Chapter 735: Attack Zhou Ling first and attack halfway across

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Since Lu Xun had already had the idea of ​​attacking Jingzhou in his mind, he also had a draft of the corresponding marching route in his mind.

Lu Xun looked at Zhu Huan and asked quickly:

"A few days ago, I asked you to mobilize naval forces to blockade the Yangtze River coast to prevent enemy spies from knowing the true strength of our army. Have you neglected this?"

Facing Lu Xun's serious inquiry, Zhu Huan did not dare to be careless and quickly stood up and replied:


Zhu Huan's answer made Lu Xun very satisfied.

Although Zhu Huan had an arrogant personality, he never neglected his military duties.

After receiving Zhu Huan's answer, Lu Xun immediately took out a command arrow and handed it to Zhu Huan's hand, saying in words:

"Look at my generals, you are the best at hasty marches, and you are also good at attacking difficult battles.

Now I appoint you as the vanguard of our army. We will set off today with ten thousand troops. We must land ashore as quickly as possible and seize the state mausoleum!"

Zhouling is a city in Jingzhou, far away from Yong'an.

More importantly, Zhouling City was the front line for the police to resist Soochow.

If Zhu Huan can capture Zhouling City, it means that the Wu army has a place to stay in Jingzhou.

Zhu Huan's task was not unimportant, and he also knew Lu Xun's trust in him.

So Zhu Huan bowed three times and solemnly took the command arrow from Lu Xun's hand, and issued a military order:

"I will fight with blood and live up to the general's trust."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Huan stood up and prepared to go out.

After Zhu Huan left, Lu Xun looked at Xu Sheng again.

"You are well versed in the art of war. I order you to lead 20,000 elite troops upstream and make a show of intending to take Jiangling directly.

The Jiangling garrison was Chen Dao, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, but his character was too stable.

If Jiangling is in danger, even if he learns that the police are being surrounded, he will worry that this is a siege and reinforcement plan by our army.

As a result, the enemy troops in northern Jingbei would not be able to rush outside the police station to provide support in time.

Your mission is no less important than Zhu Huan's, how dare you accept it?"

Different from Zhou Yu before.

In the past, when Zhou Yu arranged tasks, he would usually only tell the generals what to do, but would not explain why they should do it.

Focusing on a cool style.

However, Lu Xun had a modest personality, and in order not to let the generals take it lightly, he often gave more instructions when arranging tasks.

After hearing what Lu Xun said, Xu Sheng suddenly felt heroic in his heart.

What doesn't he dare to do?

"The military order issued by Zhu Huan was successful, and he was not afraid even if he was in power."

Xu Sheng's answer shocked all the Wu generals present.

With the issuance of two consecutive military orders, the Soochow generals present felt that the atmosphere in the tent suddenly became ablaze.

Lu Xun was also satisfied with Xu Sheng's answer.

Then Lu Xun also handed a command arrow into Xu Sheng's hand.

When Lu Xun was about to send out the third command arrow, Lu Xun looked at the veteran Lu Dai:

"Lv Gong, you have always been prudent.

I will leave 20,000 elite troops for you to stay outside Yong'an City.

Do you know what my intention is?"

Facing Lu Xun's question, Lu Dai stood up and replied:

"The first is to intimidate Han Zong in Yong'an City, and the second is to protect our army's retreat."

Lu Daiyan explained Lu Xun's intention in a concise and comprehensive manner.

Lu Dai's answer made Lu Xun hold his hands and laugh.

"If you know my intentions, how can I have any worries in the future?"

After laughing, Lu Xun stood up, looked at the generals below, and said to them:

"As for the generals, they must pack all their belongings within two days.

In two days, I will join you all to avenge our previous humiliation!"

After hearing these words from Lu Xun, the generals of Soochow stood up excitedly:

"I swear I will never turn around until I leave the police station!"

The passionate oaths of the Soochow generals engulfed Lu Xun in an instant.


As the saying goes, soldiers are more valuable than speed.

After Zhu Huan received Lu Xun's order, he summoned tens of thousands of Wu troops as quickly as possible.

But no matter how fast the speed was, after tens of thousands of Wu troops gathered, the sky gradually darkened.

The tens of thousands of Wu troops thought that Zhu Huan would give up his plan to go out when it got dark.

But they thought wrong.

