Chapter 199 Strange Scarecrow

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 A little after two o'clock in the second half.

It was windy that night, the moon was dark and the wind was high, the lavender fields were rustling in the wind,



I took out a flashlight and rushed out, looked around and shouted loudly!

I heard shouting just now, but no one was seen.

I'm afraid there are some cellars or dry wells nearby.

"Yunfeng, search separately. You stay here! I'll go to the east!"

"Okay! Be careful Brother Yu! If anything happens, call me immediately!"

The two separated, and I looked deeper into the flower field.

There is a strange bird in the mountains nearby. I don’t know its species. Its cry is like a cuckoo. As I walked, I listened to the strange bird’s cry. I felt distracted and became more and more anxious.

"Miss! Where are you! Talk!"

I was just about to continue shouting when I suddenly heard a choking sound of "woo woo woo" coming from not far away. It was obviously a woman crying!

I hurried over, shined the flashlight, and shouted: "You don't rest in the middle of the night! What are you doing here!"

The person squatting among the flowers at this moment is the eldest lady.

She sat on the ground, buried her head between her legs and cried, not knowing what was wrong.

"Get up! The floor is dirty!"

Seeing me looking for her with a flashlight, she seemed to have seen a life-saving straw, got up and threw herself into my arms.

"Okay, okay, it's okay!" I patted her back to comfort her and asked, "What's wrong?"

She raised her head with sobs and said with choked sobs: "I woke up and wanted to take a convenience. After I finished taking the convenience, I was about to go back. As a result, I turned around and saw a man wearing a hat, waving to me in the flower field and letting me go."

"You're talking nonsense, aren't you deceived? We've been living here for several days, and there's no one else here except us."

"It's not dazzling, it's right there!"

She didn't dare to look, lowered her head, and pointed in the direction to me tremblingly.

I turned my head and looked where her finger was pointing.

It's the scarecrow I saw two days ago.

It was wearing a tattered leather hat, stuck on a wooden stake, and the wind blew up the tattered clothes on it. At a quick glance, it looked like a man wearing a hat waving.

"Okay, don't cry, there's no one, that's just a
Scarecrow, if you don’t believe me, look at it.” I held up my flashlight and shined it.

"No! Not a scarecrow!"

The eldest lady said in horror: "I just saw its head moving! It was twisting its neck back and forth like a human being!"

"How can it be."

I forcefully pulled her over and looked at this thing carefully.

"Look, this is all hay, how could it be a human being? It scared you, I will avenge you."

After saying that, I cursed "Fuck you" and kicked the scarecrow, knocking all the wooden stakes in the ground.


"What is this?"

Something fell from the scarecrow. It was white and looked like a plastic bag.

I bent down to pick it up and saw that it was really a white plastic bag, rolled into a ball, with something wrapped inside, and it felt soft to the touch.

I bit the flashlight and tore open the plastic bag with both hands.

There were several layers, and I was so shocked at the end that I threw the thing away immediately!

minced meat.

What was wrapped in the white plastic bag seemed to be some kind of minced meat!

I couldn't tell what kind of meat it was. It had been aged for a long time and was almost dry.

I looked ugly and tried to kick the scarecrow again, but a few more of these white plastic bags fell out of the scarecrow, which were filled with dried minced meat.

"Damn it, what is this?"

I must be more courageous than her. After closer research, I found that the scarecrow's body was made of hay. Inside, there were white plastic bags hanging with thin hemp ropes. I hadn't noticed it before because the scarecrow was wearing a shabby suit.


After a rough count, there were more than twenty white plastic bags filled with minced meat.

Who put this?

"Yunfeng! Are you all okay?"

Brother Yu heard the noise and rushed over.

After hearing what I said, he glanced at the scarecrow on the wooden pile again. Brother Yu frowned and said, "Could it be some kind of local custom? I have seen it once before. Some Tibetans here will feed the birds with minced meat.


I thought for a while, maybe Brother Yu’s guess is right. Kangding is a Tibetan-Chinese mixed area, and Tibetans have their own unique way of burial. Maybe there might be a cemetery somewhere here in Huatian.

The eldest lady was frightened, but fortunately nothing happened and she went back to rest.

