Eight hundred and twentieth chapters stop

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Shokuhou analyzed the situation briefly. Orianna is a very principled person. Although she works in a profession similar to that of a mercenary, she does not accept all orders. In this operation, the Roman Orthodox Church

Lidovia next to her told her everything. The relationship between the two was considered as partners, not a simple employment relationship.

Of course, Lidovia is also sure that the other party will not betray her. Even if they are caught, it is impossible to reveal their plan. Indeed, Orianna has no intention of revealing it at all. The other party's attitude was also very clear before, even more

Be prepared to sacrifice yourself.

Of course, Orianna cannot be blamed. In some respects, what Lidovia is doing is really "right". Now the magic side and the science side are confronting each other, and the events before Linton have accelerated even more.

The conflict between the two sides has intensified, which means that the current situation is normal even if the two sides start fighting directly, it would be a real war.

And if this plan succeeds, the Roman Orthodox Church will be able to take over the entire Academy City without a single blow. The main force representing the science side is Academy City. If it changes sides, there is no doubt that the entire science side will not make any moves.

, surrender directly, then wouldn’t the war be impossible? In other words, Orianna feels that what she is doing is to save the world. In order to prevent the world from war and create a world where everyone is happy, she feels that this world

It is a world under the rule of the Roman Orthodox Church, with no disputes and direct and eternal peace.

Of course, this can only be said to be too naive. After growing up, you still think that the world can avoid disputes forever? You and your parents always have a quarrel. Because people have different concepts and consciousness, they cannot understand each other and disputes arise.

It is inevitable. Of course, it is too extreme to solve the problem through war, but it is too idealistic to want everyone to have a unified mind. If human beings cannot face up to their own problems, they will never be able to solve this problem.


As for the Roman Orthodox Church, they are definitely just taking advantage of Orianna's innocence, and it is still the usual practice. Anyway, it is crazy brainwashing, whether it is spiritual brainwashing or magical brainwashing, just keep washing. This approach is really

It was a little too obscene, and Linton couldn't bear it any longer.

Yes, for Linton, the gap between forcing others to do something and forcing others to believe is very big. Your mother can force you to clean your own room, but she can add "

Do you have a gene that “loves cleaning”? (If possible) The act of changing someone else’s will is a very unforgivable act in Linton’s opinion.

Linton himself has a Mangekyo Sharingan that contains other gods. According to the convenient plug-and-play method of using the Sharingan, Linton can actually use it by himself at any time, but even in the face of a cosmic level monster like Thanos

Overlord, let’s not say whether it can be effective or not. Linton has no intention of using it because it is really inferior.

And now Linton wants to use this other god. Yes, when he goes to the Roman Orthodox Church to find them, he will directly turn the pope of the other party into a scientist. Don’t you like brainwashing? Wouldn’t it be fun to try it yourself? No.

Not to mention that this Roman Orthodox Church is the most unrestricted enemy Linton has ever encountered, so much so that Linton himself has given up his lowest limits to play with you.

Speaking of the current situation, since Orianna and Lidovia are in a cooperative relationship, Orianna is aware of the entire plan. Her appearance in the academy is actually to attract attention. Motoharu Tsuchimikado said before that it was possible

There is also another purpose, which is also the other party's plan, because he knows that the other party may see through that the spiritual equipment he is actually using is the Apostle's Cross, so that Orianna can move around the school, making others think that Orianna is looking for the most suitable one.

The location where the spiritual equipment is released, but the actual situation is...

"What? Lidovia is not in the academy at all now?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu and Steele both shouted in surprise. The other party actually didn't come to the academy at all. Who would have imagined this.

I have to say that Lidovia's plan was really perfect. If she hadn't met Linton, it probably wouldn't have been exposed in the end.

To everyone's expectation, the activation condition of Apostle's Cross is at night, relying on the power of starlight. But the problem is that the activation range of this thing is very large, so it does not need to be activated in the academy. As long as it is close to Academy City, it can be activated.

Can include the entire school.

Lidovia is indeed in Japan now. After getting off the plane, she stayed in a hotel next to the airport. The location where the spiritual equipment is activated is on the river bank not far from the hotel, across the river from Academy City.

The whole school can be "accommodated", which is impossible to know unless you read the script.

Of course, because it relies on the power of the stars to activate, the time to activate it is at night, to be precise, at 1:00 p.m., because it is summer, the daytime is relatively long, and the sun does not set until 30:30 p.m.

The good news is that they still have time now. Although it is already afternoon, there are still a few hours before the sun sets. Fortunately, they can solve Orianna quickly, otherwise this matter will be really troublesome.


