Chapter 739: Two generals conspired to defeat Mi Yang

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When Wei Yan opened the bag of tips given to him by Mi Yang, Chen Dao, who heard the news, hurriedly came to Wei Yan.

"Chang Wen, do you know about Zhouling?"

Facing Chen Dao's inquiry, Wei Yan nodded solemnly.

After learning that Wei Yan learned about this, Chen Dao sighed with shame and said:

"I had expected that the state mausoleum would be lost.

But how should I explain to Da Sima about the death of Ziya?"

As the commander-in-chief guarding Jiangling, Chen Dao naturally knew about Mi Yang's plan.

In the original plan, Chen Dao was ordered by Mi Yang to be responsible for Wang Hong's safe return.

But who could have imagined that Wang Hong would end up with such a heroic end.

Chen Dao couldn't imagine how sad Mi Yang would be when he learned about this.

After seeing Chen Dao's expression of regret, Wei Yan was not in a good mood.

Wei Yan and Wang Hong had no friendship, but Wang Hong was a Han official and Wei Yan was also a Han official.

The more heroic Wang Hong's death, the stronger the grief and anger in Wei Yan's heart.

But Wei Yan also knew that Wang Hong was seeking death for Jingzhou and the Han Dynasty!

"Mr. Chen does not need to blame himself too much. Zixia died out of loyalty.

What's more, after today, in Jingzhou's thousands of miles of territory, who will not know the taboo name of Zixia?

He has left his famous name in the world for a lifetime, and he is as narrow-minded as knowing under the spring, so he should be happy when he thinks about it."

For Wei Yan, who was proud and arrogant, the fact that he could address Wang Hong respectfully showed how much Wang Hong's death had touched him.

After comforting Chen Dao, a chill appeared in Wei Yan's eyes, and he continued:

"The next thing you and I have to consider is how to expel Wu Dog for the Han Dynasty and how to avenge Ziya!"

Wei Yan's words calmed down Chen Dao's thoughts.

Chen Dao then took out a piece of information and handed it to Wei Yan.

After Wei Yan opened the information and read it, he said with a look of surprise on his face:

"On Lu Xun's orders, Xu Sheng led tens of thousands of Wu troops to swim outside the Jiangling Waterway?"

After a moment of surprise, Wei Yan sneered and said, "Lu Xun is really thoughtful. No wonder Da Sima has always wanted to get rid of him."

The reason why Wei Yan was surprised was that Lu Xun's arrangement was not part of Mi Yang's original plan.

Mi Yang originally thought that because of Sun Quan's desire for Jingzhou, the Wu army would rush to the public security swarm after taking the state mausoleum.

But I didn't expect that when Lu Xun faced the empty police force, his mind could still be unusually calm.

And this unexpected situation will also affect Mi Yang's original arrangements.

But wasn't this the reason why Mi Yang arranged Wei Yan in Jiangling?

Mi Yang didn't think he could figure everything out. He also knew that Chen Dao was more than stable, but not very flexible.

Therefore, Wei Yan is the insurance prepared by Mi Yang in advance.

Wei Yan held the information in his hands and was thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Mi Yang is not in Jiangling at the moment, so it depends on Wei Yan how to deal with this unexpected situation.

While thinking, Wei Yan continued to deduce:

"The total strength of Wu's army could not exceed more than 100,000 at most, but Lu Xun was willing to send more than 20,000 elite troops to Jiangling.

Could it be that Lu Xun wanted to take advantage of our main force in Yiyang to attack two important cities in one fell swoop?"

"No, it's impossible.

Jiangling City Defense and Public Security are on par with each other, and with Lu Xun's current military strength, he doesn't have that big of an appetite."

"Then what is Lu Xun doing?"

As he thought about it, Wei Yan kept pacing in place.

What Wei Yan didn't know was that his current demeanor and actions looked very much like Mi Yang.

But this is normal.

As the saying goes, those who are close to Zhu are red. It is common sense that Wei Yan, who has been impressed by Mi Yang for many years, would unconsciously follow some of Mi Yang's styles.

After Wei Yan paced for a long time, Wei Yan excitedly turned to Chen Dao and said:

"I see!

Lu Xun sent Xu Sheng to Jiangling not for attack but for defense!"

After hearing Wei Yan's words, Chen Dao was thoughtful.

