Chapter 362 Heavenly Book

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 This is?

Li Ang raised his eyebrows and took out the book that was firmly locked by the slender chain from the shelf.

The book is about half the size of a newspaper and about four fingers thick. The cover is yellowish brown, smooth as jade to the touch, tough and thick, like some kind of bark paper.

Because the chain was very strong, Li Ang couldn't see the contents of the book, so he had to pick up the book, go down the ladder, put it on the table, and then use the key to open the chain.

With a click,

The slender chains were scattered. Li Ang removed the chains and opened the cover of the book.

The author of this book has a greater background than the one from Zhaozhao Que, and is actually an elder of Taixuan Sect.

Taixuanzong was keen on collecting all kinds of antiquities and studying secret techniques. Even among all the hidden sects, he was considered the most powerful group.

Li Ang quickly flipped through the pages of the book, only to find that the content in the book was encrypted, the sentences were confusing, and there were a lot of obscure patterns and lines.

"It's this encryption method again."

Li Ang immediately understood what was going on.

This book was written by the elder Taixuanzong, so the library included it. However, because it was encrypted and difficult to decipher, no one could understand it, so it was thrown into the corner of the bookshelf.


Suddenly, the psychic paper covered with ink on the chest began to tremble more violently, as if trying to escape from the shackles of the ink.

Li Ang hesitated for a moment, released the restraints of Mo Si, and took out the psychic paper from his arms.

As soon as the psychic paper comes into contact with the air, it stretches out on its own.

With a whooshing sound, electricity penetrated into the pages of the book.

The originally brown and wrinkled paper material instantly became smooth and white, blending into the pages of the book.

It's like this psychic paper was originally part of this book.


After absorbing the psychic paper, the text on the entire book slowly faded and disappeared completely after a few breaths.

Instead, there are lines of ink marks.

[When you open this book, I should be dead. And you, no matter who you are, whether you are a monk or a mortal, you are already entangled in it.]

The handwriting is sloppy and messy, and the writer seems to have written this line of text under extremely strong emotions.

[Ten years ago, in the first year of the Xuanzong reign, my companions and I dug up this book from a demon cultivator’s tomb in Shengzhou.]

[The demon cultivator's name is Xue Ling Jushi. He was originally an ordinary refugee who was about to starve to death a hundred years ago. He got this book from somewhere and started killing innocent people indiscriminately and using human blood and bones as sacrifices to gain strength. In a short time

In just five years, he became the Great Demon of the North. All forces hated him to the core. They tried to join forces to hunt him down several times, but he always managed to escape and even became stronger and stronger.]

【Then suddenly, disappeared.】

[He was killed by this book. Before his death, like me, he left a lot of accusations in the book.]

[This book is an alienated object, it has two abilities. One of them is sacrifice.]

[Nails, hair, limbs, flesh and blood, memory, lifespan... everything of the user can be dedicated to this book, and it will also give you what you want of equal value.]

[It can be gold and silver treasures that can make people spend a lifetime of extravagance, it can be a book of exercises that can lead to immortality, it can be a peerless article that can make people number one in high school...]

[Whether you are a monk or a mortal, it is difficult to resist the temptation to respond to requests. At first, you just tried to offer sacrifices. After you found out that it was indeed successful, you were driven by greed and kept asking for it.]

[But everything has a price, and mutations will attract each other. Every time a sacrifice is made, the user will inevitably be involved in new dangers in the future and be forced to sacrifice more.]

[The second ability of this book is to erase memory. When the user tries to destroy this book, or tells others about the properties of this book in some way, the entire idea will be erased. 】
[I have tried throwing it against the cliff, throwing it into the deep sea, and burning it with strange fire, but to no avail. It can always erase my thoughts and cancel my plans in advance.]

[After I got this book, I had bad luck. I encountered danger again and again, and was forced to use it and make sacrifices to it.]

[I lost all my fingernails, an arm and a leg, ten teeth, some internal organs, my sense of taste, twenty years of my life, my birthday, so many memories of my life - it was the worst, I didn't even know I had lost it

What memories.]

[I kept following the clues and found that before Layman Xue Ling, this book had many hosts, mortals, and monks. Without exception, they all became famous in their respective fields for a while, and then died suddenly.]

[Book of Sacrifice, Book of Wishes, Book of All Souls, Book of Heaven, no matter what the previous users call it, it will bring misfortune sooner or later.]

[I have now fulfilled my wish to become the elder of Taixuan Sect, but I would rather I did not dig out this book from the underground grave that day.]

There is a large gap in the words here, as if the writer is suffering tremendous suffering.

[At this moment, no matter who is reading these words, I wish you good luck and hope that you can break this curse of death.]

The words stopped abruptly, and the messy words began to fade slowly after staying there for a few seconds.

Book of All Souls...

Li Ang frowned, immediately put down the book and stood up.

He has already opened the page of this book. If he goes by what he said, he has been entangled in the Book of All Souls.

You need to report to the Jijiu and Supervision Department immediately.

As soon as the idea was formed in my mind, it suddenly disappeared.

Li Ang stood in front of the table, looking at his palms in confusion.

What am I going to do?

He looked around. The corner was empty, and he couldn't see a single figure except himself.


Li Ang sat back down with some doubts. As soon as his palm touched the wordless book, the lost memory returned instantly.

I have already been entangled.

Li Ang took a deep breath and immediately started the experiment.

He first tried to destroy the Book of All Souls with Mo Si, but failed. The idea was instantly erased, and Mo Si would not take the initiative to swallow the Book of All Souls.

Then, he tried to write a message for help on a piece of paper and prepared to leave it on the table.

If the attempt fails again, the idea will automatically dissipate as soon as it is formed.

Including releasing spells, triggering the library ban, and attracting the supervision department;

Or self-mutilation to attract the attention of the Supervision Department;

These thoughts in your mind will disappear in an instant as long as they may harm the Book of All Souls.

Even Mo Si, who has always been invincible, was unable to resist this effect - he tried to make Mo Si's clone form a call for help, but it also failed.

Li Ang pressed his palms on the pages of the book, silent.

I may have made a big mistake and released an alienated object with the ability to modify consciousness.


This chapter has been completed!
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