Chapter 472 The big plan to take the lead

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 Be true to your word to your friends, this is the rule you must abide by when you go out to hang out.

Master Yu helped us get the cool beads worth tens of millions, so we have to help him get the Mawangdui silk paintings he wants! Although it takes a lot of risks, and this must be done as soon as possible, the sooner the better,

I can't drag it, and I don't want to drag my head.

At that time, a huge number of silk books were unearthed from Tomb No. 3 in Mawangdui! It can be said that they cover all aspects of the genre!

In addition to the Book of Changes, Pictures of Mourning Clothes, Spring and Autumn Annals, Lao Zijia's ancient book after this volume, the first and second chapters of the Warring States Politicians' Letters to the Family, and Chapters A, B, and B of Xing De, there are also seal script Yin Yang and Five Elements, official script Yin Yang and Five Elements, five-star divination, astronomy and meteorology, and comets.

Drawing skills, wood fortune telling skills, city building skills, horse fortune telling skills, the complete Dharma Sutra, the alchemy category includes fifty-two disease prescriptions, secret recipes for miscellaneous treatments, complete appendixes of lost books, fetal birth books, health pictures, etc.

Wait, that's too many.

There is even the earliest "Secretary in the Room"! That is a thousand years older than the one I saw from Lao Gu! The "Shenque Acupoint Song Jue" that Master Yu wants is in that batch.

I talked about the cultural relic theft case before because there was something worth learning from that incident. .??.??

He frowned and said, "My original plan was to bribe the warehouse custodian, but something went wrong. I contacted him through an intermediary and offered him a price of 800,000. But the custodian was really incompetent, so now I

The whole plan had to be changed."

"Head, I understand."

"You mean we can refer to some of the practices of that person decades ago."

"Yunfeng, you guessed it right, but you didn't quite get to the point."

"This must be done quietly and with great speed so that no one can catch it."

He tapped his head and fingers on the table rhythmically and said calmly, "The museum is in the basement. Look at this picture."

Tou Tou took out a structural diagram from the drawer. It was from the Mawangdui Museum. This kind of internal plan architectural structure diagram cannot be found on the Internet. It is a confidential document. I asked Tou Tou how he got it.

The boss explained that money can make things work. He bribed a female docent at the museum who was about to retire a month ago, and she got this picture. Now we have this internal picture, and many places can be seen clearly.


The cultural relics warehouse there is on the underground floor, has no windows, and the door is an explosion-proof door made of four layers of steel plates.

Generally, large museums have two custodians and one supervisor. Every time you enter, the supervisor must approve the entry. The two custodians can only enter by turning two keys at the same time. These three people are jointly and severally responsible and supervise each other.

Not to mention surveillance, it is no longer just a few decades ago. There are all kinds of probes, infrared alarm devices, smoke alarm devices, and vibration alarm devices. They can be said to be shockproof, waterproof, fireproof, and anti-theft. If you want to sneak in at night to unlock and steal things,

That is impossible.

The custodian of cultural relics in the museum warehouse is a well-established golden rice bowl. To do this job requires three generations of political review. It is impossible for us to bribe all the two custodians and one supervisor, but don't forget what our eating skills are.

"Drill a hole".

If the mastermind behind the scenes could do it decades ago, then we can do it too under the leader's plan.

Then, with his head in front of me, he drew a vertical line on the picture, and then a horizontal line leading to the outside, which extended to the opposite side of the street.

He turned his head and whispered, "Across from the west gate, there is a cigarette shop here. I have arranged for it through an intermediary. We can dig a cross shaft from here to enter the warehouse on the first floor. The museum closes at 7:30 every night until 9:00 the next morning.

After opening the door, the two custodians will enter the warehouse to do routine inspections. There is about fifteen hours in between, so we must dig the horizontal well within fifteen hours, go in and find the silk painting, and then make rubbings.

, and finally backfill the entire cross-shaft section with soil.”

I took a breath when I heard it.

"This is impossible! One night is not enough time! We can't do it! Also, what do you mean by making rubbings?!"

