Chapter 202 White Horse and Black Ox

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The two jade carving fragments that Dou Sprout accidentally appeared at the bottom of the hot spring pool are by no means ordinary. I don't want ordinary ones at all. They are white horses and black cows. This carving theme may itself hide a big secret.

According to historical records, Futong and other seven rebels in the late Yuan Dynasty killed white horses and black oxen during the autumn harvest, vowing to declare to heaven and earth that they wanted to join forces and start a rebellion.

So I think this theme itself has the meaning of "declaring heaven and earth". To a certain extent, it can be understood that if the white horse and the black cow appear at the same time, it means rebellion.

Dou Sprout swung the rope and said, "Fengzi, I'll go down and tie it up first, and then I'll come up, and the three of us will pull it up together."

Brother Yu said: "Even if we pull the things out of the water, how are we going to transport them up?"

Dou Sprout looked stunned, scratched his head and said, "That's right, Brother Yu, this stone sculpture weighs at least several hundred kilograms, so how was it transported down that year?"

I said: "A few hundred kilograms is nothing. Some of the large tomb-suppressing beasts in the Warring States tombs weighed several tons. There are more people and more power. As long as there are enough people, these problems were not a problem in the past. Let's go up and see the situation first. Maybe

What new clues can we find from this?"

Dou Sprout nodded, then he jumped into the hot spring wearing red underpants and holding a rope.

After a few minutes, Dou Sprout came up dragging a rope in his hand.

Brother Yu was in the front, and the three of us stood in a row holding on to the rope and started pulling up.

At first it couldn't be pulled at all, but I realized that maybe the way I was exerting force was wrong, and the three of us couldn't move together.

"Brother Yu, when I call three, let's work hard together. If I let go, we will let go at the same time."

"one two three!"



After repeated attempts, a huge falling sensation suddenly came from the other end of the rope.

I quickly pushed my feet on the ground and leaned back. With the help of the buoyancy of the water, we pulled the stone sculpture up bit by bit.

The moment I saw the stone-carved cow emerging from the water, I immediately ordered the rope to be fixed and kept it tight to prevent it from sinking.

Then I asked Dou Sprout to quickly grab a rope and tie it to the belly of the cow.

Dou Sprout was tied up quickly. He yelled, then swam to the back of the cow's buttocks and pushed forward with all his strength.

Brother Yu and I let go of the rope we grabbed before, and then pulled the rope tied to the cow's belly.

It was like a tug-of-war. The three of us worked together, back and forth, and it took more than an hour to put the stone sculpture up. I estimated that this thing weighed as much as two large upright pianos.

Dou Sprout was paralyzed from exhaustion and lay directly on the ground, gasping for air.

My condition is not bad. After all, I am a martial arts practitioner all year round, so I only sweat a little.

When I shined a flashlight on it, I saw that because there was still water on the surface, the black bull carved with black gold and jade shone brightly, dazzling people's eyes. Although it was damaged, it was still a relatively rare cultural relic of the Song Dynasty.

If we look at the cultural relic grading standards, this kind of cultural relic that can reflect a famous event in history will most likely be classified as a first-class inferior, with a market price of 500,000 to 800,000. If it is intact, the price will be three to five times higher.

I observed the fracture at the neck of the stone cow. It was very uneven and irregular. It looked like it had been forcibly damaged by someone using hammers and chisels.

Brother Yu looked at it and asked me: "Yunfeng, this head is gone, and you can't see its facial features. How did you tell at a glance that it was from the Song Dynasty?"

I patted my butt and explained, "Just look here. The stone carvings of the Song Dynasty have smooth and simple lines. Regardless of human or animal themes, the lines on both sides of the buttocks are generally contracted, similar to the characteristics of beautiful women's buttocks.


"Fengzi! Come and see here! There seems to be words engraved here!" Dou Sprout suddenly shouted.

When I went over to take a look, I saw that there was indeed a line of small words carved on the cow's belly.

After wiping the mud with his hand, he saw clearly written words on it:

"In addition to Member Li of Qingxi County, I present one statue of the Holy Duke, a white horse and a black cow, on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month in the second year of Xuanhe."