"Is Lu Xun worried that I will risk everything and lead the army to help the police?"

Although Chen Dao was not as clever as Wei Yan, he was still a veteran general. It was not difficult to guess Lu Xun's purpose with Wei Yan's reminder.

Chen Dao's guess was confirmed by Wei Yan.


Jiangling City is tall and thick, and if there is no internal response, the defense of the city usually only requires a few thousand elite troops.

Lu Xun was worried that after hearing the news of the fall of Zhouling, Duke Chen would leave thousands of elite troops in Jiangling and then personally lead the main force of Jiangling across the river to support General Guan.

Lu Xun knows that Mr. Chen, you have always been prudent. If he knew that tens of thousands of Wu troops were watching outside Jiangling City, he would definitely focus on defending the city and would not dare to lead his troops out of the city."

Wei Yan, who consciously guessed Lu Xun's purpose, sounded quite excited.

But Wei Yan didn't know that the word "dare not" in his words caused a black line to appear on Chen Dao's head.

Chen Dao felt that there was no need for Wei Yan to speak like this.

But Chen Dao was very generous, and a little dissatisfaction disappeared in his heart.

Compared to the "disrespect" in Wei Yan's words, Chen Dao was more concerned about what they should do next.

"Now that we know Lu Xun's plan, does Chief Wen have a plan to break the situation?"

Chen Dao asked eagerly.

Of course there are strategies.

Wei Yan pulled Chen Lai to the map, pointed at the dense water systems on the map and said:

"Wu Gou relied on the strength of his naval forces, so he invaded our country unscrupulously.

However, Jiangling is surrounded by water systems, so how can Wu Gou have water troops guarding every area?

In addition, September is approaching and the flow of the Yangtze River is decreasing day by day. In some places with high terrain, tidal flats may have been exposed in various places on the Yangtze River.

This will give our army a chance to cross south to Jingnan without facing a head-on confrontation with Wu Gou's navy.

As long as it’s fast enough!”

After finishing his thoughts, Wei Yan looked at Chen Dao with solemn eyes and said:

"If Xu Sheng's purpose is only to frighten Duke Chen, then once Xu Sheng learns that Duke Chen has led his army out of the city, he will definitely lead his army to pursue him.

In this way, Xu Sheng can be lured away from Jiangling.

Only in this way can Da Sima's next plan proceed."

After Wei Yan finished speaking, he waited for Chen Dao's response.

Wei Yan was confident in his strategy, but for Chen Dao, his strategy required him to take great risks.

Because the purpose of Chen Dao's departure from the city was to lure Xu Sheng's Wu army away, it was impossible for Chen Dao to leave with too many troops.

Moreover, if Xu Sheng was to be fooled, Chen Dao must lead his army into Jingnan.

But everyone knows that if Lu Xun learns about Chen arriving to help the police, he will not sit idly by and ignore it.

Therefore, once Chen Dao leads his army into Jingnan, he is likely to face a situation where the Wu army will attack from both sides.

Being flanked by enemy forces has always been a taboo in military affairs.

Chen Dao could see Wei Yan's few concerns from Wei Yan's tone and eyes.

Even though Wei Yan's current military position is higher than his, in terms of status, Wei Yan is not qualified to command him.

Moreover, Chen Dao could also see the danger that Wei Yan's plan would bring to him.

Wei Yan was also worried that Chen Dao, who had a prudent personality, would be unwilling to act according to the plan because he was afraid of danger.

However, Wei Yan and everyone else misjudged him.

After understanding Wei Yan's concerns, Chen Dao snorted disdainfully:

"Everyone in the world knows that I have a stable character, but have they all forgotten that I followed the late emperor to fight in all directions and narrowly escaped death?

No matter how dangerous things are today, can they still be as dangerous as they were then?"

"Since Lu Xun thinks that I dare not leave the city, then I will go out of the city to show him!"

After saying these words, Chen Dao raised his head slightly proudly.

"You don't need to give me too many soldiers and horses, a few thousand is enough."

When he said this, Chen Dao showed a strong sense of confidence.

Chen Dao's words and demeanor made Wei Yan's heart flutter.

Is this the style of Yuan Cong of the Han Dynasty?

How majestic Mr. Chen!

This chapter has been completed!
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