He frowned and said, "The cultural relics in the inventory are all numbered. Someone will check them every once in a while. It's too risky to steal the originals. Besides, to win over him, he just wants the content recorded on the silk painting, so just print out the rubbings and give them to him."

I'm thinking

Making rubbings is even more difficult this time, and it will take at least several hours to thoroughly ink! Besides, no one in our team knows this skill!

"Yunfeng, how is your job?" he asked me suddenly.

"Of course my job is fine! Don't brag! Five meters an hour is easy!"

I have always been quite satisfied with myself in terms of speed. If I go all out, Bean Sprout and Brother Yu are not as fast as me.

"Haha, five meters."

He shook his head and said with a smile, "Your speed is definitely acceptable for our northern sect, but there is still a long way to go before the top experts. The average fastest speed of the eldest and the third eldest was seven meters."

"I am definitely not as good as my eldest brother and my third brother. They are specialized in soil engineering! After all, I was born in loose soil back then! If only in two or three years! I would definitely be able to reach the speed of seven meters!"

"I believe this, but we can't wait two or three years now."

He pointed his head at the drawing and said, "Can you do it in four and a half hours to open this cross shaft?" ??

I shook my head violently, "Head, this is not impossible, it is completely impossible! Even if I cut off both hands and put them on the cyclone shovel, it wouldn't be so fast!"

He smiled and said, "So, you guys alone can't do this, so I paid for someone to come over. This person is known as the fastest earthworker in our entire northern faction."


"Boss, is it the little gopher from Zhumadian?"

"That's him." He said in a solemn voice.

"Come on, come on out with me now."

I followed Tou out to take a taxi and went to another small hotel. We arrived after 12 o'clock. Tou led me directly to the third floor and walked through the corridor. I reached out and knocked on the door of room 307 twice.

"Which one?"

A man's questioning voice came from inside the house. He had an accent from Henan, and his voice was a bit wary.

"Brother, it's me." Baotou said softly.

The door opened and I saw the fastest man in the Northern School.

This man looks to be in his thirties and is only over 1.5 meters tall. He is definitely not
At 1.6 meters tall, he has a strong build, a mustache, and charming eyes. The key is his arms, which are extremely strong. The veins on his forearms are protruding, and the circumference of his arms is almost as thick as my thighs!

This man is the fastest and most famous Zhumadian little gopher in the northern faction. His unique skill is flying shovels with both hands! He has no team of his own, and usually makes a living by taking on some big jobs. The average cost of hiring him to hack a hole is

Above 100,000, nothing else can be guaranteed, but he can guarantee one thing.


Famously fast!

According to reliable rumors in the industry, someone once drove an excavator to compete with him for speed, but he simply beat the excavator with just his hands!

In addition to the little gopher in Zhumadian, there was also a white-haired old man in his sixties in the room. When we came in, the old man stood up and said hello.

"The boss, who is this man?" I asked.

The leader introduced, "Yunfeng, this is Mr. Hu. He is the great-grandson of Hu Xizan, a master of rubbings in the late Qing Dynasty, and he is also the inheritor of Yangquan Xiangtuo."

I have never heard of Hu Xizan, because I don’t like calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, so I can’t understand it, but I have heard of “Yangquan Xiangtuo”, which is a unique skill that has been almost lost and is known as the fastest extension method.

As soon as the sound is heard, the ink is not dry and the rubbing is completed.

The fastest soil worker, the fastest expansion worker. To invite these two people here not only relies on connections in the world, but also costs a lot of money. Boss Yu really made a big deal this time to help Master Yu.

The white-haired old man smiled and held up his hands, "The king has given me the prize. We have been staying here for two days. When will we start?"

The little gopher from Zhumadian also laughed and said, "Interesting! I'm used to working in wild tombs in the mountains. This is my first time working in a museum. I don't know if I can do it!"

I frowned and said, "After all, it's not like the sandy land in the mountains. There may be foundations and roadbeds underneath."

"Alas! This little brother is wrong!"

The little gopher from Zhumadian patted me and laughed, "Haha! It doesn't matter if it's sand! It doesn't matter if it has a foundation! Since I'm collecting the money, you should keep it in your stomach!"

"In the area three feet underground, nothing can block my way."

This chapter has been completed!
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