Chapter 145 Transporting goods back to the county town

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 "Damn it! Such a big tomb! Why does this box contain a box of tattered clothes! I'm so angry!"

Dou Yazi was so angry that he kicked the box.

"Huh? So heavy?"

I noticed that after Dou Sprout kicked it, the box didn't move at all.

No, how could the tattered clothes be so heavy? I frowned and stepped forward, using my flashlight to start rummaging.

The clothes worn by ancient people hundreds of years ago were very fragile, and most of them were oxidized and could not be picked up. I squeezed my hands through the pile of clothes, pressed them down, and my eyes suddenly brightened.

What’s under here is definitely not clothes!

Hard! Long! Cylindrical, I don’t know what it is.

I asked Dou Sprout to quickly bring the candle and help me light it. I pulled back the clothes on top and saw clearly what was on it.


Money string!

These are money strings strung together with hemp rope!

Consistent! All big skewers!

I can’t count how many there are! They are neatly stacked!

I remember there was a very big copper coin on the face! I thought it was a bronze mirror at first, but when I pulled it off I found it was not. The green inscription on the face was quite green and I could only clearly see the word "Tianqing".

This is Tianqing Yuanbao discounted for ten cents! I have never even heard of such a big one!

It may be a large amount of money used to open a furnace, or a large amount of money used to suppress the feng shui of the treasury! It is definitely not the currency in circulation back then.

I was so excited that my hands were shaking.

Master Jiao Jiu came over and looked at it and smiled. He said, "This tomb owner is interesting. He hid so many strings under his clothes because he was afraid that he would be poor when he went down. Such a box must weigh at least several hundred kilograms."

I kicked Dou Sprout, "Why are you still dazed? Hurry up and put it in a sack!"


This package is full of seven large sacks!

Because many of the hemp ropes used to thread the strings were rotten, they scattered a lot when we were loading the sacks. We didn’t have time to take a closer look, so I directed Xiaoxuan to pick up everything scattered on the ground.

Later we discovered that in addition to money strings, the bottom layer of the big box also contained small bronze Buddha statues and more than a dozen bronze mirrors. Each sack we packed weighed no less than a hundred kilograms.

Ah Chun helped tie up the mouths. After we collected all the items, we left here.
After the ancient corpse in the coffin rotted into bones, I was afraid of being poisoned when I came back to pick up the funerary objects in the coffin.

Dou Sprout Boy and I each carried one sack, Yu Ge carried two, and Yang Zhenghe was awesome. He carried three sacks on his shoulders at a time and walked very steadily without shaking.

After carrying more than 100 kilograms and climbing up, I was very tired. I sat on the grass and rested for a while. Then I hid the robber's cave according to the chief's instructions. I put a stone on top to serve as coordinates. There are many things in this tomb. We are here.

Several people will definitely not be able to get it all at once, and it is expected that they will need to make at least three trips.

"Master Jiao, are you leaving now? You have helped a lot this time, why don't you take two things with you?"

"Haha, brother Wang, no need."

Jiao Jiuye smiled and said to his boss, "I am very satisfied to be able to see with my eyes open this time. We are old like you and I. Why do we work so hard to earn so much money? From now on, the world belongs to young people. We should retreat."

Enjoy the peace and happiness."

After saying that, Mr. Jiao Jiu smiled and patted his head and shoulders. He whistled with his hands behind his back and left with his apprentice Yang Zhenghe. I saw the freedom and ease in his back, which is the freedom and ease that can only be achieved after experiencing too many storms and waves.


Dou Yazai held a cigarette in one hand. He looked at the backs of Master Jiao and Yang Zhenghe as they left, and asked in a low voice, "Botou, should we take a detour? Fengzi knows a small road, and I'm afraid of it."

"No, you are too worried, Yazai."

He shook his head and sighed, "He really doesn't care anymore. Master Jiao Jiu of the Southern Sect is in a higher realm than me."

Yes, I agree with what Boss said. There is also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Nanpai. In the tomb, Mr. Jiao Jiu looked at the treasure without greed in his eyes, but told me what it was, as if he had seen everything in his life.


The next day, at dawn, the three of us men began to transport sacks, and they all arrived at the entrance of the experimental field.

I remember that it was a gray day, and there was no sun when we came out of the mountains. It seemed like it was going to snow.

"Uncle Guo! Didn't you go to the fields today?"

"It's you, young man. There are so many sacks. What did you get back?"

Dou Sprout wanted to talk, but I kicked him.

"Oh, this is the iron ore we dug, and we are going to take it back and recycle it.

