Chapter 201 Climbing the mysterious trail

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 "The God of Climbing is a woman?!"

"Have you not left Pomegranate Village for decades?"

These words were like a bolt from the blue, which shocked me so much that I could not calm down.

I took out a cigarette and tried to light it with a lighter, but my hands were shaking badly.

A burning dry firewood was handed to me, and I quickly borrowed the fire and lit the cigarette.

what does that mean?

This means that from Yinchuan to Guizailing and then to Kangding, the July climb we came into contact with might just be an intermediary.

This woman has not been out of Pomegranate Village for decades! How old is this woman?

I frowned and asked, "Uncle Ma Liang, if you haven't seen the Climbing God, how do you know it lives in Pomegranate Village?" ??

Uncle Ma Liang shook his head, looked at me seriously and said, "I have never seen it, but it is a fact that it is alive. The climbing god and the shaman actually have a deep connection. A long time ago, the Ma family in the Northeast just took shape. At that time,

We, the old shamans led by the Ewenki people, invite evil gods from all over the world, most of them are fake and have no effect, but a small part are real."

At this time, the eldest lady timidly asked, "Uncle, is there really such a thing in the world? This goes against scientific common sense."

As the firewood crackled, we sat around the stove. Uncle Ma Liang replied, "How many years has science been around? Science can't explain everything, and it can't deny everything! If you can't encounter it in this life, then...

I won’t believe it! If one day you suddenly encounter it, you will be scared, hesitant, and hide in bed with your head covered, shivering.”

The eldest lady subconsciously tightened her clothes after hearing this.

Dou Yazai held a cigarette in his hand, he frowned and said, "Yes, I saw that thing once with my own eyes when I was a child. That night my aunt suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and died in bed. My uncle was working the night shift in the steel factory. He didn't know it, but it turned out that after one o'clock in the evening,

My aunt knocked on my door and asked my dad to borrow two kilograms of eggs. At that time, my aunt's face was as white as white paper and her lips were still purple."

"Stop talking! I'm scared!"

The eldest lady blocked her ears and said, stop talking.

Douyazai squinted his eyes and approached the eldest lady, and suddenly said "Ah" in her ear! She was so scared that she screamed.

"Why did your aunt ask your dad to borrow the eggs?" I asked.

Dou Sprout scratched his head and said, "I don't know. My aunt is usually very talkative and scolds people very unpleasantly. He may have borrowed the eggs to give them to me on the way."
Gui Chai, right? I heard that Gui Chai likes to eat boiled eggs?"

I said your aunt is quite capable. She could still get up and cook eggs even after a cerebral hemorrhage.

How could I believe what Dou Sprout said? He could scare the eldest lady.

"By the way, Uncle, you said before, is there anything that restricts Climbing God?"

"Yes, there are three things, namely the scarecrow made by shamanism, the thangka, and the stone in my hand."

I saw him take out something wrapped in linen from his arms. When he opened it, it was a black stone with a light blue light.

"What kind of stone is this?"

I looked closely and saw that it was really glowing, not reflected from the fire!

How to describe it?

It's like a black briquette with a blue flame burning inside.

Seeing this stone, the eldest lady immediately covered her mouth and said in surprise, "It's so beautiful!"

I have never seen such a magical stone, like soot? Sapphire? Tanzanite? Or topaz? I don’t know.

"I see!"

The eldest lady seemed to remember something, and she suddenly said excitedly, "This is the Lonsdale stone! I have seen one as big as a fingernail before! Oh my god! How can this one be so big!"

The eldest lady is a descendant of the Thirteenth Line in Guangzhou. There was a saying in the past that if you go to the Thirteenth Line to find things that are not available in the palace, she has naturally seen many rare treasures that are difficult for ordinary people to see.

I'm not bragging, I've never seen it before, so I humbly ask the eldest lady what this thing is.

The eldest lady's eyes were filled with excitement. She said, "Lansdale stone is called blue coal stone in China. In fact, in the 1920s, that is, in 1920, it was first used at the Tunguska explosion site abroad.

A pair of explorer sisters discovered it and brought it out. The explorer sisters’ elder sister was named Lansi and their younger sister was named Dell, so this gemstone was named after them.”

I don’t know if it’s a rumor or true, but someone did pick up this kind of stone and made a fortune by selling it.

