Chapter 361: Channeling

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Li Ang raised his eyebrows and turned back to read the information on the cover of the book.

This book was written during the Wucheng period of the former Sui Dynasty, and the author was an elder from the hidden sect Zhaoyao Que.

Okay, that’s understandable.

Li Ang was no longer surprised.

The former Sui sects, especially the Demonic Sect, had the habit of abusing alienated objects and even directly integrating with aliens.

Doing so can indeed improve your cultivation, but it can also cause physical and mental problems.

As minor as body distortion,

At worst, you lose your reason, lose yourself, and turn into a monster.

In order not to become a savage monster,

Some monks who have fused with aliens have the habit of keeping diaries.

They will write down in detail their origins, family, life experiences, spiritual practice experiences, what they did every day, who they met, what they said, what they ate, what they thought.

In this way, if one day aliens begin to erode the host's sanity, they can still remember who they are by reading the diary.

The hidden sect Lihuagu, which is famous for its Qihuang medical skills, even interprets the diaries written by the demon cultivators to stabilize their personalities - in a sense, it can be regarded as a psychiatrist.

"Is this another diary written by a madman..."

Li Ang rubbed his forehead with a headache.

When the academy was purging the remnants of the sect, a large number of secret diaries were seized.

There is some value in these books - they were written by monks after all, and they record the secrets of the sect that are unknown to outsiders.

But who serious person keeps a diary?

The more seriously someone is threatened by aliens and their mental state is worrying, the stronger their desire to write a diary will be.

The logic of their statements is often more confusing.

It is confusing, the preface does not follow the follow-up, and it is more stream of consciousness than stream of consciousness. It is simply a kind of torture for normal people to read.

Not to mention that these secret diaries are often mixed with code words, metaphors, and riddles unique to each sect.

If you want to interpret it, you must first learn the customs of the sect.

It can be said that it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it. The seniors of the academy had no choice but to seal up all these diaries and throw them in the corner of the library to gather dust. They will be dug out when a doctor wants to study them.

As expected, the same is true for this diary,

In the first few pages, I was still talking about the meaning of life, but later it turned into the dream talk of a mental patient.

"The poor people in the Sui Kingdom are really pitiful people who must be hateful and will not adapt at all. Why can't the poor eat meat? If the family has no money, why can't they rent out the carriage?"

"Strange, why do the ancient people I dig out from their graves only have bones and no flesh?"

"I discovered a very miraculous thing today. It turns out that all the dead people throughout the ages have drank water. It seems that water is indeed a chronic poison."

A few more pages of crazy talk followed, and then it came to an abrupt end - it could be seen that the elder was increasingly being eroded by aliens, and finally lost his mind completely and gave up writing a diary.

"I feel like the academy has put so many magic cultivator diaries in the forbidden books column on the third and fourth floors.

Is it also meant to warn the academy disciples?

Let the students take a good look at the tragic consequences of merging with aliens."

Li Ang sighed and closed the book. He had become one with Mo Si, and it was too late to say anything.

He continued to read other forbidden books, except for the magic cultivator's diary.

The types of banned books also include the crazy secret techniques of the former Sui sect——

For example, peeling off the skin of an animal, covering it on another person's body in a fresh state, can temporarily turn it into a domestic animal;

Stuffing a person into a vase, leaving only one head exposed outside the mouth of the vase, causing the person to suffer tremendous pain and possess some mysterious power of prophecy;

Or it may be a talisman that is not perfected and has unknown risks.

It can also be a weird and bizarre story of a mutation whose truth is unknown.

Swipe and pull, swipe and pull.

Li Ang quickly flipped through page after page, and the sun gradually fell outside the window.

It wasn't until the Haotian bell rang that he realized that it was already evening before he knew it.


Li Ang stretched his muscles and put the notes he took today back into his pocket.

Then move the ladder and put all the borrowed books back to their original positions on the bookcase.

During this period, he basically came to the library every day - the mountain leader felt that he was hiding something and did not tell the truth.

I didn’t ask anyone from the Supervision Department to help with the investigation.

Li Ang can only rely on himself to find and collect information that may be related to Mo Si.

"Today is another day of scanty harvest."

Li Ang sighed in his heart and put the magic cultivator's diary back to its original place. Just as he was about to get off the ladder, he felt his heart move.

It's not the ink threads that are trembling, but the psychic paper hidden under the ink threads that is trembling slightly.


He frowned. The psychic paper was obtained from the market bookstore not long after he entered the academy - it was originally tucked into an old "Du Gongbu Collection".

For so long, the psychic paper has been sitting quietly without any movement, until now.

Li Ang thought for a moment. At that time, he had already told the mountain chief about the psychic paper, but the mountain chief didn't express anything about it.

Therefore, Li Ang continued to place key alienated objects such as psychic paper and suffering lotus in the ink silk layer and brought them into the academy.

Pat pat pat.

In the ink layer, the psychic paper curled up spontaneously, rolled up a corner, and pointed in a certain direction.

Li Ang frowned and glanced at the entrance on the third floor of the Library - it was already after school time, there were very few people in the Library, and no one noticed him at all

"...Where are you taking me?"

Li Ang was puzzled in his heart, but he still followed the instructions of the psychic paper, pushed the sliding stairs, turned around, and came to a dark corner.

Here are the books that are least frequently borrowed in the library. Even the crazy words of demon cultivators cannot be counted, they can only be regarded as nutritious written waste.

For example, in the pre-Sui Dynasty, some literati and poets published poetry collections at their own expense, and local wealthy families compiled their own genealogy to decorate their appearance, etc.

These books can be placed here largely because they belong to pre-Sui historical materials, nothing more.


Li Ang followed the direction indicated by the psychic paper and ran his fingertips across the covers of the books.

Finally, I stopped at a book without a name.


This chapter has been completed!
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