Chapter 736: Your father died here, facing the north.

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As soon as Wang Hong's words came out, panic appeared on the faces of all the officials in the room.

As carnivores in Zhouling City, they lived a very comfortable life in the past, and they did not want to go out and take risks if possible.

But what Wang Hong said makes sense.

Zhouling City is not very tall. If they were to trap the city, they probably wouldn't be able to hold it for long.

At present, attacking the Wu army halfway across the river before they land is indeed the best way to defend Zhouling City.

When I thought of this, the panic on the faces of all the officials gradually dissipated.

It is true that a luxurious life can easily paralyze a person's will.

But fortunately, the status of officials in the state mausoleum is unusual.

After the Battle of Public Security, other counties could not guarantee it, but most of the officials in the counties near Public Security were survivors of the Han army after the Battle of Public Security.

Da Han and Mi Yang were extremely kind to them.

The officials of Zhouling were immersed in the glory brought to them by the public security battle. This glory brought them and their families a lot of development.

For the sake of friendship and honor, the officials of the state mausoleum may hesitate, but they will definitely not refuse.

They have fought no matter how dangerous the battle is, so what do they have to fear today?

A long-lost feeling aroused in the hearts of all the officials in Zhouling.

"I am willing to go with the county king and fight against foreign aggression together!"

After thinking about it, all the officials in Zhouling bowed to Wang Hong and said this.

After seeing the performance of all the officials, Wang Hong frowned slightly and burst into laughter.

They are all ministers of the Han Dynasty.

Are there any Han ministers who are afraid of war?


Wang Hong moved very quickly.

In just one hour, Wang Hong gathered thousands of Han troops in the city.

After the Han troops were assembled, Wang Hong, who was wearing armor, led thousands of Han troops towards the port.

Because the whole army knew that the situation was urgent, thousands of Han troops marched very fast.

Around evening, thousands of Han troops, led by Wang Hong, arrived at the port outside Zhouling City.

When thousands of Han troops appeared on the shore, Zhu Huan, who was still fighting against the strong wind and thinking about cleaning up his formation, suddenly became frightened.

Zhu Huan almost instantly guessed the purpose of the Han army on the shore.

Zhu Huan was not the only one to guess this. Most of the tens of thousands of Wu soldiers who were still drifting along the Yangtze River also realized this.

Who among those who are good at water fighting would not know that attacking halfway across the river is the most dangerous thing for them?

Suddenly, among the tens of thousands of Wu troops, panic appeared on the faces of many people.

When Zhu Huan noticed this, he knew that he could not allow panic to spread in the army.

Zhu Huan also knew that he could not let the Han troops on the shore form their formation.

Otherwise, when the Han army's arrows rain down like rain, our soldiers will be seriously injured.

Thinking of this, Zhu Huan quickly ordered the Wu army closest to the shore to land as soon as possible.

But on the one hand, most of the Wu army was in a panic mood at the moment, and on the other hand, the storm on the Yangtze River was constantly blowing, causing the Soochow warships to swing from side to side, making it difficult to control.

Under the influence of these two factors, very few Wu troops obeyed Zhu Huan's orders.

Zhu Huan couldn't help being furious when he saw this.

Being so brave, he actually ordered the warship he was on to sail quickly towards the shore.

As soon as Zhu Huan moved, hundreds of soldiers around him also moved with Zhu Huan.

The morale of the tens of thousands of Wu troops was greatly boosted when they saw that Zhu Huan was taking the lead regardless of danger.

He will be brave for the army.

When Zhu Huan led hundreds of soldiers to the shore, tens of thousands of Wu troops on the Yangtze River, under the command of their respective generals, worked hard to control the warships at their feet and sailed toward the shore together.

Zhu Huan, who was the first to land, did not bother to observe the situation behind.

Zhu Huan saw that the formation of the Han army on the shore had taken shape. He was so anxious that he directly drew the long sword from his waist and led hundreds of guards behind him to kill forward.

