976 Strategic Transformation(4K)

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On the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, Penguin's stock price has fallen for five consecutive days since the Hong Kong Stock Exchange resumed trading on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, showing the secondary market's attitude towards Penguin's Spring Festival battle and future prospects.

But that day was its biggest decline, with its market value falling back below $30 billion. The core reason was that the head of Yike disclosed official data, with 40 to 45 million active users.

In addition, the media widely reported his views on the competition between the two companies, saying "there is no chance for a letter."

With such a competitive background, such data support, and Mr. Fang's sincerity, the stock price plummeted almost at the same time as Penguin reallocated resources.

Last year, when E-commerce went public, Penguin's market value was US$30.7 billion. Affected by the good news about its cooperation with the Spring Festival Gala, its stock price began to rise before the Spring Festival. However, this trend continued after E-commerce launched a blessing event.

Slowing down, as of the New Year's Eve market close, the market value hit a record high of US$36.8 billion.

Market sentiment is excellent, and it is generally believed that Penguin can replicate the rapid growth of Yixin last year and reverse the competition between the two companies.

It closed at US$400 million on the ninth day of the Lunar New Year, down by US$7.06 billion.

Such a decline not only adds more reporting content for the media, but also makes everyone who attended the Penguin General Office meeting feel like they were in a trance. Last year, it fell like this after the New Year. Why did it happen again?

Time flies so fast, Yi Xin is so fierce, and Mr. Fang is so fierce! And how did all this happen...

Xu Chenye's display of false market value and honorary titles does not seem to suggest joy in hardship.

Everyone who walked back had a solemn look on his face, and those individual solemnities were unanimous and added up to the anxiety and peace of everyone in the company.

I was surprised by Pony's change of attitude when he said "I can't cooperate with Yi Xin", but I was surprised by the speed of Penguin's turn.

"In the future, your strategy should be more open and share traffic with the entire Internet, instead of being closed and recovering after a sudden fall."

There was still silence outside the conference room before everyone arrived. President Liu Chiping frowned slightly, Vice President Ren Yuxi held a pen, Ma Huateng, Lu Shan and others were either reading documents or raising glasses and drinking tea, waiting for the content of the temporarily diverted meeting.

It's so crazy to be so upset!

However, I really did it, and looking back on the past 16 months, it still makes people feel dazed.

"The situation before you is extremely serious."

Xu Chenye talked about the latest data of the two softwares. Active users are the foundation of the software. Generally speaking, letters will continue to grow during the Chinese New Year. However, with Fang Zhuo having a better reputation and a smaller number of people, there has been an obvious decline.

The siphon effect caused letters to rise instead of fall.

The meaning of the mobile Internet is redundant, and Mr. Fang's statement that "the mobile Internet is subversion" is also very obscure. However, Penguin did not expect that someone as weak as himself would be among the first to be subverted.

Pang Shao thought about the new competitive situation, and the results of his discussions with Qi He, Zhang Xiaolong and others also had two words: "no" and "no" one by one.

"You're still a $30 billion company."

Penguin has internally mentioned the goal of "to be among the bottom eight in the industry in every important segment of the Internet", and there has been no joke among them about "taking the path that has not been taken before so that other companies can have a path to follow". No.

You have to do it yourself to get the fruit.

My voice became faster: "Kodak is on its way out, Nokia is on the altar, even if they follow the next era, their demise will come as expected."

"The era of mobile Internet has just arrived. In the past, the Penguin Group has ended from scratch. Now you have started from 29.7.\n400 million USD. Is this okay?"

However, when there are still only 11 people left in the general office, how to retreat based on the leader's ideas is still a problem, but with knowledge and awareness, the attitude of "what to do now" has become a consideration of "what to do now".

"Are you afraid that Pang Shao would turn his right strategy into a right strategy that would be detrimental to me?" Pang Shaoguang said.

The rise in Penguin's stock price and the increase in QQ's resources all fell into Yixin's eyes, and were naturally included in the discussion of low-level meetings.

Pang Shaoguang's first sentence shocked a few people. It was because of what the outside world said. Now the leader of the family directly denies victory, which is different from...

"Can you really cooperate with Yi Xin?" Ma Huateng asked directly without any greetings and then shocked everyone.

Ma Huateng was silent for two seconds and complained faintly: "Then there is the word "Yi" after it.

Can communications markets coexist?

The situation is grim, Penguin is safe, that kind of victory in core business is too unacceptable!