Even in the dark night, Zhu Huan could not clearly see every Wu soldier in front of him, but he still tried his best to let his voice spread throughout the army.

"Get on the boat one after another and set off overnight!"

With the help of the generals in the army, Zhu Huan's order quickly spread throughout the army.

After hearing Zhu Huan's order, the tens of thousands of Wu troops were surprised, but they still faithfully carried out the order.

Although most armies in the world suffer from night blindness, this symptom is not serious among the Wu army.

At least for the elite Wu army, they were not afraid of night attacks.

Because Wu Jun had eaten more fish since he was a child due to his geographical location.

The first famous night attack battle in Chinese history was fought by Sun Wu led the Wu army.

Under the illumination of the surrounding firelight and under the command of the generals beside them, batches of Wu troops were boarding the warships in the port in an orderly manner.

When a warship was filled with people, it immediately sailed out of the port and headed towards Jingzhou.

At the beginning, there were not many Wu army warships sailing out of the port.

But as time went by, more and more warships sailed out of the port.

Gradually, in the dark night, many fires appeared on the vast Yangtze River.

Numerous firelights gathered together and connected front to back, like a fire dragon, moving unstoppably towards the direction of Zhou Ling.

Although they were traveling against the current, Wu Jun's warships were indeed the most advanced warships in the world.

The countercurrent could not slow down the Wu army's warships much.

After traveling for a day and a night, many Wu army warships were not far from Zhouling City.

But just when Zhu Huan was about to make a big effort and lead his army to arrive outside Zhouling City as soon as possible, the sky became less beautiful.

A strong wind arose on the Yangtze River, blowing many Soochow warships crookedly, and their formation suddenly ceased to exist.

Just when Zhu Huan was in trouble because of this unexpected situation, scouts outside Zhouling City also discovered signs of Wu's army.

As soon as the scout discovered this, he immediately reported it to Wang Hong, the head of Zhouling County.

There may be many Wu generals who are familiar with the name Wang Hong.

Because during the Public Security War that year, Wang Hong, as Mi Yang's friend and envoy, traveled thousands of miles to invite Samoko as a support force for Mi Yang.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! It can be said that there are many Wu generals who hate Wang Hong with all their teeth.

After the Battle of Public Security, Wang Hong was also reused by Mi Yang for his merits. Mi Yang once put Wang Hong in charge of Si Wen Cao.

It's a pity that Wang Hong's abilities are limited after all.

Eventually Jiang Ji replaced Wang Hong.

But Mi Yang still misses her old relationship.

After Wang Hong learned of Mi Yang's plan, Mi Yang finally appointed Wang Hong as the prefectural mausoleum chief in the face of Wang Hong's repeated pleas.

Mi Yang knew that there might be an accident in Zhouling in the future. He thought that Wang Hong wanted to get rich and noble in danger, so before Wang Hong came to Zhouling, he specially warned:

"If Wu's army arrives, you only need to guard the mausoleum strictly. You don't need to guard it for too long, just delay it for a while.

If you really can't defend Zhouling, as long as you don't surrender to the enemy, Guzi will arrange your future in the future."

From Mi Yang's words, we can know that Mi Yang has long been prepared for the fall of Zhouling.

But Mi Yang didn't want Wang Hong's life to be in danger.

"Da Sima, you care too much about old feelings."

After Wang Hong arrived at Zhouling, he kept saying this to the officials around him.

At that time, Wang Hong's tone was filled with pride and relief.

Even though Mi Yang removed Si Wen Cao from his position, Wang Hong never blamed Mi Yang at all.

In the past, the subordinate officials only thought that Wang Hong was showing off his relationship with Mi Yang to them.

Until today, when he learned about Wu Jun's invasion, Wang Hong said these words to them again.

Wang Hong's tone today is obviously different.

It seems free and easy, but also decisive.

Da Sima can obviously do better.

As Mi Yang's life-and-death friend, and as a confidant of General Tiance, both in public and private affairs, Wang Hong should help Mi Yang and make his plan complete.

“After the Public Security War, the world didn’t know me, Wang Hong.

During my tenure in Liangzhou, the world did not know me, Wang Hong.

But I think after today, the world should be able to know."

Wang Hong solemnly took on the bag that had been prepared long ago, and then issued an order from his mouth.

"Since the enemy's formation is in chaos, our army should attack them halfway across the border!"

This chapter has been completed!
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