

It is neither of these things.

In terms of reputation, Tian Yu was recognized as a filial son in his early years, and he got along very harmoniously with his colleagues.

When it comes to ability, one thing has to be mentioned.

Cao Zhang once accomplished a great feat during his lifetime - he went on an expedition to Daijun and defeated tens of thousands of Wuhuan and Xianbei troops.

Because of this great achievement, Cao Zhang received countless praises during his lifetime.

But what the world rarely knows is that the reason why Cao Zhang won at that time was basically due to Tian Yu's secret planning.

From Cao Cao's special appointment of Tian Yu as Cao Zhang's deputy general, we can see that Cao Cao has long recognized Tian Yu's extraordinary talents.

But if it weren't for the above two points, then why did Cao Cao, who always loved talents, be so cold and hot towards Tian Yu?

The reason is that when Tian Yu was young, he took the initiative to serve Liu Bei because he admired Liu Bei's style.

But later on, when the war was fierce and dangerous, Tian Yu had to leave Liu Bei temporarily in order to protect his mother.

When Tian Yu left, Liu Bei cried so sadly.

Liu Bei's performance is enough to show how much he values ​​Tian Yu.

Over the past few decades, only a handful of talents have been valued by both Cao Cao and Liu Bei.

It is a pity that no matter how talented Tian Yu is, Cao Cao will still be wary of Tian Yu after hearing about Tian Yu and Liu Bei's mutual sympathy.

And this kind of fear not only did not disappear from Cao Pi after Cao Cao's death, but intensified.

Cao Pi's ability is not as good as Cao Cao's, so the better Tian Yu is, the less he will rest assured.

If Cao Pi hadn't been deliberately suppressing him for several years, and relying on Tian Yu's illustrious military exploits in the past, how could Tian Yu be just Colonel Ichigo Karasuma?

After years of suppression, Tian Yu should have cooled down his desire to make contributions.

But Tian Yu really can't do it.

Faced with the dissuasion from his servant, Tian Yu thought for a while and said:

"I heard that Your Majesty has the style of a martial emperor, I should give it a try."

Tian Yu's idea is very simple. If Cao Rui is really like Cao Cao, then when the country is in crisis, Cao Rui will recruit talents at all costs.

Without this confidence and courage, Cao Rui would not be worthy of the praise of "having the style of a martial emperor".

After making up his mind, Tian Yu picked up the writing brush on the desk and quickly wrote a memorial.

After finishing writing the memorial, Tian Yu did not ask his servant to send the memorial to the minister's desk.

"You will personally deliver my memorial to Chen Sikong's house."

What Tian Yu wants is to let Chen Qun help him.

Tian Yu couldn't tell whether Chen Qun would help him, but Tian Yu knew that if his memorial were sent directly to the Chancellor's desk, it would most likely disappear.

Therefore, no matter how low his hopes were, he would still give it a try.

After receiving Tian Yu's memorial, the servant hurriedly walked out of the post house and walked in the direction of Sikong Mansion.

As a third-generation veteran of the Wei Dynasty, Chen Qun's mansion is very famous in Yecheng.

It didn't take much effort for Tian Yu's servant to find him outside Chen Qun's mansion.

Tian Yu's servant immediately informed him of his identity and handed the memorial in his hand to the concierge of the Chen Mansion.

As the so-called seventh-rank official in front of the Prime Minister's Office, as Chen Qun's concierge, he naturally has a keen eye.

Lieutenant Huwu Wan was a real frontier general, and the gatekeeper of the Chen Mansion did not dare to neglect him. After welcoming Tian Yu's servants into the mansion and settling them down, he took Tian Yu's memorial to find Chen Qun who had just returned to the mansion.

Chen Qun had just returned home from a large number of musical notes, and was in a irritable mood. At this time, he heard that someone wanted to take a shortcut and directly hand over the musical notes to him, and he instinctively felt unhappy.

The words of rejection were about to come out of Chen Qun's mouth, but the voice of a young man next to him made Chen Qun change his mind.

"Tian Yu?

His performance is worth watching."

The person who said this was none other than Chen Qun’s beloved son, Chen Tai.

Although under Cao Cao's control, many people in the world did not know Tian Yu's contribution in the Battle of Daijun, this matter could not be hidden from Chen Tai, who had been in the aristocratic circle since childhood.

It is precisely because of knowing this that Chen Tai is now curious about Tian Yu's report.

When Chen Qun saw that Aizi wanted to see it, he signaled to the porter to deliver Tian Yu's memorial.

After Chen Tai took Tian Yu's memorial, he quickly started browsing it.