"Okay, let's start taking action." The location is also known, and now we must quickly deal with the opponent.

The first is the hotel. Orianna does know that Lidovia is in a hotel near the airport, but she doesn’t know which hotel it is. However, the hotel must be close to Academy City, so the search range is not too large. Not to mention that it is not yet available.

I have a humanoid radar called Rita Iisu to help me find people.

He also said before that it would be more difficult to see the other person if they are in the building. But the other party must be going out. If Iisu Rita is kept under surveillance, the other party can still see her location as soon as she goes out.


Before that, Linton and the others should be able to determine the location of each other as long as they check in various hotels. In short, Linton and his team immediately started to take action. Linton also directly opened the door and came to the entrance of Haneda Airport, which is nearby.

Search for hotels, and Iisu Rita starts monitoring directly, with the goal of focusing on each hotel within the range.

Of course, Shokuhou Kanana did not participate in this operation. According to her own words, there are more important things that must be done. The matter of saving the school is left to Linton. As for what is more important than

The school's defection was a big deal, so the other party didn't say much, but he seemed really anxious and had something to do.

Originally, the other party was just a temporary helper. If she really didn't cooperate, Linton had no choice but to let her go. Of course, Linton didn't think Shokuhou was going to report to Lidovia.

He won't destroy their arrangement. However, Linton is a little curious about what Shokuhou is going to do, because Misaka's sister was attacked before. It may be some kind of main plot, and Linton really wants to participate in it.

I happened to be searching now, and Linton was trying to recall whether he could remember it. Linton did recall a little bit of the task he was currently doing. Yes, this attack by the Roman Orthodox Church should also have appeared in the original work.

Sure enough, the target is not him, but the academy? It seems that this arrangement has been made for a long time. However, the specific details only became familiar to Linton after listening to Shokuhou Caoana's narration.

"Speaking of Kamijou Touma?" Linton suddenly asked.

"Agami?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu next to him asked.

"Yes, if it's the main plot, the protagonist will also participate, right?" Linton said, "Why didn't he show up?"

"Huh?" Tsuchimikado Motoharu was stunned for a moment, "Why do you want him to show up? You just said you can't find Index, and we can't find him either. There are actually a lot of people paying attention to him now."

"It turns out that the Apostle's Cross was solved by Kamijou Touma's hand?" Linton touched his chin and recalled the plot with vague memory. Of course, he recalled it wrongly, "Wait a minute, it was touched by Kamijou Touma.

If it is something, it will lose its ability, which means that the Apostle's Cross will turn into an ordinary iron block and lose its effectiveness. Phew, it's a good thing I'm here, otherwise the points will be directly reimbursed."

After thinking about it, Linton felt that the compatibility between himself and Kamijou Touma seemed to be very low. What he wanted was the spiritual equipment, and the other party could completely destroy the spiritual equipment. This was simply an enemy of points. What a waste. I thought about it.

I thought, if something happens in the future, I must not act together with Kamijou Touma, or kick him out directly, lest I accidentally damage my spiritual equipment.

"It's appeared!" At this moment, Rita Iisu, who was in charge of overall supervision, suddenly shouted.

"Lidovia Lorenzetti?" Linton asked with some surprise, "Did you see clearly? It's just past midnight. It can only be activated at 30:30 in the evening. It shouldn't appear now, right?"

"Wearing a white nun's uniform and carrying something like a white cross on her back." Rita Iisu said, "I read that right, it's her."

"I understand." At this moment, Tsuchimikado Motoharu suddenly said, "The other party is ready to give up the plan."

"Abandon the plan, can't contact Orianna and know something happened to her? Or is it because we discovered our surveillance." Linton looked up at the sky, and there were a lot of red eyes in the sky. Iisu Rita's skills must be said to be weak.

If so, this is too obvious and a weakness, and it can be easily guessed that it is a surveillance capability.

"It's not just that." Tsuchimikado Motoharu said, "There is a bigger reason for her to give up, and that is this dark cloud."

"Dark clouds?" Linton looked at the sky. Because Rita Iisu's ability was not very useful during the day, he still summoned thunderclouds to assist in observation. Now the surroundings were covered by huge dark clouds, but he could only hear thunder but no rain.


"As I just said, the activation of the Apostle's Cross requires the power of starlight, but now the dark clouds have blocked the sky, and even the sunlight cannot reach the ground. Lidovia may have seen this situation and chose to give up this plan.

"Oh, this is really an accident." Linton really didn't want to stop the other party like this, but unexpectedly made the other party give up, "But the things must be left behind, Mr. Radar, where is she?".

This chapter has been completed!
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