Later, I got up once, leaned against the window and looked outside with a flashlight, and found that a dozen black crows had fallen near the scarecrow.

I couldn't sleep and ran to look again. I saw a mess on the ground and crows were pecking at the minced meat wrapped in plastic bags. I drove away the crows and simply buried the plastic bags with soil.

It was around nine o'clock the next morning when Xiaoxuan and Baotou came back with daily necessities. .??.

They stayed at the county hotel for one night last night. We need these daily necessities when we go to the mountains. The time is almost up. Mr. Jiao said that when the ancient corpse in the red coffin is finished rotting, it will not be there.

Corpse poison.

"Botou, what is this?"

"It's dried honey locust and sesame oil."

"What is this for?"

Baotou explained: "In the past, the older generation used this method. Boil a pot of water with dried honey locusts, pour half a bottle of sesame oil, and drink it. This can prevent corpse poisoning to a certain extent."

"Bring all these things with you. I have a hunch that you will definitely gain something this time. In addition, you should send the rich daughter away as soon as possible. We are not the same people as her, so we should not get too entangled with her."

I said five million would be a good start. If it succeeds, we will be able to work for more than half a year.

When I got back, I asked the eldest lady, "As I promised you before, don't you want to see the rotten coffin? Remember to pay after you see it."

She shook her head first, then nodded and said, "I want to see it!"

I laughed and said, wait for the news and I'll go see where it is.

I got on my motorcycle and started running around the mountain road.

It is very difficult for laymen to find an ancient tomb out of thin air because they cannot find the key, but it is not difficult for me at Shenyan Peak.

I have talked about listening, listening and asking before. Now I will summarize three tips based on my own experience.

Look for hills, crops, and rocks.

On a flat mountain, if you see a bump somewhere, pay special attention. It may be the sealing soil of a tomb.

There are two situations here.
First, if there are trees on the earth bag and they grow particularly well, there is a high probability that there are ancient trees, because the underground is living soil, and living soil can make the trees grow better.

The second situation is that the soil bag is bare and not even a root of grass grows. At this time, it depends on whether there are people around to cultivate the land. If there is no land! There are no trees! It is all grass, then you may have encountered a big tomb.

There is plaster in the soil, and if the tree roots are deeply rooted, they will hit the plaster layer and cannot survive, so only grass grows nearby, not a single tree.

The last one is to look at the stones. Except for the imperial tombs of the Han Dynasty, almost no one dug mountains to build tombs in ancient times. It was too time-consuming and took many years to dig. So if you look at the mountains with many stones from a distance, you don’t need to go there. There are almost no ancient tombs.

After fully understanding these three points, combined with the application of seeing, hearing, asking, and gathering that I mentioned before, even ordinary people will have the opportunity to discover ancient tombs in strange places.

To the northwest, I found a suspicious location on the mountainside about ten miles away from the abandoned warehouse.

After digging three exploration holes, I saw flower soil when the depth reached just three meters. The flower soil also contained a small amount of green brick powder. It was so shallow that it indicated that this tomb should be a civilian tomb from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Wait until night, a group of people came here.

Dou Sprouts resisted the cyclone shovel and spat on his hands. He straightened his headlamp and said with a smile: "Look at the beauty! Don't be scared to cry when you see the bones of a dead person later."

"I'm not afraid, there's nothing to be afraid of," she said and swallowed nervously.

This kind of small civilian tomb from the Ming and Qing Dynasties cannot contain valuable burial objects. I plan to make a quick decision and try to finish it within two hours.

This is an independent brick pit tomb. The robbers dug the hole and soon exposed the coffin board.

It was an old-fashioned coffin from before. It was rotten, made of hardwood, and had no chute. The lid of the coffin was fully buckled.

Dou Sprout was lifting soil on top. He suddenly raised his head and said, "Hold the grass! What is this? Fengzi, stop doing it now. Come up and take a look!"

"What's wrong?"

I climbed up and looked up.

I saw a large group of black crows, squawking and circling over the ancient tomb.

Suddenly, one of them swooped down and flew down very fast.


He hit his head on the coffin board and died.

This chapter has been completed!
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