After Chen Tai read Tian Yu's performance, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Chen Tai quickly came to Chen Qun with Tian Yu's watch in hand, bowed to Chen Qun and said:

"Father, my son thinks that Captain Tian's plan is feasible."

After hearing Chen Tai's words, Chen Qun let out a light sigh.

Although Chen Tai is young, Chen Qun knows that Chen Tai has always been quite knowledgeable. Whenever he faced difficulties in the past, Chen Tai could always make pertinent suggestions.

So Chen Qun took Tian Yu's watch from Chen Tai's hand and read it carefully.

After reading this...

Okay, Chen Qun, who is not good at military strategy, cannot make an evaluation.

But Chen Qun chose to believe Chen Tai.

"Since Uncle Xuan said this, then as a father, I will help Tian Yu once."

After saying this, Chen Qun pondered for a while and then sighed with emotion in a low voice:

"I hope I can also help Da Wei once."


Early the next morning, Chen Qun hurried to the palace with Tian Yu's memorial and asked to see Cao Rui.

Cao Rui is depressed.

Looking at the pile of memorials in front of me, it can be said that the edict for seeking advice from him has been issued, and indeed many people have enthusiastically offered advice.

But the quantity has increased, but the quality is really worrying.

What made Cao Rui most angry was that some ministers actually suggested that he send envoys to Mi Yang to sue for peace and even offered terms for the marriage.

More than one minister suggested this!

Not to mention whether Mi Yang will agree to it, once he does so, not only will his reputation fall to the bottom, but the Wei-Wu alliance will probably fall apart in an instant.

This strategy of drinking poison to quench thirst is a shame those ministers came up with.

And just when Cao Rui was tortured by a large number of irritating reports, he learned that Chen Qun was outside seeking an audience.

Cao Rui didn't think Chen Qun had any good suggestions, but Chen Qun was an old minister and he had to meet him.

Without waiting long, Chen Qun came to Cao Rui at his summons.

Seeing Chen Qun standing behind him, Cao Rui said feebly:

"Sikong, do you have something important to do?"

Cao Rui's depressed look made Chen Qun realize that it seemed that Cao Rui had not yet obtained a satisfactory strategy.

After realizing this, Chen Qun raised his hands and said to Cao Rui:

"Tian Yu, the captain of Huwuwan School, is worried about state affairs and has a plan to offer."

Like Chen Tai, when Cao Rui heard Tian Yu's name, his first reaction was surprise.

Although Cao Rui succeeded to the throne not long ago, he was no stranger to Tian Yu's name.

During his lifetime, Cao Cao once praised Tian Yu's ability to Cao Rui.

Thinking of the past, Cao Rui immediately became interested: "Submit it quickly!"

After a while, Tian Yu's memorial came into Cao Rui's hands.

Cao Rui couldn't wait to unfold it and read it.

After reading it, Cao Rui not only felt bright in his eyes.

Cao Rui may not have Cao Cao's military talents, but in terms of vision, Cao Rui is indeed a wise king.

The content of Tian Yu's plan gave Cao Rui his first impression that it was feasible.

Cao Rui, who realized this, quickly asked:

"Where is Tian Yu now?"

If you want to have a more comprehensive understanding of Tian Yu's strategy, the best way is to call him in front of you.

Perhaps it was because he had eaten too much coarse grains, and the sudden arrival of refined grains made Cao Rui very excited.

Before Chen Qun could answer, he ordered: "No matter where he is, send an edict for him to come to me immediately."

After receiving Cao Rui's order, Chen Qun smiled and slowly exited the hall.


On the second day, Tian Yu, who was in the post house, received an order from Cao Rui to summon him.

When receiving the edict, Tian Yu's mood was unexpected and exciting.

He didn't expect that his desperate attempt would actually work.

And as if he thought that his opportunity to make a contribution had come, Tian Yu immediately followed the Xiaohuang Gate to the palace after finishing his makeup.

After Cao Rui waited anxiously for Tian Yu for two hours, he finally saw Tian Yu with his own eyes.

When he first met Tian Yu, Cao Rui showed enthusiasm like "the Duke of Zhou spitting out his food".

Cao Rui stood up personally and moved Tian Yuyin to his seat and sat down.

Tian Yu was flattered by Cao Rui's enthusiasm.

But before Tian Yu could thank him, Cao Rui asked impatiently after Tian Yu sat down:

"What you said is that our army should change from passive to active. Is this really feasible?"

Seeing Cao Rui ask about his strategy, Tian Yu had a look of confidence on his face.

"Your Majesty, do you have a map?"

After hearing Tian Yu's request, Cao Rui asked his chamberlain to get a map of Yuzhou.