Zhu Huan's bravery exceeded Wang Hong's expectations.

Wang Hong has no military talent after all.

At present, there is no tiger general like Zhu Huan in the Han army.

Therefore, even if Wang Hong tried his best to organize the Han army and tried to withstand Zhu Huan's desperate charge, he had little effect.

As the saying goes, there are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkey is the king.

In the absence of all the brave generals of the Han Dynasty, Zhu Huan's bravery was brought to its fullest.

Zhu Huan advanced with his sword, but one Han army fell in front of him one after another.

When Zhu Huan's personal guards saw that Zhu Huan was so brave, their morale was greatly boosted. They guarded Zhu Huan's side, causing the Han army's unformed formation to become more and more chaotic.

No matter how brave Zhu Huan was, with hundreds of men, he would never be able to completely break up the formation of thousands of Han troops.

But not long after, tens of thousands of Wu troops in the river landed ashore one after another and charged towards the Han army's formation.

The formation of the Han army was not neat, and the numerical advantage was gradually disappearing. In Zhu Huan's eyes, the Han army's defeat was certain.

And no matter how ignorant Wang Hong was about military strategy, he gradually saw this.

Immediately, a look of self-deprecation appeared on Wang Hong's face.

I am really useless!

Attacking halfway across is the correct tactic.

The strong winds falling from the sky were invisibly helping the Han army.

If it were Wei Yan, or even if Zhang Yi or Zhou Tai were here, the Han army would have a high probability of successfully blocking the Wu army.


Wang Hong looked at Zhu Huan, who was constantly attacking in his direction. He had no intention of escaping.

Wang Hong knew that according to Mi Yang's plan, Zhouling would definitely be lost.

Otherwise, given the courage of the Wu army, it would have been impossible for them to lead the army and march straight in without taking the front of Zhou Ling.

But how Zhou Ling was lost is different.

Originally, according to Mi Yang's idea, after the Wu army surrounded Zhouling, Wang Hong pretended that he could not defend Zhouling and had no choice but to abandon the city and leave.

But God's calculations are not as good as those of man.

Today, there was a sudden strong wind on the Yangtze River, causing the Wu army's warships to clutter. Anyone who saw this would think it was an excellent opportunity to attack halfway across the river.

In this case, Wang Hong, as the head of the prefecture, did not take any action and just waited quietly for Wu Jun to come, which might make Wu Jun suspicious.

After all, luring the enemy deep has always been a tactic commonly used by Da Sima.

Only by taking the initiative to attack in accordance with common sense can we dispel the enemy's doubts.

Wang Hong originally thought that he might be able to successfully repel the Wu army today, so that after most of the Wu army got the news, they would increase their troops and besiege Zhouling City.

At that time, he "couldn't guard" Zhou Ling, and he was perfect both emotionally and rationally.

It's just that he still overestimated himself a little.

However, Wang Hong had already expected this result.

Before Zhu Huan could reach him, Wang Hong said to an official on the side:

"Our army's defeat has been determined. You can lead the remaining soldiers and escape as soon as possible."

When the officials heard what Wang Hong said, they wanted to take Wang Hong with them.

But Wang Hong resolutely broke away from the official's drag.

"Take the remaining soldiers away. There is no need to die in vain. Let's go quickly!"

Wang Hong shouted anxiously.

After hearing Wang Hong's urgent roar, even though the subordinates were reluctant, they could only leave with tears in their eyes.

As the subordinates rang gold, the Han troops who heard the sound of gold rang and retreated one after another.

The retreat of the Han army allowed Zhu Huan to reach Wang Hong without any hindrance.

Zhu Huan did not order the Wu army to pursue those Han troops.

From the previous battle, Zhu Huan also saw that the Han army guarding Zhouling was not an elite force.

Since he is not an elite, why waste his energy chasing after him? It would be more practical to catch Wang Hong, a big fish.

What Zhu Huan never expected was that Wang Hong had no intention of escaping.