No one understands better than Penguin himself what the victory of "Letter" means under the mobile strategy.

If it is possible.

Although QQ has also added the address book function and will definitely continue to focus on that aspect, there is still no obvious difference in the tonality of the two products.

That was a happy decision for "Letter" to win, and it was also a positive adjustment in the face of competition.

Damn it, it breaks the luck mentality.

Yes, yes, yes, the further we push forward, the weaker the hardware foundation of Yixin becomes. So what is the situation?

"What's the point of hiding it? If Yi Xin can beat you in the field you are good at, it proves that we are better."

The lowest level meeting expanded the number of participants, but the atmosphere did not become tense due to the increase in the number of people. On the contrary, it became more dull.

Damn it, you Penguins have already finished their layout and movement. Awai and Baidu here are still rushing around. If you want to break through, you should finish it from here!

Xu Chenye did not listen to the thoughts of others outside the conference room and signaled that the emergency meeting would begin.

Let’s start with the end of Yi Xin’s breakthrough of the moat through the “Hippo Incident”.

Yixin, which makes mobile phone products, united with a number of manufacturers to attack Nokia's Symbian, and built YMS to gather the surrounding ecosystem. It also clearly took advantage of system operations.

However, there is still competition and attention should be paid to word of mouth.

The Penguin leader’s internal speech is good.

With just two weeks to go, Penguin seems to have made up his mind.

Pang Shao often said that win-win and win-win, although it is questionable in some cases, it does have an effect in multiple businesses.

The letter still cannot continue to invest, it still cannot promote the traffic drainage effect and the number of registrations, it still cannot survive, but there is no point in struggling?

Everyone felt the intensity of that "strategic transformation". Even Yi Xin couldn't cooperate with him. That was an unprecedented attitude!

Without it, Mr. Fang would probably still keep a close eye on Penguin's mistakes, right?

Yes, a problem that existed in the past has also been raised. How to commercialize Fangzhuo? The past 16 months have been pure money burning. A long-term business logic can obviously do that.

"In a sense, it was Yixin that woke you up. You must face up to the disadvantages that exist today. That's all. You must also learn from Yixin, its platform, and its openness."

In the conference room of the general office, Ma Huateng's report on the current situation was met by everyone else in silence, but with mixed feelings in their hearts. President Fang's intentions are known to all Penguins, and he even mentioned this unknown "Just do Penguin" in the industry.


At four o'clock in the evening, Ma Huateng walked out of Xu Chenye's office and saw me looking thoughtfully at the window.

"However, only 16 months of competition is enough to defeat you. For a software like Laixin, 16 months may be a long time. However, for Penguin and Yixin, your competition has just ended."

And, the severe development situation now and in the future.

"Book of Changes·Xici": Yi, if it is poor, it will change; if it changes, it will be general; if it is general, it will last.

Penguin does not have Qihu, and it does not have the strength of Liu Chiping to join, but Pang Shaoguang has always been the most authoritative leader of Penguin.

The mood of everyone outside the conference room was actually a little calmer. There were still people talking, and they were all paying attention to Mr. Ma's thinking at this critical moment.

"You have reached a period of strategic transformation, and you must change. You must change."

Yes, yes, yes, Xiaoda, it may not be such a bad opportunity.

"When the giant fell, his body temperature was still warm." "Yes, I lost the letter, but you still lost." "No matter what, the new era is over."

I put down the document and corrected myself: "Sorry, it's a company with a market capitalization of US$400 million, but it's still seven of the seven giants."

Xu Chenye choked and muttered: "So, you have to take good care of yourself and see what suits you best. In short, you have to change. If you are poor, you will change. If you change, you will be general. If you are general, you will be long-term."

"The letter won."

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Wu from China Unicom will come to Shanghai before the Lantern Festival." Liu Zonghong reported a new news.

There was a faint commotion outside the conference room.

"As long as it's appropriate, yes or no." Xu Chenye came back to his senses, "We must implement the right strategy to the end."

Comparing the past self and the current opponent, two extremely obvious characteristics emerged: closedness and openness.

Xu Chenye reflected on the company, and what came to mind was another declining giant, Nokia. Coincidentally, there was no credit from Yi Xin.

I sighed: "If we continue like this, it's still like asking someone named Fang to inscribe "Seven of the Seven Little Giants" and hang it in the office. The effect will be worse."

The original meeting of the General Office lasted until the evening, which represented that the will of Penguin's lowest decision-makers gradually became more self-interested.

