Chapter 364 Ant Nest

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 "Jun Qianzi is best known for his achievements in engineering and construction.

But what he likes to study most is all kinds of insects."

Pu Liuxuan showed a recalling expression on his face and said slowly: "He was fascinated by all kinds of insects. In the first year of school, he used the royalties he received from writing articles for scientific journals to buy a glass cabinet as high as one person and put it in

In the dormitory of the Academy, observe the insect ecology inside.

Later, when he took an agriculture class, he specifically asked the teacher for an extra piece of farmland, which was filled with weeds.

After school, other students go to Chang'an City to eat, drink and have fun.

He was alone in the garden, holding a large drawing board, humming a tune, and drawing images of insects.

Ants, bees, butterflies, praying mantises, beetles, and even spiders, dung beetles, and moths that most people hate.

I lived in the same dormitory with him at the time, and I absorbed a lot of knowledge by watching him make insect specimens every day.

For example, cicadas cannot hear rough sounds at all and can only hear high-pitched sounds;

The white-fronted tall-legged spider is docile and well-behaved. It is completely beneficial to humans - it is non-toxic and likes to eat cockroaches, flies, moths and crickets;

When a bee hive is invaded by a wasp, the bees will swarm up, wrap the wasp into a ball, and roast the wasp alive with heat;

He often told me that insects that seem weak, dull, and unintelligent are far smarter than people think.

Without the maggots that decompose corpses and the dung beetles that digest feces, our world would soon be filled with filth.

Without flies and bees that spread pollen, our world would soon have no flowers to bloom, no fruits to bear, and not even food to grow.

Insects abide by the rules and can make sacrifices and efforts that humans cannot in order to survive and reproduce."

Pu Liuxuan paused and said: "He likes insects very much. At the same time, he also loves the country of Yu and the people of the country of Yu.

That's why he chose to put aside his hobbies when floods and droughts occurred frequently and devote himself to the construction of projects that he didn't really like that much."

Li Ang thought thoughtfully. These detailed information could only be obtained from Pu Liuxuan, Jun Qianzi's former confidant and friend. The academy had long cleared Jun Qianzi's academic status and destroyed Jun Qianzi's academic records in all paper materials.

The traces left behind by immigrants.

"Let's go back to that expedition to the Hundred Thousand Barren Mountains,"

Pu Liuxuan sighed: "At that time, we had just cured a flood and were about to graduate from the academy. It was a time when we were young, frivolous and full of ambition.

Relying on his cultivation in Xunyun Realm, he ignored the rules of the academy, abandoned the guide of the barren man, and secretly explored deeper into the Shiwan Barren Mountain.

As a result, as expected, we got lost."

He spread his hands and said: "The deeper you go into the barren mountain, the heavier the barbaric atmosphere becomes.

Each tree is at least thirty feet tall. The tree crowns are densely covered with blood-sucking vines, and hundreds of man-eating birds hover above the tree crowns.

There are countless poisonous insects hidden in the grass, and a small drop of venom is enough to kill an entire town.

There is a giant golden python lying in the stream, with patterns on its body like a giant with one eye.

There are aliens everywhere who are so weird that they are incomprehensible.

Because the sky was blocked by the canopy of trees, we didn’t even know how much time had passed in the outside world. We only knew that we wandered in the dense forest for a long time. We didn’t see many wonderful sights, but we lost half our lives.”

Pu Liuxuan pulled up his cuffs and showed Li Ang the dense old scars on his arms. He said in a complicated tone: "We once thought we would die in the barren mountains.

We even made a half-joking agreement that if someone dies, the other person has the right to dispose of his body and go out by eating dried meat - this should be one of the few reliable food sources deep in the barren mountains.

Suddenly, we discovered an ant nest."

"The ant nest is made of sand and is as high as four or five stories high.

Surrounded by many strange beasts with injured and bleeding heads and exuding powerful auras.

If calculated according to the standards of the Academy, each of them is a first-level monster, enough to cause a bloody storm in the Yu Kingdom, defeating thousands of troops and entering a deserted territory.

However, they just looked at each other warily and stayed quietly around the ant nest, as if... queuing up."

"Jun Qianzi and I were frightened by the surrounding momentum and did not dare to move. We stayed where we were and observed carefully. However, we found that the strange beasts took turns approaching the ant nest, kneeling on the ground and letting swarms of ants climb onto their bodies.


"The ants suck up the pus and blood on the surface of the alien beast, use natural silk threads to sew the alien beast's wounds, and even clean the dirt and parasites from the alien beast's body. The whole process is silent and orderly."

"It was only then that Jun Qianzi and I realized that this was actually a 'peace zone' in the barren mountains. The alien beasts had reached an agreement with the ants. The ants provided medical and health services to the alien beasts, while the alien beasts had to protect the ant nest.


The weak ants and the powerful beasts have reached a cooperation."

"When Jun Qianzi and I approached the ant nest, the ants also climbed on our bodies. They sutured the wounds on our bodies, cleaned the bugs on our bodies, and even provided clean honey water."

"I was amazed by the wonderful sight before me, but Jun Qianzi, who already loves insects, noticed something deeper."

"The millions of ants inhabiting this ant nest are not of the same race, but include more than 300 species of ants. This is very rare. In Jun Qianzi's knowledge, ants pass each other through

Smell communication, ants of different species are considered good if they don’t fight each other, let alone live together.”

"In addition, he also noticed that different types of ants in the ant nest come from all over the world, and each type of ant has its own division of labor."

"Leaf-cutter ants, native to the South China Sea, cut off leaves in the barren mountains and forests, and use the leaves to grow fungi and feed their larvae;

Big-headed ants, native to the Central Plains, are responsible for building nests and cleaning the gravel and fine sand in the nests;

Weaver ants native to Tianzhu are responsible for spinning out silk threads;

Honey ants native to the Western Regions are responsible for storing honey;"

"This surprised Jun Qianzi, and what surprised him even more was that there was a kind of black stinky ant native to the Endless Sea living in the ant nest, which was brought back to the Central Plains by the academy's scientific expedition team two hundred years ago."

"This kind of smelly ant has a very developed smell organ, which can secrete different smells to express different meanings. You should have seen this in the book "Taxonomy of Alien Animals". Dr. Doerr was the first to discover this kind of ant.

, called it the 'smartest ant'.

Before he brought the stinky ants back to Yu State, there were absolutely no such ants on the land.

And their positioning in the giant ant nest is the brain - the smelly ants are evenly distributed throughout the ant nest, secreting odors with different meanings, and commanding and coordinating all the ants."

"Based on the size of the ant nest, the construction speed of the worker ants, and the extension depth of the ant nest under the land, Jun Qianzi determined that the history of this ant nest is no more than 170 years. There is a correlation between the two, so the answer is obvious.


"Man's navigation and exploration activities have brought different types of ants to the depths of the barren mountains. These weak ants have to eke out a living in the human country. A heavy rain, a wheel running over, and water poured by urchins all...

It’s enough to destroy their ant nests, let alone deep in the dangerous mountains.”

"However, when all the ants come together, their division of labor and cooperation are enough to make strange beasts surrender."


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