In Zhu Huan's eyes, Wang Hong sat directly on the ground amid the chaos, as if waiting for his arrival.

Soon after, Zhu Huan came to Wang Hong, and the surrounding Wu troops also surrounded Wang Hong.

Zhu Huan stood in front of Wang Hong with a long sword stained with blood, and asked in a condescending tone:

"Are you Wang Hong?"

For this battle, Lu Xun had collected a lot of information in advance.

Naturally, Wang Hong's identity could not be hidden from Zhu Huan.

Seeing Zhu Huan win a small battle and looking a bit domineering, Wang Hong couldn't help but find it quite funny.

"It's your father, what do you do?"

Wang Hong's sarcastic words blurted out instantly.

After hearing Wang Hong's words, Zhu Huan was instantly furious.

Can you still be so humiliating?

Subconsciously, Zhu Huan wanted to raise the long knife in his hand and slash at Wang Hong.

But at this critical moment, Zhu Huan remembered Lu Xun’s instructions:

"Don't kill indiscriminately in Jingzhou!"

In Lu Xun's view, after taking over Jingzhou, he must manage it well and not kill at will and lose the support of the people in Jingzhou.

Zhu Huan was still in awe of Lu Xun.

So Zhu Huan suppressed the anger in his heart and asked:

"Why don't you run away?"

This is the biggest question in Zhu Huan's mind now.

Faced with Zhu Huan's question, Wang Hong said seriously:

"I am General Tiance, personally appointed as the governor of the prefecture.

The chief of a county has the responsibility of guarding the country and its territory.

In addition, everyone knows that I had a good relationship with General Tiance when I was young.

If I cannot lead the army to repel the enemy invaders who invaded the county, I have already failed Da Sima.

How can I run away after defeat to smear the name of my great general?"

After saying these words, Wang Hong continued:

"If it weren't for the fact that all my elite talents are in the north..."

Wang Hong only said half of this sentence before he suddenly stopped.

He seemed to realize that he had "said the wrong thing".

Wang Hong's performance made Zhu Huan happy.

He realized that Wang Hong, who was Mi Yang's friend, might know a lot about the Han army's lies, so he said to Wang Hong:

"Are you willing to surrender?

My Lord is wise and kind..."

Before Zhu Huan could finish his words of solicitation, he was interrupted by a burst of laughter from Wang Hong.

There was endless ridicule in Wang Hong's laughter.

"Sun Quan is wise and kind?

Wu Gou, are you all so shameless?"

Wang Hong's words made Zhu Huan's anger surge again.

But before he could make a threatening move, Wang Hong, who was sitting on the ground, suddenly stood up.

Wang Hong's sudden move startled Zhu Huan.

Zhu Huan thought Wang Hong was going to attack him, so he subconsciously took a step back.

Zhu Huan's move made Wang Hong laugh unbridled.

"Rat! Rat!"

"Wu Gou! How can any Han official surrender?"

Wang Hong's unbridled sarcasm completely angered Zhu Huan.

If Zhu Huan could still endure this, he would no longer be Zhu Huan.

Zhu Huan immediately ordered Wang Hong to be dragged aside and executed.

Facing Wu Jun's dragging, Wang Hong showed no fear on his face.

His whole body was facing north, which was the direction of Yiyang.

"My dear friend, Ming Gong is in the north, so you can't die facing south.".

These were the last words Wang Hong left in the world.

After the person to be executed came back to report, Zhu Huan took out his handkerchief and wiped the blood on the knife, and said to his eldest son Zhu Yiyan:

"Report to the General quickly. I have captured Zhou Ling. There is nothing suspicious about it. Please lead the army ashore as soon as possible."

After saying this, he recalled what Lu Xun had entrusted to Zhu Huan in private before, and couldn't help but think to himself:

I think now that the general is here, he will no longer have any doubts in his mind.

Lure the enemy deeper?

Wang Hong had a great future, how could he lure the enemy with his life?

This chapter has been completed!
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