When I saw this inscription, my breathing was rapid and my head was buzzing!

I couldn't calm down for a long time, so I slowly sat aside and lit a cigarette.

This is what we have been searching for.

This is something left behind that can change a certain period of history!

I don’t know if I should say that I was lucky. Back then, some people were looking for it just like we are today. They went down here and found it. In the end, they only took away the most valuable stone carving head at the time, leaving behind a broken body.

, it seems that the other party did not notice the inscription on the cow’s belly.

If the other party hadn't been in a hurry for some reason, if Bean Sprouts' cell phone hadn't suddenly fallen into the pool, who would have discovered it?

No one will be able to discover it, and this secret may not be known for a long, long time.

The legend of the Fangla Treasure has been circulating among the local people in Chun'an for nearly eight hundred years. Because of the discovery of this thing, it will no longer be a legend, just like the golden tiger and the golden book that were first fished out at the Wujiang Estuary.

Those experts who said that the legend of sinking silver at the mouth of Zhang Xianzhong was a joke later had their faces swollen. It is conservatively estimated that at least 30,000 cultural relics have been recovered from that stretch of water, including at least 15,000 gold and silver items. According to the

A piece of gold and silverware costs at least 50,000 yuan, so how much is it?

Just now I was hesitant to take away this stone sculpture, but now I am determined to take it away.

After a short rest to regain our strength, we followed the same method and lifted the other one out of the water.

Having tasted the sweetness, we used our flashlights to carefully search around the pool for other cultural relics. Dou Sprout also dived to the bottom of the pool several times to look for them.

The result was a bit disappointing. Apart from these two fragments of stone sculptures, nothing else of value was found.

At this time, Douyazai said: "Fengzi, we have to transport things up now. I have an idea. We can use pulleys to hoist them up. What do you think?"

I looked around, frowned and said, "Don't worry, this thing is dead and won't run away on its own. We should strike while the iron is hot and search other places. There must be other secrets here, in case we find the uprising."

With the gold and silver treasures that the army collected back then, we will have enough food and clothing for the rest of our lives."

Brother Yu frowned and asked me: "Yunfeng, it seems that there were people who came down here more than a hundred years ago. Do you think they were from the Southern Sect at that time?"

I frowned and said, "Brother Yu, it's not necessarily a fellow traveler, and it's not necessarily a southern sect. It's also possible that an ordinary person discovered this place by accident."

"Last time I came here, I saw someone's writing on the wall of the grotto, which said that Jiang was in the 13th year of Daoguang's reign."

"The pile of bones and the rusty iron pot we found just now are from that era."

Dou Yazai said worriedly: "Is it possible that the treasure was taken away by those people more than a hundred years ago? Damn it, you dare to rob us."

"I don't rule out the possibility you mentioned, but I think that if the treasure was so easy to find, it would have been taken away by the Song army. History describes Fang La as a cunning man with three holes. Maybe God doesn't know where he buried things.

Where did it go? Thinking about it this way, we still have a chance of success."

I looked around: "And I feel like we are getting closer now."

This is what you must do as a leader, and you must never let the team members lose confidence at any time.

Douyazai held up his flashlight and looked forward, with a worried expression on his face as he said, "I don't know how deep this cave is and where it leads to."

I scolded him and said, "Thankfully Xiaoxuan is not here right now. Can you please pay attention to your image? First put your pants in your pockets while you talk, showing your nakedness to whoever is watching."

Dou Sprout looked down and quickly put on his pants.

He turned back and smiled at me: "Haha, I'm sorry, Fengzi, I didn't pay attention, and I accidentally made you feel inferior."

When are you still in the mood to make such a joke, not to mention that I am in charge now, so I yelled at you on the spot!

I call others just like their names, like bean sprouts.

Dou Sprout was not to be outdone. He smiled and called me like a charging cable.

The two of us were arguing when Brother Yu suddenly made a silent gesture.

"What's wrong?" I turned around.

Brother Yu whispered: "In that direction, Yunfeng, listen carefully. Do you hear a sound?"

Dou Sprout shut up, and I listened carefully. I vaguely heard a strange sound coming from the depths of the cave.

"Da da da da da da da"

This chapter has been completed!
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