Chapter 144 Corpse Poison

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 Unprecedented, why did the ancient corpse explode? Is there some kind of gas in its stomach?

The sudden change caught everyone off guard.

Dou Sprout was startled, and the candle he was holding fell to the ground and went out. The surrounding area instantly fell into darkness.

"Ah Chun!"

"Ah Chun!"

Brother Yu shouted anxiously in the dark. He touched my face. I quickly said, Brother Yu, I am not A Chun.

Light the candle again, and then there will be light again.

Achun was seen clenching her teeth, and the left half of her face was covered in a black liquid of unknown composition, which was a bit scary.

She had to react quickly and block it with her hand, otherwise it would be more serious.

Xiaoxuan hurriedly took out the tissue she brought with her and sent it over. Ah Chun took it with a dark face and wiped it again and again.

Brother Yu was a little dissatisfied and turned to ask Dou Sprout, "What are you taking pictures of?"

Dou Sprout, with a droopy face, explained, "If I don't take a picture, it will catch on fire, Brother Yu! Who would have thought that it would explode if I hit its belly!"

"stop fighting!"

Ah Chun asked, "How is my face now? Have I wiped it clean?"

Brother Yu looked at it carefully, breathed a sigh of relief and said it was wiped clean.

Ah Chun glared at Dou Sprout, which seemed to mean, "You're done, wait for me."

"Look, all of you!"

Our attention was all focused on Achun's face, but Yang Zhenghe noticed it first and shouted out.

In just this short time, the ancient corpse lying in the coffin changed.

The facial muscles of the female corpse contracted and collapsed, as if they were oxidized. In just a few minutes, the facial features that had just come to life were basically completely collapsed, and her mouth was pouted fiercely.

Not only the exposed skin on the face, hands and feet is deteriorating at a speed that is visible to the naked eye.

"Back off!"

The leader's eyes were horrified, and he immediately shouted, "Everyone retreat! There's corpse poison!"

Everyone immediately retreated.
Far away from the coffin, I nervously asked, "The head! Is it really poisonous?"

Turning his head and face pale, he nodded.

Jiao Jiuye also looked ugly and said, "This is a very powerful corpse poison that can kill people."

I took one look at the red lacquered coffin and was filled with fear.

There really is such a thing as corpse poison in the world, and it is more likely to appear in large tombs. People who are infected with corpse poison have two reactions: fast and slow. The slow ones can be saved, and the fast ones are hopeless.

Back in Moth Mountain, Mr. Zhao cut off one of his own hands because he was poisoned by the quick-response corpse poison.

Corpse toxins are fungi and bacteria. Some bacteria and fungi can live for thousands of years in closed and dark ancient tombs, and they will react with the air.

Back then, when Changsha was excavating Mawangdui, they unearthed wine jars. Not only did the jars contain grain wine from more than a thousand years ago, but there were also a few green willow leaves floating in the wine. The willow leaves were as fresh as if they had just come from

Picked from the tree.

Five minutes later, under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people at the scene, the willow leaves instantly withered and rotted and turned into dregs, just like a scene that only appears in movies.

After about twenty minutes, Boutou and I carefully walked over and took a look inside the coffin.

Looking at it, I almost vomited out my overnight meal.

The ancient corpse looked so good just now, but now it looks so disgusting.

It's much scarier than the ancient corpses displayed in the museum, and even children will be frightened and cry just looking at them.

"What should I do? Now that it's like this, can I still move it?"

He knitted his head and brows and shook his head in silence.

"What about the burial objects in the coffin?"

"Yunfeng, let me ask you, is life or money more important?"

"Of course life is important." I said.

"That's fine," he said, squinting his head

He glanced at the corpse and said, "The only way now without taking risks is to wait until she is completely rotten, and only the bones are left before we can touch her."

"How long will it take? We can't even wear gloves?"

At this time, Jiao Jiuye said, "Listen to your master, boy, you still have little experience and don't know how to break bones. Let me put it this way, if you want to have a grudge against someone, go and cut off a piece of rotten flesh from it and go out to dry it."

Grind it into powder and let your enemy drink it. I guarantee that he will not live for more than a month. The ancient corpse that was found in Jingzhou can only be regarded as half-invisible. Now go and ask about it. The old people in the industry know that the ancient corpse was tampered with in those days.

Those members of the archaeological team who made the corpse have rotten hands, rotten faces, and two of them have already had their limbs amputated."

"so serious?!"

I was scared when I heard that money is more important than life.

I asked again how to prevent being infected with corpse poison? What are the symptoms of being infected with corpse poison?

Mr. Jiao explained to me, "There are several levels of corpse poison. It is spread through the skin. As long as you do not touch it directly, there will generally be no problem. What are the symptoms? It may first feel itchy on the skin, and then a low fever, starting at the exposed part."

When it comes to spots, I’ve seen both white spots and black spots, and the white spots are more serious.”

"How much water do you still have to drink?"

What do I mean?

Jiao Jiuye said, "There is an old saying in the industry that it takes half a year to be dry or wet. You pour all the water into the coffin and make it into a corpse soaked in water. I estimate that in a month and a half at most, only the bones will be rotten in the coffin."

, until then it will be safe to take action.”

The boss also agreed with this method, so we followed it, leaving a little water and pouring the rest into the coffin.

Grave objects in the coffin cannot be touched, but other places can.

There were many funerary objects in the wall niche. I picked out the valuable ones and took some. Dou Yazai packed six large pottery figurines into his own bag. At this time, the large box placed in the southwest corner caught our attention.

The box was originally on
The iron lock was already rusty, so I hit it twice with a crowbar and it broke open.

After opening it, I took a look with a flashlight and found that it was full of rotten clothes, and they were all women's clothes.

I thought that when I opened it, it would be a box of gold and silver treasures, but now I saw it was all tattered clothes, and Dou Sprout cursed angrily.

I was very puzzled. I just asked Achun again, and she said that the ancient corpse in the coffin was definitely a man.

If he is Emperor Li Xian of the late Xia Dynasty, then Li Xian is a pervert who likes to wear women's clothes and make-up?

This is not certain, because the description of Li Xian in the history books is only one sentence.

"Xianzong was frightened and worried and died and succeeded to the throne. After reigning for two years, the country was destroyed. He was later killed by Mongolian soldiers and his burial place is unknown."

Xianzong was his uncle Li Dewang, who was scared to death by the Mongols. Li Xian was originally the king of Nanping. After his uncle died without any children, he was made emperor according to the order of succession to the Xixia throne.

According to my inference, Li Xian is not a coward.

In that half year, he encouraged the whole city, including women and children, to take weapons and go to the city to defend. He distributed all the grain in the palace to the people. After eating up the remaining grain, he ate weeds and drank cold water like the Xixia soldiers. In the end, he had no choice but to When he found a way, he was willing to surrender the "Imperial Genealogy" and all the national treasures of Xixia, just to spare the people in his city.

The "Imperial Genealogy" is the genealogy of the Xixia royal family. This thing is very important. Dedicating this thing means that Xixia has officially subsided.

As a result, Genghis Khan's 200,000 troops entered the city and slaughtered the city for seven days, killing more than 400,000 party members.

Closing my eyes, I can vaguely imagine the scenes in those days.

Corpses lay ten miles away, and blood flowed into rivers.

Such a person actually looks like a woman? He also looks like a beautiful woman and likes to collect women's clothing?

I absolutely cannot accept this.

I must find out later whether it is him or not.

This chapter has been completed!
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