Yi Ke and Xiao Jia discussed the future status of Fangzhuo and QQ outside the market. Ace applications like Penguin are still monsters, but they are indeed tit-for-tat like Letters.

Especially the former, that is not throwing in the towel and admitting defeat.

How did Yixin succeed by stepping on Nokia, and how did it retreat from the communications field by stepping on Penguin?

"Let Qi He receive you." Yi Ke didn't have any arrangements to go to Spain, and planned to let Mr. Wu wait there again, "Did I mention anything?"

Xu Chenye waited until Xiaojia couldn't digest what he said and said: "A company with a market value of less than 400 million US dollars has reached the moment of life and death. You hope that when others list business cases in the past, Penguin will become like Kodak and Nokia."

A bloody lesson." If only Penguin could be as comfortable as he used to be.

"Okay, stop talking about the situation." Xu Chenye, the boss, suddenly interrupted Pang Shaoguang's report, which he knew well, and directly expanded the scope of participation, "Let the heads of each department come to the meeting."

"However, your current No.1 is not exactly the same as in the past. If you are a little more careful, Pang Shao's Fang Zhuo will even surpass your QQ."

Letters from Haoji and the triumphs and setbacks of corporate strategy.

Once that situation is over, considering the previous actions of competitors, it may be difficult to lose the chance.

Xu Chenye paused and said something shocking, which clearly proved my determination: "In fact, as long as it is suitable, you will rule out cooperation with Pang Shaoye."

Ma Huateng resisted the urge to sigh again. I still don't understand what Pony meant. He wanted to focus on the company itself and the expansion and application of the still huge traffic in the mobile Internet era.

China Unicom is quite boring. It has not adopted the argument of innovation and competition internally, so it has withdrawn its cooperation with Fang Zhuo.

"Fangzhuo's active users are just under 40 million and are still growing. Your active users are 13.6 million and are still rising since the Spring Festival."

Xu Chenye thought about it over and over in the past few days, and also saw some people's opinions and information from Yixin. He really agreed with Sohu Zhang Chaoyang's statement that Fang Zhuo's development was the result of 16 months and was accumulated by Yixin in 10 years.


But talking about the "Hippo Incident" is just like Zhang Chaoyang talking about Fang Zhuo's 16 months but Yi Xin's 10 years. It seems to be just a microcosm of Penguin's past years, like an accidental necessity.

Or, it may be understood as slightly avoiding the edge.

Xu Chenye described his strategic thinking. Penguins can coexist, but the end of the mobile era has not yet come. Everything is still too small to be done.

"Fang Zhuo has not yet gained the huge advantage that he could not achieve in that track that failed. However, the entire communications market is either/or, and your QQ is still No. 1 in the communications market.\n"

That was the honorary title awarded to Tesco offline after it was delisted.

Fangzhuo gives Penguin users a new choice, and in turn, Penguin cannot always be another choice for Fangzhuo users.

Yi Ke nodded slightly. I know that Mr. Wu is now a pro-Yi faction within China Unicom. After that, there was no voice outside China Unicom to develop its own software. However, this year's calm competition and Fang Zhuo's growth doubtful put pressure on similar proposals again.

Fangzhuo must first develop itself, and then encroach on the other party's market in competition with QQ.

What would the market look like before coexistence?

Yike looked at the northern sky, knowing that very soon there would be no more attempts at the new era.

Xu Chenye spoke again, picked up the data file at hand, and changed his sentence like this.

Did I ask that the speech be made on the spur of the moment but thought about for a long time? This means that it is more like an internal public speech.

Based on Xu Chenye's strategic description, we will narrow the boundaries of the Internet, pay attention to the application and development of data, use the power of capital and the sharing of traffic to achieve two-wheel drive, and seek the development of Penguin in the new mobile era.

"Not really, it's still the promotion of China Unicom package cards." Liu Zonghong replied.

Xu Chenye glanced at Ma Huateng: "If he dares to ask for it, I will dare to ask questions."

The room outside the conference room became even more dull because of the leader's speech.

Therefore, Fang Zhuo is bound to achieve a faster development speed. At the very least, it will be able to absorb a wave of users developed through letters. Anyway, the interface and use of the two software are very different.

When the speech of leader Xu Chenye was circulated within Penguin, and the information was placed behind Yike's desk, I was not surprised at all.

Similarly, the failure of the letter is due to the passage of 16 months, which is the shortcomings accumulated by Penguin in the past.

Clarify the strategic transformation of retreat from openness and sharing.

This chapter has been completed!
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