Test it." I say this because there is indeed iron ore in the mountains.

"Uncle Guo, I came here just to borrow the three-bouncer you usually use to pull saplings, okay?"

"Lend me your car? Are you going to give it back to me later?"

I said of course I would pay it back, how could I not pay it back.

He thought for a few minutes and gave me the car keys.

Back then, all three machines were operated by a hand crank, and I almost broke my arm without even shaking it. Uncle Guo came over and shook it hard twice, and it clicked, and a lot of black smoke suddenly came out of the exhaust pipe.

The windshield is broken, no.

The car seat was gone long ago and was replaced by two wooden boards. I drove the car, which was so broken that it couldn't be broken anymore, and brought everyone back to the county town while smoking black smoke all the way.

We were still staying at the hotel we stayed in before. The boss frowned and asked why he was pulling so many sacks with soil so as not to stain the floor. For this reason, we paid an extra person's room rate.

When we entered the house, Dou Sprout couldn't wait to untie the sack and started to take action. I slapped his hand away and said, "What are you doing?"

Dou Sprouts said, "Let's ask for money!" These bunches are all rusty and rusty. Do you know what's inside?

I thought for a while and said, "Don't do it all. You go buy a dozen washbasins. We pour the money out and only pick out the ones with larger diameters. The rest are left intact for takeout. This is called a scam. Some people

I am willing to charge a high price.”

Dou Sprout said, "It's all rusty and turned into lumps. How do you take it out?"

I asked you, are you stupid? If you see a big one, just use a hammer to pry it open, and then apply glue to it.

Douyazai repeatedly praised me for my clever mind and said that I was smart.

When I came back from buying a dozen washbasins, I weighed them in batches and then poured them all into the washbasins. This batch of money strings weighed more than 780 kilograms. One kilogram is calculated as one hundred yuan, which is nearly 100 yuan. Eighty thousand ancient coins!

I saw that these were not ordinary Northern and Southern Song Dynasty diaosi coins, which were worthless. I helped Jin Fenghuang dig up several hundred kilograms of them in Yinchuan, and they only sold them for a total of 7,000 yuan.

Why was I so excited at the time? Because this was pure Xixia money! On the Qianzhuanzi, I saw Tiansheng Yuanbao, Guangding Yuanbao, Qianyou Yuanbao and so on.

Pure Xixia coins are rare in the world! Some of the money strings also have one or two coins with a diameter of more than
4 big money, the price of each piece of this kind of money is more than six figures!

"Hey, Boss Mei, business has been good recently, right?"

"This is Boss Xiang, do you have something to do with me?"

"Of course there's something going on, it's a good thing! I recently got a batch of pure Xixia pit products, do you want to take them all?"

On the other end, Meimei's voice sounded a little distracted.

"I've received so much stuff recently that I don't really want to accept it." After saying this, Meimei was silent for a few seconds, and then her voice suddenly increased tenfold.

"What! What did you just say! Do you have pure Xixia pit products??"

I put the phone further away and said, "Yes, not much, less than a ton, do you want it?"

Meimei said excitedly, "Yes! I want it!"

"Send me the picture right now! Once I'm sure, I'll fly to your place overnight! By the way, you have to make sure it's the original stuff."

I held the cell phone between my neck, knocked open a lump with a hammer, and said with a smile, "No problem, it must be the original hole."

After saying that, I texted her the photos I had taken in advance.

"Boss Mei, did you see that? You have to bring enough money."

Meimei's voice sounded particularly excited. She said, "No problem! I'll bring one million in cash! If it's not enough, we'll talk about it!"

I hung up the phone with a smile. I walked to the window with the big money that I had just knocked off the pile. I held it up and looked at the sun. After reading it, I put it in my pocket again. I couldn’t understand it because the money written on the big money was It's Xixia script.

It’s not that I have a bad heart, I guarantee that the whole thing will be cheated, but I didn’t say that everything will be cheated.

There are more than 80,000 ancient coins in these lumps. I only took a dozen of them and left the others as they were. There must be a lot of big treasures in them. Meimei can make money by collecting them through channels. That’s quite interesting to me.

"Sister Chun, are you going out?"

"Oh, I went out to buy some clothes and use it to pay for phone calls. It's getting colder and colder today. Why are you looking at me like that? There are flowers on my face?"

"Sister Chun, are you wearing light makeup?"

"Make up? No, I don't like makeup."

I frowned and asked, "Then why does your face look half black and half white?"

This chapter has been completed!
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