1470, Fire Attack and Tunnel Battle II

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Dorgon watched as the Mongols fled back again. He couldn't help but burst into laughter.

The main reason is that Obai was in such a sorry state. One characteristic of explosions is that his clothes will be broken. This can be seen from many corpses after bombings in modern times.

The corpses of people killed by bombs were often naked or with only a few clothes left. Especially at the scene after World War II plane bombings. It may be because ancient clothes were not strong enough and far less dense than the body, so they were blown away by the air waves.

My clothes were torn.

During the Apocalypse explosion, there were also many naked people running around. Many people who were killed by the explosion were also naked. There was even a procession that was catching up with the bride-to-be. The bride was killed in the sedan chair and was also naked.


At this time, Oboi fled back in embarrassment with his butt naked.

He was in the second wave of siege teams. He was responsible for supervising the battle on horseback and watched the Mongols attack the city wall. The original plan was that after the thick smoke obscured the view of the city wall, the second wave of people would set up ladders and take the opportunity to climb the city.

As a result, the first wave of people set fire to their siege vehicles and retreated hurriedly.

The second wave of people took the opportunity to rush up, set up a ladder, and climbed up.

Their mouths and noses were covered with soaked cloths, and they were choked by the thick smoke and couldn't stand it. However, they had to take the opportunity to climb up, because the two yellow flags and bows and arrows behind them were pointing at them.

Seeing that victory was in sight, most people climbed to the crenels. As a result, countless tens of thousands of enemies and thunderbolts were thrown down. Then, countless flames and explosions exploded under the city wall one after another.

The ladder was blown to pieces, and the people on it were thrown into the sky like rag bags by the shock wave. Then they hit the ground heavily. The Mongolians on the ground were directly blown into countless pieces of meat.

A jar of gunpowder weighs twenty kilograms. This explosive power is astonishing even in modern times. Ceramics in particular have very high hardness. When used as shrapnel, they are extremely powerful. Broken ceramics turn into a shower of shrapnel.

, blowing away all the Mongolians and the Jiannu cavalry supervising the battle more than ten meters around, and penetrated.

As Obai was riding on his horse and shouting, a thunderbolt exploded ten meters away from him.

The difference between Zhentian Lei and Ten Thousand Enemies is: Ten Thousand Enemies are cotton quilts sprinkled with gunpowder wrapped in jars, which are mainly burned. Sprinkling gunpowder in cotton will burn very violently, especially when Jiannu is wearing cotton armor.

If it gets on it, it will set your whole body on fire in a very short period of time.

The explosive power and lethality depend on the broken porcelain pieces of the jar and the built-in gunpowder.

Zhentian Lei is a bomb with an iron shell. The outer shell is made of cast iron and has many holes and cracks. It is very easy to explode. The shrapnel is the broken iron shell.

Obai wore triple armor, and he was as strong as a cow. The explosion blew off one of his horse's legs, and his horse fell down with a neighing sound.

He was overturned by the air wave and flew directly into the moat. He was hit hard on a pile of frozen corpses, causing his mouth and nose to bleed. But this guy's character was very tough and he woke up from his coma.

Seeing the Mongolian soldiers running back like a tide, his eyes narrowed and he ran back like a rabbit that had been hit by an arrow. He was indeed brave, but he was not stupid either.

At this time, the explosion extinguished all the fireworks below the city. Why don't you run and wait for the three-eyed gun to be shot down?

Huang Taiji's face was dripping with water. He was so gloomy and terrifying.

The two red flags that attacked the northern city wall have also returned. Today, all sides are the same, with heavy losses. Although the Chifeng city wall is crumbling, it has not collapsed. It can be seen that Madeng Yun really worked hard when he repaired the wall.

Daishan's little eyes were staring at the leaked area where the city wall collapsed.

When ramming the earth for this city wall, a lot of chopped hemp knives were added, and even shrub strips and thorn strips with excellent toughness on the grassland were added. This gave the rammed earth the tensile force of steel bars, making it less likely to collapse on a large scale.

Mingjin withdrew his troops, and Jiannu retreated. The Mongols seemed to have received an amnesty and ran faster.

The pure white snowfield, after more than ten days of fighting, was filled with dead bodies and burnt siege weapons.

In the big tent, there was a gloomy atmosphere.

None of the three Baylors spoke. The other banner leaders and generals were also silent. For a moment, the tent was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"Let's all discuss how to attack Chifeng City and come up with ideas. Otherwise, the army won't be able to stand it if we stay here any longer. It's so cold and freezing, and there are so many casualties due to frostbite every day." Huang Taiji also said

No more enthusiasm to start.

Daishan sneered and said: "Before I went on the expedition, I said that I had just finished fighting Chahar, so I had to repair it for half a year, and wait until spring next year when the flowers bloom. In this way, I can catch up with the summer grain harvest. But some people don't know.

What kind of thoughts do you have to go out in the winter? Now it’s better, it’s hard to get off the tiger."

As soon as Dabeile said this, there was a lot of discussion in the big tent. Obviously, there were many people who supported Daishan.

"Brother, this is wrong. If we attack next year, Chifeng City will be ten times harder to defeat. Once they have completely repaired the city, this will be the second Guan Ning Jin defense line. If we don't attack now, it will be difficult to attack in the future.

That’s it.” Huang Taiji argued to himself.

A Min had the least number of people. He only had a blue flag. Moreover, he knew that Huang Taiji was working to take down his flag leader, so he just laughed and said nothing.

Huang Taiji looked around and saw that no one was cheering, so he had to turn his attention to Dorgon again.

"Fourteenth brother, you are always resourceful, but what can you do?"

Dorgon looked troubled. It was one thing for him to seek refuge with Huang Taiji, but he was not willing to directly confront Daishan. The strength of Lianghongqi made him scared.

Seeing everyone looking at him with piercing eyes, like a pack of wolves looking at a lamb. These people are all disciples and former officials of the three Baylors, and a feeling of oppression suddenly came over them.

"Fourteenth brother, if you have any good ideas, please don't hide it. Last time you had a good idea and didn't tell it. It was self-help, but it was a bit unjust." Dai Shan said with a smile.

Last time, Dorgon saw their jokes, and then volunteered himself, becoming famous in one battle. He successfully established his position in the Eight Banners. These old foxes naturally understood it.

However, they can't stop it, and you can't help people making progress either.

Dorgon had no choice but to say: "Fire attack is not possible, and water attack is even more impossible. We can only dig tunnels."

Amin sneered and said: "I thought it was a good idea. It's freezing cold today, can we dig? The ground is frozen solid. There is a layer of permafrost ten feet below. Do we have to dig until the beginning of spring?"

Dorgon said respectfully: "You can't dig with a shovel and a pickaxe. You can use a sledgehammer and a drill to drill holes and blast. Use gunpowder to excavate."

Dai Shandao: "When digging a tunnel, the important thing is to have a cover. It's like drilling holes and firing off blasts. Isn't it obvious that we are digging a tunnel?"

Dorgon said: "The attack on the city cannot be stopped. Let the artillery of the Han army begin to bombard the city wall. Use the sound of the cannon to cover up the sound of explosions."

Amin's eyes lit up when he heard this. This could indeed paralyze the Ming army and have the effect of taking them by surprise and attacking them unprepared.

"I agree with the Fourteenth Brother's method of using artillery to cover the city. We will continue to attack the city and keep digging tunnels. When we dig under the city wall, we will use gunpowder to blow up the city wall."

This chapter has been completed!
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