When the map was placed between Cao Rui and Tian Yu, Tian Yu pointed his finger directly at Bowang on the map and said:

"Your Majesty, the fall of Bowang will pose a great threat to Xuchang.

But this is exactly the cunningness of thieves.

He intends to use his power to contain our army's actions."

"Your Majesty, please see that Bowang is located between Wancheng and Xuchang. When others see the bandits taking Bowang, they will subconsciously think that the first step for our army is to defend.

But as everyone knows, the ones who should really be defended should be the thieves.

Judging from the terrain, Bowang was flanked by Wancheng and Xuchang. Even if the bandit wanted to attack Xuchang, wouldn't he be worried about his food route?

Well, even if the bandits can recreate Dingjunshan's ingenious plan and use the mountain roads as food routes, Xuchang has nearly 10,000 elite soldiers, and its city defense is second to none in the world.

In order to capture Xuchang, the bandits must suppress all the military forces in Jingzhou to have any chance of success.

But in this case, Jingzhou's defense will definitely be empty.

The Grand Sima of Wancheng still has tens of thousands of elites in his hands. Once Mi Yang desperately transfers all Jingzhou troops to Bowang, the Grand Sima can take advantage of the opportunity to attack Yiyang.

Even if our army cannot capture Yiyang, it will definitely frighten the bandits and force them to retreat.

Bowang is not only a hub for the thieves to contain our army, but it can also be a bait for our army to lure the thieves deeper into the area."

In Tian Yu's opinion, perhaps because all previous adventures were successful, Mi Yang gradually became ignorant of the actual situation and became obsessed with this.

Is it possible for a general to blindly take risks?

Tian Yu decided to teach Mi Yang a lesson.

Tian Yu pointed out the plan, and Cao Rui's face lit up.

But Cao Rui still had a question in his mind.

"What if Mi Yang does not attack Xuchang, but lets Bowang's bandit army join forces with Yiyang's bandit army to attack Wancheng together?

If this happens, Wancheng will be in danger."

Cao Rui asked the question that worried him most.

As for this problem, Tian Yu had already planned it in his mind.

"Your Majesty, please don't forget that we have Soochow as our ally!"

As soon as Tian Yu said these words, Cao Rui woke up from a dream.

Wonderful, wonderful!

How could he forget this?

“When we first formed an alliance with Soochow, we were prepared for the coldness of lips and teeth, just to help each other.

Your Majesty can immediately send an envoy to Jianye to explain to Sun Quan the interests of the loss of Bowang.

If the Mi thieves once occupy Yuzhou, Huainan in Soochow will also be exposed to the thieves' front.

With Sun Quan's intelligence, he would definitely not sit idly by and ignore this matter.

As long as the Wu army can cross the Yangtze River and surprise the heart of Jingzhou.

The rebel army will be caught in a double-sided attack between our army and Wu army.

At that time, not to mention repelling the traitor army and retaining Yuzhou, it is not impossible to recover the lost territory in one go and avenge the previous humiliation."

Tian Yu's words, according to later generations, are like drawing cakes for Cao Rui.

But I have to admit that the cakes painted by Tian Yu look really delicious.

Cao Rui had his own judgment, and he believed that Tian Yu's strategy was quite feasible.

After listening to Tian Yu's strategy, Cao Rui leaned over and touched Tian Yu's back and said:

"It's you, Tian Qing, who asked me to save the country today!"

Cao Rui's admiration for Tian Yu cannot be said to be unimportant.

Tian Yu was overjoyed after hearing Cao Rui's praise.

While Cao Rui was showing great love for him, Tian Yu stood up and bowed to Cao Rui and asked:

“I have been in Northern Xinjiang for nearly ten years, and there is not a day when I don’t think about serving the country.

The country is in trouble now, and I hope your majesty will allow me to lead the army south to repel the bandits."

After saying this request, Tian Yu knelt down directly towards Cao Rui and lowered his head deeply.

Tian Yu was waiting while Cao Rui pronounced his next fate.

Should he continue to endure the wind and snow in northern Xinjiang, or should he seize the opportunity and truly display his talents?

Cao Rui thought for a long time.

The longer time passed, the more uneasy Tian Yu felt.

What Tian Yu didn't know was that while Cao Rui was thinking, he was looking at him with a critical look.

But Tian Yu's waiting was effective.

After a long time, Tian Yu's fate for the rest of his life came to a decision.

"I will do whatever you want.

I would like to be Duke Xiao of Qin, and I hope you can be my Shangjun."

After hearing Cao Rui's words, Tian Yu burst into tears of gratitude.

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

This chapter has been completed!
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