1468, Tang Ruowang

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The offensive and defensive battle of Chifeng City has been going on for ten days, and the Chifeng City Wall has been damaged a lot. After all, it is a rammed earth city wall. Whether it is covered with bricks or not, the defensive power is very different.

The slaves were not idle these ten days. They brought trees from the mountains and made a lot of siege weapons. After all, this place is very close to the mountains.

It is now covered with heavy snow in this season, and it is easy to cut off the branches and bark of heavy logs and drag them with cattle and horses. Because the Jian slaves had to pass through no-man's land, they had to drive cattle and sheep to make food. They had no shortage of cattle.

Jiannu built hundreds of trebuchets and kept throwing ice cubes into the city every day. Because there was no place to find stones, he could only collect ice from the river and load the big ice cubes into the trebuchet.

The hardness and weight of the ice are very considerable, and the destructive force when it hits the city wall is very powerful.

Over the past few days, many parts of the city wall have collapsed.

Madeng Yun had already prepared countermeasures for this. He had prepared wooden fences nailed with iron nails in advance. Wherever the city wall collapsed, it was immediately sealed with wooden fences.

Then they threw in sandbags and quickly blocked the gap in the city wall. They persisted until night, poured water on it, and froze it into a whole overnight.

Madeng Yun took a monocular telescope that he bought from Tang Ruowang and carefully looked at the situation below the city. He bought it from someone in the capital when he went to attend a platform meeting before taking up the post of Chifeng Commander-in-Chief.

Tang Ruowang is the only place in the capital that has this very valuable thing.

At that time, this old man from the West tried his best to encourage him to believe in religion. If he believed in religion, he could give it to him for free, otherwise he would have to sell it for three hundred taels of silver.

Madeng Yun was a man of faith. How could he believe in his religion? He directly paid three hundred taels and took away a telescope.

Tang Ruowang did business part-time because life was not easy and the priest had to do business.

It was very difficult for him to preach in the Ming Dynasty. After all, the church's funding was intermittent.

Maritime transportation in this era was not guaranteed. The old man made some ingenious items by himself to supplement his living expenses. Soon he discovered that it seemed more profitable to make military equipment.

He has glass from Italy, and he knows some knowledge about optics. He can make a lot of money by making some copper tube telescopes. After all, his church also needs money to maintain.

Every time a religious event is held, eggs and the like must be distributed to old men and women. Otherwise, no one will come.

Later, he discovered that the local Xinghe supermarket sold plate glass, and the quality was much better than those in Italy. Moreover, the variety of products in Xinghe supermarket was staggering. He simply used locally produced glass.

The glass is ground.

He worked very hard to win over military commanders such as Ma Dengyun, hoping to increase his connections in China. However, with little success. The scholar-bureaucrats were always wary of them and politely maintained a non-committal attitude.

He lamented in his reply to the church that he found that in China, only when you are successful can you have connections. It is not about establishing connections that will lead to success. But when you have no social status, all the friends you can make are of little use.


Every time he replied to a letter, he had to report back the various scientific and cultural knowledge he had recently learned. Because the West is eager to learn Eastern knowledge. At the same time, he also wrote back to him with instructions. That is how to make the Chinese people believe that this knowledge

and culture were not created by themselves, but were introduced from the West.

He is very troubled by these tasks. It is not easy to handle.

He felt that the big shots did not understand the common people here. Although they were humble, they were not mentally retarded. Those so-called historians were writing the history of civilizations around the ancient Mediterranean. They eagerly hoped to be able to communicate with the East earlier.

In terms of historical inheritance, it is on par with the East, or even surpasses the East.

The "research results" brought by those who came to Daming recently made him feel like he was going crazy.

Suddenly many sages appeared. These people were proficient in astronomy, legislation, mathematics, music...all.

One of the great sages, the complete works include "Physics", "Astronomy", "Metaphysics", "Instrumental Theory", "Rhetoric", "Politics", "Poetics" and other works. A total of three million words.

However, there was no paper in the era when he lived, so what kind of paper were so many words written on and passed down? Isn’t this a joke? It is impossible to deceive the Chinese people by using this to make them believe it.

It would also be impossible to write on parchment.

Parchment is made of lambs within one year. Even if all the sheep in Europe were used to make parchment, it would not be able to write 3 million words. What made him almost faint was that they actually found out that ancient times in that era

Greece has a population of 10 million. The fragmented terrain and barren land make it difficult to feed hundreds of thousands of people.

The new scholars actually said plausibly that it was a place where maritime trade was developed, and food was purchased from Egypt. But the Nile River was an impact plain, and the sediment was reclaimed from the sea year by year.

At that time, in the Ming Dynasty, Tianjin was at sea.

This made his hair almost fall out due to worry, so he had no choice but to make up random things.

In fact, in modern times, genetic technology has been developed, but these sages can't find a single descendant. All these historical celebrities have died. There is not a single person on the earth who has their genes.

Recently, the official named Yang Xianguang began to accuse them again. Tang Ruowang is organizing people to write a book to refute Yang Xianguang. This book is called "Biography of Tianxue"

"First of all, I believe that all nations in the East and West are descendants of gods. This has been true since Fuxi (Chinese God of Creation). The ancestors of the Chinese people actually came from the West."

"Secondly, I think Chinese philosophy is nothing more than the light of a firefly compared to holy religion. China's "Book of Songs", "Shangshu", "The Analects of Confucius", "Mencius", etc. are all products of people who believe in our gods. Confucius

Meng Zhixue and others are nothing but the "micro-language" of my teaching thoughts."

Tang Ruowang said confidently to the crowd. This is the tone of this book. Their civilization is just a small branch of our civilization that is not worth mentioning. We are the orthodox.

"Are you sure that writing this way will be effective and that they will believe it?" A scholar from France asked doubtfully.

"You don't know, my brother." Tang Ruowang said maturely: "We started from the bottom people with no culture. They are all illiterate. Except for their own ancestors, they don't know anything about history. Ninety percent of this country

People are all illiterate. As long as we brainwash them, 90% of people in the future will think that what we are talking about is history."

Tang Ruowang was full of confidence, but he didn't know that if he acted like this, he would be unlucky.

He fooled the scholar-bureaucrats of the Ming Dynasty as fools, and after a few years of running around, they were all caught up and imprisoned. They were not released until Shunzhi came.

Kangxi considered them to have problems with the Han people, so he specially used them. He had great trust in them.

They even opened the royal library to them and taught them personally. Only emperors were qualified to learn the "Book of Changes" instead of the version circulated in society.

Tang Ruowang decided to severely punish those idiots who sent him to jail.

He copied almost all the books and materials collected by the government and the palace and took them back to the West. Especially books on science and technology of the Ming Dynasty. Many of the existing fragments had key pages torn out.

And the Zhouyi leaked to him by Kangxi was even more extraordinary.

This chapter has been completed!
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