The Tunguska explosion is an unsolved mystery, and scientists are still debating its cause.

Unknown, more people are leaning toward meteorites falling.

A few years after the explosion, someone dug up this stone in the soil at the center of the explosion. The International Gemological Association defined it as a new type of gemstone, and it is said to contain a certain amount of radioactivity.

I've never been there, but I've heard that weird things happen there.

There is a fact that everyone recognizes. After so many years after the explosion, the trees there have grown much faster than in the outside world. A tree that takes ten years to grow in the outside world can grow in that place in only three years.

At this time, Uncle Ma Liang said, "Yes, this is blue coal essence. It was given to my father by an Ewenki who belonged to the Tunguska tribe. My father later passed it on to me. This stone contains some kind of strange magnetic field, which can

Help us Ewenki people to start witchcraft."

"Didn't you say that the Climbing God is dead?"

"Look out, don't say anything while I'm doing the witchcraft. Next, I'm going to do a bone divination." ??

After saying that, he stood up and opened the drawer, took out a small leather drum and hung it around his neck. Then he took out a flat wine bottle from his arms, took a big gulp of wine, and spit it into the stove.

The flames instantly shot up to over half a meter high! They almost burned me.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Uncle Ma Liang looked like he was crazy, beating the leather drum. He walked like a drunken man, with long steps. He kept circling the stove and dancing, shouting like a woman, "Hey! Hey!"

Douyazai came close to me and laughed softly, "Fengzi, does this look like dancing in a bar?"

As soon as Dou Sprout finished speaking with a smile, he pinched his nose. He had a nosebleed.

"Don't talk nonsense. Are you looking for death?"

I signaled Dou Sprouts to shut up immediately.

Uncle Ma Liang continued to dance.

Jumping and dancing, accompanied by intensive drumming, he threw a pig's shoulder blade into the fire, and murmured some obscure phrases quickly in his mouth. Then he held his knees with both hands, bent down slightly, and kept

Shaking his head, the action looks funny at first glance.

However, when I looked at it, my eyes felt numb and my chest felt so tight that I couldn't breathe.

Uncle Ma Liang's eyes were blurry and he was shaking his head desperately. There seemed to be a long-haired black shadow woman behind him.

This dark shadow is also shaking its head desperately! And
The rhythm of Uncle Ma Liang's drum beats is almost the same, which is extremely terrifying.


Finally, he slapped the leather drum hard and stopped.

Uncle Ma Liang used tongs to take the pork bones out of the stove, then found a complete piece of wind-chilled birch bark, and directly covered the hot pork bones with the birch bark.

The birch bark was hot and smoking.

After a few seconds, the outline of a human face slowly appeared on the bark of the tree.

There are no facial features, and the gender cannot be distinguished, but the hot stamping does look like a human face.

"Is this a god-crawling thing?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, look carefully."

He took off the birch bark, scooped a ladle of water from the water tank, and poured it all on the pig bones. A large amount of white steam dispersed, and almost at the same time, vertical lines visible to the naked eye appeared on the bones.

Uncle Ma Liang said with a dark face, "Old Shaman bone divination, horizontal lines represent peace and good luck, vertical lines represent disaster and death, the more cracked horizontal lines, the more people will die, count how many there are."


I took a look and shook my head quickly, "I can't count, there are too many."

"After decades of calm, what is supposed to come is still coming. Since you are involved, you have an obligation to help me. Maybe it's not too late now."

"How can I help?" I asked quickly.

He said, "The person who guards the ancestral hall in Pomegranate Village is an old man with a birthmark on his face. If you tell him, just say that the shaman's scarecrow is no longer useful and ask him to take good care of the big thangka, at least until the end of this year."

I can't deal with it, so I'm going to ask my father to come up with a solution."

"Ah?" Douyazai said, didn't your father pass away?

"Who said you can't ask questions after you die?"

Bean Sprouts choked back what he said.

I quickly said, "Uncle Ma Liang, you don't know yet? The big thang card in Pomegranate Village has been lost a long time ago."


"How can it be!"

"When did you lose it?"

Veins popped out on his forehead as he almost shouted these words.

I quickly said, "We had just arrived in Kangding at that time! The thangka was lost! The quilt beads were stolen by a few thieves!"

This chapter has been completed!
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